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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Good to know and almost impossible to find things that don't poke through! As far as I can tell the FREE Exmachina avatar still has only one skin tone (medium). My friend just went and got one yesterday and that was what he found. Agree that alpha cuts are much needed most of the time.
  2. Wasn't trying to pick on you, just note that it is easy to make assumptions that are not valid. We all fall into that trap I think.
  3. Here is a scenario --- a person is perhaps in high school, perhaps not in the US and/or perhaps with Internet is not all that available let alone everyone having a computer. Said person with little money (no RL job and no RL "allowance" if they still do that these days LOL ) could make an account using a friend's computer -- a person that is more affluent. In THAT case, the person might be completely broke as in NADA. Giving up coffeeshop coffee is not an option because there IS no coffesshop coffee. They could still enjoy second life. Harder as a guy for sure. But realistically you can also look better as a guy in the legacy avatar mode as guys are usually wearing MORE CLOTHES and free things are still very available on the Marketplace and in some hunts. True, even hunts now are frequently body specific mesh items, but there are still standard sizing things around and of course boots and hair and all that is needed. But expecting to get a mesh body and maybe head for free is not realistic. Designers work hard and deserve some compensation. Better to spend your time on the Realms earning some lindens and taking it slow.
  4. I went through my Marketplace store a year or so ago and took off some things that were embarrassingly old. But I still have some old prim builds (very cheap) on the Marketplace and they still sell now and then. For some folks, those less than state of the art items are all that is needed and lindens might be hard to come by. I had someone give a one star review to one of those items that said "I hate it" -- and that was it LOL. I left it there as it was there right to hate it. It was maybe $50 or $100 lindens. Honestly? I do have some very old products that still sell well DESPITE the fact that I remade them in mesh and they did NOT sell LOL. So it is what it is.
  5. I have not had good luck removing reviews. For awhile "it seemed" like a competitor was buying my best selling product in order to give one star reviews. The reviews said very little and had the same speech pattern for the most part with some of the same complaints. Then, I made a DEMO item and there were STILL one star reviews. Eventually I put a note at the top of the item page. And I quote: ***Sadly I need to add this note*** Edited October 23rd, 2016. I can see no legitimate reason for people buying this item and then leaving a one star rating -- and sometimes a fairly nasty comment THERE IS A DEMO -- THERE IS A DEMO -- THERE IS A DEMO -- THERE IS A DEMO -- The demo has been available since August 31, 2015. I of course am not trying to cheat people. I have been in business as ChiC buildings since 2010. You can see a smaller demo of this surround inworld -- http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swanbridge/194/88/1003 I invite you to PICK UP THE FREE DEMO and see how it looks in your environment. Pick up my competitor's demos if they have them and test those also. YOU are the customer. YOU make the choices. And if you want to make your own surround, I applaud you. As a previous member of the Linden Endowments for the Arts committee and designer and curator of LEA7 (Machinima Open Studio Project) I support (in caps) creativity!!!! PLEASE PICK UP A DEMO AND TRY BEFORE BUYING IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS. Questions - contact Chic Aeon. IMs go to email. That seems to have solved the issue. I hated to put that on my item page, but I was also royally P***ED at someone so blatantly using the system. I know of builders who have INSTANT five star reviews (several) on release of a new building. I also know that I have sold hundreds of items (many) with one or NO reviews at all. So that tells me something there. I really don't trust reviews that much. I want to see the product inworld or have a demo to try. That's pretty much my rule.
  6. Yes I had that long ago but that dress was the ONLY garment that readily fit for the gals body back then. Standard mesh didn't work and neither did fitmesh. It was nice that they included the dress for sure but not too many folks wanted to wander around in the very same dress -- LOL. It was certainly possible that there were a few outfits made using the TMP body weight that also fit -- if bought at the shop. The ones made by other designers would not work for those with the free lady body. At least none that I tried. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-mesh-project-full-body-mesh.html Hence it was mesh made expressly for that body much like some designers have the kits for Lara and others and they don't need (or can't have in many cases *wink*) any alpha slots. When made perfectly by someone who takes the time to copy over all the weights from the main body, that works. That however is the exception -- not the rule. What I meant was that it was very unlikely that clothes made for other mesh bodies (or fitmesh in general OR standard sizing) will work without alpha slots on the body. I have tried at least fifty, maybe many more and nothing actually FIT -- especially when moving -- which is understandable. IF the clothes made for Davide will actually ALSO fit the free mesh Davide, then they could possibly be used without alpha slots. ONLY though if actually made from the body weights using a creator kit from that body. That is the key.
