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  1. Ive been trying to find the TWI Dire MOD. I can find attachments for it, but not the dire mod itself....Anyone know where to find it?
  2. Rossco, you're a dick. first of all, no family has that rule. Second of all, you are just coming here to flaunt yourself. I highly doubt that you are even having an issue. An incase you think I am stating something that I don't know... We have met in SL before. We have some mutual friends...or at least we did. And we all agree. YOU ARE A DICK!
  4. If its time to learn mesh, then I am screwed. I have tried building mesh before. I do better at Building something in prims, then meshing it and reloading it.
  5. Aye. I know. And yes I mean in Open sim. As for updating my graphics driver, its an Integrated Intel HD, and it says its already fully updated. And there is no slots in my PC for adding one.
  6. Aye. I have tried it on everyt sim, and on multiple grid s and with several viewers. They all do the same thing. Thank you for the suggestion though.
  7. Let me try to clarify. I have this issue even with new items (which is how I found it, I was working on a new weapon for a friend). I just cant use those functions. Everything else, I can, but not those. I have rezzed every shape that is up there, and they all refuse to let me use those features.
  8. For the last several weeks I have been building, and had no issue with the Path Cut feature and the Slice/dimple feature. Then On Tuesday, I realized that neither were working, and I need both to finish a project I am working on. I have tried another viewer, and it to has the same issue. Is this an issue with the settings on my viewer? an SL bug? Has anyone else had this issue, and if so have they figured out what is happening to it? And, last of all, can someone please tell me how to fix the issue?
  9. JoelTyrone


    well. That sucks. SL needs toi make an undo button.
  10. JoelTyrone


    I moved a folder by accident and didn't see what it was. Is there some way to reverse this action?
  11. Thank you all for responding. I will certainly try what you hav suggested. Thank you for replying!
  12. I know how scripts work. I know the basics. I say Beginning because it seems that is I dont, people assume I know what they are talking of. Im used to scripting weapons, not drones. That's why I need the help
  13. Im trying to script a flying object that roams around my sim. Im trying to script it soi that it only "sees" an avatar that Is in front of its "eye" , and only in Line of Sight. I need to know how to make It roam, how to make it sense an avatar that is only in its line of sight, and only fire its weapons at people of a certain group. Any help is appreciated. Leave a comment here, or contact me inworld.
  14. Dont know then I still wonder if it my wolverine claws I was making
  15. nope maybe it was my wolverine claws?
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