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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. YES - what arton said :D. Go shopping inworld with your LOD set at 2 and find some good plants. There are plenty of them. I suggest mesh ones over sculpts for so many reasons it would be silly to start listing! Remember that even if YOU can see you plants now, many of your visitors will not be able to .
  2. Along with everything else said, note that movies (Netflix, Amazon, YouTube etc) stream with a buffer and "smartness" that can detect your bandwidth and adjust for you. SL is not the same at all. You can check your actual speed either through your ISP or by going to Google and typing in "speed test" where you will get various sites and as Rolig said direct connection rather than wireless is always better (I get 25% more and don't have to worry about the router (mine is a combo set, but still).
  3. I have stated this before and while there are plenty of things that The Lab does that I don't agree with. Their platform --- their rules --- you agreed to them -- you can leave. That is really the bottom line. We each choose to stay or leave.
  4. Chic Aeon

    Land Problem

    I have never seen this but it sounds like something to do with scripts? Have you gone into the sim tools and checked to see what scripts might be running that shouldn't be? It could be something left and missed from the last owner (assuming this isn't a new sim). If it is a new sim then there could be something wrong with the script engine? (not really a scripts person, just thinking out loud). Have you restarted the sim? That would certainly be a first step and then talking to concierge. Good luck.
  5. I don't make fitted mesh but logically -- LOL this wont work simply because the prim you are linking to the dress (should you be able to do that) NEEDS TO BE RIGGED along with the skirt, dress etc. This has come up many times in the mesh forums with regular standard sizing mesh. I see no reason why the same rules wouldn't apply to fitted mesh. The mesh you attach will attach (I am thinking -- still not a clothes maker) to the center of the fitted mesh object. You can adjust from there while standing still or in pose mode but the minute YOU move the prim you attached (not rigged to your avatar) will move away from the fitted mesh.
  6. I watch land for fun and have for almost a decade. 512 waterfront mainland is one of the most precious since it is tier free AND protected. If it is on sailable water it claims an even higher price. While some plots of mainland are simply overprices by tons, the lots you are looking for do sell at those high prices. I sold a couple for 22,000 and 20,000. I took a quick swoop around my continent and found some for 9,900 but I think that is about as cheap as you will find. The best way is to just wander around the waterfront on the map and look at small parcels. You might find something in your price range. I will say that I haven't seen anything that cheap on waterfront in years. Good luck!
  7. @Ryker Silvercloud I have been known to be a bit dense at times ^^. I woke up this morning and realized that your "black blob area" issue WAS my black blob area issue and that the cushions (very plain) of my couch were not loading === the same apparently with the pillars in my house. What is very odd about that as both are very low poly with high LOD upload settings and they didn't always have that issue. So either something changed on the server or on my computer. BUT mystery is solved, so THANK YOU! :D.
  8. I can remember a lot of ghosting in the olden days :D. The support person would "pluck" me out and I would be OK LOL. And others could see you (and walk through you) LONG after you thought you logged out.
  9. @valerie Inshan gave you all the info needed. You can put in an abuse report on the people who offended you (you should have done that at the time and there of course). The Lab has all the open and private chat logs of everyone so they can check if they want. Unless there is something much more major than name calling I suspect they do not care. My advice is to find some better sims to hang out in .
