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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. They need like a fast-food uniform polo-type shirt, and a matching visor that's almost a baseball cap. I'd totally wear them all over the place, waiting for people to ask me if I work in virtual space, just so I can go nah, I just like the uniforms.
  2. Delight of the Day: Homemade peanut butter & dark chocolate chip cookies. With coffee.
  3. I can always make a cheap knockoff. Want some athletic wear, too?
  4. I won a free Vespa knockoff at Turlaccor on the MM boards once, it's pretty nice, actually, it's even Mod. As for easy to handle, as far as I can tell, it all comes down to whether the steering is hypersensitive or not, and whether it's got a solid hull under it to keep it from hanging up on curbs. Anything I've ever gotten from Turlaccor or MotoDesign has adjustable steering power. Proper gravity settings can make a huge difference too, because a heavier vehicle is less likely to bounce around like a rubber ball every time you bump into something. One really cool tip I learned for sim crossings is to simply let off on the accelerator right before you hit the crossing. This way it's only your physics moving you, and that's easier for the simulator to adjust to when you're coming in than if you have all your scripts firing at the same time. I've experimented with this, and it can turn a nightmare of a sim crossing into nothing more than a speed bump.
  5. Wow! That's potentially annoying but still kinda neato. If you get one of those when you haven't done anything, tell them immediately, cos that's to help you notice if someone's haxx0red your account. I mean, I hate notices and stuff myself, but if someone used my SL account (or bank card, for that matter) from some IP address in Tasmania, or a computer in their prison cell, I'd wanna know.
  6. I always wonder how many paranoid people see the floaty text when that happens and run away because they think they'll end up being stalked.
  7. Actually, it's something I recommend to anyone who has problems finding and meeting people inworld. It's exploitable. Just pick a lonely sim, find a spot to lurk out of the way somewhere, and try to be totally alone. You have to really want to be alone to make it work. If you can get preoccupied with something to the point of not looking at the mini map, all the better. Like working on an outfit. People will appear, and you will end up talking to them if you don't run away naked. It's the same psychology as when you're waiting on the bus to come, and it's taking forever. Just decide that it's a good thing the bus hasn't come, because now you can open that can of pop and have some! Boom, the bus will appear out of nowhere. Sorry, no open food or drink allowed on the bus. It only works if you sincerely want the opposite.
  8. I know I have some old sculpty t-shirt blanks around somewhere too, we can make this work.
  9. I actually have a great example of a cursed thing in SL, but it's not a software bug, a group breakage, or anything like that. I can be literally anywhere at all, my home sim, an empty region somewhere, and it can have no traffic at all for even an hour or more, but the moment I decide to play dress-up, and am in the middle of an outfit, someone will appear. This is not the full curse, though. When someone randomly appears right in the middle of me thinking it was safe to be in the middle of changing clothes, and I click on an outfit and choose Replace Current Outfit, it ALWAYS stalls out and ends up leaving me naked. It will, without fail, take at least three attempts to get it to work, and half the time I end up wearing half of one outfit and half of another. This ONLY happens when I decide it's fine to work on an outfit because nobody is around and it doesn't look like anyone is going to come traipsing through any time soon. Boom, people show up, boom, Outfits folder acts stupid. Like how you only forget someone's name when it's important to remember it. But naked. That is my SL curse.
  10. Nobody would know how to wear it anymore because it would be made for classic avatars. Badum-tshhhh~
  11. Astralia (not Australia, lol), pretty sure you can find it by typing "Hello Kitty" in search. I like the waterpark, which is how I found the place first, but then I remember they have venues for all kinda stuff, even a little kart track. It's such a huge and completely consistently-themed place, I can't help but like it. Just be careful, because the landing spot changes now and then, I suspect; my first visit, I landed offland in the ocean, lol.
  12. I could dwell with that chicken for a long time. That's no curse. Everything around where I live is deep fried. It gets old after a few decades.
  13. I take it by cursed you mean... not on purpose. *looks at her amulet, and tucks it away again* Nope, nothing, ever. Nothing cursed.
  14. I'll give you a HUNDRED Linden DOLLARS for it. Just think about it. No pressure.
  15. And as always, droppin' them classic hits as well.
  16. I couldn't help myself, sorry. Rowan probably answered their question, cos she's awesome like that. At least I can't type in Glagolitsa, because I'd be doing it all over the place and everyone would put me on ignore. ^-^;
  17. Word. Bakes on Mesh is the coolest thing to come along since rigged mesh uploads. If you layer everything in the right order, you can do amazing things with it, and it makes stuff like body mods look more realistic, too. I mean, I got freakin six-pack abs~!
  18. I attended the memorial service of a best friend's long-time friend in the SL Coast Guard, and it was astounding how many people showed up and how much they put into making it as real and immersive as possible for everyone involved. The Blue Angels did a flyover, and everything, just like they would IRL for anyone of such importance in their respective branch of the service. I was in awe. It was like attending an actual, real-world event. It's one of the things that makes SL so special to me, really. Seeing that many people in a virtual space being so completely... genuine for the sake of the people they love in that virtual space, it just blows me away when I encounter it.
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