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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I apparently "answered" your comment on another thread very similar to this, so here is the link to that.
  2. So I got a little black popup that suggested (I had to read fast as it disappeared) that Pamela thought a Marketplace review should include info on whether the person got the demo or read the description. Apologies if she didn't say that; I can't find it anywhere (thinking, thinking). Not used to that new alert system ^^. The problem is most folks DON'T READ. This isn't an SL phenomena, it is across the board and very much Internet and our media concentric lifestyle. I can't even understand why folks play gacha machines when they have only teeny tiny and often BAD pictures to give hints what is in there. I am part of the "show me the money"; I want to see what I am buying -- at least in a big close up photo. There are a couple of issues with the "I tried the demo and read the description" logic LOL, the biggest on being that just because they bought the demo, it doesn't mean that they REZZED the demo. The other being that could simply lie and say they read the description. Now and then I put up a bad review on Amazon as a warning to folks but mostly I put up nice glowing ones as I am a fairly good shopper and DO read all the info before purchasing. I don't think there is any way around this other than to educate new users about all the possible schemes of the Marketplace. Honestly? I would be happier if there were no reviews. Most of my things when reviewed have very good marks, but so few people bother (except those competitors) that it makes it fairly unimportant. I know for a fact that some creators buy their own things just to give themselves (via alts) five star ratings. The system is very flawed. Going off to read Dakota's info :D.
  3. I echo quite a few comments already made. Don't worry about being at the event for shoppers to talk to. In the very olden days (and still now really) customers DID / DO like to know there is a person behind the brand and it is important to give good customer support and chat at your shop if and when you run into someone. But in general people at events are there to shop. Set up early (unlike SO MANY SHOP OWNERS) as I can't help but think that those running the events notice; "I" certainly do :D. RFL events are good to apply to when your brand is new, but not all are equal. I just made the most I have EVER made at an event except for one gacha at Fantasy Faire. Another recent RFL event I made nothing (yes, that was nothing). There were no PEOPLE THERE!!!! So don't just opt in to anything you can get into. Realize that you may not make a ton of money at an event; you might even go into the red. Note that recent RFL debacle was the first time that I ever in nine years didn't make a profit at an event. I am going to ignore it and just consider it a donation to RFL which is OK *wink*. Your marketplace store suggests you are selling building supplies but not full perm ones. Original mesh is good but your current product line is not compatible with hardly any event venues at the moment. So a lot of our advice probably isn't all that relevant. As you continue on you might want to make some more commercial products that would be acceptable in popular venues. But yes, even the folks IN the popular venues have trouble getting into others so it's a tough go. Just keep working at it and enjoying the journey. Oh, and I would make some BIGGER and closer up photos for your Marketplace page. I couldn't see what you were selling -- hence I wouldn't be buying even if I wanted the product. As someone said, make it P-R-E-T-T-Y.
  4. When the photo of the land gets taken it almost always shows the "rezzing" shape of an item, not the finished rezzed shape (unless it is a prim or a mesh VERY similar to a prim). That is what you are seeing, not a shadow at all. It has to be below 300 meters (think that is still correct) or it will not show on the map. So if you have something at ground level like a sculpt mountain range that is what you are seeing. I actually went over to what I believe is your place (I guessed from your photo) and yes, BIG mountain ranges with undoubtedly giant bounding boxes while rezzing (some are SO VERY SLOW). The only way to get rid of the "shadow" is to take down the mountains OR move them to the other side of the sim with no neighbor -- but then that pretty much negates WHY you put them up in the first place LOL. Now you know.
  5. Agreed with Pamela. I have gift boxes that are like that -- some transfer some copy depending on the needs of the person buying. You can also link the other version within the listing using Related Items.
  6. My only suggestion would be to make SURE where you saved your new files as sometimes QAvimator wants to save them to "their" preferred spot, not where you expect them to save. If that isn't it, then I would try making an all new pose (you don't have to do much) and see if you can get THAT to upload. In Firestorm you can test the pose right on your avatar to see how it is working before uploading (and paying). Not sure if the official viewer does that or other 3rd parties, but it is handy. If your computer crashed it is likely that your last save directory wasn't -- well "saved". That's my only though. Hopefully you won't need to reinstall the program. If you have other animations that you made, you could of course see if you can upload one of THOSE. The file you are working on might have been corrupted in the crash.