  10. LOL. Now and then it has it moments. I have to admit it has been awhile though :D. That made me smile. Thanks.
  11. I wanted to add something to this thread even though it is in theory "done" (always a good thing). I have always traveled between two worlds -- that is SL and RL and out there in 37654B *wink*. I DO try and pass on what I have learned and I am happy that folks are listening -- especially when I am correct. I have never (crosses fingers and hopes this is true but thinks it is) said that I do things the BEST way. I know I don't. I DO however TEST up a STORM which means that while I seldom make my own LODs I do test to see what folks are seeing. It helps that most of my mesh is pretty darn low poly to start with (not always but most often). I do FREQUENTLY use the "zeroed out" lowest LOD setting for my mesh. That being said I also TEST (test - test - test) to see how that is working. Do I need to see a book halfway across a sim -- nope, I do not. That's my choice and my position and I am sticking with it. I build for LOD 2 folks (sometimes down below that, now and then at 3 when I really want something that looks fantastic and isn't "practical" for SL). I really do not care (yes, cold hearted) about the people using the very lowest LOD settings. If I went that route, that would be unfair to the folks that do have great machines, have spent money to get them and that LIVE HERE (like me). That likely doesn't make sense to some folks, but it is my choice. So never think that I believe I am doing the very best that I could. I have made compromise, but they have been intentional. I believe that all creators have a right to make choices. I don't always applaud them all, but I do recognize their right TO their choices. And with that I am FINALLY getting off for the day. Wine in hand I go forward to Netflix .....
  12. Ahhhh. Well hopefully you will never have "my" black mass issue as it is NOT a dark bake behind my pillows LOL; there are no pillows . And yes, our early thoughts (and sometimes tutorials) stay with us and can at times haunt us. We all hopefully keep learning and get better. Today I found a way to make a very convincing pillow. I knew it was too high polly for our needs (and it IS) but I have also learned along the way -- some trial and error and some from other's comments including things here on this forum (LOTS on this forum when I was just starting) and so tomorrow I can take that "so not game asset" method and make it work for SL. Your couch is quite lovely by the way! Glad your issues are fixed. There are times happily when it really isn't "US"! Hallelujah.
  13. That message shows up fairly often and at least sometimes has nothing to do with banning. I get it now and then and then I try logging in again maybe two minutes later and all is fine. I suggest going with the "log into another sim" idea which would certainly be my next step could I not get in. Log in some place that is usually working like "Smith" or "Plum" (both easy to remember and type in). Note that the message USED to show up very very often, not so much these days.
  14. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3298.07 MHz) Memory: 16286 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 14393) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 21.21.0013.7653 OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 376.53 Always run on ultra with various long distances and at LOD2 (for mesh testing purposes) Multiple avatars, busy areas all good. Always have shadows on. No issues with depth of filed on or with fancy smooth shadows. Very high FPS (I have seen 170) I have a solid state drive for programs and secondary hard drive for data but not sure that makes much difference for SL. Maybe.
  15. I don't use Substance Painter but some general hints would be to use a HIGH resolution when capturing (or baking) your initial image. The screenshot idea is indeed bad. My monitor resolution is 2560 and I capture "photos" at over 6000 for example (most photographers and bloggers do this -- well the ones with the pretty pictures. If you are BAKING in item (such as you would in Blender) then use a high resolution there also (I usually use 500 dpi but not everyone's machine can handle that -- still, as clear as you can get). Once you have resized your image to 1024 (don't upload at 2048 as you will just get more blur when SL resizes for you) you will most likely need to sharpen somehow to get those lost pixels looking a bit like they did before. This will depend totally on your graphics software options. I use "High Pass Sharpen" most often and there are adjustments within that I can change depending on need. I agree some folks have glorious photos and textures. It COULD be that they simply have a much better computer and newer software :D. The playing ground is not level. Good luck.
