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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Everyone's a person of some kinda color last I checked, but I was talking specifically about ladies. You know, someone who isn't a dude, and has a lot of class. They have really super nice hair sometimes. Where I'm from nobody tries to call me out for referring to them as a black lady. They call me white, too. I don't think anyone means anything "weird" or "inappropriate" by it. Even my neighbors use my visually identifying features when I come up in conversation, it's just for ease of description. Yeah, I'm old, but so are a lot of my neighbors. It's not a gentrified neighborhood yet, so nobody gets offended or is hypersensitive to mere descriptive words. We're too busy hanging out and mowing each other's lawns without being asked. Sharing when we made too much food, you know, stuff like that. So anyway, why is that important?
  2. Here's a worthy Peeve: This is with it set to Convex Hull. If I set it to Prim instead, it'll act like a sculpt, and I'll be hovering, while other areas will turn mushy. Glad I like tedious stuff, because making a mesh hill properly walkable is going to take some fiddling.
  3. My previous account's most-complimented hairdo was a flexi 'do originally marketed to black lady avis. The hairbase sculpt was hideous, but the long, flowy hair... I feel you on the BoM hairbases, too, because I've bought several and none of them really work for my devilock 'do I made. I still haven't seen any short mesh styles that I would feel confident in using as a base. This is now officially on my to-do list; tintable, close-fitting hairbase for mesh heads. If I can make one that works decently, I'll give it away free. In the meantime, I am seconding the request in the OP. Even just a fitted mesh buzzcut with the right lines would help.
  4. A quick search turned up a lot of results for hairpieces to go with hoods, but theyre all marked no-mod, far as i can tell. Doesn't mean the meshes are no-mod though, usually it's just the scripts inside that make it look that way. And demos do no good in this area, cos they're always no-mod. A LOT of "no-mod" hair is actually modifiable, in my experience. Hmm. Maybe just take a chance and see if you can find a decent looking one, and see if you can mod it. Not optimal, but it could work. If I was better at making hair, I'd just make you some. Rowan probably knows, though. I'm sure you'll have it sorted quickly once she shows up.
  5. Update: We are now friends. I am okay with this.
  6. At least his foolishness was good for the economy. But... just, damn...
  7. My gfx settings when I'm in build mode are less than photogenic, sorry. Just figured a view from the outside would be novel, for a change. Mostly because titler, lol.
  8. Along these same lines, someone saying they love something of mine, and asking me where they can buy it, because they simply must have it, and it's something I made myself. Needless to say, they get one for nothing right then and there.
  9. I'm working on a project where something only activates if an avatar is in the area of effect, we'll say for example a 24x24 square meter area. I already use a repeating sensor (timed reasonably, but still on repeat) to determine if there are still avatars present once things have rezzed, and if nobody's around, everything that was rezzed is deleted, and the scene resets and waits for avatars to come along again. My question concerns setting the "trap" so to speak, in the first place. My earlier model uses a repeating sensor to tell if an avatar has entered the scene, and if so, then everything rezzes, moves into place, and things proceed. But... it's a sensor that would need to be on allllll the time, always searching to see if an avatar is present, and the area may not really see daily traffic. I would feel bad if I left a radio on in a room and nobody was around, so yeah, leaving a sensor running 24/7 feels icky. I played last night with using llVolumeDetect() to do the initial sensing instead, like, by making the rezzer object contain the whole scene, and simply making it phantom and transparent. So as it goes now, it can sense when someone (literally) enters the scene (which is now enveloped in an invisible, phantom cube), then does its rezzing business, and then sets up the repeating sensor to make sure avatars are still present. This is nice, because I can have a much less frequent sensor beacon (once every few minutes instead of once a second) as it only has to know if people are still using the scene, and if they aren't, it just cleans up and shuts off. My question is: will this really make a difference as far as sim resources go? Does using llVolumeDetect() to detect if avatars are present use less overhead than having a sensor going off once a second, or so? It's a single script running, either way, and the script itself will always be running. Is the phantom cube trigger going to be checking itself all the time, to see if it's got someone in it, and how would its resource use compare to just having a sensor on repeat? I really would like to know if anyone knows, because I want this project to be as lightweight and polite to the server as possible.