  7. Note to the OP that there is a much nicer free mesh body (free group needed) from EXMACHINA (Egosime). I suspect it is at the main store somewhere but you can also pick it up at COSMOPOLITAN with a group tag on (the EXMACHINA tag). Much nicer than TMP IMHO. However, like TMP there are no alpha slots so finding clothes will be DEFINITELY hard. Great if you just want to be more or less naked. I am also wondering in that example of the TMP mesh body with clothing if the avatar can actually MOVE with those clothes on and not have issues. On the PLUS side, it might be that the free avatar has some well fitting clothes made by the same brand -- or might in the future. If they fit really well then there alpha slots aren't really needed. So checking that out would be a good plan ^^.
  8. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2011/12/cyber-suave.html We have come a long way since 2011 for sure :D.
  9. LOL. Yes I saw that and read the literature but since it NEVER worked, that wasn't my first thought to try. I know better now. Thank you! And I relog pretty quickly so not a big deal. Looking forward to the new improved version. Will check the blogger box tomorrow. I think your HUD (working of course :D) is VERY nicely done! Easy to see where things are. PS I was one of your bloggers in my extreme youth, long ago and far away before mesh. Made one of my first machinimas wearing chains from one of your male outfits. I wish you all the best!
  10. Yes, I got it working after I logged on again. And I updated my comment. Thanks. PLEASE update your blogger box also since the folks there are not in your list of customers. And you might want to let Corina know so that she can tell folks there was an update. I have no idea who the male bloggers are :D. Good luck. I know this was a lot of work. I look forward to experimenting more.
  11. This comes up often and I see that this isn't the newest of threads either but I just wanted to chime in (yet again). There are plenty of "top name" house builders who do not understand house physics at all. There are plenty that do not test to see if correct physics is in play before putting their new building on the market. Some happily FIX things when bloggers (usually the first to receive the item) or customers complain -- mostly about not being able to walk through the door. AND we ALL (even those that understand house physics) make mistakes. Forgetting to change the door frame to PRIM is my main error. There are some designers that excel in textures and never appear to walk into the buildings that they make. So they look great but are pretty much unusable. There are some who never set their LOD below 4 -- even to test for others. There are plenty who simply don't care because after all it is only pixels and the price of a cup of coffee or less. BUYERS need to demo as much as they can -- with houses as well as with mesh bodies *wink*. While buyers won't be able to test the rez on the floor issue (which is actually pretty easy to fix anyway) they can certainly walk through the building and see if they can navigate (size and scale are important too). But these issues are NOT INHERENT IN ALL MESH BUILDINGS (caps intended). It is important to remember that "top name" doesn't mean "well crafted" and not all the items from award winners are worthy of awards. Within our environment -- in this case Second Life -- we have rules that make the world work. We don't get to choose those rules and sometimes it would be great if the rule makers redid things :D, but we DO need to work around those rules to make competent items that actually work. Well some of us feel the need anyway.
  12. Happily since I scan the forums regularly I had seen this thread (even if I didn't READ it). I just got the new version via blogger sample. I haven't played with it much but I really DO like much of it -- better than the others I have tried. This is the out of the box look WITH THE ALPHA SLOT HUD which looks (again, I just opened it) pretty darn impressive. There ARE some skin seams but with the Omega applier that should be solved. I haven't looked to see if there is an applier on the market (yep there is) so that should solve the issue! Later edit: The blogger version doesn't appear to have a working hud and there IS NO DEMO where it is being sold. So as others have said on this thread, there are still issues. There are possibilities here but the maker needs to get on board with the demo. I won't be featuring on the blog :D. AND A LATER EDIT: I see there is a reply to my post but I was coming here anyway. The blogger version's hud DOES work (after I logged off and on again) so I will experiment more. Happy that I tried it one more time.
  13. While I haven't been able to get any glytch deliveries since Saturday, a friend (different house, different ISP) reports that SOME sims are delivering some glytchs and others not. He didn't remember which were delivering unfortunately, but putting this info in in case it is important. For now, Imma taking a break from hunting :D.
  14. AND if it was long long ago it might have been on a different Marketplace -- hence it wouldn't show up at all. I know I have had folks comment again three years later, but beyond that, no clue.
  15. Only for those that actually don't have a gazillion groups that they MUST be a part of *wink*. But yes, agreed. A friend tried to do that though and couldn't find a place to join the group -- even in the store. So might be tricky? I just use Letlutka only skins as I have an OLD (no Omega) head and perfectly happy with it :D.
  16. You are so smart. I may try again. I think I was being TOO creative. Won't use it for this project but for another maybe, But mine WAS unwrapped and textured and baked even LOL. I almost always do that on small items (not houses). So a mystery. Yours looks "rounder" (the cord) than mine which is flat. I still don't understand why some things work and other very similar ones don't (sigh).
