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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Yeah, but the only cage is in someone's basement, and I'm not sure I'm supposed to know it's there. But I'm working on traps. I just need to find a way to trap them without hurting them too much.
  2. This thread is cool as poo. Looking forward to seeing more on this in the future, cos it's dern interesting. I've never had much luck using any kind of helper programs for coding/scripting, and it's always felt kind of like learning some other program's language, so it can program in another language for me, which feels weird. But then, I am autistic. I always, without fail, end up just having to learn a language the hard way, by trying to use it and failing until I become proficient enough that I can fart it out in my sleep. But... A good conversation about such helper programs, being talked about by people who have made them and/or used them, is always fascinating to me. Because even learning to use a helper program is like learning a language, and learning how things work is always groovy. I like seeing people discuss these things.
  3. Real artists never needed AI. Just saying.
  4. Delight of the Day: I should have posted this earlier, but I forgot. I bought a nice woodland path building kit, not even thinking about what the location on the other side of the teleportation portal looked like, and I made some of my pathway up the hill, and then backed down the path to see how it all looked. Backing up, I accidentally bumped into the teleporter, and was poofed to the other side. Lo and behold, the path on the other side was built using the exact same kit from the same designer. My path matched properly, without me consciously thinking to go look at the path leading to it, which was built by someone else. Serendipity for the win. It was looking out for me this time.
  5. I met a Chinese lady once, and I couldn't speak to her, because I was so in awe of her beauty. I think she knew it, too. She stood two heads taller than everyone else on the sidewalk, and when she walked, it was like watching a tree gracefully glide across the pavement. Every time I saw her, I would just stop and space out at her as she passed me by. I forgot what we were talking about. I may need to go sit quietly for a little while.
  6. That is a worthy goal, because why not aim high, right? The 10-2 window I can vouch for, because back when my work/sleeping schedule had me only online at those times, the only places I really found people at were sims that catered mostly to one or more European country's peeps. We have pretty good turnouts at all of our events at my home sim (except for that one time something was scheduled right in the middle of Sci-Fi Con), even though we don't have quite as regular a lineup as we did, but then we also have a community that's centered around the place itself, and is of eld. I think one of the toughest factors in trying to maximize event traffic is that so many people are shooting for the same times that everyone is online, because why have events when nobody's on, but then, there are loads of people who are on at all hours and wish more places had stuff going on at the times they're around. Then there's that pesky natural law thing, where if everyone says they wish a place had stuff going on all the time, and so someone starts having stuff all the time for them, and so nobody goes there after a while, because they know that place always has something going on. I know it seems perverse, and makes no sense, but I swear, it's like the more you offer people the less they want, like they don't trust it or something. It would still be kind of nice though for people to go somewhere and know it'd be a happening thing no matter when they showed up. That's a rare thing to manage, at least if there's no crack or prostitution involved.
  7. Not to mention how many people are shorter than average in reality, which is quite normal. I'm of the opinion that if a person has an avatar that is obviously a representation of an adult person, and they are less than average height, that shouldn't ever even be an issue. Unfortunately, it sometimes is. I honestly think that when it's an adult avatar who just happens not to be 6 or 7 feet tall, and they get picked on for height, it's someone just playing rules lawyer to try and crap on someone and justify it with a technicality. Especially at clubs. People get territorial at clubs and bars, and they don't even need reasons that make sense, they just shoot down anyone else they can if they can, just because they can.
  8. *GROSS ALERT, JUST IN CASE* I know this might not count, because it's not my own, but if coolest non-human avatar you've seen in the wild counts at all, then I really wish I had screencaps of it. It appeared, stalked across the sim, and vanished, and I never saw it again. It was a ragged half of a corpse, being dragged around by a long-legged parasitic creature that had sprouted out of its back. I'm pretty sure they made it themselves. I've still never seen anything to compare with it, except maybe the brain in a jar, with sticks for legs, that I saw one day in a sandbox, building little copies of itself, like babies.
  9. I forgot to add: people looking down their noses at me, when they don't realize my nose starts at an altitude beyond their grade level. There's a reason people connect reclusion with intelligence; intelligent people get tired of how arrogant stupid people are, and just stop talking to them. So if anyone ever wonders why people poof when they see someone else instead of opening up and chatting, it might just have been a smart person trying to preserve their decent mood.
  10. Dude, that is super-cool. I'd probably still shoot cars like bullets, but then you guys know me. >->; Yeah, where's that at? I wanna go see it sometime!
  11. People who think they're hot snot, and people who know better.
  12. This is excusable, and in the place profile for an adult club, it's not even hypocrisy. I'm not talking about finding adult clubs that say that, though, I'm talking about places on G or M rated sims, who make a big deal out of welcoming everyone except me, or people who look like me. If you say "All Avatars Welcome", but then append something like "NO TINIES", in the place profile for, say, an 80's music club on a G- or M-rated sim, people might just wonder what your trauma was. It's SL, there are tinies. So I find it weird when that all-inclusive vibe is so ALL-CAPS shouty about not wanting my kind around. That's all, it had nothing to do with your adult club or any of those adult situations which are so commonplace on your adult sim or anything, no worries. *resists adding "Duh." at the very last moment* *is also wondering if that thing someone said about "Asians" being typically short was intentionally stereotypical, being of "Asian" descent and just over 6ft tall IRL* Well, at least we can all agree on one thing: It's better to be a little shorter than some people want you to be than a 14-foot tall monstrosity that doesn't realize it is one. Thank goodness 2009 is over.
