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Everything posted by HunniHope

  1. You could be waiting forever if you're waiting for a Linden to give you an official explanation. When you reached the main forum page, on the right hand side is a nice convenient link for support which is where you need to direct queries like this. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new All the rest of us can do is speculate, only Linden Lab can give you an official explanation of the why's and what for's in your specific case
  2. You really should join the Firestorm support group. The amount of questions you direct here looking for answers in relation to the viewer and then waiting, you could get replies for in minutes in world. Most of these pads that you see around in places that sell animations are often there to sit on and then you can scroll through the set of animations, you dont have to walk onto them precisely. (I havent been to vista in a long time so im speaking generally here). Try to right click and sit and see if that helps. Secondly, there is no parameter as such for movement, you walk you run, there's no setting for how iarge a step you take. You can hold down the space bar when walking to slow down the movement speed
  3. the avatar menu button is the top left of your viewer. If you cant see it alongside, comm, world etc then make sure you do not have anything in the menu search field up along side your L$ balance. If that upper menu is just not there at all then you may have the unfortunate luck of the latest issue affecting intel drivers. The movelock key combo command is indeed ctrl+alt+P if this is not working for you (and check in nearby chat for the confirmation of it working) if this si not working then you may have a gesture which is overriding the combo, and you will need to find that gesture and deactivate it before being able to use the shortcut The quickest and more cenvenient way for you to get immediate direct aassistance with the viewer is to join their support group inworld. Either via the help menu at the top of the viewer, or simply by searching groups for Friestorm supprt
  4. that screenshot is of nearby chat not the IM itself and it looks like firestorm so, click on and open up your notifications window, and go through each tab and if you have anything left behind in them, delete them and see if that helps.
  5. These! Recent experience with this. Buyer did not read the description, did not try the demo and then ranted and raved at me in IM calling me a fraud, then continued to paste the entire IM along with parts I didn't originally see because I had muted them by this point. This took a flagging and 2 tickets to get the review taken down. First response from LL was the typical "we do not get involved with resident to resident dispute". I had to open a 2nd ticket (because they closed the first) and explain yet again that they breached ToS and also point out that it included swearing. None of this was necessary, or should have been necessary. In my policy on the MP i think i state no refunds where demo's are available. But i haven't carved that in stone. If in the previous example the buyer had come to me with hands up saying they made a mistake, and not screaming at me (yes their capslock key had a malfunction and got stuck in the on position), if they had actually come nicely, I would have refunded because we all make a mistake and slip up sometime. Being nice really can go a lot further, even when you are the one in the wrong. In the past I've even had someone make a bulk purchase on my MP store, then IM me and with no explanation threaten to leave bad reviews on everything unless i give a full refund, i refused, they started leaving the reviews then got tired after just the 2nd one and gave up. Yes, we need more categories for flags. Yes, we need the Linden staff looking at these flags to actually read what we are flagging Yes, we need a compulsory comment box when flagging because when we have to flag it is rarely for just one reason, but we have no way to explain that at the time No, Customers are not always right Yes, there are bad customers out there with bad attitudes, few and far between luckily but they still exist I hope, that the new user group which starts on Fri 10th can in some way help give us a louder voice and get our concerns not only seen, but actually heard.
  6. they do display textures, as well as text, and text on top of textures, just read descriptions carefully, the different price levels means they don't all do the same thing
  7. i used to use the zero prim display for something similar. it doesn't rotate into each image as the one in the link does, but it acts as slideshow nd each image can link to a url. just search "zero prim display" to find variants of it
  8. I may be wrong here but ... Ive just checked out the item named via the Marketplace, and I'm not seeing Maitreya sizes listed in any of the 9 results that come up as "eyelure tied sweatpants" . The ones including the branded appliers as panties only describe the Sweatpants as being standard sizes, but the shirt as mesh sizes. I think this one you put down to experience and a lesson to learn. always try demo's when it comes to Mesh, and always read descriptions carefully. Doesn't mean it's a wasted purchase though, just try the different sizes on til you find one close, then tweak your shape or use alpha cuts.
  9. From what I hear from customers, mesh clothing for this shape is near impossible to find, however, the body does take appliers, and with it being Omega compatible, it opens up a huge range of possible choices, you just need the Omega system kit first before you can use the Omega appliers. If you check out my profile you'll find links for my store which, if anything, would at least give you some ideas on what to search on in the MP, and a search for "Omega Anthro" on the Marketplace will get you straight to the kit needed. Marketplace Url if needed: http://marketplace.secondlife.com/
  10. If you have any doubts you can verify what is and isn't allowed according to the Ratings and then make your own mind up for your own conscience
  11. I'm sorry but I'm going to drop my tuppence into the mix. So, the events that Galilla seems to be looking at and questioning are the actual events found through the Events Search in the viewer, not the events posts that we see here in the forums which Dakota was referring to. .... or at least that's how I'm looking at it so please correct me if i'm wrong Secondly, those event listings do get abused. They do allow for multiple posts per day, and not just per event but per person so you can have 5 or 6 avi's all posting the same event over and over every single day and filling up the events list. Also, because those events have to have a start and end time and cannot be 24 hours long, instead they are posted in 12 hour sections, and like Alwin found, some of those venues are often empty. The emptiness in itself goes against the terms agreed to when posting an event, they are supposed to be a hosted Event, corrected me if i'm wrong but wouldn't that mean you should see at least one avatar in attendance at all times (or at least most of the time when baring in mind RL and whatnot)? Then there are the store listings and other commercial businesses creeping in there too, no special event or purpose, just a 12 hour event under miscellaneous categories. I know a lot of this we can do nothing about, and technically they are (for the most part) within the terms of the Event listing agreement, but there are loopholes, some very large loopholes that some folk and venues are happily skipping through back and forth. It's one thing to see half a dozen listings for a specific, staffed event (which i have nothing against), but its a completely different story when its being abused for cheap advertising, day in and day out with unmanned dead "events" lasting 12 hours continuously. /me steps off her soapbox and dives into the events search in an attempt to try and socialize
  12. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Making_money
  13. there is also a very useful link right inline with the maturity rating settings on the product listing page giving info for the why's what for's and when's of when a product meets a certain rating. Just right click and open in new tab when doing your listing's to have it easily to hand for reminders.
