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Everything posted by PekeNL

  1. This gave me quite the laugh, honestly. Is this yellow face?
  2. To a extend yeah. But sometimes (not always) derivative works can spark creation of better products using something else as a base. This is how innovation works, and if nobody can innovate because 'muh copyright' we wouldn't for example have the internet the way it is today.
  3. That's an entire can of worms in and of itself.
  4. Or it makes them aware that their 1k L$ item isn't as fancy as they think and they'd actually have to.. you know, innovate and produce higher quality stuff then what's given out for free. You know, give us a reason to BUY your stuff instead of going with the free option.
  5. Second life is expensive because, despite it being a virtual escape from the real world, it's dominated by US and Canadian players. So instead of a escape, it became Capitalism 2.0 electric boogaloo. Yes, I'm calling people out.
  6. Hah. It's interesting to say the least, especially when someone visits my skybox and realizes it's sized properly for a normal adult height and they end up not fitting through the collision shape because they're too tall. Get stickbugged, lol
  7. Yeah. I used it for a while but the limited options without paying made me switch to actual localized password/MFA storage.
  8. KeepassXC all the way. You forget to mention that OTP/MFA on Bitwarden costs money.
  9. It works using the ORM workflow, meaning: Red channel: Ambient Occlusion Green channel: Roughness (Not glossiness!) Blue channel: Metalness/Metalic Note how it doesn't use an alpha channel. Hopefully with the PBR implementation we eradicate the excessive use of (useless) alpha blended channels (although I doubt half the creator scene currently knows how to properly use the current DNS texture format)
  10. To make it easier to understand. Here's a snapshot of the materials editor.
  11. So, why are we talking about migrating from one social platform to another social platform, about a social platform we're all on?
  12. C'mon guys! Remember that this is how venture capitalism works! /s
  13. Oh, you don't have to at all. Sl's compression algorith will do that for you.
  14. Make a physics mesh, and use that to make the hole. Don't forget to set the uploaded object to prim (and not convex hull) and you'd be able to walk through!
  15. To preface, I'm a huge FFXIV fan. So, I'm on a quest to see if it's possible to create a avatar in the style of XIV's realistic-anime vibe that it gives off. There's no shortage of different head styles on the markets, with a plethora of skins to boot so it's a case of unable to see the trees due to the forest (is this even a English saying, idk). I'm trying to make my Viera male in our wonderful 3D world, so I'm looking for mesh head and skin suggestions/tips to get this going. Thanks in advance! 😄
  16. Protonmail. Mostly web based on my PC but I got the app on my smartphone.
  17. Considering it uses the roughness/metallic pipeline, It's safe to assume that for the GLTF version of PBR this also includes the AO map in the red channel? The wording on the PBR materials editor is a bit odd, as it nowhere near asks for AO.
  18. There might be three reasons why it doesn't match: 1) They didn't match from the start. In that case you're out of luck. 2) Your windlight is messing with the seam between head and body. Try switching to a different windlight and it might be fixed. 3) Some older heads and bodies require you to use the 'fade' on the neck to hide the otherwise visible seams. Try enabling it.
  19. This is an issue presenting itself when Visual C++ Redistributable Packages are missing. Either install or reinstall them from a official source and see if that works.
  20. I ran a little (petty) experiment a while back. A week long, a male alt was situated at a social venue (nightclub) and after every day of it being there, I chalked the amount of IM's. Then, I did the same with a female avatar. Both of them were there for around a week or so. Conclusion: Female avatars do get a lot more IM traffic then male avatars. Even if they're essentially running the same profile information. It's important to note that the quality of said IM's on the male side was by miles better compared to the absolute thirst I got on the female avi. Like I said it was a petty experiment and I was a bit in a dark spot. Still the results are something I keep in the back on my mind still.
  21. Honestly. Since none of the 'alternatives' seems to suit the needs of people and they all go to different platforms.. Here's a challenge for someone: https://github.com/frnklnchng/flckr
  22. Either date listed or date updated would work in this case. Maybe a system to view both, so you can get an estimate idea of customer support.
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