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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. It could possibly have something to do with tier payments too as the folks that I have hear have higher cashout limits also have higher tier payments. I have none; I rent . Ah the mystery. I am just glad I didn't have to redo that IRS "yes I am a real person" thing. THAT was a pain with our PO Boxes only in my town. Onward! EDIT: So I went back and looked again and there IS something about tier level that I missed before so while I can SELL 1999 I can only process credit 999. Seems like that is the answer and I feel better knowing it LOL. So apparently owning more land let's you save a bit on fees :D. Your current tier is: Resident 1 LindeX L$ Buy Limit (24 hr): US $0.00 of US $1999.00 used LindeX L$ Buy Limit (30 days): US $0.00 of US $1999.00 used LindeX L$ Sell Limit (24 hr): US $0.00 of US $1999.00 used LindeX L$ Sell Limit (30 days): US $xxxxxx of US $1999.00 used US$ Process Credit (24 hr): US $0.00 of US $999.00 used US$ Process Credit (30 days): US $999.00 of US $999.00 used
  2. All very strange. I always sell at 100,000 linden so I can keep track of how the money is fluctuating. Or maybe they just don't like me LOL. A friend of mine said he HAD a limit and that it is still the same. Not sure if it was a sales limit though as I too didn't think there was a cash out limit before. So perhaps one has been tied to another. Moving on. Some of my money is hopefully on its way.
  3. @Rya Well in December I sent almost $2000 to Paypal with no issues, so yes == something has changed. The other possibilities for the change could be wanting to limit the amount of money going out per day and / or a governmental issue. I suspect from some other comments I have heard that you may now need to prove a need. So unless you are making over $999.99 a month it may indeed be difficult to get your limit upped. Some folks that I have talked to assured me that they either had no limit or that their limit was high. I am wondering if that is still the case as mine obviously changed :D. Time will tell. PS. Have you check recently to see if you are STILL at $2000. I am thinking they may have rolled back folks as they definitely rolled back me :D.
  4. I too thought today that perhaps the issue was that the demos were not linked. I of course like most shoppers was looking at the item for sale and then looking for the linked demo in that listing. The bottom line in all of this -- and not just to the OP -- is that with the market the way it is content creators need to up their game. They need to make better and sell things for less money -- hoping that VOLUME evens things up. I went through my Marketplace listings (many years worth and some old things as mentioned still sell well) last year and took good looks at the products. Were they worth the price? Did they need to be redone? New vendor photos? Just dump them as too old and dull? All of those questions had some yes answers. I redid a lot of vendor photos to make items more appealing. I updated some items that needed it and deleted some that were nostalgic but really not worthy these days. All of that helped. People want more for their bucks these days and many of us have very happy and complete inventories already so something needs to really appeal to us for purchases to happen. The big years of never ending influxes of new folks needing things is over. So, it may indeed be a good time to reassess and decide what you want to do with your products and your brand. It is always a choice and one person's answer won't be another's. Happy creating.
  5. Up at the top of your viewer in the info panel it states (in the sandbox my alt uses anyway) : Mesh Sandbox - 12 Hour Return, Mesh Sandbox 3 (161, 42, 22) - Moderate That has been consistent for a very long time and things do disappear after 12 hours if you forget to take them back up. Some folks are there with the same project every day, so it may appear they are more permanent, but my things have definitely disappeared at the 12 hour mark. All the official sandboxes I have been to have had the time limit in the land tab so it is easy to see.
  6. I clicked on a BUNCH and so no demos. Example (one of five) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Zans-Stroller-dress-petit-blue/10590173 But I did find one eventually that had a demo :D. So maybe "more" demos is a better comment **wink**.
  7. I found out the hard way today. BIG CHANGES AS OF MONDAY. All you need to know is here LOL. SURPRISE!!!! See this post.
