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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Actually, my profile picture is an occulted, subliminal message, the meaning of which is obvious to anyone who's seen Matilda 348,308,972 times. When I post it full-size, I'm referencing the restaurant scene. Oh, and it's a fruit tart, I believe. But whatever, ice cream is nice, too. I'll accept it.
  2. Barbecue chicken, just saying... Trust me on this one, this is experience talking.
  3. They just haven't figured out how to make sexy butts yet. You'd think they'd be smart about it and start with a female Poser model from the early 2000's...
  4. But then everyone will just crapflood with image macros, I mean, memes.
  5. But... if they take away our ability to post, what will we all do here anymore?
  6. I had to come back to tell you I meant to say "me", not "my". Spelling is important. Now I'm too tired to edit my post. Zzzzzzzzzz........
  7. Please don't judge me, it's a curse placed on my by an ancient witch.
  8. Delight of the Dawn: Sun is coming up, I can make an excuse to log off, finally. How did I do any of this without any coffee? At least I can't derail this one...
  9. I see you have also visited the Scripting Forum before.
  10. I quit in middle school because bullied and autistic = suicidal. I came back later on my own dime and went to Brown. I aced the entrance exam without studying. I didn't even know it was Algebra, etc. I was testing on. Formal education is a bit like a forum reputation, too. It's bulldooky that's just kinda meaningful in some contexts, and doesn't reflect the entirety of anyone. I've known people who competed for worst forum reputation on various forums, and some of them were the best people there. Also, inb4thelock XD
  11. I think it's why people get so upset so easily when someone dismisses what they say because it's from the wrong end of the stick or whatever. So much of people disagreeing isn't about what they're even discussing, or trying to discuss. It's all sidetracks about how indignant they feel about their view being dismissed so casually, as if there was no point in investigating. It's like boxers in the ring playacting that it's all just rhetoric and debate, when inside they feel like their opponent ran their mom over with a tractor and burned the barn, and they want to rabbit punch them in the dingdong. As for old bats, well, I'm an old bat, and even I have called someone on the forums a bitter old queen before. Just own it and try to live better, is all we can do. Falling prey to our own expectations is just part of the initiation process.
  12. I never went to high school, so seeing good reputation and no disciplinary action is how I make up for never getting to feel all of those feels. Winning the day feels kinda good, too. Especially when it happens on a day I wasn't even online. XD Oh, and don't anybody go judging me for not going to high school. I can legally put Dr. in front of my name. Just saying.
  13. Peeve: My autism renders me incapable sometimes of telling whether people on the forums are serious, joking, self-aware, delusional, or a combination of two or more. For a person who had a fulltime career as an entertainer for over 20 years, this is scary stuff to me sometimes. Especially, considering how many of those years I made my entire living off of being able to tell people what they were thinking.
  14. Also be sure to hover over the little "Insert" link if you do an upload, so it goes into the post body to display once it's there. It hides sometimes for a moment, but lights up on mouseover. I'm old at this stuff and I still wondered why my first attachments weren't showing up, lol.
  15. If they let their sim go, then maybe all their forensic data is gone, too. <-<; >->; Well, dodged a bullet on that one! \o/
  16. I sometimes seem to be scornfully laughing perhaps, when I actually thought someone was joking. Often when people seem to be taking themselves very seriously, it's hard to tell. And I even like some of the stupid ideas, too.
  17. Yes, I believe so. I hope so, anyway. It is okay to laugh at me, regardless.
  18. They don't, it's just that everyone thinks they do. Especially "those" people. You know, them, over there.
  19. Well yeah, there is that. I'll let it slide this time, then. XD
  20. My first two years in SL I was on a netbook (remember those?) running Tiny Linux off a thumb drive, and I still made it work. Just because I can use it for making waffles doesn't mean I can't make it do internet dress-up dollies, too. XD
  21. Seeing all kinda art here today, everyon's doin cool pix~!
  22. This is something I really really do try to avoid. I'll look at something a person posts as a topic starter, and try to see where I might have experience that could inform an opinion, first, either directly or indirectly. Then I try to think of how nicest to say what my opinion is, without making it look like I'm taking a side in some issue. I often agree and disagree with different parts of a person's views, and so I'd be kind of a jerk to just make it some polar on/off kind of thing, like a stick with only two ends. Oh, right, you meant normal people. *sneaks away*
  23. Yeah, I haven't seen a Lookat Target since that time I did a clean install and forgot to disable them. I honestly thought someone had a combat HUD, and I armed up. Glad I figured it out before nuking the ground floor of the sim. That could have been embarrassing.
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