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Everything posted by steeljane42

  1. To read it while not being there in person, I believe some of those things can send local chats to email. Although even in kinky community it's pretty rare that someone bothers with that, in my experience at least. Control is nice and all, but if you don't trust your sub enough to "spy" on their chat to know what they are doing when you're away, then you won't believe them that they just don't log other avi anyway, which makes that spy thing pointless. it also can be used in certain RP scenarios (not necessarily kinky). For example some police/detective RP with such listener sending "records" to the remote object or other person.
  2. Their shape is different and I don't mean the "sliders shape". In a way they are like bento heads, all react to the same sliders (more or less), but initial rig/shape does matter a lot. That being said, I also think 3 bodies for one brand is an overkill, but I can understand the creators. Their first body was Venus, which is similar-ish to Maitreya and had pretty rough start with some random DMCA and some ugly issues (which took them forever to fix). So their re-start already had isis and Freya to get their share of the market without competing with Maitreya as much. I guess they didn't want to drop Venus too, despite it being almost neglected by creators then and now too. So yeah, most creators rig to the most popular ones: Maitreya, Belleza Freya (and often Isis too) and Slink Hourglass (often with petite chest addon. which, I think, is one of two reasons why Hourglass got its popularity to begin with, other is same as Freya's - curves). Now some also rig to the scammy TMP Legacy body too, which is in my opinion a waste of resources and time, it's like the worse version of Freya without omega, but with terrible web based hud. But I guess it's the only "big" new mesh body release in years, so they are trying to get their money from certain fashionistas who would buy it just because it's "something new".
  3. Full region is quite pricy for the most people. Now if LL were offering homesteads as is, without need to own the full region first, it could be a bit different. But I got a feeling that big land barons are one of the reasons why LL don't do this. They (barons) tend to keep regions up, empty or full, they offer them to events, fairs, normal residental areas and everything in between, but tier always gets paid. Which means stable income for LL (and way bigger one than premium membership can ever be). LL are probably happy to work with such business instead of dealing with "normal people", who might want a region today and change their mind next month. But that's another topic. And "just grab some friends and split the cost" suggestion is not very realistic in most cases. Many people don't need any kind of land at all and many others who do are happy with their LL homes sized parcels for various reasons (cheap and doesn't require a lot of work/additional resources for actually filling it with furniture, decor and landscape things). So you'd need quite a few VERY reliable friends who are interested in large parcels (well, unless you want to spend all time online being busy with managing the 64 parcels worth of tenants and payments) to even consider it or one day half of your friends/tenants will forget/won't log in time/decide they don't need it anymore and you'll end up either spending way more than you want to pay the tier, running around trying to find who else might be interested in land or just abandoning region. I think majority of people don't enjoy being "one region landlord", too much of a headache. And yes, land barons don't run charities, but a little fee for convenience is fine. Besides big land barons do get some kind of a discount from LL, it's pretty obvious if you look at some prices they offer. On a homestead example. LL price is 109$ a month, a few big barons who are not too greedy offer homesteads for 6600L$ a week. That's roughly 111$ a month at 255LS/1$ ratio. Some are quite greedy, though, so it can be around 122$ a month instead. Which is still fine I suppose, considering all of them offering 24/7 support which includes "dealing with noobiness" service, while LL doesn't. Hopefully nothing. And I was replying to Kyrah's suggestion about making the new "killer feature" premium only.
  4. Gating new features and wasting dev. time making those features with "premium only" in mind is taking away from basics too. LL already are painfully slow with introducing any new features, see how long it takes them to make EEP, BoM, name change etc to happen. Bento and animesh weren't fast either. So I think it's not okay if LL spends a year+ on something "for the chosen few", while the rest get nothing, even if they invest a lot of money.
