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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I personally know of at least 3 people, and have heard countless tales of others, who have made as few as 9 and as many as 40+ alts in order to attempt to re-contact people who have blocked them, in most cases even going so far as to use multiple alts for purposes like intelligence gathering, political influencing via gossip, etc., and so forth. In the majority of cases, I think they just can't let go of anything voluntarily, so when a person detaches from them, they go after them via deception, so they feel like they still have some control, while also managing to avoid confronting themselves concerning it. Sometimes they get so uptight they go looking for revenge. I think they should just puff a doobie or something and learn to ease up. I'm just like, dude, there's how many sims, and how many people you could be getting to know instead? If it's about closure, send them a n/c via a mutual acquaintance, but dang, learn when to let go.
  2. Protip: Kids are some filthy-talking little sh*ts. But that's mostly just at school when there are no teachers around. However, in case anyone finds it useful, I myself do teach a complete course in the creative use of euphemisms and "un-entandres" designed to completely mess with people trying to have grownup conversations. You haven't lived until you've shut down a whole chat by making all the grownups blow hot coffee, rum, etc., out of their noses.
  3. Arduenn, that's awesome, thanks for sharing it! I should have already known about it, dernitall.
  4. I love SL. You can't get this anywhere else.
  5. You're right, the forums were a much better option.
  6. Chillin' in me schmata, watching my store rezz, lol. That's better.
  7. This is why we need a hug emote. I hate not having a hug emote right now. I'll count that as Peeve 1. I had a Peeve 2, but I forgot what it was. I'll count that as Peeve 2. Edit: Right after posting that, I remembered Peeve 2, so that counts as Peeve 3, and now the original Peeve 2 shall be Peeve 4. Peeve 4: Every time I update Firestorm, they release another update. *sighs*
  8. Delight of the Moment: Knowing I can click "Mark Forums Read", and there will be new posts when I look back a few minutes later.
  9. I agree with everyone about BB, it's an awesome resource, even if most of the people in the sandboxes are too busy to really talk most of the time. There's classes and lots of free stuff to use for building, and just being in their group helps. I hardly get to hang out inworld as much as I'd like to, but I do have a reputation for being very open and generous in sharing what I have and know that is useful. I've even walked a person through making an animation via IM chat. If you ever see me inworld feel free to say hi and ask me stuff. Blender only seems daunting if you don't get that it's all just a bunch of baby steps. Go through each baby step, hit obstacles, look them up and learn how to overcome them, and they become baby steps, too. After a while you'll be running, and obstacles will be less frequent (and thus more noticable, OW!), and you can work on refining technique. Anyway yeah, ever need advice, feel free to drop me a notecard or something. Sooner or later I'll get back to you, and help any way I can. I do wish I knew more people who liked just standing around and building together. It's one of the most special things about SL that you just don't get anywhere else, really.
  10. You're right, even having a sense of humor about it all is wrong. Ain't it awful? Sucks. What a bummer. I guess I should just give up, huh. No fixing it, it's all gone too far for any hope of recovery. We're all trapped in this nightmare hell, with no hope of escaping it. Poop. Darn. Wait a minute, this is all starting to sound a lot like Gnosticism. *looks around to see if there's a Pleroma anywhere* OMG, this explains absolutely everything! Even why so many people talk about LL like it's Ialdabaoth! Eureka! I have found it! Yay, I'm enthusiastic again! Thanks! *bounces*
  11. I think it's even worse inworld. I have people on my friendslist who utterly despise me and won't just come out and tell me. They just never say anything. Cinnamon's post though, I think holds the key to at least having a better experience on the forums. People post "vague" insults, and others call people idiots and get away with it. So... if someone starts doing the vague insult thing, just call them an idiot. If they get offended, tell them they took it the wrong way. Nothing will happen. Try it and see!
  12. Iunno about other games or forums anymore, because SL is pretty much it for me anymore. And I think I've been inworld about 3 whole times in the last two months. As for toxicity, well, I think a certain amount of it is unavoidable, no matter what. Can't control other people's moods or modes, after all. As for enthisiasm and passion, I have basically 0% for anything anymore anyway, so I'm probably a poor judge of that.
  13. This reminds me of the friend of a friend who startled a couple of youths who had broken into his home, and upon their hasty exit discovered that they had left their haul of stuff they had stolen from other homes the same night behind. The neighbors got their power tools back, but the pound of weed was "never recovered", so to speak. Heh-heh.
  14. Now we friends, give me your money. And go home.
  15. If you no hate the foreign, we cool. I make many friend in UK. We drink very much.
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