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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. 8f8 items have been traditionally "heavy". I only have one thing I think but I can remember going to venues with lots of (very lovely) 8f8 items and not being able to move. It was molasses. So IF you only have the disappearing issue at home where there are those 8f8 items then likely that is the problem. There can of course be OTHER mesh that is too dense. Happily a lot of content creators are doing a good job on both vertices and LODs.
  2. I was thinking the same thing a day or so ago. I don't go to the beta grid any longer, my alt does all the testing. When they first instituted the "link" between grids it was a mess and I lost a LOT of stuff on Agni and it took me a week just to get my inventory working in any semblance of normalcy. That being said, I "could" be helpful for scripts and textures. It would SEEM like you could send full perm items to your alt(s), but unfortunately I had an occurrence where that did no good at all. ALL instances (many different UUIDs) disappeared from the grid no matter who had them. So there must be a hierarchy in the database with the original item and then all the copies of that item. All very strange but definitely something is wrong (not new news but seemingly getting worse). You COULD export any mesh you had made if needed. In theory you should have that on your hard drive -- anything recent anyway. I have considered Opensim a "cloud backup" for a couple of years. It has saved me a time or two for sure.
  3. There was a time when the web profiles were new that uploading there did change your inworld profile photo. The problem was that with 75% or so of folks in Firestorm with a 3 to 4 ish ratio and the web (then anyway - I never go there) at 1:1 that the photo look BAD "somewhere". So it may have been purposefully changed. Just a thought. I only uploaded to the web once long ago and didn't like the way it worked so now I just upload inworld. You CAN use the "local" feature to test how your profile picture will look, and that is a nice thing.
  4. Here is the playlist (currently 8 videos) for the new Blender Cycles Tutorials. This starts pretty much at the beginning assuming very little knowledge of Blender although I am sure I left out some things along the way.
  5. @ChinRey Well yes Rotation and Scale is mandatory for manual unwrapping which I always do. I just ALSO apply all those things before exporting :D.
  6. Good to know about the SL OS differences and thanks. Your ideas about where the problems are coming from may be correct for some folks but I have no issues logging in (like EVER unless the grid is down), I never clear my cache unless I have a real issue (like mesh being invisible which hasn't happened in a long while) and don't have thousands of items in a single folder LOL. So none of those reasons answer why I am (and have always) had issues. I can't say that my inventory losses are any WORSE than they have always been (I seem to average about one giant (10,000 items ish) loss a year or two with some smaller not too handy but not catastrophic losses in between. They certainly haven't improved though. And my inventory is only 30,000 as I have mentioned and I do PURPOSEFULLY empty my trash fairly often AFTER CLOSELY CHECKING the contents *wink*. I really can't think of anything else I can do to fix this on MY end. Any ideas are welcome.
  7. While Dakota's info is important and will likely increase your Marketplace sales if you have not already made those adjustments, the most likely reason for sales dropping is that it is TAX TIME IN THE UNITED STATES. This is an historical low sales time -- not just in SL but in RL also. I agree my sales were down and procrastinators did their taxes and many found that they owed money --- hence no extra money to play with in SL. I have seen this every year since I have been here and yep, it was that way this year to. Not really much to do about it but recognize the cause and work on things for AFTER tax time (around the middle of the month each April).
  8. A note about having things all in one top folder (like Objects). Aside from being beyond messy and impossible to find things, there is a possible prolem with too many things in one folder. That is true for sure in Opensim and it is likely a problem here too. Some techie person might know the answer there. In Opensim if you get too many items in a folder (maybe 1000? I don't remember the number) then items will not show up any longer in your inventory window. They will apparently be there but not viewable. That wasn't MY problem however as my whole inventory is 30,000 (I purposefully delete many items after I blog them) and I have lots of top level folders. I also often save backups in coalesced form to keep my numbers down.
  9. No, it isn't a cache issue -- at least not mine. And that is what logging in on a new viewer will do. There have been SOME TIMES when this was a fix. Clearing your cache on you viewer would likely do the same thing and most people try that first. But even with a brand new viewer that you have never used installed, things can be gone. And lately it seems these losses are happening more often. They aren't new though. They have been around a long, long while (at least nine years). I am going to assume that the OP being an old timer did all the "tricks" to retrieve seemingly lost inventory BEFORE they considered it a real loss. There is a whole page in the wiki about Inventory Loss. Unfortunately it isn't about REAL inventory loss :D.