  7. YES That's my answer. I had a 2gb graphics card and got a 4 on my new system (the new system wasn't much different) and it made a huge difference. I have a 16mbps download and here are my specs. If it means not eating for a week, then of course not, if it is just a should I get the stronger graphics card and not that new bikini (insert shirt if that works better) then go for the better card. I can do whatever I want to do now and be in many programs. I will say that I am pretty much an SL "power user" if there is such a thing so if you are happy with lower graphics settings and slow framerates, then disregard this :D. Oh, and I definitely disagree on the AMD card. I had one (the top rated card for the time) and had nothing but major issues. Second Life has always favored Nvidia. Hence many of us old AMD users now have Nvidia. Firestorm 5.0.1 (52150) Dec 10 2016 14:44:37 (Firestorm-Releasex64) with OpenSimulator support Release Notes Release Notes CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3298.07 MHz) Memory: 16286 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 14393) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 21.21.0013.7653 OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 376.53 RestrainedLove API: (disabled) libcurl Version: libcurl/7.47.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1i zlib/1.2.8 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.8 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.61 LLCEFLib/CEF Version: 1.5.3-(CEF-WIN-3.2526.1347-32) LibVLC Version: 2.2.4 Voice Server Version: Not Connected Settings mode: Firestorm Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Grey) Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi) Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt UI Scaling: 1.4 Draw distance: 152 m Bandwidth: 2200 kbit/s LOD factor: 2 Render quality: High-Ultra (6/7) Advanced Lighting Model: Yes Texture memory: 2048 MB (1) VFS (cache) creation time (UTC): 2017-2-12T4:2:35 Built with MSVC version 1800 Packets Lost: 1,103/1,424,722 (0.1%) May 03 2017 13:00:25 SLT
  8. So you are saying that I was typing on the same THREAD that Pamela was commenting on but that it wasn't MY post she was commenting on -- hence no notification up in the top icons (message bar)? I guess that just never happened before :D.
  9. Ahhh. OK. No I looked in my notifications and nothing there. I normally LEAVE after I read, post, mark as read and GET BACK TO WORK - LOL. Hence I guess I didn't see this before. Thanks all. It was Pamela that was "replying" :D.
  10. This is likely ME and maybe a FEATURE LOL, but just now as I was commenting on a thread, an alert popped up saying that someone had replied to me. It was in black text at the bottom of the screen and gave me an options to see the reply. I wanted to finish my comment so I did that and when I posted the comment, that alert disappeared. I see nothing in the notifications about this "reply" now and I have no idea what thread it was on. So is this a feature? Is there some way to get back to that notification and see what the reply was too? Long time website and database tester, so inquiring minds want to know *wink*.
  11. Agreed. Last week I had a note from someone who purchased a set of low land impact filler buildings. He wondered where the storage unit buildings pictured in one of the example shots was. Now I have sold probably a hundred sets of those filler buildings with -- to my knowledge -- not one other person being confused over what was in the pack. The buildings are shown with a listing of land impact for each plus a big screen of explanatory text. But I sent him the not very low land impact storage units anyway and took down the photo (showing the filler buildings in the background a that IS their purpose) - LOL.
  12. We had talked about this previously (maybe not this thread as there was another or two on the same subject) and yes apparently that is AN issue. However it has never been MY issue as I have only 30,000 items total (I believe the problem number is 10,000 in a folder - at least that is what was reported) AND I have mostly top level folders AND I save things coalesced often to cut down the number of items. So yes, that is an issue but doesn't seem to the THE issue for those posting losses on these threads :D. PS. After reading Whirly's comment I guess I should add that my inventory method has ALWAYS been this and with previous big losses I sometimes had only 15,000 items, not the 30,000 I have now. I am also NOW on the newest version of Firestorm so the old viewer doesn't apply to ME anyway :D. Just wanted to reiterate that.
  13. Well possibly if we NOTICE but I suspect that lots of folks don't note missing items until the LOOK for them specifically and that could be days or months down the road. It's not like a pink polka dotted flag waves and says "woo-hoo - you just lost 10,000 items; want to let someone know? " LOL Honestly I can't imagine that they DON'T KNOW. This is not new news. And it seems to be getting more prevalent or at least more folks are noticing and talking about it. They will attempt to fix things or just let us complain. We don't seem to have much say in priorities. Happily we have had some nice perks in the last year. Better than not in my book.
  14. I am having a difficult time figuring out what that ransom might be. Linden Lab has to follow US law which dictates that they need to report money going out from them (even if we aren't "employees" -- that was written into the TOS some time ago). You will likely only have to wait until you complete the needed documentation and then get your money. The rest of us did so far as I know. The $600 is PER YEAR not month unless things have changed. Back then I wasn't making much and it was March or so before I had to fill in any forms. I know it isn't fun but you have to fill out w-2 forms for RL work (or I am guessing similar forms if you are outside the US). It is the same. HERE they have no idea "who" you are, so that gets a little more complicated proving that.