  16. Original inworld building blocks that come as part of the viewer. These are not as efficient as mesh that can be made in a 3D program BUT the viewer has a built in recognition system so they still work well. The prim cube has many more vertices than a simple mesh cube made in Blender or Maya etc. This was so light would refract more realistically. Prim count can often be lowered by changing the default PRIM status to CONVEX HULL but that only works well with simple shapes (not hollowed or cut) as those can end up having areas you cannot walk into (bad physics). That's a start. Prims are still a viable form of building but mesh has taken over in the "high end" market. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Primitive
  17. Well first of all you did a FANTASTIC job explain with pictures and all the info one could want. So many gold stars (kudos) there. This does seem to be a newish issue and it has been talked about here on the forums before but briefly with no solution. Edit: I was talking about the BLACK breakup that you see on photo #3. Since I am wondering if this is a graphics card issue I am going to paste my specs in here: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3298.07 MHz) Memory: 16286 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 14393) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 21.21.0013.7653 OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 376.53 Edit: I use the Firestorm viewer. I noticed this the first time a couple of months ago and it was on a couch "I" had made :D. The same areas that appear black in yours appeared black in mine. My couch was lower poly with higher LOD settings than yours. I thought it might be the texture as mine couch pieces didn't (don't as it still happens now and then) break up with the LODS like yours, it simply lost the texture and became all black. Uploading a new texture didn't help and then I started noticing the same issue on certain prim parts of the house I had moved into (not mine but made by a very competent mesh maker so unlikely a mesh issue itself. As I type I see arton has posted on this. Ah technology and the new forums. Anyway it seems like this is with us for awhile. I had never see the issue before. And I see that arton is talking about the LOD settings and I am concerned with that big black mass LOL. I would like to encourage you to change your LOD settings down to 2 at least. Many to most folks have them set there because they just use the defaults or they cannot turn them up to 4 because of computer issues. The world is VERY different looking at 2 or below and it is good to see how your mesh appears to others. There are some long threads on LODs (one from around last Christmas as I was working on things for Advent) that might be helpful so far as how to upload (not the black issue). I am still seeing the black areas now and then and actually that doesn't seem to be an LOD issue as I am close to both couch and pillars in the walls of the house. So I have no clue about that. I am not a custom LOD maker as my efforts in that (and likely the box modeling style I use) haven't shown that it is an advantage for me. I DO however test at low LOD settings (and leave mine at 2 now). But just in general I try and make my items hold their shape at a much further distance than is necessary - at LOD2. Edit: I agree with arton that this is a typical "problem". I also cam in and out (often halfway across a sim) and seldom move. So I would consider THAT part of your experience normal --- not that it helps if it frustrates you.
  18. Here is the wiki page on "getting back missing inventory" http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss Note that there have been reports lately of an escalating problem with inventory loss that was NOT retrievable. Good luck!
  19. Are you using the latest version of your viewer? It sounds a bit like what people see when they are viewing Bento heads and hands but don't have a Bento viewer. I haven't seen that on anyone but I am using the lastest version of Firestorm. I guess it could possibly be an issue if you are on one of the pre-release Linden Viewers, but it does sound like a viewer issue. A photo might be helpful for others.
  20. If you want larger than the 512 maximum square upload in that mode you will need to save to your computer and then upload from there. Just one more step. If you do this a lot you might put that suggestion for a change to 1024 in your Firestorm "want" list. I suspect they could make that an option.
  21. A 1024 mainland lot only costs $5 a month which is half of the monthly cost of the premium account now. So if you are willing to pay double the account fee, then it seems like the $5 shouldn't be an issue. You can also rent for much less than that.
  22. You might get more replies if you noted the pay. Also you may find that hourlly isn't the best method of payment. I completed a two sim installation making all the mesh and everything in the sim in five days. So "a few hours a day" forever wouldn't be appropriate. Just a thought *wink*. Good luck on your event!
  23. Well if you are really that new as you seem to be then the easiest thing would be to make another account. You can also reset your avatar (might be good to try that first). In order to appear you need a "skin, hairbase, shape and eyes". I think that is it. Make sure you have all those items on. You can also try picking a new avatar from the avatar list. Avatar> Choose and Avatar and that may solve your issue.
  24. Things are constantly changing and "tightening", partly because of fraud. I have seen other threads where are verified bank account was needed. I have not clue, but you might want to look up "Skrill" or something close to that --- someone will know -- as that is apparently an optional way to buy lindens. The easiest thing if you can would be to attach a bank account to your Paypal :D.
  25. I am pretty sure that full frontal nudity (or anything other than G rated stuff) is acceptable on the forums. You might want to replace that photo with something more clothed and less "exotic" :D.
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