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Everything posted by steeljane42

  1. HDDs fail too, though. And not in all cases they give you enough of time to safely save all information as they slowly develop bad sectors and other noticeable issues. Sometimes controller just dies and in best case you'll be able to find exactly same HDD or PCB from exact same model for "donor purposes" and replace it (or find someone who can do it for you). I did it twice in the past... never again, these days I have 3 copies of backups for all my important data. Can always start with SSD for games/SL/cache and other random stuff and see how it goes for you, less reasons to worry that way. Most reports show year to year increase usually. Like here, not the most recent one, but https://www.akamai.com/uk/en/about/news/press/2017-press/akamai-releases-first-quarter-2017-state-of-the-internet-connectivity-report.jsp From there " Global average connection speed was 7.2 Mbps (an increase of 15% year over year). " And if compare to 15 or even 10 years ago... it's quite the difference in my city at least. 10 years ago we still had relatively slow (2-5mbps on average) ADSL connections here as the most common ones, these days it's usualy cable or fiber with 100mbps+, plus options to get up to 1gbps if someone actually needs that much. Even my backup mobile connection can reach ~65mbps outside of peak hours (during those it's usually around 30-35mbps), ping is not as good of course and jitter is quite noticeable, so it's not very suitable for games, but for SL it's totally fine. So it would be great of LL finally started to work/implementing some caching changes along with some rework for SL bandwidth system. FS wiki recommends 1500kbps max, which with current internet speeds is very slow. I suppose the reason for it is how cache works, to not choke viewer with too much data.
  2. I don't see how more mass purges would help with either of that. For example old content that got/getting purged has roughly same chance to work/be what is advertised on the MP page/etc as the new one. Like you said, no one stops you or other people from making and selling broken products. So there can't be mass criteria for any purges, it's pretty much on an individual basis for each case. And that's what my initial reply to you was about, when you said "we need more purges". Because we don't. Faster/better reaction from LL when it comes to obvious scams would be great, though. I'd say "easier ways to file the DMCA" would be great too, but it's double-edged sword and I remember a few cases when legitimate content (even from very big stores, like belleza) got taken down (temporarily or completely) because competitors or some especially insistent trolls kept filing DMCA reports,
  3. Scam is one thing, but content policing (aside of said scam stuff/things that break ToS) is a terrible idea. On what criteria you're going to base that policing? Who is going to determinate what is "junk" and what is not? And yes, sometimes not doing anything is better than doing it wrong.
  4. As if purging did help with that too much. In some cases it might, but as far as I know item will be delisted from MP if a person didn't log for 5 years or item weren't sold even once for 2 years. So basically it does absolutely nothing as long as someone logs once every few years (to cashout a few $ perhaps or just to check what's new in SL). Besides whole "support" thing is completely voluntary to begin with. There's nothing in LL's ToS regarding mandatory support for anything, be it items or services. So new items have roughly same chance to be broken and unusable as the old ones and (unless it's obvious scam, like selling basic prim instead of what is advertised on the MP page) LL won't get involved even if you'll fill the report. --- I'm using those winter months where lots of new releases don't interest me too much (way too many seasonal items/clothing for my tastes) to get some old items that I might miss if they are gone. Sometimes I see something I like rezzed (or worn) in world and check creator's profile and see that they are not around already, links to in-world stores are broken and a few cases when I decided to check their last login date through mutual groups it did show that they are offline for a year or more. Can't say it would be an absolute tragedy to miss some of their creations, but sometimes they are quite unique and well made items with custom animations that can't be found anywhere else. So I personally think it was completely unnecessary to purge anything. Instead LL could add a couple if "scary" warnings to MP listing and checkout pages. Like "Creator of an item you're about to purchase weren't online for X years, please make sure you understand the risks" or something similar.
