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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. maeva, do you leave the boat during roleplay? If you don't, try combining lldie with a scanner script... pseudocode idea: if (owner gone): lldie()
  2. Someone must really like to say goodbye to us with a big bang... sad they didn't decide for something more amusing to be remembered...
  3. Rename the root joint to hip, BVH is human readable (horrible to do so but you can)
  4. I hope I'll remember that, next time I script something (but might be a bad idea depending on why you want it. I think invisible cars spamming sims are even worse than those which do not self-delete)
  5. it is rather selfexplaining named for y size I think
  6. bullet? sounds like some idiot buildt a cannon to shoot down the mainroads
  7. That's why you should always keep to the guidelines of adult content on moderate lands, even when you live in an adult one...
  8. only if you have a Windows version... Linux one doesn't have havoc... maybe time for Wine
  9. ? No this how you keep a forum from turning into a copy of that notorious imageboard
  10. By searching the Forums? I think they just search for topic and do not bother looking at dates...
  11. Yeah, after all the creators pay their shop's land (directly or indirectly) to the Lindens on top of that...
  12. That "statement" only pops up after you click a coin, please do not asume everyone to know about your game... you cannot agree to something you were not told of before... PS: who had the stupid idea to sort forum questions by answer popularity by default???
  13. Just ignore that game, their unspoken rules get more absurd with each day that passes. You are allready underpayed as a traffic generator, do not let them hassle you on top.
  14. Look at Bay City. One car designer runs an automated mesh bus of his own design over there...
  15. [off_topic] I always wondered how some SL business owners would fare in RL if they would behave like they do over here [/off_topic]
  16. All those "exclusive" event releases will wander into the main stores after the events are over... MP only is a clear sign for a "hobby only" or "slowly retiring from SL" store in my eyes...
  17. The HUD shoppping idea is great - if you take it one step further... I go to the website, select what I like, grab the hud and get the demo delivered =^.^= Sorry HUD shopping designers, I see almost nothing in those tiny things of yours
  18. Yes, they can all ... now depending on what avatar you got you will need animations for bento mesh ones or facial expressions for the classic avis. Here's some start for facial expressions (and the other buildt in animations you will get for free by logging into SL only): http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Internal_Animations You can create yourself a gesture that plays a specific animation... if you pick one of the facial expressions you will make that face upon typing the trigger text, for expample build one to react to typing the trigger "/cry" for playing "express_cry" Sounds complicated? Nope it isn't but you must get used to SL first... that's the initial shock we all had to suffer, welcome though. A lot of starter places will have people helping you create and explaining how to use those if you ask them.
  19. can't help, religious obligation
  20. Not just yours. You can most likely generalize this on most governments ...
  21. Did I miss something? Wasn't restart tuesdays to be on tuesdays?
  22. Sure you are, as proven by that wicked subliminal you just did =^.^=
  23. 150 bucks to be named after a disease? ... you had one job, marketing guys, ...one damn job
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