  5. And why's that? So basic users, even ones who own a region, would feel bad and punished for not being interested in premium as well as feeling obligated to pay for it? That sure is gonna "help" already declining userbase /s Happy users = spending and active users, it's always the case. Gate content/awesome features behind the paywall and instead of thinking "yeah, that's it! now I'm going to pay for sure' they'll just reduce their time using the service and spendings. No one likes to feel like a 2nd class citizen, especially in the virtual world as many already deal with it in rl. We already had this discussion on the forums earlier and I still think LL could try to introduce more premium types. One without land and some extra features (free/cheaper texture/mesh upload for builders or bloggers for example), maybe other one without tier and even more group slots (150-200?) for those who are shopping addicted. Although I understand that too many options can also have negative effect, people get lost of what they should get for themselves and end up not getting anything at all. I also saw that suggestion a few times in other parts of the forum, but maybe allow premiums to buy a homestead directly from LL without having to have the full region first. It would be a nice feature. So don't think LL should be aggressive in "premium pushing", especially via gating new features behind it. They could add a few more premium account services, though. Like the fabled name change could be heavily discounted for premiums or even have free one (each year maybe), maybe even some kind of an inventory transfer (also once a year) and stuff like that.
  6. SW corner is 0.0.0 coords and it's where viewer "sees" some objects sometimes. Also all 'lost" objects go there too, so it's like the garbage bin of the region. Derendered objects also tend to appear there in most weird possible. If you derender a lot of them in the region, then there's a chance (usually after relog in this exact region) that you might see some of their parts there if you right click the empty space.
  7. Not sure about Coffee, but to me BoM and animesh (which I also agree about being completely useless with current formula, aside of attachments and even then, it's questionable given 1-2 attachment limit) are similar to your "awesome" suggestions. At best it would be pointless and not used, like animesh, at worst it would be downgrade that BoM is going to be compared to appliers. Useless features that take a lot of development time and efforts from already a small company that takes forever to make anything (partially because they can't affort to have 100s of developers, partially because of how old and problematic some parts of SL code are). Either way, you keep repeating same thing over and over again and still trying to push nearly all responsability for SL's problems on creators. Limit this, limit that, add new rules, restrict everything. Maybe eventually it could have a slight positive effect, but first LL should fix what they can fix themselves and then see what else can/should be done. At least they should try to before doing anything else. LGA775 quad core CPUs are over 12 years old, but viewer still uses 1 core for nearly everything. This need to be fixed first. But, yeah, sure, time to add new limits instead, makes sense. /s. If use rl comparison with broken autobahn, then your suggestion would be "limit speed, instead of fixing it". I'd argue it's a terrible suggestion, but that's just me. --- And to be at least slightly on topic. I can't say for pre-mesh times in SL or how it used to be creativity wise back then, but if how I call them "mainland ruins" with oddly shaped buildings are any good indicator, then I'll take "stiffed creativity" with mesh over that. I also still remember seeing a lot of weird looking sculpty boots (in 2-3 parts for each boot), shoes, clothes with prim "addons" and lots of painted on shirts and tops when I joined. I will also take fitmesh ones with materials over any of that. Not saying that SL didn't had its charm back then, it probably did, just like some 1st gen mmorpgs did, even with all those terrible things like bad UI, pixelated graphics, bad AI and total lack of QoL things in anything, from inventory management to moving. They were awesome and fun. But would I play them now? Nah, not really. So I'm glad that SL did evolve into what it is now.
  8. You never played any mmos, did you? The account services usually include name changes, server transfers and similar things. And even in games which are made with such features in mind, without 1.5 decades worth of spaghetti code (like in SL) and doing some of those operations is literally just running a script that changes a flag in the database, it still costs 20$ to 50$ for some of those services. If you see no need or value in those, you can, you know, just not buy it. Same for the name change whenever it'll be available. But some people and not just "Residents" might want it, so why not let them buy it and support the company in doing so? And if speak about "value" on the big scale, then all you have here; land, clothes, avatars, vehicles and whatever has any value to you, might be completely useless for someone else, yet you probably paid some (or even a lot) for it through the years in SL. In the end it's just pixels anyway, the important part is to enjoy yourself and your time in SL. I know that whenever I'll finally be able to change the name on my "main", I'll enjoy that time a tiny bit more, so for me it's worth it. Yeah, sure, I'd like if LL made first name change cheaper or even free, who wouldn't? For example PSN (Sony) recently added this feature too, also after over a decade+ long wait. First change is free, all others are 10$ for non PSPlus subscribers and 5$ for PSPlus users. But it's not the end of the world if much smaller company like LL would ask for more than that. That part I don't really get. It's just 10$ more for someone without premium, why even make such requirement? They can sign for a month, change the name and just not renew. I highly doubt LL would want to tie name change to the active premium status, i.e active - have your new shiny name; inactive - back to the bob12345 Resident. It will feel pretty terrible for everyone who would pay for the change and then (maybe even a few years later, but you never know what life can bring you even tomorrow) wouldn't want or be able to renew the premium and get forced name change back. If anything, I think LL can use it to promote the premium. They could make it something like 35$ for basics and 25$ for premiums (and 15-20$ for those new super premiums that should be available by then). Then getting one month of premium would be pretty good value and maybe someone would like increased groups limits and faster access time to full regions so they'd actually renew and if not, then it would still be same fee they pay to LL, give or take a couple of bucks. Edit: I'm a bit sad it takes so long. There's also a chance that I won't like first batch of last names, then it'll be even more waiting until next rotation comes out.