  5. As a consumer (not a creator myself, but I do shop a lot) I can try to answer this at least. But tt depends on what it is and my needs, so kinda hard to give a simple answer. Creativity and originality is a good thing, but sometimes less creativity is better too, as long as it's done right. If use some leather pants as an example: sometimes I just want a quality made leather pants, well fitted, with materials and good textures, but simple, pretty much based on plain leather pants you could find in RL. In that case additional creativity and millions of zippers, cuts, fancy pockets and buttons are "bad", because I want simplicity. That's actually very common problem for me in SL's shopping, some creators overdo with bells and whistles and quality stuff that I'd get for sure, just ends up looking cartoon-ish in my opinion (although I imagine there's other kind of people who appreciate that). Same is valid for some furniture. Like for the library room at my place, it was pretty difficult to find quality and simple/classic furniture that would me modeled after RL examples. I had no need in crazy/fancy designs for that purpose. And sometimes more fantasy/creativity and originality is awesome. I recently felt like making a few sci-fi outfits and that's where I appreciate creativity a lot. The more unique the better. I also have a steampunk room at my place that is filled with steampunk stuff (duh) and I did try to choose most original and interesting decor/furniture for that as long as it did match the rest, so it was interesting to search/shop for it and see all unique and crazy ideas people have. I agree on what others said about "original mesh" label as well, too. Wonder how honest some of those "SLOCCA mesh" and similar labels are, though. FP templates are quite easy to find out, be it clothes or furniture. Even if people reupload them under their name so it's impossible to check linked set and see the original creator, they are still there on the MP and in other people's items, under different names and with slightly different textures, but still very obvious. But in case when someone buys or just grabs 3D stuff from random sites... that's much more difficult to find out and often leads to some drama from what I've seen in SL related blogs/sites, where people accuse certain brands in just using others' work.
  6. Or perhaps, just perhaps, IE was awful since early versions, didn't follow web standards, didn't had any customization options and look where it is now. It's dead. And Edge is pretty much gone too, Microsoft just going to have own browser based on Chromium. Turns out the alternatives were better enough to kill the "original" completely. Anyways, I prefer FS myself, in FS mode. I gave SL a serious try in 2012 and I did try all viewers that were available back then and after a couple of weeks I settled on Firestorm and use it ever since. So it's not getting used to original UI and not wanting to change, I think what people call v1 was earlier than that. I like the pie menus and I like options FS has. I hardly can imagine how it's to use SL without area search, be it my own sim or shopping. I like the UI, I like additioal build options, I like LSL bridge functions, I like easy ways to disable/block bunch of things I don't use/don't like (look at, group chats and similar stuff), I like that is has 2GB VRAM buffer for textures instead of 512mb ( that alone would be enough for me to use FS ). For the most part I don't ever crash (except one version in 2016 I believe, which used to crash every couple of weeks), FPS are good, lots of customization options, just how I like it (my web browser is also heavily customized with addons, themes, userstyles and userscripts, makes browsing much more enjoyable).
  7. FS AO lacks features. It doesn't have mode detection when AO would switch from Mode 1 to Mode 2 based on how close you're standing to other avi, which can have completely different set of animations that suits those kinds of situations, it doesn't have easy access to gestures (not that I use them more than a few times a month, but hey, it still counts), it doesn't have height detection to save me time from adjusting hover slider every single time I sit on the ground and so on. So not sure about you, but I value my time and efforts more than ~750kb of bonus scripts on me. And quite frankly I don't care about scripts usage or complexity that much to begin with, nor do I visit those "real time combat" sims where someone would actually care enough to ask me to do anything about it. Also, like I said in some other post of mine, considering all those heavy scripted attachments people like to wear, including "pets" and HUDs for their bodies/heads that easily can take 2-3mb if not more (combined)... meh, doesn't matter, imo. If I'd consistely was in top 3 scripts usage wise in any given sim, then maybe I'd try to fix that, but I'm rarely even in top 15.
