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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Boy, that took some skill, huh? Looks like something quarry workers do for fun on their lunch break. Rock Jenga, anyone?
  2. When I reclaim my throne in the Underworld, I will prepare a special place for him. He will not like it.
  3. I just repeat to myself over and over that all art looks like crap while it's still in process.
  4. Be glad you never had to use IRC to find anime. Some of those people were Cenobites, and I don't mean the Catholic kind.
  5. A single stubborn, dedicated person, with more time on their hands than they know what to do with, and a bad case of unwarranted self-importance, and their head up their butt, along with a few sticks, and chips of various kinds all over their shoulders, on a social platform where you can make an army of alts and the sim owner can only be there part of the day? Yeah. This is why a lot of new people feel like there's a palpable wall of resistance when they show up at well-established communities and try to be social. It's psychic armor, with troll-detection programming running in the background. It's why I always advise new and sincere residents to be patient, and give everyone a chance to accept them for a while before trying to dive into places with established communities. I've been on the same sim for around 6 years or so, steadily, but my first 2 years I lurked. I see people lurking in my old favorite lurk spots now, and it warms my heart, because they might end up becoming active in the community like I did that way. If they don't turn out to be some dooky-brain.
  6. Seconding the above, revoking permissions should stop it from working on you anymore. If somehow it keeps working after its permission has been revoked, it may be using an Experience, instead. You can opt out of any Experience you've granted permissions to by looking under Me/Avatar~Experiences.
  7. It does help a lot when people are courageous enough to say what they like and what they don't like in their profiles. It especially helps to prevent me from unintentionally tormenting people who are SLKidphobic, because if they express this in their profile I do make a point of giving them their personal space and stuff (for the most part). Anyone else, of course, is fair game. I have my own phobias, revulsions, and deep dislikes as well, and when people do take the time to describe themselves in their profile it helps me a great deal in avoiding conflict. It's not a judgement thing either, like, "oh, there goes one of those nasty people", more like, "ah, that one is into things I cannot countenance, I shall not impose upon them with my presence, as I cannot help but open my mouth about things." It's a lot easier to live and let live when people put the effort into making a good profile.
  8. Peeve: Double-clicking at a notecard, missing it, and ending up naked with a giant oak tree attached to my hand.
  9. Delight of the Day: Being given a gigawad of L$ to help me with a build, because I said I couldn't afford Fundati. I'll leave the dishes to rot for a week if I have to. I'm gonna be too busy in SL.
  10. Had to change my lighting and stuff to get everyone in the shot... if anyone isn't rezzed all the way that's all my fault; my roomate is streaming gameplay at the same time.
  11. I forgot I even made these eyes... now I have to re-save every outfit, lol.
  12. 8PM SLT Mr. Arik will be doing one of his famous live reads~! I'm sneaking this in without telling him. Hee-hee! \o/ Arik reads Lovecraft tonight! Fri, Jan 12 2024 6:20:08 PM PST Lovecraft Time, Live Editon! Tonight: January 12, 8pm SLT Join us as Arik Metzger reads HP Lovecraft live on microphone at the Innsmouth Opera House! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/76/83/48
  13. If someone I don't know sends me a TP request out of the blue, I refuse it, too. I'm talking about meeting people and deciding they might be worth the risk of allowing one to give one a tour of other places besides welcome areas, etc. I'm pretty sure if nobody ever did that, the entire population would still be trying to get into Social Island and it would always be overfull. Aside from hit-or-miss solo sim exploring, the only way I ever really found places with genuinely cool people to hang out with was through someone inviting me to come along and see those places, instead of leaving me behind at the welcome area when they left to go to the event/club/party.
  14. When I visit someone at their home sim and discover that they have things I've given them as gifts on display in their homes. That's pretty dern special to me.
  15. I was totally talking about in SL. Not my fault I'm the same way about parties and food and stuff both inworld and out.
  16. Just don't tell her about the traps in the dungeon, that's supposed to be a surprise. Keep it on the down-low~
  17. In my experience, such places are best suited for exactly that, meeting new people and spiriting them away to show them the real SL. It's part of graduating from the welcome areas, other users deciding you're cool enough to rescue from the mob and show you where the real regulars actually hang out.
  18. Depends. If there's free beer, turkey necks, and some good loud gas in the air, then maybe. A party is a party. I certainly wouldn't avoid it, especially based on anything "ethnic", because that's not what the man was about at all. Besides, people are nice at parties.
  19. There are lots of people who (even with their own alts) will present as happily partnered couples for the sole purpose of luring others into their infidelity fantasies, so I'd expect there are lots of people who, when they see a happily partnered profile just assume it's an ad for that kind of fantasy RP. This is a thing about profiles, they're kind of like art. I mean, different people interpret them differently. Someone might put honest info in their profile just so others can know them a little better on first meeting, but then there are people who craft profile info for their own purposes in order to find people who are their "type". I used to be partnered to my alt. I thought well, maybe if people see this, and read the part of my profile where it says "happily partnered to my alt, not looking, thanks", they'll get that I'm really and seriously not looking for that sort of thing. Nope. I got hit on every time I logged in and left my house. Sometimes without even leaving my house. People would show up on the sim, stand around a minute, then make a beeline for me, and park under my dot. Strangers would IM and try to get me to teleport to them without even saying hello first. When I had info in my profile stating plainly that I wished to be left alone by people who are attracted to minors, I got creepy IMs from people who were attracted to minors. Now my profile just says that I live on a horror sim and don't get along with others. Nobody really bothers me anymore.
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