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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I've only ever gotten that white by adding translucent white BoM layers to my skin. I don't even know what names they give popular skin tones now, I just know I never found one that pale when I went looking for it.
  2. @Scylla Rhiadra, that's absolutely awesome lighting, in the above shot, too. My laptop would be toast, but dang, those are some nice graphics.
  3. It should totally be like this, so that sim owners who know they can't keep track of every pixel would at least have the option of a sort of "natural" auto-clean. IRL we have ants. Maybe simwide pixel-eating insects like termites? Always keeping in mind the option to lock and prevent decay on, say, designated parcels. If anything, it would let sim owners know when they needed to do some cleanup, maybe. Swarm of locusts or something hits, time to go see who's abandoned their farmhouse.
  4. I have a statue I put in my home sim's cemetery that always faces away from me when I pass by. It uses a sensor and looks for people, and just points itself away from them. For that you'll want to look up llLookAt(). The particle thing is in another thread I saw a while ago, like 10 minutes or so ago. Set the particle's lifetime to 30 seconds, and set it to spawn one every 29.9 seconds. Not perfect, but it works.
  5. I would think this would be so that you can provide the object to someone and they can set the URL it's to give to everyone else for themselves, without editing the object? That's the only use that springs to mind right off. If so, I would have it detect on touch if it's being touched by the owner. If so, give a dialog box for them to enter the URL (and maybe more information) into, and when sent, it sets the given URL/info/message to that. If it is touched by anyone who is not the owner, it should simply give them the URL and any relevant other info instead of the dialog input (text box). It would be like this, in the touch_end thingy or whatever: if (llDetected() == llGetOwner()) { give them the dialog box } else { serve them the URL/info blurb } It should be fairly easy to make it go. And, it would be simple enough for people to use it without having to edit anything, and you could set the script/object to no-mod if you needed to without making it unusable by the next owner. You wouldn't even need a llListen() event if it was all in the same object. You can use llMessageLinked() and set the link param to LINK_THIS. In the link_message event, have it take any message received and set the URL/info blurb to that, and you're good to go. I realize you might need to process the input data a bit to make it all display correctly (like a clickable link, maybe), but the basic thing that'll make it do what you want is what I've described above, at least if I've properly understood what you're trying to make.
  6. I go this route myself, so seconding it. It's how people make those "1-prim statues" that always face the camera. I once rode a giant owl whose head was rendered this way. It was pretty well-done. Also, having the particle's lifetime set high is how you do things like leaving a trail of flowers behind yourself, etc. When I was new, I thought it was some kind of magic. I guess it kinda is.
  7. I do sort of wish I could send someone's toothpaste back, since they moved out of their house months ago and it's still hovering in midair in their basement. But, it's on a separate parcel, and I don't have specific land rights set for that one-house parcel to return toothpaste, and I keep forgetting to mention it to the sim owner so he can do it. There's also a telephone hovering somewhere around 4,300 meters, owned by someone with higher rank in our group, who isn't in SL anymore. I keep forgetting to tell the sim owner where that is, too. At the same time, there are things we have on our sim as memorials to those who built them, and it would be terrible to see them poof, so yeah. There's at least one resident whose home I won't even click on, for fear I might delete or return part of it by accident. It's the least I can do to honor her memory, leaving her stuff in case one day she returns from the great beyond.
  8. Tilia could just let me spend my US$ balance on L$ without making me go get a bank account again first, and I'd be happy. They could even round down and keep the difference, and I wouldn't mind. I'd blow it all in 2 days, but hey, that's good for the virtual economy.
  9. Even when I'm working in Blender, I try to match that same scale, at least visually, so as not to have to resize every upload. And furniture, guhhh~! I think unless someone buys everything from the same vendor, they're doomed to having to resize everything to fit. I can't stand seeing furniture that isn't proportional with the other furniture in a place. Getting it to fit people, and not just the place, is even more to deal with. I built myself a little cottage once, for my own use, and I'm very short. I still made sure grownup avatars could walk through and not have issues. One day though, I'm going to make a little house all for myself, and anyone over 1.3 meters tall is going to have trouble visiting me. I owe myself that much at least, one place where everything is made just to fit me.