  10. You can preview mesh before uploading it. Sure, it'll look like plywood, but you can preview it. I'm about as anticommercial as it gets, but I still have a little shop on the side; it helps me with upload funds. I make stuff for myself, and if it's nice enough for me, I offer it to others. If they buy it, I use the funds to upload more stuff. Get your hat sorted, and when people say, "wow, cool hat!", tell them you made it yourself, and give them one. After a while of doing this, people will start to feel sympathetic and will start slipping you L$ to support your creative work. When they do this, just thank them and accept it; they're doing it willingly, and they don't think you're a bum. You're an artist. Also, I know it sucks having to pay for uploads, but there's one major upside to it. If you hit the "calculate weights and fee" button, and you get an ungodly number, you know to go back and fix your topology, and get rid of a few thousand triangles. XD
  11. This thread makes me glad I have all my own anims and dances and stuff, and never bother accepting perms from anyone's chimera, etc. Even a bug in their script, or a broken animation, could end up making me tall against my will. This thread is very informative, thanks, guys. PROTIP: Don't give people permission to animate you if you don't already know they're decent folk.
  12. This is how you make a "looking for friends" thread, people. Note the eloquent descriptive info in the OP. See how many positive responses are here. This is how you do these.
  13. If you've ever even had a card attached long enough to buy a few dollars' worth of L$, all the creator stuff is open to you, like uploading mesh (even rigged). Iunremember what all is open if you have a never-monied account, but you certainly don't need Premium to build and create on any level you want. As for building with things already inworld, as far as I know there are no restrictions whatsoever. Probably because it's what SL was originally designed for, and all. Premium membership does have perks, like cheaper uploads, etc., but it's not necessary. Scripting requires passing a short quiz, if I recall correctly, but even the 'possum in my yard could pass that quiz, with a minimum of study.
  14. If a sim has a lot of traffic, and occasionally others can't get in because of it, I'd see the sense in booting people who were just camping out. If it's a low-traffic sim, and people like to lurk in ambience while doing other things, I see nothing wrong with campers though, at least if they aren't obviously parked there to offend others (like with their junk out, or something). Personally, I use a titler I made. If I think I might be away, or busy, or I'm doing other things while doing SL, I just put it in my title. Some Examples: Prolly Blenderin' Makin' Dinnar, Semi-Here I Swear I'm Doing Things I Swear I'm Not Doing Anything Prolly AFK Or Sleeping Back In A Bit I also do myself the courtesy of hovering at 4000 meters. Not only does this keep me out of the way of people who are trying to play and have fun and chat, it also gives nobody any (real) way to (effectively) mess with my avatar while I'm away.
  15. I mastered editing clothing while wearing it, only to discover that the edits aren't saved until the items are detached. I'd have it all perfect, copy it all, and then find that all my copies were of the unedited versions. Now I just drag stuff out and edit it on the ground. Even if I crash, my edits will be there waiting for me, intact, that way.
  16. Imma see if I can log in and report back if this happens to me, too. Edit: Logged in fine, might be something regional IRL... I'm in the southern part of the Central time zone, and no troubles. Could be an avalanche somewhere, who knows.
  17. There are the built-in sounds and freely available sounds, as noted above, though some of us just make our own. I use Audacity to make sound clips. Just have to make sure they're exported with the right profile, and they work. Just Google "second life audacity create sound clip upload", and you'll find tutorials. Nicest of all, once you have clips uploaded and stored, you don't even have to copy them into things to make them work; you can play sound files by simply calling them by UUID in your scripts.
  18. Spitting image of one of my exes. No worries though, you look like the one ex who was actually hot.
  19. He's my ex. We had a pre-nup, but I got human lawyers now, and they're fixing it all for me. Turns out there's a loophole where abduction and swineherds are involved. Pain and suffering, never brought me flowers, and that whole fiasco with that Persephone chick... Dude owes me bigtime.
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