  13. Being able to log in for a few hours and build stuff is, to me, a luxury. If by upscale you mean having loads of class, well, I got that, too. Reading the forums can also be quite entertaining. So, yes.
  14. My peeve of the Day: Nobody makes prim tape you can just wrap around things and stick a texture on. I'd even settle for prim putty.
  15. If people look at you funny, just tell them you're on meth. That will ease their minds.
  16. I would say something about sims that advertise as "Everyone Welcome", and then follow it up with "NO CHILD AVATARS", but yeah, the Peeve thread is way over there... sigh.
  17. True, a lot of people do try to represent themselves somewhat as they are in RL. I just don't get why people would come to SL and want places to allow nothing but people who present as if they are in (at least somebody's) RL. SL just seems like a bad bet for people seeking to avoid all of those "SL types". It's kind of like abhorring fish and crabs and such, and hanging out on the beach all day right next to a live fish market, and then complaining about the smell. They could just hang out in a park or on Facebutt all day, if all they want is people who look like people all the time.
  18. They're getting rid of "undesirables" so that more of the sort of people they want to be there will come to their sim. They think that disallowing anything but a particular type of avi will get them better traffic, because so many of the sort of people they imagine wanting to visit their sim would naturally dislike anything that reflects the actual reality of the SL userbase. Join a platform that allows people to be anything they want. Create a space on said platform for people to be only the way you want. Wonder why you only get a fraction of the population as traffic. Now it's true, some people are drawn to exclusivity. I mean, look at the awful food (worse than school food) that rich people have to eat, just for the sake of eating it without "low-class" people around, like people who know how to cook real food. They'll totally put up with second-rate everything if it keeps all those derned (fill in the blank)s away. But... I doubt most people are drawn to SL by thoughts of finally being able to be all alone with only "their kind" (if they are, they're being foolish). Nevermind the fact that hardly anyone they meet is going to even vaguely resemble their true (as in, RL) type, anyway.
  19. Based on years of experience, best I can gather is that most people just hate it when they're on a private island, trying to enjoy their privacy, and someone shows up out of nowhere, and won't even hang out naked with them. Me, I used to try and get a hat onto their head before they could poof away. Make it fun at least, you know? I also used to greet every dot that appeared on my home island, on the off chance they were an actual visitor, and not a bot. Occasionally I'd get a response. My brother however, would simply ban anyone who showed up that wasn't on his friendslist, assuming they were all bots. Talk about some grumpy people messaging him! "Why did you ban me? All I did was show up!" "Prove dat you notted a BOT!" "How?" "Datted is for yous to fwiggers outs!" Sigh. lol.
  20. It's rare that I'll change avatars just to go to a particular sim. I mean sure, if it's a dinosaur-themed sim, and I have a dino avi, I'mma go as a dinosaur, but I mean when they say that anyone wearing blue and having green eyes isn't allowed on their sim, I just let them have their emptiness. They do it because they only want a certain sort of people around. The sort who will complain and threaten to leave if people they don't like the look of hang out. Those people are important to please, I guess. My only exception really to my rule is when it's a themed sim (think 1920's Berlin, or a wild west sim, etc.), or when it's a friend's sim, and it's A-rated land. I am always willing to dress as an adult for the sake of visiting a friend's RP sim community, when it's on A-rated land. Just don't expect me to date anyone.
  21. My favorite as far as work uniforms go is this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BentBox-Ghoul-Unpackerwear-me/16017779 I also like their Deep Ones line of avis: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BentBox-DeepOne-Abyss/6739016 And I have a rather bangin' Yithian avi too, but I can't find it using Yithian as a keyword. I think the creator licensed it to someone who doesn't know what to call it, or something, lol. Next best is Transgenia's version, which is a bit old but still really good: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Great-Race-of-Yith-Mesh-Avatar/10714868
  22. Wanders Nowhere is one of my favorites. Huge Ackman was a good one too, but I haven't seen him in forever. And yeah, we usually have 2 or more of any really fun thread. It's just a thing here. Gives us more excuses to post, which keeps us all close to the forums, which keeps the rest of the internet safer for the norms.
  23. Welcome to SL, we have much horror goodness. I'd go all spammy-spammy about my favorite horror-themed sim, but I live and work there, and have a store there, so it would probably be seen as advertising, and that could get my words disappeared, and nobody would know nothin' about what happened later, or so they'd say. I can probably mention it in passing though, for it's on-topic, as long as I don't say, "hey, come see this sim I have a vested interest in! Protip: in Destinations there's a pretty little sim that's an homage to a famous American horror author, and the worlds he created in his head. If you visit, you might enjoy seeing and exploring it. That's about all I can say without getting the Spam cans thrown at me. And don't try to convince the sim owner that Salem's Lot was an awesome movie. XD
  24. I often wonder if I'm guilty of being overloaded when exploring sims, because I do carry a bit of stuff around with me all the time, and I do like saving outfits with all of my funky little HUD buttons I've made, but then I'll look at the script count meter on someone's land, and see that the bot in their store is running 10 times as many scripts as myself, and the nearest other visitor is right under them on the meter. If I'm the lowest person on the lag meter that consistently, I must be doing something right. Or everyone else is doing it tragically wrong, lol.
  25. One thing that helps a lot is to build up a little speed and coast across sim crossings. If you aren't holding down any keys or buttons as you cross, it tends to go way more smoothly, in my experience. Not perfect, but way more smoothly. And props for putting the rack out for others; that's always a nice thing, when you find something genuinely good and help others to find it, too.
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