  8. Only trying to be helpful :D. #1 You have no DEMOS. That is a huge thing. Most folks won't buy mesh clothes without demos and for good reason. #2 You customer base genre has diminished notably over the years. I know as I used to blog and wear those type of clothes often maybe six years ago. Sad and I miss them, but with less people to buy you have a problem. #3 In general prices in SL have gone down a LOT. This even for the very top of the line items. Population is in decline and there seem to be just as many or more retailers :D. Hence competition. Check out those selling your type of items and see what they are charging. #4 Your vendor photos are very old school. You need avatars in your clothes, good lighting, nice backgrounds --- things that will make folks want to buy. But the biggest deterrent you have IMHO is the lack of demos for the mesh.
  9. Well I wouldn't say a texture covering a whole body makes a mesh body irrelevant. We look SO much smoother and shapelier AND poses look better (hence AOs are more pleasing also as any imperfections in alignment get buffered by the mesh "skin"). I still use texture garments, but as you have found out, these need to be made into appliers now. Many clothing creators have abandoned standard sizing meshes for body specific fitmesh and when done correctly (and not just CALLING something "Maitreya fit") it is a dream come true. So yes, time to rethink your creating. I started learning mesh making four years ago and it has been a struggle but "I am there" now and happy of it. Folks pretty much don't buy prim buildings any longer either. I have a few old things on the marketplace still that sell from time to time at deeply discounted prices, but the majority of folks want mesh and appliers. Its been a long while since good mesh bodies appeared on the scene. I am not being factious when I say -- if you want to keep creating as you are creating and not learn new skills -- that you think about Opensim. There, most folks still use texture clothes. There is one mesh body for women but it is $25 US plus I think some fee from Kitely (I have never purchased using Paypal) but most of us are hanging around like the olden days.
  10. Well anyone trying to cash out more than $1000 at once. If I send out money (999.99) now it will cost me extra FEE which I am guessing is again part of the point. AND it is very hard to tell exactly how much you actually get from turning in lindens with the new multiple listing of SO many buyers. I've been taking screenshots with dates. It isn't a fortune but it is going to cost more money to cash out now. At least we have more prims on our land LOL. Governments big and small and virtual -- not my favorites at the moment. PS. I just cashed out 999.00 dollars and got 984.02 so there is no way to "beat" that $15 charge now unless you jump through a bunch of hoops.
  11. Well I have the answer although it isn't fixed for me yet. My comment from support sent me to a page talking about new cashing out limits (also buying and selling limits but that wasn't my problem). The thing is, if I can only cash out $1000 at one time, that costs me more because of the new FEEEEEEE from last year. So I would certainly prefer to have my cash out limit upped. It is very obvious that I am not laundering money with all the $50 gacha payments from tons of different avatars LOL. And not like I am NEW. NOTE THIS IS NEW AS OF MONDAY ACCORDING TO THE ARTICLE. Anyway here is the page for anyone that needs to know. BEWARE -- THINGS HAVE CHANGED. https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/2136-new-adjustments-to-monthly-process-credit-limits/
  12. Well you did a great job testing and that was certainly the thing to do. I have a GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 with 4 Gb of ram and I have issues with BLACK areas (not pink or gray but they are on mesh so maybe that is the difference) just on a VERY FEW things. One of them was something I made and so I made the texture lower resolution as a test and that didn't help a thing. It still often loads black while everything else in the room on a good running sim is fine. So you know it is your sim and I hope that gets resolved. My issue is still a mystery but I am guessing it is only MY issue as both my products and the house I am in that someone else made but that I see parts of as black have sold very well :D. Still, a pain. PS. Unfortunately the "clean install" advice rarely works. It's a bit like tech support telling you it is YOUR modem and not them *wink*.
  13. So since the increase in fees I have been waiting to cash out in order to get the fee percentage down (which I am guessing was the reason for the change :D). Anyway, can't cash out. I get a message that I have gone over my Lindex Limit but of course that has nothing to do with sending money to Paypal as the US dollars are already there. Yes, I completed a ticket, but wondering if the message SHOULD have been "you need to reconfirm you RL person details". I didn't have to last year and it is a pain for me as my town ONLY has mail boxes, not home delivery and getting someone to realize that is almost impossible (many times, many places). So has anyone else had to reconfirm their info on file for the IRS? I am hoping the website is just not working right :D. Thanks.
