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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Delight of the Week (because sometimes it be like that): Finding out (well, getting confirmation, really) that THE actual Robin Wood, the lady who did cover art for Dragon Magazine, and D&D books and stuff, and created the Robin Wood Tarot, is the same lady who made my SL character's awesome saddle Oxford shoes. It's as neato as finding out that it really was Ursula K. LeGuin on Ursula K. LeGuin's SL account.
  2. Don't rock on the chair, do you hear? Don't you dare speak out loud in front of me They won't hear you anyway Better erase that three-letter word Don't rock on the chair, do you hear? You are a complete zero in this life Open the notebook and write down: "My social role" I've been here for forty years, my ego is scratching the skin of orbital stations Can you imagine how strong you need to be in order not to stagger? I am not a person, I am a symbiosis, my nerves have become stronger And you are just worthless children, I was sent to you You will do what I say, you will speak when I say And at any attempt to create noise, I will punish — You pull your hand up again, well, what do you need? Go out to cry? — No! I've just wanted to tell you for so long: "Go f**k yourself!" Your formulas are false, and not a single example Didn't help me solve any of the problems I'm just killing time, oh I can't count how much I have to put up with you for minutes every day And from under the door your shadow is like a terrible dream I can't tell you without a mat how many nerve cells it costs to sit here with you for an hour And finally hear the ringing (Ding-ding) I'm flying at full speed to the exit Rest a little, exhale, breathe, get rid of wounds But life on this island is harsh, our call changed shoes Another tyrant is waiting for me Your formulas are false, and not a single example Didn't help me solve any of the problems I'm just killing time (Time, time-time), oh
  3. Protip: Your partner may secretly be working as part of LL's nefarious plot to get the Partner fee over and over, while not letting anyone stay partnered. I would report them as a potential agent of espionage, and see if LL responds. If they don't, you'll know it's being covered up.
  4. \o/ o' ye Daye: I finally got my grenade launcher to work without blowing myself up every time I fire it. *does a little dance*
  5. They'd have to censure half the faculty within the first day, probably.
  6. As long as all of this mesh head mapping stuff doesn't turn into some new nightmare that's going to have me crashing every three minutes, like back when I joined, then everything is fine. Please, just don't do all of that to me again~! We're finally making progress!
  7. One day, someone's going to start a thread, others are going to put their two cents in, and everyone will roll with it, and display tact and all of the other qualities we all pretend to ourselves we show all the time, I swear. It might even lead to a first in human history: rhetoric without tears. Like, the way friends can talk about anything without making it all personal doodoocaca, lol. Just had to dump one, least it's not SRS BSNS every day, I could be doing worse. That was an actual interesting thread, though... Anyway, /peeve
  8. Minor Peeve: When someone flips out and accuses everyone on the forum of being toxic, and deletes all their posts in an interesting conversation, and leaves this awful place forever, just because other people have their own opinions in a cloaked adult ad.
  9. This is actually a timely follow-up to exactly the sort of situation I was discussing in the Peeve Thread. It's the other side of the coin, when the party pooper stops pooping at people, or when the "troll" realizes it's more fun being accepted than being outspoken about everyone being all make-believy all the time or whatever. Someone I myself (among others) had the explosive poop encounter with contacted me after being on the same sim for a while as an alt. I knew he was an alt already, and was like well, if nothing bad happens, maybe a second chance is called for, because yeah. We had a pleasant conversation. I welcomed him back. And I could tell he wasn't being all fake. I think he's going to do fine. Not even an icky vibe. And I can detect those. Delight of the Night: Getting to see someone get a second chance, just like I've been given so many times, and knowing they're sincere about wanting to make it work, because they actually love the sim we're on. Pretty cool stuff when an angry person cools off and realizes it's all able to be okay still. And by that I mean both of us.
  10. Yeah, I never knew FS actually had this, either. Rowan Knows~!
  11. It was a figure of speech, I'm sure they'll understand, they're like Canadians, really nice people. Half of them probably own my diaper by now, anyway. I should at least get one free pass for that.
  12. I put up with them for about a month, and then when they take it for granted that they can spew caca all over me all the time and get away with it, I'll say something that either shuts them down or makes them explode. Then I just stand there and keep talking to whoever else is around as if nothing is wrong while the poopy person reacts however. At some point I'll say goodnight and fly away, and then I watch all of the dots on the map wander away from their dot, and then their dot will disappear. It's the least I can do for anyone who would rather see everyone around them in our escapist fantasyland of wonders all morose, instead of enjoying themselves. SL is playtime, ain't NObody got time for poo-poo parades.
  13. This thread is still great, after all this time. I'm seeing makers represented here that I never even knew existed. Also, some good advice here. This is one of the good threads.
  14. Weird. Still, better safe(r) than sorry.
  15. I love wearable bikes. I just wish I could go faster than running with them. More pros than cons, though. My What's Next bike isn't even made anymore, at least I can't find it available anywhere anymore. Glad I keep a backup of the whole fatpack~!
  16. Now you can't even edit it away. You're welcome~! XD Anger is sometimes the healthiest feeling in response to certain things. How we deal with anger is always the hard part. I think one of the best things a person can do is to cultivate the ability to be unaffected by stupidity. It is literally everywhere, so reacting badly to it is kind of like reacting badly to being surrounded by air, and the ground being made of dirt. Reacting badly to stupidity means you're a decent person, because if you thought stupidity was fine, and reacted happily to it, you'd be helping stupidity win. The hard part is learning how to be unaffected by it without just saying heck with it and letting stupid run rampant. It's very much like learning how to defend yourself from a violently out of control person without hurting them. Just because they're stupid doesn't mean they should be treated the same way they'd treat you. You can be better than all of that without even getting any of it on you. And then the stupid doesn't win. It might grumble and walk away all disappointed, but it won't win. Now, mind you, I also think too much positivity can be a bad thing, and lead to being stupid. Saying everything is fine while the house is on fire is bad. But being willing to simply get up and put the fire out, without panicking and running around all crazy, that's worthy of cultivation, in my opinion.
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