  9. And if you wear the head "as is", without installing omega kit first? If it works fine, then it's probably worth to look what can be wrong with omega kit instead, maybe get an update/redelivery for it and try again.
  10. No idea about SL mentors, but from my experience with games and their forums/social media, putting users into any position with power (moderators/MVPs, helpers etc) is useless at best and harmful at worst. Too many people do it for the "badge", too many do it for some imaginary powers, too many get bored after short while and do nothing (that's "at best" version) or start to abuse their position (that's the "harmful" case). LL would have to put a lot of efforts so it wouldn't happen and to be honest, I'm not even sure it's possible. Not like the actual newbie will be able to or would want to bother to report some "troll mentor", while this kind of an encounter can and will completely ruin first impressions they get from SL. Then how to check who is actually helping and who is slacking or trolling? I kinda doubt LL would implement some upvote/downvote or 1-5 star rating thing just for the mentors to see what their average rating every 30 days is, plus it can be manipulated too, given the free and easy to make accounts. Sure, there are some really helpful people out there too, who actually enjoy helping others and those make an exception to the rule. But then again, who stops those helpful people from going to newbie areas, putting some floating shiny star about their head with some text like "New or having troubles? Feel free to ask questions!". They'll be helping as much with or without the "official" mentor tag, that most newbies won't care about (or wouldn't even notice) anyway.
  11. Could be the pipelining issue. I remember some AV software, like webroot was causing it. See here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/webroot You may want to check your firestorm log (original location is in c/users/username/appdata/roaming/firestorm_x64/logs. Log named firestorm.txt is the one you should check, inside search for something like: HTTP pipelining possibly out of sync . If you have a lot of them, then it's most definitely the case. Then you may want to reboot PC, router/modem, look if you're using said webroot, possibly whitelist everything firestorm related in your AV (including cache).
  12. It happens when you visit a MP through the link that contains a locale for another language. For example the default url would be marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/*storenumber* and one that has locale will also have something like ja-JP, de-DE or es-ES in it, i.e. marketplace.secondlife.com/es-ES/stores/*storenumber* . One visit to MP through such link and it changes your own preferences for some unknown reason (someone should make a JIRA about it, since it makes no sense), but it has been the case for as long as I remember, had to learn the hard way. Not clicking such links (or short urls, that can easily contain such link. but no one should click short urls in any case anyway, since there's no way to say if it's actually to MP/flickr/blog or not) will keep your MP language on what you want.
  13. Yep, it's just random stuff, some SL interests, preferences in roleplaying and things like that. Creators also often use them for FAQ, links and more store related things. Which actually makes total sense to me, because 2nd life tab has a rather short characters limit with no chances to put anything, but most basic things there. And even if it weren't limited, I'd rather glance through a few separate tabs/picks which (hopefully) have appropriate titles, than try to find what interests me in one giant wall of text. Maybe with that legacy profiles' "grand comeback" LL can add another separate tab to profiles named "interests" or something like that, where people would be able to add more info about themselves without having to use the picks. Although I'm sure people would run out of space there and use picks for it anyway, so probably no point to even bother.