  10. As far as I know from the information on that other thread, premium membership is not the criteria. One person was told that they need to show NEED as I said, so you would need to MAKE over $999 US a month for some consecutive months in order to meet their criteria. The point (for them) is that if you are making less than $999 US a month you can cash out each month. This of course keeps you from saving on fees but IS possible. I will eventually get all my money out this way. And yes, I suspect a lot of folks asked for an increase and didn't get it. I have no idea why some folks that don't NEED the high limits have them. That's all I know.
  11. Ah OK. Sorry. Too late :D. When I have seen those they swung to and fro but they still didn't change direction. Rolig will answer your question when she is on no doubt. Good luck.
  12. You set preferences in the marketplace SEPARATELY from inworld. So you need to change that in your MARKETPLACE account. The information doesn't filter over.
  13. @Ruthven Willenov I am not a script writer (only a tinkerer) but every door I have acts that way. If you THINK about it, the real life doors do too. The ONLY open in one direction *wink*.
  14. Just a thought. If you are looking to make some chiaroscuro photos a facelight set to dim OR a globe with some low lighting will likely be necessary. The whole point of that style (which I love) is "light and dark". All dark doesn't really do it :D. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiaroscuro
  15. Long thread on this at the end of last month. Reports are that The Lab will not up your credit limit unless you can show NEED (for 60 days or so) of going over what you have. So NO saving up to save on the fee it seems. I got caught with that and now have extra that will eventually get sent out AFTER my 30 days is up again. You can file a ticket to up your credit limit (I think it is under the manage money area but not sure). However, as I said I haven't heard of anyone actually GETTING an increase (mine went down as I guess yours did too). Oddly some of my friends have cash out limits WAY beyond what they use. Have no clue there.
  16. I thought of an interesting verified example of database issues while taking a break. It was different than the giant folder disappearing thing but a good clue. A year ago (I remember as it was the first time I was in Tres Chic) my store logo texture disappeared. Not only the 512 but the 256. I checked with friends and alts who should have had a copy. NO copies. Since my logo was from 2010 I no longer had a copy on my computer, the fonts used in making or even the software ^^. I wrote to the Tres Chic keeper of the logos and asked him to send me back my logo that I had sent to him JUST A COUPLE OF DAYS BEFORE. It was gone too. Luckily I remembered I had a copy in Opensim, got that and uploaded again. That was VERY STRANGE. I have friends who work with giant databases (not as big as SL but big big web retailers) and they are forever going back to old copies to fix issues. The problem here is that there don't seem to be any "old copies". ^^ The idea that you can send in a ticket and get things fixed is a nice one but I haven't found anyone yet who has had this work. My close friend got five things back of thousands. That really doesn't cut it. I never tried as I am not premium.
  17. Well I am actually HAPPY to see that people are taking this seriously as "I" have been writing about it for at least seven years to lots of "oh just clear you cache", "things really aren't broken" etc. So at least one good thing has come from it. I don't believe it was deliberate either as it HAS happened to lots of folks over the years and none seemed to be particularly "evil" LOL including ME *wink*. This isn't really new news to me (and it certainly might be that some people are affected more often depending on where their avatar's inventory resides). BUT, saying that, I have seen a lot of odd things happening lately like empty folders in my main inventory that shouldn't be empty or as duplicates -- things like that. I WILL say that several times I had big losses I ALSO lost my backup files of the items --- hence the main "house and garden" type folder as well as the "backups - 2015 > H and G" folder disappeared. That leads me to believe that SOMETIMES it is an item that might trigger the deletion. In the last big loss only a few months ago I only recognized the event by seeing my inventory go down by several thousand items AND I HAD NOT EMPTIED TRASH. I shook my head (again) and figured that I would find the missing things eventually. I did a couple of weeks ago when I was working on a build for SL14B and needed something from my old LEA20 site. Almost ALL those items from MOSP were gone (and I had MANY BACKUPS by date). That was a shocker. Most things are OLD by now and I am not terribly crushed, but still. HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!! And to Prokofy (can't get the alerts to come up lately) if that message about redelivery terminals was to me, it will never happen. I absolutely HATE the look of vendors and have all my items out in the old fashioned way with people buying a copy so that they can actually SEE what they are getting. That is MY choice of course and if you decide not to buy items from me again I won't take it as an insult to my modeling abilities :D. We ARE supposed to be having fun here after all.
