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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Getting there, slowly but surely... If I take breaks from landscaping by working on other parts offline in Blender, and then take breaks from Blender by coming back and landscaping some more, I can play productivity ping-pong and still feel like I'm slacking.
  2. Yeah, more like their sim, their rules. But hey, own a sim and you can gun a lot. Or just be me. I gun a lot and nobody stops me.
  3. I don't want SL to be more realistic, or I'd never get to go anywhere without supervision. And they'd take my guns away.
  4. It does make good sense, moving it out of the way. Even just from a builder's standpoint, I wouldn't want to be camming around the build and trying to move something and end up having the rezzer/sensor/detector in the way. That gets annoying. And shrinking it is the best way to get it out of the way, because it's the simplest; the detector is positioned at the exact center of the area it will be used in, and would be hiding "underground" and out of the way, if I shrink it when it's done its rezzy thing.
  5. Some newer (read, BoM-enabled) mesh bodies are way less complex than they used to be, also. My average outfit on my old account was around 160,000 complexity, and since switching to a BoM-enabled avatar my average is more like 40,000, and that's with all of my accessories. I still feel guilty, but I feel better about it. I do agree with a comment above though; newer is not always better. It's best to investigate and try demos (like looking at it in the editor to see how many prims it would be if you rezzed it) and read reviews, before committing to anything.
  6. You need to stretch more often. C'mon, walk it off~! Seriosuly, though, this may be caused by your feet having set animations as poses, like for heels or flats alternately, and if you have another animation playing (like in an AO) it can make your ankles act funny. I encountered this problem when making poses for something, and a customer had their feet go wonky, and they couldn't pose their hands. I'm sure other users have encountered this, and if you post what avatar body you use, and what kind of AO, etc., some of our experienced foot-fixers might be able to help you sort it out without too much trouble.
  7. I have a theory that Wulfie is Rolig's secret alt-er ego, but don't say anything. It's a secret theory. And yes, that was a compliment.
  8. This subtle detail can make all the difference; some people (especially nerds like me) notice patterns more easily than others, and it can stand out overmuch sometimes, depening on the sfx and the frequency of the repetition. If it's a looping sound, it's good to have some variation, when the real thing would have it. As noted above, there are loads, like, literally tons, of sounds available already. But when you need one specific sound, or one particular person's voice, or your dog (who is an internet superstar) barking, or a really specific engine type, it's good to know how to make your own. Also saves potential future legal bulldooky.
  9. You know, if they just had indoor shooting ranges in office buildings, it would cut down on a lot of online toxicity, I bet. Make for a much more peaceful work environment, too.
  10. Yeah, it's a simple script, I was just wondering if... ...anyone knew and could tell me if... ...using llVolumeDetect() is lighter on resources than using a constantly-running llSensorRepeat(), in said simple script. This is my question. I would love to know the answer.
  11. You know, it explains a lot. So many people don't have this, and can't scream at work, either. So they make SL accounts and do it all at us. While they're supposed to be working. XD I knew there had to be an answer!
  12. Totally this, I forgot about this. Heck, one of my most usual hairstyles has an invisible baseball cap on it, and I never even think about it.
  13. Arielle is right, probably best to start at the source. I'd still tap them both, though, just in case.
  14. I AM NUMBAH ONE~! Now, on toxicity, I could give you a phonebook's worth of examples concerning Hades. Narcissistic, sociopathic, straight-up incel. Iunno what I ever saw in him. *goes to preen before the mirror for a few hours, before her puny worshippers show up for temple services*
  15. This thread is great. I might just have to move my cultist robes project up the list.
  16. It just detects the first collision, starts its sensor (which is timed at 3 minutes now), rezzes its thingies, and tells itself not to do anything else until nobody is around and it's done its cleanup and reset. I figured doing it that way it wouldn't have to track anyone in particular, and another person entering the scene wouldn't trigger a new spawning instance. Thanks for the advice, guys. More is welcome, of course, but this helps a lot.
  17. Delight of the Moment: re-discovering the vine brush in GIMP. I'd totally forgotten it was there, and I have to make vines. So much better than having to paint each little tiny leaf by hand. And yeah, I was totally doing that.
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