  14. This post pretty much explains what you need to do. For each of your house pieces you need a separate physics piece THAT IS NAMED CORRECTLY so that the uploader knows which physics model goes with which piece.
  15. Linden Lab has repeatedly stated officially that they are making a tidy profit and that that profit is in many ways supporting the new platform. So I won't worry about solvency. Things can always change of course and concurrency and land stats are definitely down since the big boom of many years ago. Still, there are tons of folks doing lots of things and enjoying themselves. It is still the place to be for this type of virtual world.
  16. Also note that there are MANY more clothes made for the Maitreya body than for the others. Many designers only make clothes for Maitreya and some just for Maitreya and Slink. There is a big section of designers that no longer make clothes for the standard legacy bodies so if you want to be "fashionable" be sure and check out the clothes that you like before deciding on a body. You could choose a body that you like but find there is very little made to wear "on" it :D.
  17. No problems on four. My alt was there for the first time in many months this afternoon :D. The only thing I noted on four was that the cave was broken. Aside form minimal greens and blues (not new) things seemed to be pretty much the same. If you watch your chat and stand by the gate it will "call" the gates as they come up.
  18. :D. Yes there is a very easy way to fix that. But I am going to smile along with Pamela since it is very unlikely you could have made that mesh head and not know how to fix your current issue or even exactly what the issue is. You didn't tell us what program you USED to make your head. There is in fact an apparent bug in Blender that "could" have caused this and isn't fixed in the newest version. It is very easy to work around and taking the extra steps needed in your workflow makes it not such a big deal. I do wish however it would get fixed :D. We could of course be wrong. If you put up a screenshot of your baking set up someone in whatever program you use can likely help.
  19. Here is some official info on what to check: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss THAT being said, know that things do disappear from inventory. I have had four MAJOR losses over the years, the biggest being my whole "home and garden" goods folder (and I blog so it was big). If none of the steps in that wiki help, then you can chat up live support if you are premium. I have not known that to work actually but hey, worth a try. Things do from time to time return -- typically single items showing up in VERY odd places (like in a completely different folder of another year or another type of item). So watch for oddities in the next few months. The best you can do is make a lot of backups, put things that you can in a NEWLY rezzed box and store on your land for extra backup. And remember that creations almost always improve over time so eventually what you lost won't be as important as it seems now; there will be items to replace the things lost. Good luck.
  20. It depends on the gacha script in your machine. Some want you to write the exact name of the rare in a field inside the script, other want you to write RARE after the name of the product. You designate the cost in the script or in the description field (again depends on the script). So basically find your gacha machine with a script or a script and make your own machine and go from there.
  21. I agree it may be the graphics card or driver but the OP is looking for a viewer that will take pictures with shadows AND see Bento, so rolling back isn't going to work. I suggested they try the Linden viewer to see if there was the same issue. They didn't write back so maybe it got solved.
  22. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/buying-and-selling-linden-dollars-r46/
  23. Each avatar can only have one store. So you would need to make another avatar and let "them" have a store also. It does get messy for those of us that make a variety of things and / or have a long time creating.
  24. Also, depending on the head it could be very heavy mesh. Anything that is very heavy (I even had jeans once but more often shoes when mesh was new) can be left behind. If it is a name brand head then that is unlikely but there are SOME pretty well known ones out there that have issues and have been talked about here. Check your Avatar Rendering Complexity. If it is a lot more than 3500 (no issues with that) it could be the head. Here is an article from awhile back that might help: http://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2016/08/jellydolls-and-avatar-rendering-costs.html
  25. Yes there are plenty of usable sandboxes out there. Some searching will get you to them. And depending on what you want to do, the beta grid sandboxes while not neat are almost always calm. Everyone is busy working on their own project. Another way to deal is to place a platform way up in the sky and work there. Derender anyone being a pain.
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