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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Banned as "dangerous" when it first came out, lol.
  2. You have to go through a lot of horse-poop to find the ponies. It's not easy to go back into the poop once you've made it out, so it's understandable.
  3. I have two. Two people in SL that I would consider RL-level real friends. In almost 8 years. Two. I consider them family, because they treat me like family. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Especially considering the fact that IRL I have maybe four. and that took over three decades (and going through Hell on Earth together and surviving it). Real friendship takes more than most people are willing to put into anything, these days. "A friend is someone who knows all about you, and still likes you."
  4. My Stakes of Impalement always automatically listed as A-rated, although I used no adult wording for anything in my listing. I figure I said something without realizing it, but then I realized that, indeed, some people might just think that being impaled on a wooden stake is an "adult" activity, and so it made sense to list it as A-rated. Everyone knows, after all, that going around with a stick up your bottom is something that only grownups would want to do, anyway.
  5. Banlines are like something in a pinball game. You bump into them and the parcel changes color on the map. They could at least give people an extra ball or something.
  6. I remember annoying people by blasting that song at full volume on repeat. Taco is still woefully underrated, IMO. As for me right now... well...
  7. Claimed to be one of the oldest known pieces of music, circa 1400 BC. A song to the wife of the moon god, asking to be allowed to have children, and complaining that all of the other women get to have children, and asking why of all people she's been singled out not to have any. Typical stuff. Probably the most melodious reconstruction of the song I've heard so far.
  8. One hour later: Okay, now I'm just not naked. I'm working on it, folks, I'm working on it.
  9. Over 50 and still don't drive. Be proud of you, because driving is a major life skill that so many of us don't have. Be safe, and try not to hit me when I'm crossing the road in my hedgehog costume in the dark and fog.
  10. I recently "forgot" several Experiences I had enabled, since I figure why bother if I haven't visited someone's sim in over 5 years, and ended up having to reenable a couple of them, because (unbeknownst to me, or forgotten by me) our home sim actually uses them for things. I had completely forgotten that Loki Eliot's Experience key makes half of our insane Realm of Azathoth function without having to keep henpecking people for permissions. I haven't been paranoid about Experiences since learning what they do and are for, and feel sort of bad for people who don't get how useful an Experience Key can be for creating interactive adventures and stuff. Sure, some butthead could probably abuse it and make everyone look up their own backsides instead of doing anything useful or decent, but anyone who actually builds interactive adventures on sims can probably be trusted, or nobody would be allowing their Experiences on their land anymore. My advice to anyone who's paranoid about Experiences is to look at how many of them are enabled grid-wide by default, and cannot be forgotten or revoked in any way. If you worry that someone can use your camera to spy on you, or anything similar, consider the fact that you already have Experiences enabled permanently that belong to the Lindens. Still here? Then hey, no worries.
  11. Just be glad I post differently on the forums than I chat inworld. Every thread would be filled with my one-sentence posts, and you'd have to read 50 of them to get what I was even saying. I'm sure most people would get less than 3 pages in and give up.
  12. I thought that was pretty much everyone's RL while they're inworld. I'm sweating, at least. I hope it still counts.
  13. Ah, finally someone love the foreign. Come with me to Russia, I show you Peterbourg, we have pirogi. 11 Time Zone, more than rest of stinky Europa. No supremacists, we are far better than all of them. Bring much money. American Dollars, please. If need gun, I sell you gun. We drink much.
  14. Not that difficult where I hang out, but you have to be on at the right times, and it sorta depends on the country they're in, too. I think so, anyway. A lot of people speak English because... I guess they think it's cool? But there are a lot more Spanish-speaking (and other languages) people in SL than is obvious at first glance. Every day I see at least one or two profiles that have everything in Spanish, sometimes Portuguese, too. Be sure to put in your profile that you like having the opportunity to chat in Spanish too, because people do read profiles, and even if they favor English, at least they'll know you're cool and can speak Spanish with them, also.
  15. Delight of the Day: I can still make dinner for four with only a 20 dollar budget, and have change left over. Ah, the benefits of growing up poor. I feel bad for rich people, they eat all the worst food.
  16. Wait a minute, I know this guy! He won't give permissions for Experiences because they might use his camera controls to steal his privacy! OMG, I didn't know he got around so much! What I would get rid of? Can't think of anything, really. All my enemies are already dead. Banlines, maybe. Those kinda suck.
  17. Aw man, Fun Dip... I didn't even know they still made that stuff... Now I want some.
  18. I know it'd be silly of me to just assume people who have legendary status with me because of sci-fi cons wouldn't be in the same online platform I myself hang out on, but yeah, I think the logical disconnect was just my own failure to put 2 & 2 together because paganism, pixel people, and vintage footwear hadn't yet merged in my consciousness as being related, at least not all together like that. I kinda figured it was her, but then I wasn't sure until I visited her website (which is still up) and saw her links to her SL stuff. I had even done stuff with her skin textures before, but it's kinda like how there's a woodworker with the same name, and you never know if they even know who else has their name. I forget sometimes, also, how many people who like to be on the cutting edge of art, fiction, and other entertainments like to be on the cutting edge of technology, too. And then end up staying, even when the mainstream herd leaves to follow the hypewagon. But then, all the really cool people end up here eventually. *is only half-joking about that*
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