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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Just wanted to add that each time I had major losses they were ALL top level folders that I had made myself. Looking at my screenshot they would have been along the lines of my backup folders shown there. Now a good conclusion to jump to would be that my losses had something to do with the asterisks -- except that I only started adding those a couple of years ago and had plenty of major losses before that with UNasterisked folders :D. My lastest losses were folders similar to the ones here that say "**Backup Swanbridge mid June 2016" except that they were for another sim. I had multiple backups there too taken over time and they all disappeared. I had not been cleaning or arranging things in those folders and generally seldom or never went in there. It DOES seem to me that as someone said, deleting a single item (or a small group) within a folder can trigger the deletion of the whole folder and it could be that a DMCA deletion (or plywood box if that is still happening) could trigger this issue -- in that case it would have been NOTHING we had control over. That is for general giant folder losses -- the odd missing textures (and I have lost plenty of those over the years) could be a different issue entirely.
  2. Thanks. Glad they helped. Next up (taking a break as that was LOTS of work but maybe next week) - displacement (bumpiness) and shine :D.
  3. If you have an Omega applier for your BODY it won't change your HEAD. You need to get a relay for your HEAD too :D. In case you were confused on that.
  4. Double click on the item in Area Search. A red arrow and a red beam appear to lead you to the item. The item STILL might not show up but that is where the server thinks it is :D. This in Firestorm.
  5. Can you upload as a LINKSET and then join in world?
  6. Thanks for the info. They DID apparently check and they still had the same levels as before the change -- or so they said. Hence my confusion. "I" of course am not "them" so I cannot verify :D. At least most of us understand now.
  7. Hi there Dakota! I think the residents figured out the issues with the change last month on cashing out limits (on this and other threads) and we know now through trial and error LOL that our limits will only be increased (almost 10 years old here and had previously cashed out well over $1500 US at a time and now limited to $999) when we can show continuous need to cash out over $999 (and in one case $1999) . So we get that this is actually a "fee" change and we will live with that -- some less happily than other apparently. The question I still have is that I have two friends who have told me that their cash out processing levels did not change and that they are still at a level WAY above what they will ever use. THIS puzzles me. Is there something else besides USE that figures into this or were those instances just oversights? It doesn't really matter that much to me personally, but I AM a curious gal. Thanks and "welcome to the forums". Glad to have you!
  8. Just letting you know that ALL land on mainland (where you posted this) is unzoned and so "commercial" by default. If you are looking to by, then you most likely want at 1024 lot which is pretty much in the middle of your prim needs. If you want to RENT a shop, then of course the prim count might not be the same as the prim allotment on a piece of land, but would be listed in the shop info. You can search for either rentals or bare land by using SEARCH in the viewer which will likely find you what you need.
  9. Note that this original post was from 2014 when folks making over -- I think it was $600 in that year -- were required to verify who they were in real life in order to get money transferred out of Second Life. If you fall into that area , this could be real. Some of us that needed to fill out the form never GOT that email and just got our funds frozen unexpectedly -- worse. Probably best to contact billing by phone and see.
  10. Well I am not a specialist but a quick Google search tells me that your graphics card was considered "pooh" (that a quote) EIGHT YEARS AGO. So it is very doubtful that it will run SL in ANY viewer even on low. I have an old laptop from that era that I keep ONLY because it runs a program that I use now and then and that won't work with current software. So start saving your pennies.
  11. You cannot remove an applier. You can TURN IT OFF (at least in Maitreya and I assume in Slink. You can, as I said turn that layer OFF from the hud (again assume it work the same as most body huds. Also applying a NEW texture (jeans, panties, bodysuit, tattoo) will REPLACE the applier texture that is current. I am 99 percent sure it has nothing to do with the item per se, just your understanding of how appliers and LAYERS in the hud work :D. I am sure someone with an SLink body can send you a screenshot if you can't figure it out. Good luck.
  12. BEFORE EXPORTING --- Check and make SURE that your materials are assigned correctly after joining. Sometimes (really fairly often) Blender makes assumptions even AFTER you have assigned materials. So it could easily be that the file you are exporting no longer has the correct materials assigned AFTER JOINING. If that is the issue just reassign the faces to the materials correct and reexport.
  13. Chic Aeon

    need live help

    Well Whirly beat me to it. ANY time you try and log in to the viewer when you are already on (and I still do this fairly often) it closes out your other instance. You then just log in from your home (or wherever) computer. Not a biggie. Presumably the "other computer" was yours or a friends since most public computers will not let you run SL. So it is unlikely that any money will be transferred. But yes, logging off before leaving is a GOOD THING. A good lesson :D.
