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Everything posted by PekeNL

  1. Please no. I don't need the forums being flooded with content creators screaming their lungs out about how AI 'took ur juuubs' here too.
  2. Man at this rate we'll be officially getting PBR somewhere summer 2024?
  3. Apparently they haven't done so good enough because user retention is a hot topic every now and again. I was lucky by having someone introduce and help me out when I first started.
  4. I'm sorry if I came off as abrasive. It's just that my experiences haven't been great, and I really want to see some positive changes and improvements. I care about the platform and the community, and I believe it still has so much potential. I'm from Europe, and when I stopped logging on it wasn't very EU player friendly. I admit I haven't logged in for about 2 years now, but I do try to keep tabs on things. GLTF got me excited again. But not having the time nor the money, SL just feels like effort to enjoy since most of the social spaces I'd enjoy aren't active when I have time. I probably hit a few bad notes, but I honestly feel a few twisting on the knobs on things might improve the user experience a lot.
  5. A lot of people that work for a living don't have the time to put into tedious bargain hunting to look how they want. A lot of the free stuff also is sub-par in quality, and a lot of people will be shunned for using said free stuff. That bring me to another fair point; The userbase doesn't even care about SL because if you're not wearing the latest and greatest, you're not interesting. Which is comical because the world is inhabited by a majority of people that wouldn't dare to dress like they do IRL, so they're basically saying; "Haha, you're poor, go sit with the other poor people!". Don't you love free market capitalism?
  6. Looks like the viewer being unable to make particle effects and thus opted for a egg. Which I somehow prefer now...
  7. OK, you beat me! I don't remember it as clearly as I thought I did. But regardless; There's something to be said about technological stagnation on LL's side. The original base of their rendering engine is quite old, despite it being updated a few times. You're able to make gorgeous places in SL, but it's not scaleble since the way they measure Land Impact is unfair. (Read: Proper LODs will skyrocket LI so everybody just auto-generates them for non-wearables) I did have a little chuckle at the system requirement page. It tells you you need a CPU and RAM, but not what kind, clockspeed ect. No mention of GPU either, while we all know that for a 'okay' experience, you'd at least need 4GB of virtual memory about.
  8. For the time it took, and how it looks? E-Eh.... 😅
  9. Hate it or love it. Besides all social and capitalistic shenanigans it remains technology we're dealing with. I remember a ton of people complaining that they weren't able to play SL anymore if GLTF would be implemented, and I betting my last sandwich the reason it's taking so long is that they're trying to optimize it for the lowest possible system configuration.
  10. Meh. I suppose you're right. It's just another american hypocritical condition that plagues us Europeans (Because a lot of things are US owned unfortunately)
  11. To be more relevant, in my opinion, the following things need to happen: Improved netcode to ensure that 40 avatars in the same space won't cause slow loading times and graphical glitches Revamping the UI to be more streamlined Either embrace or outright ban NSFW content; Not this weird in between where it's all 'hushhush' when talking about it publicly. Stop caring about low-end hardware users. It's 2023. Anybody stuck on a celeron processor did so by choice. Actually work on improving graphical fidelity and educate people on it. Sure, we got GLTF PBR coming "very soon (tm)", but the majority of people only see "OEEEEH~ REFLECTIONS" while that's hardly the only thing that it improves on. Stop claiming to be a free virtual world. By it's technical definition, they're correct! However we all know if you want to look good in Second Life you better be able to pay up. Least they can do is be transparent about it. This ties in with user rentention because I'd leave too if I came in and I realized that it wasn't actually free and the 'free americuhm capitalism' took a hold over it's marketplace. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk. Please don't seethe too much.
  12. Welcome to Second Life, a platform where NSFW content is all over but we can't say v a g i n a (literally censored the word...) without fear of being censored.
  13. PekeNL


    Any estimate on release date?
  14. I'd reply but @Drayke Newall took the words out of my mouth.
  15. It took a gaming company less time to develop a videogame then it took LL to develop this avatar 'upgrade'. ... and Modern Warefare 2 (2009) was a superior product.
  16. At some point Hardware just becomes EOL (End of Life). I'm sorry to see you can't upgrade but there isn't a different option besides trying a different viewer.
  17. Honestly this giveaway is another example as to why SL isn't as attractive to non-USA folks.
  18. Can't even find how to play m2. Such a great competitor!
  19. Let LL first figure out how to reconfigure their Land impact system before trying to add any tools..
  20. Please read this again and think about what you just said.
  21. With LLUV? You can't. It's not made for it. You want asymmetry? Go for a body that supports this. Edit: Well, theoretically you can still manage it if your body of choice has mod permissions. You essentially fake it then by giving the right and left side faces of what you want different a different BOM channel to use by selecting all the relevant faces and assigning a different channel.
  22. I'm seeing all this and think: I wonder if they're going to make any normal clothing?
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