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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2024 in Posts

  1. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone.
    14 points
  2. Took some new headshots for work today! Im really proud of the clarity in this picture!
    11 points
  3. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons.
    11 points
  4. Playing around with animesh followers and LLMs I bought this fairy from the marketplace, it is adorable, loves to fly around me, bump into me, make weird noises, go invisible I love it! 🥰 I added a OpenRouter chatbot to her, and created a profile so that she would be a fairy with the following prompt OMG she is so damned cute.. this is almost too much.. /me passes out from cuteness overload
    9 points
  5. It's World Otter Day! The t-shirt says, "I will crush your skull like a clam on my tummy."
    8 points
  6. After spending time at Jopsy Pendragon's excellent Particle Laboratory Tutorial my brain was full, so I tried the balloon tours. (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Teal/199/66/301 Beginning part of tutorial ) The Well of Lost Souls demonstrates what can be achieved using particle effects. (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Slate/156/71/21 Well of Lost Souls) Avatar is wearing a mixture of "Choose Your Avatar" clothing, except for the Sasha hair.
    7 points
  7. Playing around with music instruments 🤣 I found this one on the mainland while looking for a hippy outfit, it was cheap so I thought it would be fun. The animations are hilarious. Playing the Ocarina in my patio, this one is pretty fun. It kind of reminds me of FFXIV's instruments where you can play each note. On this one you play each note with the press of a button, or using the HUD. I'm currently trying to figure out if it will record songs to play later. I never thought to look into musical instruments in Second Life before, there must be a ton of things like this that I was oblivious of. Just one more thing to keep me entertained in SL 🥰 I've spent a small fortune in the past couple of days, and need to behave now 🤑 No more spending trips for me, at least for a few weeks as I let my premium bucks slowly accumulate. Edit: I wonder if there are groups of people that put on concerts with instruments such as these, it has been a while since I have logged into ffxiv, but I recall a few players getting together and putting on a show at cities. It was kind of cool, and fun to listen to.
    6 points
  8. It's nearly that time again, when SL residents rez their prim TVs to watch the Euro football championship in world ⚽ Sweden didn't get through this year, so Orwar has said he's supporting Scotland 😮 And LL said they are bringing in more Moles to moderate the forum during the Dutch matches, in case Sid, Alwin, Dorientje and Archangel become rowdy 🛂 Will you be watching Euro 24 in world, and who are you supporting? Will Americans and Canadians be adopting a team? I think Scylla might support Ukraine? We'll let Ayashe sit in the England fan camp if she likes, because she liked onion bhajis when she went to London Should we have a forum sweepstake (within TOS)? Also, this is a thread for any Euro 24-related events in world ⚽🏆
    6 points
  9. I switch my avatar look every few months and finally made a blond look I like after discovering Doux hairs.
    6 points
  10. Though not technically on topic for this thread (probably belongs in the Peeves thread), I had a similar encounter a while ago with some food decor I bought. I wanted some coffee cups that I could link to the cup holders in my car. Purchased a set on sale which looked great, but discovered they were no-mod. Checked the ad again - it clearly stated that the product was mod, so I contact the seller. Got a reply via notecard saying the product was re-size scripted so I can make it any size I want Umm, no... a resizing script is NOT the same as being mod. Spent the best part of a few hours sending notecards back and forth (why the creator couldn't speak in IM with me I'll never know), with me needing to explain what modify means, including detailing my plans for the product. Finally did manage to get a refund though, but for sure I will never shop at that store again. I now wonder if the creator has bothered to change their ads? So creators, sure if you want to sell your stuff as no-mod, go ahead, I don't like it but it's your choice - but for pete's sake at least advertise your stuff correctly
    6 points
  11. 5 points
  12. He's Dutch! Dutch people LIKE "boring", it's why they live in a country that's SO tediously FLAT!
    5 points
  13. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons.
    5 points
  14. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons.
    5 points
  15. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons.
    5 points
  16. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons. So that people joining the thread without reading the OP won't be confused about the topic of the thread please copy and paste the statement in bold above to your post below your pics.
    4 points
  17. Not all child avatars are interested in parents. Some might enjoy having an aunt, uncle, godparent, grand parent etc who only checks in now and then. I'd imagine this would mainly apply to teens and more independent kids. Similarly, some families look for nannies and believe it or not, family pets who are played by real people.