  15. That is an EXCELLENT POINT and one I hadn't thought about. Most all my losses (I am not counting notecards and landmarks mixed in with the folders) have been OBJECTS. Not clothing when clothing had its own icon and actually I can't remember losing any mesh clothing either although I only have a few favorites so perhaps I wouldn't have noted missing items. I buy very little as I blog for some major brands and have plenty of great items coming in all the time ---- but that being said, the first time I lost a huge amount of stuff was pretty devastating. I think it is good we are talking about this. I have been talking about it for about seven years but on one seemed to be listening. I have to say that there have been may great improvements in SL lately and perhaps with enough NOISE, some attention will be paid to the inventory and asset server (I have no clue where the problem is :D). So thanks for sharing that thought. I have lost a few textures along the way but not much else but Home and Garden type items. No sure WHY that didn't register until now. It could be a coincidence of course LOL.
  16. Reviews CAN be REMOVED (not hidden) if they are really off target and have nothing to do with the product -- or the person obviously misunderstood and say thought they were buying a baby instead of a baby carriage (not sure WHERE I got that from LOL). People often don't READ. Oh my, that should be in giant text and bold and RED. That isn't the creator's fault but sometime they get penalized. I had a competitor (and alts and friends) write scathing nonsensical reviews of a product that they bought simply so that they could write those bad reviews. I remember Pamela saying the same. That happens. Eventually I wrote a "reply" on the product page pointing out that there was absolutely NO reason for a one star rating since there was an inworld demo AND a marketplace demo. Since then (thankfully) the one star ratings have disappeared stopped happening anew. That leaves me with 3 star ratings when the other sizes of the product all have five stars. Makes ya wonder doesn't it? The Marketplace is the marketplace and while now and then some faulty reviews get removed many do not. And I am amazed how many people DON'T leave reviews. I have sold a hundred or more of some items with no or one review. What's up with that? Anyway, I agree that this conspiracy theory is pretty dumb. That's my two cents.
  17. There is a VERY BIG DIFFERENCE between a "banned" account and one that is blocked or their account deleted.
  18. @DartAgain Woot my @ worked this time. Has anyone READ the TOS of any of the big companies. Most of them have no regard for their "customers" at all. This is not new news but it is getting worse. We can always NOT agree (and I have to some :D) and opt out. I do agree that it is NOT fake money -- anything that can be turned into dollars or francs or pounds etc is REAL, even if it were colored plastic beads :D.
  19. First off no names on the forums so you need to remove her name. SHE, not you, needs to send in a support ticket and ask. If she cannot log in to that account, then that will be difficult. IF she just got BANNED from a sim, then no big deal. She just needs to not enter that land (and if she was banned, she cannot). Land owners have autonomy in banning folks so nothing can be done about that, certainly not by you. If she is actually your alt and she cannot log into her account then you may be able to send in a support ticket FOR her (as her alt). That used to be possible in the past anyway. If someone just told her that her account was blocked, that means nothing. She should TEST that of course. No one will give your information on another account that isn't you, so you might have to prove somehow that she is you IF that is the case. Rules have become more strict over time :D.
  20. You can submit a support case here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ BUT it is very likely since this is all automatic that you actually GOT the lindens you paid for twice. Did you check? If you did (easy to double click) then you could cash out and send the money back to Paypal. There will be fees of course. If you DIDN'T get the money in your account and they can verify then maybe they can fix things. There are two different transaction IDs in your list though. By the way this isn't the official support area, just other users trying to help out when they can. So you do need to write to an actual Linden :D.
  21. Well two things come to mine. In theory the land owner can RETURN or DELETE the "egg pooper" from the land. Simply search for it on the area search tab, find it and send it back. It is possible that the actual object that "poops" the eggs is invisible, so picking up any eggs won't do any good. If that is the case, area search should find the object's place of residence and you can actually "see" the object (even though invisible) by using Ctrl + Alt + T (show transparency). You can THEN click on the very red object and delete. That's all I got :D.
  22. OK. Click and drag works for me. Thanks. And "how" are we supposed to KNOW that? I still like the previous method better LOL. Appreciate the help, guys.
  23. Obviously things work differently in different browsers. Very nice photo though! I'll keep working at it.
  24. I WANT to upload them to a post :D. That was sort of the point and we used to be able to do that. I will try your cursor trick though. Workarounds -- the next frontier. thanks.
  25. When I was new in SL I used tga, but my current graphics program cannot SEE tga (as an image) in the Windows explorer -- so THAT doesn't work well at all. Also using a texture with an alpha channel increases the texture download in world needlessly and takes longer to rez. You can of course take an alpha texture that you uploaded by mistake and change that in the build menu to "none" but that texture is still having to be rendered -- is that not correct? Best to just pay attention when you save from Blender. The bug of course is only in Blender, not other software. Still, you can easily forget that you have your export to include an alpha channel in your graphics software and end up with a larger file.
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