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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Yes, of course there are plenty of shops that don't cater to "sexy" outfits. Try going to some shopping events. There you will find a variety of styles, can try some demos and maybe find a few designers that are your style. Then join their free groups if they have one and get news on new releases and now and then some gifts. Here is a list of the main monthly shopping events: http://seraphimsl.com/category/recurring-events/monthly/ Some are hard to get into when they first open, but easier in a few days. There is an alphabetical drop down menu. I suggest Uber and FaMESHed for the type of things you are looking for, but many events will likely have things you will like. Some things in that list are venues for houses, some for risky stuff (Kinky would be one of those). So find your events and then visit them monthy or in some cases bimonthly or every three months. Good luck shopping.
  2. It should be also noted that you can RENT mainland much cheaper than paying tier on the mainland and have almost all the control that you would when owning. You need to find a long term stable landlord of course. I I pay $52 a month renting over $75 a month if I owned. That can add up.
  3. The higher the traffic, the higher the placement in PLACES. It's as simple as that. I did a ton of searches and all of them had the highest traffic places at the top. Hence, traffic gets you to the top of the list in PLACES. People naturally look at the top of the list as the wander through the listings. This has nothing to do with other searches, only when searching within PLACES. While you CAN change the listing to alphabetical, I suspect most "smart" searchers will look at the most popular places first. Much easier in long lists. Example of two basic search terms.
  4. I certainly haven't heard that area camping is illegal. In fact it is still listed on the SL wiki as a way to "earn" money. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_Earn_Linden_Dollars_in_Second_Life#Camping Granted the wikis are often out of date but there are still listing for camping for money in search. BUT there is certainly much LESS camping than nine or ten years ago. And the folks camping DO give something back. Even though traffic is not a big part of search engine criteria in some areas, it is indeed important in PLACES search. The trick will be finding places as there really aren't that many. If you can do the money trees and they are still around (have no clue) then that is indeed a fun way to get some Lindens and it also helps with SL skills like camming :D. You can also earn money at The Realms -- just not as much as in previous times as the blues and green show up VERY RARELY.
  5. It should be fine -- but : it will depend somewhat on what you are doing IN Blender. You will probably want to keep your render settings low (the default is 20 I think). If you are baking in cycles be prepared to wait awhile for any kind of complex item at any clear setting. If you really only want a 512 texture then you will probably want to bake to a 512. You should have no issue with the modeling part. And if you are patient enough things will bake. But it does depend a lot on your graphics card. If it is an integrated one, that's not so good. Again, it really REALLY depends on what you are planning to do within Blender. Blender Render will no doubt work better for you than Blender Cycles.
  6. Did you READ the Terms of Use? Better do that before you start creating or log in :D.
  7. If you are trying to cancel your account, this is not the place. If you have "moved on" then you will likely not see this. The forums are for resident chats and are not official in any way.
  8. It IS confusing and really the terms are wrong. When you "buy" from a private landholder (island rather than mainland continent) you are pretty much "leasing". You have more rights than some mainland rentals -- or not, it depends on the land owner. Many private lands that are for rent- lease are $1 to buy in, yours was a weeks rent but sounds like it was used as rent -- so pretty much the same thing. Your 512 tier waiver is only applicable to MAINLAND which you do BUY (prices vary widely). From then on the tier payment comes out of your dollar balance or gets charged through Paypal. You can STILL have a 512 on mainland for free. But you will need to purchase it. There are plenty of 512 lots for $512, I have seen them as low as $300. So mainland lots are different than private land lots. You don't need to be premium to buy private lands; you do to buy mainland.
  9. It works. You need to choose "help" as it directs you then follow the chat commands.
  10. We call that bad mesh physics. A one prim mesh house? Well I have a two land impact one that you can rez in right on the floor LOL, but you need to know the rules. Glad you figured it out. IF you add a regular prim "rug" on the floor of your house by making it and then dragging inside, you will be able to rez inside your house.
  11. HMMMM. That seems pretty much like crossing the line for some, many, a majority of SL folks. I wish you luck but I agree with @CheriColette that I will pass **wink**.
  12. I was speaking about shopping VENUES as in EVENTS like FaMESHed, The Crossroads, Cosmopolitan etc, not individual stores. Of course there are plenty of stores for shopping on A rated lands. Back when Dutchies changed from G to A the rules were more strict. That must have been at least five years ago :D.
  13. @Phil Deakins Sorry not clear on my comment. I don't actually know of any popular shopping venue beside Kinky that is on adult land. What I was referring to are the typical monthly shopping venue events (I am in a few) that are on MODERATE lands. I questioned that practice and was told more than once by different owners that it was NOT against the maturity ratings. Obviously sex furniture is OK in adult :D. They are not allowed in the one event I am in on GENERAL lands.
  14. The only way that SL goods get legally to Opensim is if the original creator imports them there and then sells them with their rights (as in rigged clothing templates) to their customers. Some texture makers give rights to their full perm textures as part of their SL EUL agreement.