  14. What I was saying was that my book I had made had a UUID. Now I know that EACH instance of an item has a unique UUID but there MUST be a "master" UUID per item (hence the ability to remove items from users inventory on a DMCA and my mysterious (or not) loss of my logo last year). If you have a brand new prim with its own UUID I am HOPING that would solve the "rollback" of the item (like my book or your {what next} box. Honestly from my experience I would not expect things to be in that box forever. If you are lucky, yes, I did have a trunk that still had items in it :D. But it seems like a new item -- maybe an uploaded mesh object that you never plan to use again would be the best thing -- hence only ONE UUID and no "second or third tiered copies". Again, this is just musing. I am so not a database guru. I can only go by what I have observed and trace the logic. In my memory my sim (during the lost book incident) hadn't been reset. I certainly hadn't asked the landlord to do that and the landlord was actually MIA for over a year (long ago) so the only rollback would have been from another "renter" and I had over half the sim and friends a good portion of the rest. So that kind of cuts the possibility of asked rollback down. Honestly, MY plan is just not to worry about it. TRUE, I don't shop so what I do keep after blogging (very little) was "free" in a sense. That didn't make that first debacle easier though. My whole House and Garden folder. I remember Cheeky Pea sent me another copy of her potter's wheel (no copy back then as that was the norm for H and G) but most everything else I lost except what I had rezzed on my 512 plot. Hence I now "rez what I love" when possible. BUT, if we get so very hung up on losing stuff it complete muffles any joy we can have WITH OUR STUFF. So I have let it go emotionally. I DO however think a fix would be a very good thing since there is obviously a problem -- maybe escalating.
  15. Can't edit my original post (I agree that is a pain) but you can now also watch these at SLArtist here: https://www.slartist.com/browse-the-tutorial-chic-videos-1-date.html No ads. Obviously these are posted like a blog so find the beginning ones further down in the list. The ones with the "Blender" and ONE-TWO-THREE are the mesh tutorials.
  16. Just a visual as without one I am pretty sure I would be lost if I were new - LOL. Depending on the item -- and IF it is the download that is dictating the land impact cost -- then making the item slightly smaller could take the LI down to 2 again. In this example for instance the mesh is all one piece (0.5 server cost), the physics is minimal (typical on small objects - I use a cube as a physics model) and the actual land impact is determined by the download (this example has high LODs at a far distance and decreases easily as it gets smaller). To get the information window to the left, you click on the MORE INFO link (underlined) in the building tab.
  17. Redundancy doesn't seem to be helping at all (at least in the past as recent as three months ago). I had MANY backups of the items under various names and in different subfolders -- also backups taken at different times (months apart) and they ALL disappeared. My missing logo obviously completely disappeared from the database, not just my inventory since NO ONE had a copy who had had one before. The only safeguard that sometimes works is to put a copy of items in a NEW PRIM and keep it rezzed. I tried putting items in the content tab of a book I had made for safekeeping and after an apparently loss went back to the book thinking how smart I was. The book was empty (seemingly reverting to its unfilled state during some database rollback or possibly a sim rollback). Earlier this month I had my filled, triple checked gacha machine revert to at time BEFORE I moved it to On9. I usually fill things early and they sit in a staging area so it was filled way before the opening. I thought it was very odd I wasn't selling things but I was busy and just though "oh well, no one likes it". After over a day a customer wrote to tell me they couldn't play the gacha. Not only was the script missing (it had been there) permissions were also off with some being copy. So this was an old version of the machine before I had added the script or changed the permissions. It was NOT the one I had put out at the event. This has happened before but nothing quite this major -- usually hunt gifts reverting to no buy. Anyway I doubt there is really anything much that WE can do as there do seem to be many kinds of major problems.
