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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. That is because the mesh isn't rigged optimally :D. A typical problem with long skirts that aren't full. If YOU made the dress, then it is back to the weight-painting drawing board. If this is purchased mesh with no active file included (and that is typical) then there isn't really anything you can do. Sometimes you can be creative with your texture. I guess a SOLID color in the skirt area might be acceptable and put some pattern on the top part. Sorry.
  2. Glad you worked it out. It is tricky for some folks to rotate huds on screen, I get that. Hence my rez suggestion. Likely nothing you did. Lots of odd database things going on lately :D. But now you are SMARTER!!!
  3. Yes, but the problem is that people don't understand the terms royalty free and copyright and what you are allowed to DO and NOT DO depending on a company's TOS. I had real life copyright issues and so much homework was mandatory. Some folks believe that if you buy a painting you have the right to reproduce that painting on coffee cups for example. UNLESS the person ALSO bought that right along with the painting, the original copyright holder still holds that right. We, according to the LL TOS still have primary copyrights to our work. The big problem was (and is ) that The Lab can pretty much to anything they want with our work. I doubt they ever would because that would herald the end of the platform and they are not stupid people :D. That's a good thing for us. TurboSquid is a ROYALTY FREE site where you can purchase items for many uses (apparently for Sansar) BUT the file needs to be CONTAINED and ONLY USED within that platform. According to the 2013 TOS that is no longer guaranteed. From what I understand of Sansar, work will be "published" meaning that it would be contained within that platform. Screenshot from Turbosquid taken today. Easy enough to go there and read what their terms are :D.
  4. I think you need to do some research on copyrights. The whole point (well much) of the August 2013 TOS change was giving Linden lab copyrights to creators items. Not full copyrights but enough that they could sell them legally on other platforms or use them for their own. They owned Desura at one time and many people thought they were going to sell SL creator files using that platform. That didn't happen and whatever the actual purpose behind the change in the TOS really doesn't matter now. But it was made clear (although it was never clear if the whole TOS was legal) that the only items that you could legally upload were public domain items or ones you had full copyrights too, not "royaty free" items. There are gray areas for sure, and if you want to start another thread on this then go forth. Check the ARCHIVES to see what was going on then and read section 2.3 now. The point was (and is) that the change in the Linden Lab TOS made it impossible for the TOS of other providers to be followed. Namely it gave Linden Lab the right to resell any of "our" products, thus negating the TOS of the other companies. Here is one example (screenshot taken today) from Textures.com -- then CGtextures. You can choose to interpret the TOS any way you want. I am just repeating what the attorneys said.
  5. You might also be able to rez the hud on the ground to look at it. Not all huds will let you do this, but some will. Sandbox might be a good place to try this.
  6. Yes, third party uploads have been against the LL TOS since August 2013 (looking that up -yep). HUGE DEAL. Many creators left (for other reasons than you couldn't upload any mesh that you didn't have full copyrights too). I was even on a TV show about that along with some lawyers and other folks. I didn't upload anything except two sign textures for a sim I ran for eight months. Eventually I went with the resistance is futile bit. Some third party free sites even banned SL folks from using their textures, brushes etc. -- in spirit of course since they would have no way of knowing what folks were going to do with said textures, brushes, vectors etc. I suspect the thousand post threads are still somewhere in the archives. Here is my page from that time. Happily I have found that Google can find things that I wrote faster than I can LOL. http://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/p/linden-labs-change-in-tos-august-2013.html Hard to believe people have forgotten all about this. ^^
  7. Now this is cool. Is it new or did I just miss it all along. You can now easily quote just a bit of a post. A black box comes up and says "quote this?" Likely me just being dense before. Anyway. You say you tested getting a new item that uses the hud. Did you get a NEW HUD? It seems likely that something went wrong with the hud. The texture that went ON the hud could have disappeared from the database (been there). IF that hud takes only one texture (rather than a hud that has lots of little prims each with its own texture) that seems the most likely issue. Best to contact the maker of the hud (actually the previous owner as a hud maker might have made a hud for resale and you want the person that sold it to you) and let them know. If you had problems with more than one viewer then it isn't likely it is a cache issue, but probably good to try clearing that just in case before writing. Oh, question. If you click somewhere on the hud, does it still DO something? That is does the hud still work but you just can't see where to click? I had a hud on a tank top that would do that at times. It had MANY prims though and the prim "behind" had apparently been too close. It eventually sorted itself out somehow -- nothing that I did. I DID work all the time though, just looked white.
  8. I suggest that you give the folks who have taken the time to come be your models, the photos you are taking. Just a thought *wink*.
  9. That looks like an old bug from when mesh was new and folks didn't have the correct browser. I think there was a post similar to this a few weeks ago. Are you using a current viewer? I doubt that clearing your cache will help with this but hopefully -- if you ARE using a current viewer -- someone else will have a better idea. It could be a new issue similar to that old one.