  15. Actually a lot of the older rules of a decade ago have been relaxed. I was told by several fairly official people in charge of Linden lands that nudity was no longer banned in Moderate regions as long it was things like showering or sunbathing and not sexual. The current official page no longer mentioned nudity as taboo in Moderate https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/maturity-ratings-r52/Section_.1.3 And sex furniture is often set out for trial at popular shopping venues these days. It sounds more like keywords in advertising is the thing you need to watch. Still, personally I would have a dress code that covered "bits" :D.
  16. You still see ads for models now and then but not as often as say six years ago. And there are still people looking for logos to be made. But honestly, most creators I know nowadays do most of the work themselves. Back in SL's glory days there was a fair amount of outsourcing, now it is mostly to scripters and hud makers, who still as I understand it make a very fair wage doing what they do. Probably best not to look at SL as an income maker and just enjoy. You CAN make money here, but the hourly wage doesn't compare except for a few folks.
  17. Just like all of Agni isn't a sandbox, neither is all of Aditi. You need to type sandbox into the map to find one. The mesh sandboxes VERY VERY VERY RARELY change. I have logged into to the same Mesh Sandbox for many month. The sandboxes are there for people to upload mesh and test. You can upload textures and animations anywhere on Aditi for free, but you cannot rez everywhere. So find yourself a sandbox and then log into the same location the next time, not "home".
  18. You can also have two emails that go to one account. Linden Lab would of course know the typist is the same person through the over $600 or whatever IRS thing. I as Chic actually have an account that I have never used. I set it up long ago so that someone that wanted a machinima could pay me and not know who the typist was. That film didn't come to pass so the account has never been used. But was at least possible a few years ago.
  19. I figured that was the purpose to and so didn't even apply. If I make over a thousand a month I imagine they will increase my ability to cash out. Otherwise what do I do with the money LOL. Thanks for verifying my suspicions. I see you have an empty post. They REALLY need to fix it so you can delete. Even starting to answer and then changing your mind is messy. :D. BUT the translate function within the forums is pretty darn cool. Thumbs up there.
  20. Sorry read that post as for me and now I can't figure out how to delete LOL. Will keep working on that.
  21. It is illegal to transfer any Second Life Content to OpenSim unless you made it yourself or have rights to do so from the original creator. So no, there is no legal way to take your SL goods to OpenSim. You CAN export mesh and textures you made back to your computer and then upload into Opensim. You still need to "remake" things there though. Nothing is instant.
  22. Be sure and CHECK the visual LODs inworld after you upload (the beta grid is good for that). It won't do you any good to have your (hair, shoes, jewelry etc) disappear at ten meters away. Not everyone is using LOD setting of 4. You will discover that sometimes the uploader will do a good job and other times it will not. Also test your Avatar Complexity of the item. Honestly 4LI is a lot these days, most of my (high end - smart designers) items are 1 and can be seen from great distances and have LOTS of details. It all comes with time. Practice and paying attention to settings and smart modeling is key. The decimate modifier is not REALLY your friend IMHO. Best not to rely on it :D. @arton Rotaru had a very good point. Depending on how things are modeled, some items cannot be set to one li per material for the lowest setting. There's a hint there that maybe you should be modeling differently *wink*. Sometimes our ideas don't translate well into game assets. Just the way it is.
  23. You do not need either (or any really) plugins for Blender. Plenty of folks have been making items (even clothes and animations) with JUST Blender. That being said, most people making CLOTHES do use Avastar to make things easier. I didn't even know what Sparkles was and had to look it up :D. Making clothes is a complex skill that pretty much comes AFTER you can make other things in Blender (or any other 3D program). So work on general skills first and then worry about buying addons after you find out if you like creating in 3D. There is a learning curve; no doubt about it. Not everyone enjoys the journey. There are tons of Blender tutorials out there. Only some are made for our Second Life type world that needs "game assets". Others will teach you things but not necessarily what you need to know for here -- so be prepared to wade though. Here is my list of TEXT tutorials. There are some beginning ones in there as well as info on learning cycles -- that's after you understand the basics. There are also some very good and clear (and old so the interface doesn't match) tutorials made by Neal Hirsig here: https://vimeo.com/channels/blendervideotutorials I believe these were made for a college class. He goes slowly and explains well, but the difference in the interface may be a problem when you are new to Blender. Still, a good resource for later.
  24. BEYOND the Intellectual copyright issues, if you read the Second Life Terms of Service (since August 2013) you are not allowed to upload anything (including graphics) that you do not own the copyright to or have expressed permission to use from the copyright holder. Public domain graphics would be an exception as I understand it (not an attorney) as well as creative commons 0 items (discussion on this but I am going to side with the its OK folks). Of course a fair percentage of content creators overlook that part of the TOS -- and it appears (since Ebbe bought the Golden Gate Bridge from Turbosquid and used it as an example in a Sansar video) that those same rules will not apply in Sansar. Why they are still here when there are completely unpoliced anyway is a mystery. I suspect it is just a CYA move :D.
  25. @Lutricia Roux OK then. I have NO CLUE. Thanks LOL but see @Rya Nitely's post above yours. She is Level 2 and her levels for cashing out are double mine now (not before the change). Edit: Oh, I see what you meant now about the "levels" not being about land. Gotcha.
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