  8. Flawed logic. Heavy AO huds (guilty of wearing one myself, firestorm AO just lacks features/options compared to those), some scripted pets/animals people like to wear/have near them so much, certain (but not all) furry/neko/etc attachments, like some older non bento tails for example, tons of other stuff because there's just way too much to list. Don't know what you might have against collars, but modern ones are not any worse scripts count/lag wise, than anything on that list. So unless you want and expect everyone and anyone to strip out of their "heavy" attachments, including those very heavy huds that you can't even check if someone is wearing (mesh body ones, all those slex systems, battle/rp ones that people don't bother to detach and more), your comment was very biased against the certain kind of attachments that might bother you for some other reason. And to the idea of AFK timers someone had earlier. It probably one of the worst ideas for SL I heard this year. It really is. No idea why some people have issues with cam shopping, though. But when I'm in rush to get into some event asap, then those always worked perfectly for me. Usually I don't mind waiting a few days, though. New items won't go anywhere and 99% of events are easy enough to access after 4-7 days since they started.
  9. Ah, that would expain why some of my home projectors caused some of my hair to look as bad as they did. Thankfully hair are mostly mod and changing a few linked parts from being alpha blended to alpha masked fixed it. Sadly it doesn't look too good for everyday usage, but for a static picture it was okay. As for the actual topic. Nope, don't see BoM causing a big boost to SL fashion economy. Not everyone wears a tattoo in general and especially with clothing appliers, like lingerie (which is also better in mesh, if done right). I have yet to encounter an applier issues when it comes to mixing makeup too (and yes, I use ALM 100% of the time). Mesh wise it changes nothing. And the only thing I personally use when it comes to "clothing" appliers won't work with BoM at the start at least, since apparently it doesnt support materials. And I don't think any mesh head/bodies makers will charge for BoM updates either, in fact one major brand of mesh heads already released a completely free BoM ready update a few weeks ago, so I'm sure others will follow soon enough if they didn't already, I don't exactly follow those other brands too much.
  10. Eh, there are always exceptions! I am very much a hardcore gamer with 25+years of gaming experience (started with NES, sadly missed original Atari times by a couple of years) and I did play a few games on a semi-competitive level (original CS and Broodwar to name a couple) and despite not having as much time for games anymore these days I still keep up with some of my favorite genres/series. And yet I still very much enjoy SL ever since I decided to give it a chance. It is very different kind of entertainment and gives my mind a rest whenever I mess around my sim, shopping for new stuff or do some roleplaying. You are correct about attention span, though. If a person, gamer or not, doesn't have it, then no way they'd stick around SL for too long, but same can be said about some MMORPGs as well. They might have more polished UI in general, but still require some attention to details, like reading on what does what, some kind of an inventory/character management and some more. Those so called "gamers" usually quit such games in a day or two as well, I know it well from my own experience. Whenever I had/wanted to make a new character in mmos for whatever reason, I always did team up/added people as I was progressing on that new character. Mmorpgs, especially last couple generations of them, might not be as socially oriented as they used to be when the genre was new, but they still promote social aspects a lot, it's more fun and easier/faster to level/explore/do stuff together. Long story short: by time I got that new character to the mid levels (usually a week or so) over 80% of people I had on my list weren't logging anymore at all, by time I got to the max level/endgame - it was closer to 90% and at least half of the remaining 10% were just alts/twinks like my own character. So to sum up my thoughts on the topic/video (gotta admit that I couldn't watch the whole thing, it's awful). Should LL continue to make experience and new user experience better? Definitely! But no amount of improvements will make a certain type of people stay in SL after they try it out for a day. It's just the F2P culture these days. It costs nothing (with an exception if someone is unfortunate enough to have a data cap or just have too slow connection) to try SL or a few hundreds if not thousands of F2P games. And people do and will continue to try them out, in most cases to never be seen again. As another example, a certain free CCG recently was celebrating over 100m accounts made, but based on the activity on the social networks, youtube/twitch, official forums and what not, I'd say that it got maybe 1-2% are still playing it on regular basis and is clearly on decline as it ages. It's even true for the retail games too. There are stats on Steam for example and certain not free online games games with over 7-10m of estimated owners (used to be exact numbers, but steam changed API a while ago) and 30-60k people online. It is OK for people to try things out and move on for whatever reason. And no, it doesn't mean that LL or those game developers should turn their products upside down just so those people who already moved on would give their product another chance. Not really. You can check almost any game's forum, be it console or PC games and that topic shows up all the time. "Why other people don't use mics? I want them to hear my breathing, my vacuum cleaner and my TV... for a reason!". Well, because most people don't, even with way more smooth and out of the box experience that current gen consoles provide, they even include the basic (arguable terrible, but it does work) mic in the box.