  14. There are some awful people who act pretty terrible, being rude and all that. Or just plain trolls. They often buy things too, just like other people. And whenever they get some problems with their purchase (most often their own fault), they tend to approach creators in exactly same way or even worse, because they feel like their <1$ purchase gives them right to abuse the creator and demand things. I highly doubt creators enjoy having to deal with that, no one does. So it's either ignoring them while letting them to purchase more things or just blocking them from the store. I'd chose the latter myself, if I was selling things. Some L$ are not worth dealing with some angry troll.
  15. There're more reasons to it. So no need to focus on "but the creators!" that badly. Yes, they are responsible too, especially when someone releases a 1m triangles decor set that everyone grab and put to their home, but it's not just them. SL suffers from the similar problem that many old "games" do, most notably multiplayer/mmo ones. The "engine". Now SL is not your average "game" or game at all, but that part is the same more or less. Take some old (really old) mmorpg, for example Lineage 2 (2003/2004 release date). It still lags on modern hardware when there's a lot going on. It uses only 1 thread/core. Then take Starcraft 2, a pretty basic looking (especially by today's standards) RTS from 2010. it does use 2 cores and yes, it also suffers from terrible fps in big battles, even on top hardware, with zero user created content. You're not going to fix it with just better optimized content, not fully at least, it will be more of a band-aid solution. Not saying it wouldn't have any effect, it would, but viewer need some serious rewriting as well. To use at least 4 cores for starters, it already would make things much better for most people. I've seen LL are planning to rewrite how cache works, so that can hopefully help some too. P. S. You also want too much from the hobbyist creators. There are contless examples when professional developers release completely broken AA(A) game that they can't fix for months, if not years. One that crashes, suffers from poor performance even in closed hardware environment (consoles, where it's pretty much same specs for every user) and often make awful ports to PC, that "should" run times better, but end up unplayable. And that's paid developers with full-time work and at least some experience in creating things. You can't expect even fraction of that experience from usually a single person who does make something for SL in their free time, often for fun or to just to have some pocket money to spend in SL. Add too strict requirements and most will be gone, leaving the non-creators such as myself with poor choice and bad variety of products. No way LL would want that, ever.
  16. Probably because it's unrigged. From my experience unrigged wearables rarely can be demo-ed, if ever. Same for most makeup appliers, there's maybe 5-10% of them with demos, the rest is "try and see if it works for your head". I'm not big on jewelry myself, but when I was in mood to pickup some it was pretty much a game of chance on quality, complexity and textures in almost every single case too. I suppose creators don't want their demos to be used for photoshoots or something and can't be bothered to upload demo textures for each item either, so it being unrigged means you can resize/move it all you want, so it's either a demo cube 1cm in front of the actual item or said demo textures. Or no demo at all, which is the case.
  17. I'm not sure how it's supposed to work, but because the region is more dead, than alive, timers show everything, but the actual time left. At least it was like that during opening day and seeing it still has around 50 people there most of the time, I doubt anything has changed. Clicking the gift a few times in a row always got me what I wanted within 10-15s, when those 1-5% of "scripts run" did allow for that to happen.
  18. I actually prefer alpha HUD to old style alphas myself. Having to wear one full body alpha made it a lot easier for me than finding whatever alpha was needed for top, pants, hair and so on. I also suspect that auto-alpha functionality won't go anywhere, because people already got used to it so much, I doubt any clothing (those who used it all the time) or mesh body creators will kill this functionality. It's a lot more convenient "wear and forget", than "wear, find a matching alpha, don't forget to add it instead of "wear" " for an average user. I personally can't stand it, because if region is slow or attachments just put in wrong order (when I attach a few together, in case when I switch full outfits), then I have to fix it manually anyway... each time, but that is mostly because of no-mod clothes so I can't kill scripts in them. Also mesh body/head HUDs come with save slots (I wish they had more, though) for skins, alphas and layer appliers, so instead of looking for an applier in the inventory, I can quickly attach one hud from favorite wearables and change what I need in a couple of clicks. Dragging appliers/layers to the same favorite wearables works too, but in my opinion it can't have too many items in it and remain useful, since whole point of it is quick access and if I'll have like 30 makeups there, 15 body appliers, maybe some tattoos on top of what is already there... it will be like a mini inventory I have to carefully check each time, may as well open full inventory and find folder with them then. Then there are material enabled appliers and appliers (some catsuits for example) that look better on a clothing layer because of the 3D-like effect. BoM won't have materials as far as I know. So I'm pretty sure mesh body creators won't fully remove layers, maybe will reduce layers to 1-2 instead. Or there will be 2 body versions, one with layers and one without. Which is a good compromise I suppose, at least for those who don't mind to switch bodies for different needs.