  14. A bento update for the female Belleza bodies is a current work in progress. There is a pick in Tricky's profile advising that it will be out this fall, so it's imminent. The Jake body was being worked on while at the time of the bento roll-out hence why he got his hands. It's important to remember that Belleza has 3 bodies, each of those bodies has 2 versions, and the hands for Belleza are built into the body not just an extra attachment like other bodies, even if you're not a perfectionist, updating 6 bodies is not a quick and easy task, not to mention also having the extra work of poses and animations.
  15. one thing to note regarding redeliveries, depending on what system they are using it may show the original item, date and version number as when you bought the item originally, however when redelivered it would give you the latest one, so even if it only shows what you already have, it's worth clicking just to double check. Alos, if you ave a frined in the group or willing to join, have them look for names of the csr's/mods in the group, they can then give the names for you so that you can send them a notecard about A: being allowed back in, and B: asking for details about updating. If you messaged the owner/creator of a big group its rare to get an answer as they are usually inundated with one thing an other for all corners
  16. first off: If you are offline and not getting IM's to email then no, it cant write to your chat log history, you have to be logged in and seeing the IM in world for that. And there is no way to know how many IM's you may or may not have missed. secondly, changes have started rolling out of the past week or so, it hasnt been blocked fully yet, and further changes are required by viewers too. you can read some more info here: https://modemworld.me/2017/10/07/sl-project-updates-402-tpvd-meeting-e-mail-verification/ and also check regularly on your dashboard as that is where you will see notifications on important info/updates, the requirement for verifying emails has been posted there several times since april
  17. fighting plushies ... plushies are evil! ... plushies try and take you over I fought, I battled ... i lost
  18. You can't reassign the layers as such on the SLink body. You can try the converter as linked by Morgan above but that requires you to have the original notecard used to make the slink applier, and pretty much all slink appliers out there now wont have that as they auto delete. The alternative, and best option for resigning the layers is to use Omega appliers. Omega appliers give you an option to apply to clothing, underwear or tattoo layer (when the creators have bothered to label them correctly so you can see where the buttons are). You just need to install the Omega system kit into the body and then check for, or buy items that include omega. You could also just ask the creator if they could knock you up a quick applier with the item going to a different layer.
  19. if you are getting a 503 error you might be trying to use the Merchant Outbox feature which is defunct, and has been for some time. A Quicker way to resolve viewer issues would be to first find their support group in-world, asking in there may get you an answer instantly, instead of waiting hours or days for someone to reply here
  20. you haven't mentioned either the name & version of the viewer you are currently using nor the error message (could be any of several so the full error does help) you are receiving so it is hard to give much in the way of constructive advice. However, when you get an error message in your viewer often the quickest way for help and advice is to seek out the support group. If for example you are using Firestorm you can find this is the help menu at the top of your viewer, for other viewers you may have to search. If using the SL viewer you either have the option of dropping them a support ticket and waiting patiently for a reply, or you might be able to find peer-to-peer support via the commerce merchants group in-world.
  21. You're looking for something too specific. The SLink body, as well as many others all use the Standard SL UV Map. So what you really need is just a video or guide on how to make just that, and there are plenty of guides out there on the tube and here in the forums (far less for Gimp than Photoshop but the principles and basic rules are the same for both). As for an Omega Tattoo Applier, that doesn't really exist in that form as it's a single applier that works with all 3 layers, and there are detailed guides for "How To" on their own website, the link for which you can get from the omega group or even by reading the notecard that came with the Dev Kit when you picked it up.
  22. Zook Demen wrote: Is it possible to organize the merchant outbox the way you can organize your inventory? Quite simply, No. The heirachal structure in the Marketplace Listsings folders is nothing like your main inventory. Where in your main you can have a folder structure going down several generations. in ML its mainly just Parent>Child. (Although child folders can have child folders of their own but its the main one which counts) The folder stucture in your ML is alphabetical by parent so if you really want to to able to sort it a certain way then just rename the parent folder with a prefix. For Example: [art] item name art >This Item is a statue (active) [art] item name art 2 >This Item is painting (active) [furn] item name furnitue >This Item is a chair (active) >>Free Cushion [furn] item name furniture 2 >This Item is a bed (active)
  23. Clean reinstall is a bit of a drastic measure, however there is a page that specifically covers this http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory As you have already tested on the oficial viewer you can follow the advanced method and copy over the Inventory cache file. For future reference, if you need help with something in the Firestorm viewer just click on the 'Help' menu at the top of the viewer and then 'Join Firestorm support group' you will find a list of groups for different languages that you can join so that you can ask directly and usually get very quick response.
  24. Most welcome, glad it helped
  25. If you are still using Firestorm, open preferences (CTRL+P) and in Sound & Media>Voice uncheck the top option to disable voice. With that disabled it will deactivate voice completely so you cannot hear or speak. If you just want to be able to hear but not show the dot then on that same tab just disable the option to 'show voice visualizers over avatars' and make sure the voice Toggle option is disabled also. I don't know the SL viewer so well but if memory serves correct it the settings should be roughly the same
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