  11. I think it's a new bug. It wasn't like that before, that's for sure. Would be really nice if it got fixed in december update or earlier.
  12. SSD doesn't benefit from the defragmentation at all, you'll just waste a bit of its resources for nothing. Whole point of defragmentation on HDD is to move fragmented blocks of data together so access time will improve greatly. HDD needs to physically access those blocks and if they are fragmented, then drive's head will need to do a lot more and slow down already slow enough process. SSD has same access time to each of its blocks/cells and there's no moving parts, making defragmentation completely pointless. Whole trim/garbage collection is there to make sure SSD cells get equal usage, so some of them won'trun out of rewrite cycles long before the others.
  13. Totally agree about the DMCA, but the "if no one would buy it" part is not really realistic. I shop a lot and I do my research on what I buy, including checking demos or in-world stores in case of furniture, buildings, decor and landscape stuff. If I see something I don't recognize and price is suspiciously low, I always make sure to check the seller's profile, their MP and in-world (if it does exist) stores before buying. So yeah, I do my best to skip buying resold FP items and stolen things. But we can't really expect most people (especially new residents) to invest large amount of time and efforts to find out what is legit and what is stolen/resold. They just search for things they want to buy, maybe change sorting to the best selling, newest or cheapest first and that's it. In case of gacha items it's even worse, without knowing the average market price for that item you can't even tell what is too low or too high. And again, no way an average buyer who just want a certain item will spend their time researching the market of said gacha to find out if that deal is fishy or not.
  14. Some monthly events start to fill with halloween related stuff in september, because their "reset time" is around first 1.5 weeks of the month, so they don't want to miss on late september/early october halloween sales I guess. And yes, lots of big names go after the trend of the month, which does limit the amount of quality "normal releases" by a lot. And if you wonder about what I buy in RL that much - I actually spend less during xmas time even including gifts budget, because there's only that many xmas related decor and things I need and I don't tend to replace all of it every single year. Same goes for SL. I still shop, I even buy halloween things sometimes and I already said that there's still some non halloween (or xmas/valentines/etc) items around, but I spend significantly less during such months, simply because there's oversaturation with themed products in those 1.5 - 2 months. So I'd suggest to apply your last suggestion to yourself and get over yourself when people voicing their opinions (in a civil way too, not the "your celebration of choice sucks, who need such trash in sl and in rl"). And sure, it's your SL, your time and your creations (if you make anything at all), so if you want to create and sell xmas items during spring and valentines things at august, by all means, do so. But don't act surprised when some people will find it silly and will share their opinions with others, on a forum (you know, a place for discussions and such) nontheless.
  15. Offend - no, of course not. But it does limit my choice for these months a lot and I will express my unhappiness with it. I have nothing against halloween (and even like the theme, much more than xmas one for example), like I already said. It's the stretched out release window for those items that bothers me. And no, you can't just ignore it either, if you're into shopping. I bet you also would be unhappy if all your favorite local restaurants/cafes in rl decided to serve only fast food for 2 months just because it became trendy for some reason. "Don't go there, don't buy it and go elsewhere" works for such example, too, but you'd be left with suboptimal choices, quality, time and distance wise. That's what I feel when I see halloween releases as early as early september, xmas one at late october and valentine ones right after the new year. And it has nothing to do with any country's culture either.