  10. The best I can do for advice is tell a story. My first apartment was $25 a week (this was over nine years ago but the price isn't much different now -- or the place as I went to check it out LOL). Still you can get some almost free apartments and I personally think that is a good way to start. You can see what you like and adjust from there. You can spend PLENTY of time apartment or house hunting. You can spend as much time if you get ready to buy. IF you buy mainland though, you need to be premium. You can RENT most any size of land in SL and on the mainland through the right people it is cheaper than paying tier on the same land. If you go with someone who has been renting land for years you are pretty safe. Still, I always pay a week at a time just in case. Many mainland rentals let you do most of what you could do if you owned the land including terraforming -- just check the info that goes along with that parcel. I know it isn't a lot of RL money to jump into SL and buy a big hunk of land, but really -- if you equate SL to RL in any way, then being cautious and learning before jumping in is a wise plan. Most of all, have fun.
  11. Well most notebooks and PHONES now have cameras. Or hopefully a friend.
  12. Well I swear that I looked hard AND did a search for "I would say" as that was what I saw in the notices. Odd still, but thanks :D.
  13. This is extremely odd as I clicked on a topic in my unread list talking bout a lot of creators uploading purchased mesh into SL. When my click took me to this thread, I cannot find that post even though I searched via viewer. ANYWAY, uploading purchased models (like Turbosquid etc.) is completely against the Second Live Terms of Service. Apparently it will not be in Sansar since a Golden Gate Bridge purchased from Turbosquid (and noted in the audio) was featured on an official infomercial. I am wondering where that post went. HMMMMM.
  14. Thanks the PTB that we got this over with years ago. Hopefully --- assuming that the latest remarks on this thread are accurate -- NEW folks will check this out early in the "game" (like at the $600 mark IF that is still the limit - have no idea) and not be caught. OR just play for fun and spend all their lindens here. If you end up with a lot of lindens it seems like the only thing you can do with them (if you can't send them to Paypal) is to pay for your yearly premium (in effect VERY little since you get most of it back ) or perhaps buy an island (have no idea if that is possible). MESSY. I had a huge problem back then as my little town HAS NO MAIL DELIVERY. Hence we all have post office boxes (that we pay for annually) and that wasn't acceptable. Finally on message six or seven or whatever, I got someone who could actually THINK and see that my ID showed BOTH my street address AND my Post office box. So does my Paypal account, my credit card, my mail from the US government etc etc LOL, And to @Dura Juran I suspect you need to take a BIGGER photo of your drivers licence -- like MANY pixels so that they can run it through facial recognition software maybe? It is getting difficult to live in our world these days - - on many levels. Truly, that doesn't make me happy. The Lab however is not to blame on this one. I suggest CALLING BILLING as I believe that is what I had to do eventually. Try the BIGGER photo first though. 2400 pixels should do it I think :D.
  15. Yes, but keeping YOUR Windlight at a certain setting (and of course I have my favorite everyday custom setting) only fixes things in YOUR viewer, not everyone else's. Windlight is viewer side, not server side as it is on some platforms :D. Hence I will keep with my matching mesh to mesh comment. And honestly I have tried with some matching skins (legacy head with applier for body) and didn't find one Windlight that looked good. So a choker was needed if you wanted to use that skin. I guess you were just luckier with the skins than I have been. Good for you.
  16. The "standard" as in almost all the furniture makers use it LOL is AVsitter. It however is not all that easy. I can say that as I just (finally) purchased it a few months ago. So it REALLY depends on your level of interest and whether you are a "hobbiest" furniture designer making things for yourself and for fun or if you are hoping to be a seller of furniture. Personally, I almost always opt for The Standard of whatever the product might be. If you want to be able to ADJUST the poses easily (or your customers be able to do that) then you definitely want a system. And to my thinking you want the current system, not something that was popular five years ago and before. I suggest you go furniture shopping and testing and see how the finished products work, then look inside (build menu with "select only my objects" turned off) and see what the folks are using. I can't think of any animation system that would be considered easy other than a sit script that just sets your avatar on a prim -- and that has to be adjusted INSIDE the product though the script -- so not good for sales and many folks wouldn't know how to adjust. Whichever product you go with, start with just a SINGLE SIT in a chair to get the feel of things. Couples poses get more complex. There are some very good video tutorials on the AVsitter site. The only thing missing (for me) was the explanation that the second person needed to sit on the COUCH and not on the helper pole. So keep that in mind. Examples come with the set too if that type of thing is helpful for you. Also, no reason to buy the extra packs that come with AVsitter unless you need them down the road.
  17. MUCH in the mesh boards on this. A seach for LOW LAND IMPACT MESH will likely find some of them Simplistically there are THREE factors that contribute to land impact - Download, Physics and Server. To figure out what is making your mesh higher you need to look at which one is the highest in the uploader. And as ChinRey said the railing that has the low land impact in world could have horrible LODS (turn your LOD setting down to 2 or below and see if it still looks good at a fair distance). So some research or more info will probably help out. It IS a big and COMPLEX issue but one that mesh makers need to be aware of -- so now you are! That's a big part of learning.