  19. There won't be much screams and tears, because it's apples and oranges. One is completely new product that you can avoid buying if you think it's too heavy li wise, it was like that from the very start. The other will affect every single rezzed object (or mesh only, no idea really, but it's rare to see non mesh things these days, unless you explore ancient-abandoned mainland places) on the grid. It would be commercial suicide for LL to tell people "welp, now you can't use things you bought, because... reasons. but it's good for you! now go buy L$ and replace your things with new ones". But LL won't do it anyway, they have been very careful to not break any existing content. Also see the recent thing about completely free 7 groups reducing, which didn't cost anyone anything, yet people were THAT unhappy so LL decided to revert the change before it even happened. Now imagine it would be something affect things people have bought for 1.5 decades (a bit less, if it's only for only mesh). And I remember Oz saying about ArcTan, that they want people to have more stuff, not less, so perhaps even if some stuff will become more heavy LI wise, it will come together with another LI upgrade. It surely will be after moving to cloud is done, so I won't be surprised if it was the case. 40-50k LI full sims might be a reality then, especially if they'll sort the scripts issues. But yeah, I think heavy li is very big limitation for the animesh things. it's been what? Half a year+ since full official release and I barely see anything "animesh" if don't count an odd attachment here and there (mostly tails and ears, sometimes some weird npc followers). I thought I'd see cute rezzable animesh cats and other critters ages ago, but there's almost none on the MP and ones that are... let's just say I don't like them, to avoid more negative comments. I can totally see why 30li at the minimum is one of the main reasons for it. If someone has a small parcel with around 300li, then it's 10% for just one thing. Less possible sales = less reasons to make them for creators, since it's not a direct upgrade over existing static/animated ones thanks to such high li. To compare, bento stuff started to show up even before official LL viewer was updated with it, half a year later there already were bento hands for all major brands except belleza, there were plenty of bento heads and numerous wings/tails that you could see everywhere in-world already. Because it was direct upgrade, while animesh is more like a questionable sidegrade, thanks to its li. At least when it comes to rezzable things.
  20. They are not going to top even belleza or hourglass with it. Not with 5k price tag and no omega support, a bit of clothing support won't do it, even a lot of clothing support won't do it. Even going by simple traffic numbers. Maitreya's store has 12-16k on average, belleza's 7-9k, slink's 4-6k, tmp's 1-2k. And that's with the fact that you can only demo it there, which forces anyone who want to give demo a try to stand there like an idiot with changed camera angle (thanks to "awesome" experience), instead of picking a demo and checking it at their home or any other spot they might like, thus boosting traffic numbers. Now waiting until someone "totally not affiliated in any way" will show up and tell me it's because "legacy body is that awesome, so even one a few seconds of demo time is enough for everyone to decide and buy it, while all those other stores have a lot of hesitating people who can't decide for hours if they like it or not". --- And yeah, I shop a lot too. I check majority of monthly events, keep up with releases from my favorite creators, discover new ones when and where I can and all that. But clearly I must be lacking "whole 20$" to not being able to afford one. Poor poor me. And if it's not the case, then I just have a bad taste and look awful compared to our "new overlords" with this revolutionary product.
  21. It's not ARCtan, it's on hold and even if it wasn't, they won't force it overnight anyway as they don't want people to deal with mass returns in case if it will increase LI of some objects. But I remember similar issue from the past, when some server issue caused incorrect LI to show up. I sure hope it's not this again, but you may want to check if physics on your objects is correct and make JIRA/support ticket if it's not. Here are two links for that last issue: https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/2248-the-return-of-the-living-objects-a-pre-halloween-horror-story/ https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/411549-heads-up-you-might-want-to-check-your-sims-after-the-downtime/ P. S. Your region can't be restarted less often than once every 10 days, it'll auto restart by itself then. You can also ask estage manager (if it's an island) or LL support (if it's mainland) to restart it as well.