  16. Not a big fan of experiences myself. I rarely visit some sims where experience usage could be justified, too. In most of my experience with the experiences *coughs* it's stores that insist on them for no reason. My favorite example was one store that first wanted me to grab and wear a hud, then to accept the experience to TP between its sections. I'm still not sure what goal the store owner/creator had in mind with it. It's like 5 actions, (click to get a hud, open inventory, wear a hud, accept experience, click on desired section on the hud) vs 1 (click on the tp board with needed part of the store). I did accept it the first time and it went okay, I don't really worry about experiences or anything, but I don't need random huds in my inventory or experiences on the list, so next time I went there to test something else, I just ended up zooming up and sitting on the furniture from the landing point.
  17. Yep, I can't agree more with it. I like halloween theme in general, even pumpkins sometimes (more fun and unique ones). But halloween related stuff starts to show up at events around 1st week of september, peaks around early-mid october and slowly disappears as the events/fairs that started in the 2nd half of october end. That's an overkill in my opinion. Sure, there's still some non halloween related releases to check, but in many other cases something that I would definitely buy and use for a long time if it had more classic design, is spoiled with those webs/bones/claws/etc. And sadly from my past experience, IMing creators a suggestion to release a normal version of such products gets either a definitive "no" or "maybe if I'll have time for it", which in 99% cases just means a polite version of "no". And it's not about freebies/gifts, in which case it would be totally understandable if they didn't really wanted to spend even more time on something they already giving out for free. In many cases those items worth thousands of L$ and I'd be more than happy to pay as much if they just did the slight rework, like removing spider webs and skulls and maybe putting a less worn out texture. But nope.. oh well, their loss.
  18. Great update! Finally I can delete a few dozens of marketplace related bookmarks in my browser and just check my favorite MP stores through the favorite stores list. Maybe some kind of an optional subfolder system would be a great addition, too. So when I'll be in mood for some clothing shopping I won't have to scroll through all favorite stores with landscape/furniture/other stuff and so on.
  19. Copy/mod for the furniture and other big things, like houses. 100% if it's something "usable", i.e. furniture with lots of poses, like beds/sofas/chairs. I like to mess with my items, mod them and add/remove things too. I usually add or remove some poses, change the order of menus to my liking and remove useless (for me) stuff from furniture, like those xcite/sensations/aeros/etc scripts. I wouldn't risk with 2k L$ no-copy bed trying to do this, since sometimes things break and I have to start over with clean copy. So no-copy on those = no buy for me. Clothing - usually copy/mod too. Although if I really like the item and see I will use it as is, I'm fine with some gacha here and there, even though I never bothered to re-sell a single gacha myself. Only exceptions for no-copy items I often make are small decor items, I have quite a few and some are very unique and lovely. Would love to have some of them in copy perms, but not too sad about that, more reasons to look for more things like that.