  18. Just a couple of thoughts as this seems resolved. Should your EMAIL be accurate (hence changes in email rules with confirmation soon) you get an automated reply stating that you will very likely NOT hear from The Lab about the abuse report. I have sent in many over the years, mostly on the Realms before it was cleaned up and often through my alt. I only received notice once -- and THAT was impressive. Years ago I was over on the Realms (and I think it was "me") and someone was teleporting folks in to block the landing spot on one of the regioins presumably so that they could pick up all the crystals without any competition. I have no idea how they managed that, but they did. The folks coming in would only stay a very short time and then would disappear and then come back. All very strange but certainly not friendly. I reported with a photo and almost INSTANTLY it got remedied. I got an IM asking me some questions. I replied and the bottleneck stopped. The person BEHIND the issue (seemingly) was still there and not booted, but the problem went away. So I suspect that someone is watching that abuse thread. When I had a similar building ugliness (a giant advertisement around a whole sim on a nearby plot, it took a month to fix but it did get fixed eventually. Happily it has been a long while since I had to make a report.
  19. A separate note to say how NICE it is to see some Lindens commenting in the forums these days. Thumbs up!
  20. One of the more interesting threads we have had in awhile :D. It took me back. One thing not mentioned (at least I don't think so as this WAS a long thread so far) is that "old age" does have its perks LOL. I doubt very many of us old timers have issues any longer. Guys (or gals I guess) will come up and hit on you now and then but most often in a polite way. Not a big deal. So getting OLDER is good :D. The only place I ever ran into griefers was in the sandboxes, so those aren't the best to hang out in if you are new (hence targeted as in theory you are easier prey). I suggest that you find a home. Searching the rental listings (and sometimes the forums) will likely find VERY cheap almost free housing --- or sometimes free for new folks. It will likely be less than picturesque but a starting place. Since you love to learn (and I so get that as I spent two days in the induction area (no longer around) when I joined, reading all the signs and practicing stuff) you should also really like exploring possible rentals. It would be VERY unlikely to run into greifers while house-hunting. I go out and look at land and rentals from time to time still just for fun and to see what is out there and how things have changed. To PAY for said super cheap rentals (some are $25 a week) I suggest going over to Linden Realms and picking up crystals. Now you MIGHT run into griefers there but most have HAPPILY been negated by the security now in place -- so unlikely. You can't make lots of lindens there now like you used to but you can collect crystals by running through them (orange is best unless you happen to see a VERY RARE THESE DAYS blue or green). You turn these in at a collection hut AND along they way you definitely learn how to navigate your avatar better. So fun too. Since you presumably haven't been to the Realms before you may be able to go on the quest (I am not sure if it is working now but guessing it might be fixed). If you get a note on your screen when you enter just follow the instructions. The whole point of the quest was to help new folks learn the SL ropes. You can find the Realms in the Destination Guide. Along with MUTE there is also DERENDER which is a handy right click option LOL. Good luck and have fun.
  21. As someone that both blogs (hence lots of furniture to test) and makes animations I can tell you that a large percentage of animations and poses don't work for everyone (like me). So often I end up standing in front of the furniture. As a designer the best thing you can do is to have different sized alts and friends test animations before you buy for your furniture. If you make animations the same advice applies. I try to make my animations (and poses) so that they fit the majority of people, testing on many avatars. Honestly, that makes my animations not as exciting as some others but at least I don't have hands running through legs and heads and such LOL. So I live with the mundane aspects. The best you can do as a consumer is TEST with both you and your friends BEFORE buying. There will likely be SOME animations that will work for you. That is of course unless you just want to change your avatar shapes. You should NEVER (IMHO) buy AOs, poses or animations without thoroughly testing. If you do, you are bound to find some that need to be discarded.
  22. Just a note that as far as I can see sales are back to normal or better after the "Tax Time"slump. My sales are noticeably UP. Since we know that part of the algorithm is percentage of folks that buy after looking, then I agree that the best thing a seller can do is be clear and honest with the description. Having a demo inworld if it demo isn't provided (like with clothes) is also a very good thing. And I think that was super nice of @Dakota Linden to take the time to look at your listing. :D.
  23. I posted a question about inventory in OpenSim on a Google Group mentioning these threads on inventory loss. This was the techy reply I received. Thought it might be of interest.
  24. Well no one is replying so I will let you know that integrated graphics in general are not best for SL. And there have always been issues with AMD. If it doesn't work well when you try, then an older styles 1.23 viewer will likely run things better, like Singularity. You can find a list of accepted third party viewers here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  25. Your post suggests that you are going about things the right way :D. WHILE in your pose you simply right click on the object and choose Attach To> Right Hand (etc.). From there you use the editing tools to rotate and place the object as you want it to look. THIS DOES TAKE PARCTICE. After it is in the right spot, but SURE to detach and attach AGAIN in order to get it to "stick" at the rotation and placement you have defined. There are no scripts necessary.
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