  18. LOL. Well thanks but having to use a particular Windlight setting (note my moniker tag) really doesn't fix the issue and pretty much negates creative efforts. We need skins that look good and MATCH in any Windlight :D. That might be helpful for some folks who don't care how others see them and just want a nice profile picture though!
  19. First off look in your RECEIVED FOLDER area (bottom of your inventory) and make sure it isn't there. This assuming you bought it on the Marketplace. Second if it is really not there (rare these days thankfully) contact the person you bought it from (in the Marketplace that will be in your purchase history) and ask for a redelivery. If that doesn't happen in a couple of days, send in a support ticket using MARKETPLACE as the reason and ask support to redeliver. You will need to paste in proof that you purchased. IF you bought the item in world, you can look up the info in your web page account under transactions. Return to the shop and see if they have a redelivery terminal. If so, click it to get redelivery of your item. If not, write a notecard to the person who got your payment explaining what happened WITH the transaction info pasted in. BE POLITE. You will most likely need to unpack and install your product. It doesn't work automatically.
  20. The system (most likely wisely) didn't let me quote the quote within the quote, so the above response is to this" 3 hours ago, HarrisonMcKenzie said: Non mesh clothing? That's definitely going the way of prim-dinosaurs. ANYWAY -- I have had a mesh body for almost two and a half years and a mesh head for about two years (Lelutka was about the only choice back then but still working for me). There are a couple of reasons to think about a mesh body and going along with that a mesh head. Body: more and more top creators are ONLY making clothes for mesh bodies (not standard sizing mesh). I blog and get a lot of samples and many now only have Maitreya or the top three -- Maitreya, Belleza and Slink. So it is getting more difficult to get nice mesh clothing in standard sizing for legacy avatars. The quote above is confusing because APPLIERS are ONLY for mesh bodies :D. Appliers do not work on legacy avatars. For that you need the original texture garments which show up as blue pants and red shirts (hoping that is still correct as I don't have any of those now). So again, harder and harder to find nice clothes to buy OR for free with a legacy body. There will always be folks making the older style clothes -- well at least for the next five years or so I think, but even many alts have mesh bodies these days. Heads have always been another issue -- but even that is changing. I get the argument against mesh heads, the not being able to be individual. But with a big selection of skin appliers which make the heads look so very different and now with Bento -- well you don't end up looking just like someone else. Aside from the standard avatar nose issue and photography (which I so agree with) there is the skin matching issue. Skin appliers typically don't match the "underneath" body texture and so you get a line even when using the "same" skin made by the same creator. I am guessing that this is because the meshes (the legacy avatar IS mesh too in a 3D sense) take the texture differently. So unless you want to wear a choker all the time covering that line, you need a mesh head :D. As time goes on I predict more and more creators dropping their legacy avatar items simply because the audience will continue to shift. Honestly, the folks that spend the most money on clothes already have mesh bodies. That is very obvious from visiting any shopping venue and watching those bodies rez. Not all retailers will MAKE their own mesh of course as learning is a big undertaking. So templates will fill in for the folks that don't want to spend the effort on their hobby. Most all of the "career" clothes makers have been on the mesh body bandwagon for awhile now.
  21. $50 a week ads in the SL classified is always a good place. That's where lots of folks look. The Marketplace might be next, but honestly only a small percentage of users actually read these forums :D. You can also ad "skybox rental" to your land description and then get a $30 a week Places listing where you can NOW make your own web page. I am not sure how many people are actually looking at those pages at this time, but something to think about for the future.
  22. I, like others, am having a hard time understanding why you would need to block 1000 avatars. If you don't like people, wouldn't it be easier to add a security orb or make your land open only to whitelisted folks. And if you have to (for whatever reason) really be able to block all those people, then yes -- file a support ticket. I am wondering what the outcome would be since you must be in the .003% group on this :D.
  23. The only people that actually CAN know what you (the OP) are asking is Linden Lab as they (in theory only) have the names of the people behind the avatars. An AVATAR can change their sex at any time. "Chic" can be a guy or a gal and I have seen men avatars names "Sally". Anyone can sign up under a fictitious name and sex so long as they don't plan on buying or selling linden dollars. Lies happen all the time. This whole survey thing to my mind is stupid. It can of course be just nosy people, but it seems -- let's put that in quotes, "seems" -- like there are actual collage instructors giving out Second Life Survey assignments. As a former college teacher I see that as ludicrous. As a long time SL resident I see it as an earmark that the "teachers" haven't done their homework and have no clue really what SL is or how it works. Yes, this comment has been a long time coming LOL. Tonight is the night.
  24. Not an SL viewer gal but logically you could do a clean install of the LL viewer with the newest code if you can't get it to update. Justathought -
  25. I apparently "answered" your comment on another thread very similar to this, so here is the link to that.
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