    4 points
  18. The attitude of (some of) the creators and sellers in SL has been mentioned a few times. Here's a relevant example that happened to us a few hours ago... My wife has been searching for the 'perfect' bikini for LaraX. She wants a specific shade, but so far has found nice bikinis in the wrong colour (and of course no-mod) or bikinis she doesn't like but in the right colour. Finally, today we went shopping and found one that was really nice, and had a colour in the range close enough if it could be tinted just a touch... and it was advertised as mod perms as were other items in the store! So she bought it, and we both felt happy that we had found another maker to support. It was no-mod. She contacted the store's CS, very politely saying what the problem was and asking for help. The quick response was "the advert says it is no-mod". This is the advert: As you can see, "mod" is clearly stated. We immediately sent that picture, along with a polite, "please check the advert" reply. That was several hours ago now, with a couple more follow up messages from my wife. Nothing. No further response from CS. This is about typical of what we have experienced with the majority of sellers over the years, and people wonder why I'm a bit down on the attitude of many and quick to comment, perhaps cuttingly, on it. My wife is out of pocket L$800 (she joined the paid group as well, to start getting store credit that will now never be used). We are both disappointed at yet another supposedly top-tier seller.
    4 points
  19. I managed to find something halfway decent as far as eyesores is concerned lol. No signs at all! Can see some skyboxes but if I turn down draw distance most disappear. And the homes nearby are all relatively good and not out of style for the area. Price was certainly right and I have over 3500 prims so that works for me. I actually had found something else that was so perfect I couldn't believe it. I was standing on the land buying the lindens and someone else snatched it up and...put it right back for sale at 4x what it was. Damn land barons /shakes fist
    4 points
  20. Ah........ the wilds of Mainland: thickets of blaring signage, tiny walled kingdoms, low-hanging skyboxes, questionable taste on every side............. can't wait for the photos!
    4 points
  21. It appears now that Firestorm is really encouraging people to join in on their Beta Testing. https://www.firestormviewer.org/pbr-where-we-are-where-we-are-going-and-what-you-can-do-to-be-ready/
    4 points
  22. it is starting to look like this a lot.
    4 points
  23. Exactly the same core avatar. Different skin, pants, hair ..
    4 points
  24. 'Tis true. I doubt Cat could do any better. Would a different outfit improve age perception? (copy pasta like reaction for under 18; thanks reaction for 18+, yada, yada)
    4 points
  25. I've already received some feedback on my avatar but thought I'd post here as well as I'm still not sure whether I should take precautions or not. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone.
    4 points
  26. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone.
    4 points
  27. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons.
    4 points
  28. im 11-12 so i may have different answers than one that's a really little kid. 1. I talk mostly normal and don't expect people to RP with me unless they just want to. IRL i would talk to an 11 or 12yo basically like anyone else, (except for adult topics like sex stuff) and not being surprised if they act childish. I pretty much expect people i run into to be like that, don't talk sex, don't TP me somewhere that would be forbidden to kids. I had someone get upset my ao was skipping, I thought that was a bit excessive of a complaint. Overall, if you don't wanna RP just don't. IRL I get a bit weird about talking to strangers sometimes, so its not unheard of if one of my SL family members might ask a question for me if they see I'm stressed out. I got banned from a store for that once. 2. Most places i hang out are Moderate. It wouldn't affect me much either way if they changed to G personally since these places ban Nudity anyways and i dont swear. When I've talked about why we aren't G the two reasons i see cited are 1. they don't want the 16-17RL kids mixing in or 2. they like to RP Tweens who cuss. Mostly the second. I mean everyone remembers middle school right? The kids aren't talking to each other like they talk to their grandma. 3. Im too big for a car seat but i bet the little kids would be all over that! Poses that aren't so adult like in the backseat would be fun.
    3 points
  29. Unless reality gets exciting, she'll BURST
    3 points
  30. There is a super secret, 13-simultaneous-keypress keyboard shortcut, that requires all eight fingers, both thumbs, both big toes, and a nose, which when properly executed, summons the Ancient Artificial Idiocy Digital Bunneh Deity known as Bun-Hop-Sut, to lay waste to the enemies on the parcels next to yours. Knowledge of this secret keyboard shortcut is an awesome responsibility, and to prevent misuse of it's unspeakable power, this knowledge can only be obtained by making ones way to the nearest Secret Lost Doomed Stepped Pyramid Temple of Bun-Hop-Sut, and praying to the Bunneh Goddess for divine inspiration. All Hail Bun-Hop-Sut!
    3 points
  31. Dogs are not really dogs here. Mary Pickford told me that over cocktails one afternoon in 2010.
    3 points
  32. But Edgar likes little yellow FRUIT (Now I can't wait to see how Roxanne, Alicia, Karen, Edie, and Vera -- remember Vera? -- react)
    3 points
  33. Edgar Doesn't Give A Rat's BELLY
    3 points
  34. You're only saying that because as a furry, you are trying to hide the truth about your cults noob sacrifices to the Tree.
    3 points
  35. It's like you're my mirror, My mirror's staring back at me... Blog: https://dluvsl.wordpress.com Insta: https://www.instagram.com/dluvsl
    3 points
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