  20. Yeah and other people say all kinds of stuff about everything else, mmorpgs, mobas, battle royale games and more. If I were listen to those people I'd never try any game ever, because usually all forums for all games/services are filled with complaints. If someone is unable to form their own opinion based on their own experience, be it SL or anything else (especially if it's free to try) and need others' people "reviews" for that... well, their loss. But yeah, same can be said about every other "game" (no need to tell me what is different between traditional games and SL, I know it well enough). Game A has a high entry cost point - it affects said game poorly, because new users can't even try it normally without investing a lot of $. Game B has high hardware reqs, so people with bad PCs can't even try it at all or in serious disvantage compared to people with decent machines (example FPS' with online modes, where an average person struggling to maintain 30 fps will do much worse than someone running it at least at 60 fps, if not 120-144fps). Game C is grindy and requires tons of free time and has timed events where you are required to log at specific times to make some progress, so people without tons of free time can't really play it normally either. Can't please everyone, can't keep all new users no matter what. SL is no different. I'd argue that the confusing UI, griefers/trolls filled starting areas and lack of general idea of "what to do here" makes potential users to leave much more often, than poor performance right from the start. For the 2nd part of the quote - your idea is not that much different. "Your experience doesn't matter, SL should be the way I/we see it". If I want to wear/rezz badly made item, it's my own business. I said it last time already and will say it again, I'm all for remaking jelly doll/complexity calculation system the way it would actually work and people with low complexity limit wouldn't see me because suddenly my avi became not average 40-100k, but 2-3m. Some level of regulation is fine, it exists in RL and in SL too. There's the ToS and what not, the rest is not needed in my opinion and because it doesn't fit your idealistic view on how content should be in SL, it doesn't mean it has no rights to exist. Only thing I'll agree with you on is the stolen/ripped content part. It shouldn't be the part of SL, because it's just stolen, but seems like all that DMCA thing is a bit pointless, I keep seeing tons of Disney and games related stuff in world, from toys and outfits to just ripped assets from the games I played before (it's easy to recognize it, because I played them. I imagine there's even more from the games I didn't played myself, so I have no way to tell). And I've seen those too. And yes, they are fine. More quality content is always welcome. But it should be somehow encouraged to make such content, not just forced. So it's the "regulate and force everything" suggestions that bother me. It's fine, not like you were able to provide any discussion anyway, so same goes to you. But I'll agree on the hopes that LL reads some of that and will take some action, like increase regions max LI to 40k via upgrades after they'll make a move to cloud and hopefully get better serves that way, maybe increase attachments slots to 50+ and so on. But it's SL, not RL. No need to provide some childish examples either. You can't avoid breathing, drinking and eating, but you can avoid using any online game/service if it's too much for you for any kinds of reason, be it monetary one or anything else. Or you go to forums of new games and yell there that they didn't made a version for P2 and Voodoo graphics? SL being 15 years old is a thing, yes, but it evolved quite far from the original release, so we can't and shouldn't expect it to have reqs from mid 2000s for any kind of comfotable daily use. And if go by your silly rl example, then we all should be forced to use electric cars already and recharge them only using green kinds of energy, because traditional ones are as bad for environment as the normal cars. Is it a thing? Nope and won't be for a long long time, because it's just not realistic.
  21. If you'll read some suggestions here and in similar threads you'll see that some of those people suggest a hardcap for complexity and what not. If that won't disrupt the userbase, then I don't know what will. And having skills is not even relevant, how much more time will it take is. Same deal as with fitmesh clothes and why some very skilled designers just choose to ignore all, but 1-3 big brands. It's fun hobby to create something for SL in free time for a lot of people, sitting and trying to optimize it (or rig to 20 bodies in example from before) is not fun and not profitable, in case if it's a medium-big brand and actually makes money. I've seen lots of people already complained how "that awful mesh" stole the magic from SL and how it was fun to make things withing SL. Which I don't really agree with, since I much prefer mesh *everything* to non mesh, but it has a point. Pushing people to learn how to optimize everything for SL via hardcaps will make it so some people just won't bother. I'm all for good content, too, and ever since FS got tools to check triangles, vram etc, I do so before shopping and I didn't bought quite a few of actually terrible optimized things, like that 900k triangles shelf I mentioned earlier, but if something is really heavy and yet I feel like I want it anyway, I'll get it. That's the difference between encouraging good/quality/optimized content and just banning it, like some people suggest with limits for max complexity. Just like people who say "SL is dying because of an optimized content" and "SL melts my GPU", yeah? There's a lot of that in this thread, all fiction pretty much. Perhaps. But when SL is just a fun way to pass time for someone. then "not that" steep learning curve might be just enough to push them away from creating anything for SL at all. Will there be tons of new (and maybe more skilled/determinated) creators to take their place considering the SL's age? I'd say probably not, SL has a fair share of problems and enough of other reasons to discourage content makers from even trying to start doing something here.