  17. It isn't exactly free as there is a group join fee of $150 and then Omega applier for the head (if you want any real choices) for $100. Still a very good deal. The head that is the current give away is kind of pointy chin so that might work fairly well. To the OP, it is unlikely that you will ever look exactly like you :D. Think of it as a new and better version of you. LOL. And never ever EVER buy anything without a demo (I don't think the free mesh head has a demo but really, compared to $5000 it is a steal and a good way to start trying things out. Once you have the head and the Omega applier you can demo different skins and play with the sliders and have a starting point.
  18. Actually when it is WORKING it is tons of fun -- or 'I" think so anyway LOL. But for those trying for the first time this weekend -- not so much. I can confirm that "glytchs aren't dropping" (the apparently new vernacular - not mine) on any of the sims. GEMS are still delivering and the Realms appear to be the only game areas that are working as they should (not counting the no glytch delivery and staying forever so maybe not really "as they should") so two more went down overnight. Those of us that played or are still playing on the Realms know this scenario well *wink* so not a big surprise. I doubt things will get fixed today but Monday morning about nine hopefully things will be working well again. Meanwhile it looks like a Blender day for me!
  19. The first weekend of glytch hunting has been ---- well stressful. The devs are at home with families and beers it appears (and so should they be) but things are very much amiss in the lands of wayward glytchs. It adds a few layers of challenges to the game for sure. For those of you wandering out with your jars or nets or swatters this weekend know that some areas while open via the "next to" link are completely dead. One -- with nothing viable to hunt anyway -- even gives you a "you have gotten you five glytchs here message" even when you have just come from another round of successful hunting via the hud (tested three times). Some areas seem to be working better than this morning (well one, the airport). Paleo sims have zombie glytchs that are shaking up the sim so badly there is no point in staying (have no idea what that's about -- maybe conflicting scripts with paleo but it WAS working fine). Lots of zombie glytchs which are indeed confusing to those just coming into the game. A NEW hitch this evening are glytchs that can be clicked on repeatedly with nothing happening but ARE NOT "zombies". They will -- after about two minutes become active and clickable OR shoot ya down. So keep trying. That's all I know. I am going back to a calmer real life arena but wanted to share my finding for other hunters. See ya out there. PS. The REALMS are working as they should be. Many sims let you stay forever and not push you along after five captures. The REALMS however are often filled with new folks wandering in -- well from the REALMS --- hence many attacks which can certainly slow down play. So pick your arena and enjoy the extra challenge. EDIT: I forgot to say and was just reminded by a friend and hunter that the glytchs aren't delivering today (just some for me). I found that also and another person that I don't know asked me this morning about glytchs "won" not coming in. At that time I thought she maybe didn't really get them but it looks like that they are not being delivered. Since I am after GEMS which ARE being delivered as far as I can tell, it wasn't a big deal for me. But be aware and watch you inventory. My friend and I both have auto accept on and had no problems with deliver earlier. I have no idea about the gal that wrote me this morning but she seemed very savvy and not a new folk at all. Hence watch things :D.
  20. Not going to do this forever but today there might be some important info. Most instances have issues, more than yesterday by a lot. The newbie area by Horizons has not been working since early last eve with two let's call them zombie glytchs roaming (same ones for well over 12 hours). Other areas are similar with at least one or two zombies with Tahoe again being very bad. Airport worse than yesterday, etc. Theater is fine but not in use. And the REALMS ARE ALL FINE!!!!! So that seems significant from my none techie point of view.
  21. Note that land tier payments are for the month BEFORE so you will get a bill for your tier (it could be a fair amount depending on the size of the parcel or only $5). So it might be better to sell or abandon your land and wait a month before going back to standard from Premium -- depending on your circumstances and how you pay etc.
  22. Well Whirly said the devs knew there were problems and were working on solutions. AND all of this morning's broken ones were "fixed" (one -- a very cool one -- has replaced another one). And all is well with the world again -- for awhile anyway. IF the broken glytchs just stood there like decoys -- that would be OK. But having them look active and not BE active is pretty confusing to folks that are just learning. Since that is a lot of folks (I have sent a few to the wiki page), not a good plan. LOL. I think the powers that be are smart enough to know that :D. Later edit: They are going amok again LOL. Hopefully the "new folks" will figure that out fairly quickly
  23. Just made the rounds and thought it would help save some time for the devs if I reported. If this isn't helpful, just post a comment and I will keep quiet . Only trying to help out since I am there anyway. Most of the Glytch sims have one out of order glytch hanging around roaming in circle now. Tahoe has three, Murry two down and the AIRPORT was AOK. At 8:30ish AM SLT.
  24. Yes, noted that too last eve, but not as bad as before -- just a couple that were "in their own world". So progress.
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