  10. I do, because it's the reality I build in. I can't force every visitor to my home sim to adjust their camera angles, nor would I want to. Instead I follow the standard, accepted building practices as explained to me by the sim owner for whom I build. It would be really nice if things were otherwise, but until then I just do the best I can. My attitude towards things in SL doesn't change their reality. I wish it did, but yeah. I just try to make sure people can see themselves and not the floor above them when they walk in, unless they're a giant or something. In that situation, they're probably used to it. I'll be damned if I make everyone sit in oversized armchairs, though. Those are just a little too 2009.
  11. Yup, not disagreeing. It's a perennial kvetch for many users, myself included.
  12. I get what you're saying. I know scale is weird in SL, but when building for public use I do tend to try and work within certain set parameters, if only so that the "average user" can walk through and not have to adjust their camera overmuch. It's almost impossible to build to any "realistic" scale, though, mostly because of that camera thing. It's really hard not to make every building have high ceilings and stuff, if only to keep floors out of the way of people's cameras. I've visited builds in the past that made me feel like a tiny.
  13. I have a great idea. It'll never happen, but I have it, anyway. Workshops for teaching people how to interact with others. It can have all the basics, like, how to groom oneself to be presentable in public, how not to behave on a first date, and how to know when someone is giving the mating signal and when it is just one's imagination. Force every new account to go through this training, and it will serve the threefold purpose of educating those who are willing, cutting down on how many extraneous alts most people could tolerate making, and getting rid of probably about 90% of the crap users right at signup. Everyone who passed through and unlocked the achievement, so to speak, would be more likely to stick around, because they had to earn it, and everyone would be so polite and respectful to them because they knew they shared that common ground, having passed the initiation. It'll never happen, but it'd be neato if it did.
  14. And for some, it's the only question they deem worthy of asking. They'll be wearing two shirts, two bodies, no alphas, and be twitching with some weird anim stuck on them, and all they want to know is where we're hiding the orgy. Me: Dude, you look like schyt. Let me help you with your avatar. Them: To hell with that, where's the sex party? Me: *uses the facepalm emote*
  15. When I finish my Scud missile, it will be able to target specific avatars. I also plan to make a version that can pass through obstacles to hit an avatar. Hopefully that will help.
  16. There's so much in SL that a person without any idea of a direction to go in would be hard pressed to find anyone who could easily help them these days. The bot approach might actually be the better approach in this case. At least a bot might have access to more information, since not every "real" user knows more than a part of all that there is to learn. Human mentorship is probably a tough job now, unless both sides are patient and forgiving.
  17. I'd think that hurting their ears might be frowned upon, or at least give them an angle for hitting back at someone. I did have underwear for a while that I scripted to tattle on people in local chat if they clicked it, scolding them for being a dirty pervert. But if they were 1000 meters away they wouldn't see it anyhow. It made more than one person disappear from a dance floor before, though. Maybe they thought it was my chimera. Oops, my bad. Glad I don't have to worry about people trying to undress my dolly anymore. They don't want to see my built-in underwear, it's all ugly anyway.
  18. I saw it in the old G-Force cartoons when I was little. The Aphrodite Unit had boobie rockets. How they kept replacing themselves must have been TV magic or something, because she fired an awful lot of them.
  19. Ayashe makes a great point. Any time I "feel the camera" on me, and it's uncomfortable, I put on my Yithian avatar. If they poof within 3 seconds, I know they were creeping on me, lol. I also have my "CAMMERS EVERYWHERE" sign, that does the same thing. Even if they're already sending IMs, they dislike when you make an outward display that others can see. They're seldom out for attention from anyone but the person they're bothering.
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