  22. Yeah, the "SL North Korea edition" basically. With guidelines and standards being set way so only the "chosen few" would be able to make something actually usable. SL was and is the platform with user created content and most of those users just doing it for fun in their free time, even if they sell it within SL. You can't and shouldn't expect high levels of skills and lots of free time from such people. Although perhaps you see it as a good thing, "only good creators will stay", but from a consumer point of view, the less choice there is (in scenario where only super quality and well made content will be usable due to high standards), the more boring it'll get, less things to buy, less money to spend on SL, less money for LL. You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but it's true for the other people, too. And for me, SL is quite healthy as it is. Now there are some extremes here and there (looking at you, fancy ~900k triangles shelf that I wanted to get before seeing that number), but overall it's good enough for me and people I hang out with. Also no clue which GPU you're using, but mine stays in passive cooling mode with 20 to 40% usage most of the time on mix of high and ultra settings (not a big fan of shadows in SL, so they are off for the most scenes). If anything the CPU usage is the issue, due to it being mostly single threaded. No idea if this can be solved by writing a completely new viewer from sratch or not, though. And yep, we'll voice our opinions as well. SL is fine and in way better state performance wise than it was when I joined in 2012. Will it lasts for another 15 years? Hard to tell, but I'm quite sure that forcing hard limits on what people can wear/use is not going to help it at all. Oh and for possible reply with "But hard limits already exist.", like was one from before about animesh. Yep, they do. But I think it was 2016 when LL made it possible to upgrade private regions to 30k LI from the usual 20k? Was it much of a shock for some people? "How horrible, now people can have 50% more of terrible unoptimized content." And I believe the LI calculation formula change LL are working on also had some lindens (Oz Linden I believe) saying about a possible LI increase, because they want us to have more stuff, not less. And the last, but not least. While I love SL and spend great deal of time and money on it, I also don't agree that business should be only about short lifespan vs longer one. There are some mmorpgs that were around for nearly 2 decades, some of them only have 1-2 servers left and average just a couple thousands of people online during prime hours. Obviously they are profitable, otherwise they'd be closed already, but with such numbers it would take them many years to make even fraction of profit that big games make monthly. So benefits of longer lifespan are often questionable.
  23. Nah, I just don't like full text quotes, is all, but here you ago, full one this time. Now to the rest. Shouldn't be there, same as 500k complexity overscripted flexi hair or 1m complexity gowns or all those weird sculpt builds from the past? But they are. And I'm quite sure LL won't just break them, like they didn't break even older content before. I'm not an expert or even a builder by any means, but based on how similar rigged mesh bodies/heads/hands etc are, as well as pretty much all rigged mesh clothes I have ever seen, breaking them would actually be the day when LL kills SL and their own business with it. As for F2P... yeah, right, as if anyone sane would believe to any kinds of advertisement, especially these days when those F2P games and "live services" are ones that require the most amount of money if you intend to use them fully and not settle for the glorified demo version with severe handicaps. No idea where you got the 3rd part, not every single person who ever did look at SL is the bored housewife (or househusband, if that's even a thing) with 20 years old machine. And don't exaggerate, even 24/7 crypto mining doesn't "melt" GPUs that easily, hardcore gaming doesn't either, SL which is limited by CPU is far down the list of threats for any mid-range GPUs, since those are never maxed anyway. With a few exceptions of things like prim/mesh grass filled with very large amount of alpha textures, that stuff is really bad, but not related to cheating or any kinds of bugs I think. And by my idea of "fix", at least for already existing content, I simply meant that they should rework jellydolls to actually work and all that cheated mesh to show real (and probably very high) complexity numbers. So those who don't (or can't) want to see avis with millions of complexity wouldn't see/render them anymore and ones who don't care (like myself) would just continue to use SL as usual. So yeah, no idea where you got that I wanted