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Final Linden Homes Poll

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9 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

Speak and ye shall find.  I don't generally keep Aley freebies, but I found this sub "Sea Serpent"  too cute to delete.  It drives pretty well, too!  My alt just dropped it on you inworld.  (pic taken at the underwater cavern near Porthole)


Thank you 🥰🐚

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I voted for the mid-century home with the garage only  because it has a garage and it might be fun for those that like land vehicles. The Tiki theme seems unnecessary, given that there are so many houseboats in reserve to allocate to those who want water. Tiki would be a bit of a challenge to decorate, I imagine. If one needs more water homes, please just build more stilts (they are excellent, I have two). And make any new piers driveable...cause, why not?

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1 hour ago, Eirynne Sieyes said:

Consider combining tiki and mer together, interspersed. Tiki would have a great view of lots of water and mer would have, well mer!

One thing I really love about the Med theme is how different the 4 styles of homes are from each other.  By adding tree homes to Fantasseria, LL increased the appeal of that theme very much - I wouldn't be trying to get a Fantasseria parcel for months now if it weren't for tree homes.  I hope that whatever theme is next will have some diversity among the home styles.

Perhaps tiki would be different enough from the stilts to include coral reefs?   I seem to remember that one of the old LH continents had an undersea reef area to its west, yes?  It would be SO easy to tuck a mer home into a coral reef!  Of course, it would be a challenge to design parcels that could be either water or low beach, but I trust the moles are up to that!  Or, if not mer, perhaps a tiki cliff home? Variety/spice/life etc.

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8 hours ago, Extrude Ragu said:

 I think the trouble with all linden homes is that no matter the theme it's all kinda isolating - you live in a big suburb where nothing is around to see, or do.

I think LL should make the next theme have commercial plots so we can go shop, and add some parks, attractions and landmarks so it feels like an actual place and less like a procedurally generated landscape.

Totally agree!  Places you can shop or dine or a cafe, etc. It would allow ppl to meet up not far from their home and socialize, etc. #Roleplay 

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15 hours ago, Patch Linden said:

This is the final poll for the next Linden Homes theme.  Vote for your favorite!


The top five selections from the previous vote are included in this poll. The results will be revealed by Monday, July 29th. 

Craftsman. You could bring back Barnesworth Anubis as a Mole (if he left - not sure he did) because he has built many Craftsman homes of all kinds.

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7 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Craftsman. You could bring back Barnesworth Anubis as a Mole (if he left - not sure he did) because he has built many Craftsman homes of all kinds.

Don't like the textures he uses :(

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It was a toss up between the tiki and mid-century modern for me. It was a tough decision, but I love the idea of more water parcels personally, so tiki it was. I can't help but think of the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, I'll always wonder what the homes that weren't chosen would have looked like.

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I chose tiki because .. well .. WATER. Also, I tend to think of tiki huts as being rather small with most living happening outside. I love tropical foliage as well. So I'm hoping for tiki with small huts, lush tropical foliage, and lots of waterfalls. 

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The first three are boring and indistinguishable from existing home styles since Belli started.

Tiki was super popular in 2006, a friend at the time paid for a whole art and education region off the back of Tiki sales.

Snow will probably be under-populated, SAD hits in SL too.

The whole thing smacks of a fait accompli.

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20 hours ago, Teetah Beck said:

Oh My Gosh, that's to much info lol,, Ive been waiting for mer homes from the start,, I can see tiki :) hopefully Ill find a tiki, if it wins, with deeper water so I can live underneath too *fins crossed 🥰


I really like the idea of potentially doing something with a combo on the themes depending on the outcome.

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16 hours ago, Caitlin Tobias said:

Hm. Disappointing choices, it seems more of the same neighbourhoods we already have. I would have loved some sci-fi. Oh well. 

Was #7, so close!

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2 minutes ago, Patch Linden said:

I really like the idea of potentially doing something with a combo on the themes depending on the outcome.

Well, it would be really hard to do a combo if Tiki wins so I predict that mid-century modern will be the one that wins. ;)

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For the "snowy" mountain theme.. It doesn't have to all be snow.. there could gradually be more snow as you go up the mountain.  That would give lots of homes without snow and a few homes with snow for those who want them.  Just a thought.

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I voted for mid-century. Although I still think the Lauderdale is the best overall Linden home. Good size and easy to mod and furnish given the limited prims. I just wish they made the water a little deeper so you can snorkle more easily and set the auto return on the LL land to 5 minutes so when you have a momentary mishap on your boat its not sent back to your inventory instantly. How about LL?

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In my opinion, considering not only the buildings but also the environment, all the themes are similar and would give the same feeling as the houses we already have, except the Alpine Style.

The Tiki theme would have to be very unique to give me a different feeling than I already have with stilts/houseboats, but if it was a combination with Mer, oh my goodness, I would love it. I believe this combo would have a very rich environment. I wonder how the Mermaid houses would be.

The Alpine style would also be great, because we don't have anything like it. I remember visiting Merrymount during the holidays and everything was so beautiful and magical. I would definitely have a vacation home there.

The other themes are a little more of the same to me, with nothing really appealing.

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There should be a village where all motorcycle fans and car lovers can meet. With a highway like Route 66 towards other themes. For this, a good man needs a garage in which he can tinker.

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Given that I already have the homes I will keep forever and ever, I think Bellisseria already hit it out of the park with how good the homes already are; and the rest is just being super duper picky about minor details.................... so that when I vote for the mid-century modern it's because it was a way to combine what I already love about the Traditionals, the Newbrookes, and the Ranches into one theme; which will definitely put me into crisis about where to live, if that ever happens.  (Putting this magical hypothetical house in a snow region?  Oh jeeze, love love love love love.  My perfect place.)

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