  18. AND for anyone doing the math the YEARLY DEAL IS ALWAYS THE BEST!!!! Not sure why folks don't get that :D. Even if you "quit" partway through and just left your avatar here you get back most of your money in stipends. So this never really WAS a DEAL - LOL. Or at least not a great one.
  19. Good. While I was "tubbing" I had another idea. You MIGHT have mistakenly uploaded as a RIGGED object when the item wasn't rigged. That could have caused some issues. Note it is ALWAYS good to apply location, rotation and scale as well as tranforming origin to geometer before exporting. Someone wrote that on the forums MANY years ago and I have been doing it almost faithfully since then. Every now and then I forget and problems CAN happen. Happy modeling.
  20. Not sure about the invisible when rezzed issue but before you export next time (the beta grid - free - is your friend) in OBJECT mode, using the OBJECT tab, apply Location as well as Rotation and Scale and then TRANSFORM Origin to Geometry. That might solve the issue. SO many things can go wrong when you are just starting :D. You might also have a tiny bit of something far away that made its way into the file. To solve that (assuming it isn't joined to the main model) you can select the main model and then use the PRESET in the sidebar of the export screen to Export for Second LIfe and Opensim.
  21. Those are a few steps back in time of what shoes are now. I am guessing that they have old invisaprims? (been a LONG while for those). They were replaced by alpha layers and then later by shoes with mesh feet built in (those would still work for legacy avatars without mesh bodies). Many folks now have mesh bodies with mesh feet included and those have different shoes for the different bodies. So a Maitreya body would need shoes made for Maitreya, a Belleza body shoes designed for Belleza etc. If you plan on keeping your older style body and not investing in mesh feet (Slink is the brand for those and still supported well) then you can look for shoes that have the feet built in OR go for boots which still work (if they are NOT rigged) for everyone. Look around in stores that sell older style shoes and you will likely find some gifts to try OR check the marketplace for free shoes. No doubt there are some there still that will work for you. You might also look at items in the default avatar folders that come wtih second life now. There are at least some black heels that should work for you, maybe other styles too! Good luck.
  22. Well come by and look and let me know what you had. They are off of the courtyard toward the southwest and pretty easy to find. Sorry. Know it is depressing. It has happened so often to me I am pretty much immune these days. And NO we did NOT delete the folders. I always look carefully though my trash before deleting (well duh). The most I could lose by not noticing would be a single item or two. Insert Sigh.
  23. Assuming from your message that you have a mesh body, try going to the shop and getting a redelivery and then using the NEW body which in theory never got a message from the skin demo. Put your old skin applier back on. Sounds like the applier has an issue of some kind. Best to just toss the body that isn't working and start over. You may also have the original box that the body came in and can just open that again and get a new body to use. Good luck. Clearing your cache might also actually work in this situation :D.
  24. Yep. In theory if you file a database loss ticket RIGHT AWAY you MIGHT be able to get your items back IF you have exact names of items. This however doesn't always (or ever?) work. Not new news and I have STARS in front of all my important folders now so that I REALLY notice before I empty my trash. *****I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANY OF MY FOLDERS IN THE TRASH BEFORE PURGING --- yet mysteriously those items are just GONE. ***** Hopefully you can get some re-deliveries. I know you bought my Southern Comfort Victorians at Draftsman awhile ago. Happy to send you other copies if you lost them.
  25. I am a little surprised at your comment, not your choice but your comment. Maitreya last I hear had approximately 75% of the female mesh body audience. There are MANY MANY designers (I blog for a few of them) who ONLY make things for Maitreya. Belleza seems to be next (now) and Slink third. A few folks still make standard sizing or fitmesh for legacy avatars. A few do Tonic and TMP and a few that I really don't recognize but this is a very low percentage. Meanwhile note that APPLIERS are for texture items, not mesh. For mesh to really fit you DO need a kit and many body makers do not give out those easily. You have to prove you know what you are doing in making your original mesh. This (I believe) is to keep those that do NOT know what they are doing from tackying up the wardrobe options *wink*. There are plenty of clothes out there that are called "Maitreya" that obviously had no kit involved as they do NOT fit at all. So always of course TRY THE DEMO. Other items from smart designers don't even need alpha layers on. Many differences.
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