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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Considering the nature of the script idea itself, sending projectiles at people as a defense against possible future attack sounds an awful lot like nuking your neighbor for looking out the window at you, just in case he was about to jump out and shoot you. Perhaps it is an aggressive nature, coupled with fear of the aggression of others, that is behind the thinking, but in an environment other than a combat zone, it's just downright antisocial. And IN a combat zone, you'd probably get kicked out for using something not part of their sealed, anti-cheating system. Please understand, not everything people say that you don't like is a potential threat, and people not helping you with a weapon that targets people who aren't shooting you is to be applauded, not condemned, if you have any real feelings whatsoever. So basically, someone comes to SL, gets frustrated, and wants to lash out. Gee, everyone's been there. Not everyone shoots people out of nowhere for it, though. Sure, effortlessly dealing with those who would do us harm is an attractive idea, but implementing it isn't so simple as shooting people for looking at you funny. Also, even things like, "let him get banned" are just symptoms of the same problem. Letting someone cause problems in the hopes it will remove them is just as bad as actively causing problems oneself. I'd never wish to see anyone pushed out of the community for seeing things differently; better to maybe try to get people to see that "other differents" can make sense first. Personally, when in a situation where objects might be flying at me and either disrupting my fun, or taking points off of my combat meter, I prefer small, floating, angled deflector shields. If the shield rezzes at an angle to the oncoming projectile, it can deflect the projectile away from you, rather than being pierced by it. Incidentally, this also works great in dealing with anything thrown at you by, say, an automated attack script that targets you whether you're an aggressor towards anyone or not.
  2. I edited my post; it took a moment to realize that myself but I did. Plus all it does is detect if an agent is in mouselook. That means anyone within range who is in mouselook is targeted. That's straight-up griefing, and cannot be justified in any way, no matter who helps you with the script on this forum. And even if you own the server itself, it's still griefing, and griefing is always against the TOS. Even orbiting a person can be considered griefing, and it's built-in. tl;dr: scripting is bad. Nobody should do it unless they have a reputation of at least 73759679867.
  3. You can stop asking for Berksey. She isn't coming back. You guys are stuck with the ugly sister now. Also, if you would do us the courtesy of not pasting code into people's IM windows inworld, that would be great. It might not actually do anything bad, but it's probably not the best way to get help.
  4. Your script cannot differentiate between looking at a person in mouselook and aiming, for they are one and the same. And besides, all it does is scan for avatars and target whoever is in mouselook; you lied. Your argument is invalid, and your project will be attacking anyone who is in mouselook and is within 96 meters of you. Funny how you are expert enough to lie to people who know better, then say you aren't so good at this to cover your butt. Good luck with your senseless, automatic bullying device. And sure, Rolig helps people. But you don't need help with continuing this project, I think. Come to think of it, you should do great on these forums, and inworld.
  5. If stating a function's caveats is an over-complication, but using hacks and workarounds instead of that function are not, then it's no wonder people think all of this is beyond them when they're new. Perhaps that and the way people here can't even be courteous without it revealing itself to be condescension is why some people decide to stop trying to help. I don't post on any of the forums here because of this. Condescending experts who can't even admit another person is also right without insisting they're wrong, well, that's just the last little bit it takes for me to never want to post here. I would contribute to this forum, but the popularity contest aspect repels me, and people needing to be right no matter what just makes me want to take up a different hobby or something. Our feelings are the only things in here that are real. Good thing nobody's feelings matter but the ones with the highest popularity points; having alts is good for more than one thing, I suppose.
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