LL to remove jellydolls either. Fix and make them do what they should do - yes, otherwise they are useless. As for the rest of your "reality checks" I disagree on pretty much everything. You, of course, free to have own opinion on what belongs and where, as well on what is crap and what is not, but so do I. And for me, high resolution meshes and textures are very much belong to SL. I remember checking SL back into 2007-2008, it was such awful looking thing so I lost any desire to even check what is behind all that (well, other problems like awful viewer's UI also did contribute to it). I came back to check it once again in 2012 and found it more tolerable and more to my liking. And these days with those "awful high resolution meshes", bento, upcoming animesh and more, it even more appealing. So for me SL in 2018 is leagues better than old style SL, even if it did perform better back then. I won't even bother to reply to the last part of your post, never had time to deal with that kind of behaviour. I'm pretty sure I didn't said "premium user" anywhere, did I? I'm not a "premium" either, never was and until LL will add a name change to the list of premium only things, I'm not planning to. Thankfully it doesn't stop me from having a private island and buying L$. Hope it does clarify what I meant. If not, then simple version: I strongly believe that someone who doesn't have a few hundreds of $ to invest in somewhat modern machine (Which is fine, don't get me wrong, I fully understand that there's a few difficult RL situations and not all fortunate enough to have some free cash for such things), also won't really invest any (or almost any) money into SL ecosystem. Also, while SL is not your typical F2P mmorpg or even worse, a mobile F2P game, they all strongly cater to whales, where a few hundreds of such whales are more important for company's business than many thousands of F2P/low spenders. Of course, they still do things to maintain free users for a bit too, as whales prefer to not be on their own, but usually it's very minimal efforts, just enough to not lose all F2P users.
  24. I'm actually not sure if LL care or should care. Such low end users usually are not a part of the SL economy anyway, aside of in-world jobs and if they are, money they earn are still coming from paying residents. A used hardware within 500$ range (cpu/mb from sandy/ivy bridge era with overlock and 30$ cooler, gtx 960, other basic parts are going to be "fine") can provide a decent SL experience. Decent is not perfect and I don't argue that it shouldn't be improved, but not via such radical methos, like enforcing avatar complexity limits on everyone. So shall LL cater to 100% F2P userbase (and a few "fighers for lag-free SL" from this thread) or paying customers? I'd say it's an obvious choice. Fix bugs, improve things, but never ever limit your paying customers on what they already got used to through the years. Mass exodus of people who can't use what they bought anymore vs possible (yes, possible, SL has more issues than just bad performance) fresh flow of users with extremely low end machines, who are most likely won't spend anything on SL. That's how I see it anyway. So yeah, I'm all of LL fixing this LoD bug and rework jellydol system so it actually wouldn't render such jellied avis, as long as it doesn't affect how I see my friends and they see me and what stuff I can use. Low end users can't see me already anyway, so if fixing this bug will make my complexity from 50-150k to 1m... it won't really change a single thing for me, it's just numbers.
  25. It doesn't really matter, though. Useless currency remains useless in all cases and you better find something like free surveys on the internet to get $, than spend time farming "in-game gold". And in case with SL, you can learn how to create something very simple and small and sell it for a tiny bit, like 10-50L. You won't earn much, but it still will be more than some useless 2ndary currency. Sometimes you are given an illusion that you're making progress by collecting said free currency, but in reality you don't. F2P games are the best example, especially F2P mobile games that often have up to like 4-5 different currencies (energy/crystals/gold/dust and "premium credits" for example). When you start playing those, you're usually given the large amounts of free stuff and can upgrade/improve/buy lots of starter things and it does feels good, but shortly after you will see that to continue to make any progress you have to either farm/wait forever or just buy them with $ premium currency. And in many cases it's really pathetic pace of progress unless you're buying it with cash. I'm talking about hours to get 1$ worth of things. So, yeah, to the OP's idea - thanks, but no thanks.
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