  22. She meant the "restore to last position" functionality I believe. Which is only available to full region/homestead owners and estate managers right now. I wonder if LL can tinker with it enough so region would check if you have rezzing rights at where you actually attempt to restore an item, instead of the current 0.0.0 spot. But meanwhile... They already sell this feature for the "low price of 229$ a month!". And (alternatively) for whatever grandfathered regions/homesteads are. Be on another level, don't settle for super premium, become MEGA premium today! * *in your own region only /s
  23. Based on the fact that I still see close to none of them in-world, I'd say it's not that many people or they all group up somewhere and don't go anywhere else. Even on new events/fairs there's almost zero of people using new (or old, if that matters) TMP bodies. I think they did tick wrong boxes on far too many things, so it just can't be any different. 2x the price of all other established bodies, because... reasons, apparently? That already would be enough to push all non impulsive customers away, a few minutes of research and yep, it looks like (and is) a bad deal, if someone just wants a mesh body. Awful reputation/close to zero support/awful web-based hud that'll stop working whenever they pull the plug. Those all big enough reasons to scare people who already had enough of SL experience, especially with mesh body parts and know the market at least a bit. Only normal cases of why someone would get it that I can think of are: "oh a new toy. why not?" from people who don't really care about money and like to try new things anyway. Which is pretty legit, I guess, to each their own. Other people enjoy flushing tens of thousands of L$ on gachas instead. And ones who actually fell for their PR campaign at the release. There were quite a few big names posting about "how awesome it is". Which did remind me their last push to sell the old one at the full price, which was on MBA fair (so summer 2016 I think? maybe summer 2017), when they finally started to handle their dev kits freely, but it was at least 2 years too late at this point. Next step after years of silence was selling it for 500L$ instead of 5k. We'll see if it all will repeat with this "new" one.
  24. I and most people still would. Ain't nobody got time to look through hundreds of slow rezzing vendors and often "full examples" of what an items is when I just want 1-2 of them and it's not in the most recent releases corner. Or it's some event and I already know exactly what I want to check and/or which demos to try before even going there (thanks to SL related websites, flickr etc). I'd argue that it has some positive effect too, at least when it comes to big and timed events. I only spend a few minutes there at worst, instead of 10-15+ while slowly walking through stuff I wouldn't grab even for free (not necessarily because it's bad, I just don't need it) trying to find those few items that I'm after. Less lag because of my avatar is there, less waiting time for someone who also wants to check the event, but can't because region is full. And then there're not busy regions, like your typical landscape/decor/furniture stores, they are mostly empty or close to it, unless there's a big sale going on. Yes, in the ideal world every merchant/creator would put their releases in some kind of order that makes sense. Alphabetical, by the year of release or at least in groups of similar ones (that one actually is the case, but rarely. and often doesn't help, if there's still too much stuff). But it's very rare from my experience and things all over the place everywhere. I don't want to look through hundreds or in some cases thousands of items, so assuming that I saw something on the MP/flickr/whatever and know the name, I put part of its name into the search and usually find it pretty easily. It's a QoL improvement among many others in some TVPs. Perhaps it's not vital, but all those little things add up together. I'm more happy, have more time for fun things instead of ones I've described above. And more likely to spend more L$ too, purely because I didn't spent whole day in futile search for items I need or want and can start to look for something else if I'm in such mood. And yeah, before trying to do LL's work, by making "busy regions less laggy", how about waiting for them to fix their own stuff first, like teleporting avi lagging the hell out of not even busy region. But it's been the case ever since I joined and probably much longer and it's still here. Even in places where (at least I assume it's the case) little to no area search going on (clubs, hangout spots where everyone just stand around and talk in IMs mostly and similar ones) when new avi teleports in it's a nightmare if you're trying to move or do something during that time.
  25. I wish it was just the skinnery. There's plenty of other skin makers who has it the same, including big ones. Actually sometimes even skins in exactly same tone (and close enough creation dates on top of that) do vary a lot, where one has it almost perfect and other has a very obvious line. In case of body appliers that come in two parts, like "sessions", there's often a rather noticeable line between lower and upper part of the body (at least on most pale skin tones, not sure about darker ones, never tried). Had to give up on one very good looking skin recently because of this issue.
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