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Have You Ever Received A Message From SL?

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Every month I attend a ritual named 'Totem' where we receive messages from nature elements (Totems) we feel have meaning for us. Today I am a Dandelion, and the message received is "Luna, you're a flower, not a weed".
Really, what we often consider a weed is simply a flower in the wrong place.
This crazy world will always try and place you where they think you should be, label you as they desire to fit their own needs.
How wonderful to know one is a flower and not a weed.

I absolutely LOVE rituals in SL that enable us to get in touch with our subconscious processes and see things in new ways.  I could call them preparations for new poetry.

One week I was an elephant, receiving messages about the importance of family and connection, such strong characteristics of the elephant family.  Often I am some sort of tree, receiving messages about changing gracefully with the seasons, and being strong yet bending with the wind.

Have you ever wandered through the regions and received messages?  Just the very nature of SL, so visual and creative, can open one up to subconscious processes waiting to be revealed...

Dandelion 2 Forum.png

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I don't receive messages for self help or have empowering thoughts appear in my head.  I do however appreciate beauty and creativity.  I love wandering slowly through nature regions finding hidden areas left by thoughtful builders and creators.  Even inworld I can feel my stress level get lower when I hear birds, frogs, or wind while moving my avatar along a forest trail or gazing at the endless ocean view.

I have never felt magic or received messages, but I do feel peace and even awe in my own way.

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15 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I don't receive messages for self help or have empowering thoughts appear in my head.  I do however appreciate beauty and creativity.  I love wandering slowly through nature regions finding hidden areas left by thoughtful builders and creators.  Even inworld I can feel my stress level get lower when I hear birds, frogs, or wind while moving my avatar along a forest trail or gazing at the endless ocean view.

I have never felt magic or received messages, but I do feel peace and even awe in my own way.

that seems wonderfully magical to me  :)


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54 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

Isn't a weed simply something that's growing where you don't want to be?

44 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

indeed... what we often consider a weed is simply a flower in the wrong place.


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Yes, I receive a lot of messages from the virtual world which I don't have the time to track down and block, there's a particular spammer on Tofalar urging me to join some group called Naughty Something which I have zero interest in and I think somehow, its siren call shouldn't be heard on MY LAND. But it is because those people haven't learned to check off RESTRICT MOAP TO THIS PARCEL which is one of the Lindens' greatest blessings.

In RL, there are trees in my neighbourhood shedding these little blossoms all over that look like tiny parachutes which are pretty until you start choking on them!

There used to be a dandelion that had spores that floated around, I can't seem to find it now, I had it out at one of my venues.

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Oh, I thought you meant messages from Moderators! LOL!! (Not "mystical communications to your heart" type messages.)

Well to be honest, I don't explore enough for the type of "messages" you mean. 

I think that my own "messages" come from creating.


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Weeds are herbal medicines and the source of essential nutrients for animals and insects. Without the dandelions flowering so early in the spring, bees wouldn’t have any food source when they wake up from hibernation. The root, leaf and flower of dandelions are essential for liver support in horses, other animals and humans. Same as the milk thistle. I could name thousands of other so called weeds that are antibiotics, anti-inflams and even tropane alkaloids to list a few properties.

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Bidens Alba, a "hitchhiker" type of "weed" that everyone seems to hate and want to wipe off the face of the Earth is an antiviral and antiseptic that kills even antibiotic-resistant strains of staph. When I was homeless and got Covid it saved my life. In Third-world countries they even cultivate it as food.

Not giving medical advice or anything, but I went from dying to well in less than 2 days. So yeah, people can blame me on the weeds, I guess.

As for getting messages from SL, that happens to me frequently. If you pay close enough attention, you'll notice all sorts of things trying to tell you all sorts of stuff all the time. Just have to learn what to listen to and what to ignore, is all.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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Sort of reminds me of the old joke. 

2 people were in the garden, one weeding and the other watching. The person that was watching said, "how do you tell the difference between the plants and the weeds? "The other person said, "Its quite simple really, you pull them all out,  and the ones that grow back are weeds!"

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/edit: I always found that image kind of funny. Weeds are amazing!

But I can't say I have received these sort of spiritual messages out of SL, although sometimes when scripting something, I'm questioning my life choices.

I'm not very spiritual in general and that's kinda funny because I jokingly claim to haunt people in their sleep as the cosmic mistress of dreams. Just an old joke no one gets anymore from a role play ages past.

The one time it got spiritual was after a close call early this year. I got out of the hospital. Sat down on a bench late at night and just sat there for an hour thinking nothing, feeling nothing, just my mind going blank. Which to me is unheard of as it's always busy up in there and it felt spiritual in a way. So much suddenly felt meaningless while other parts became more important.


Edited by ValKalAstra
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I used to be really spiritual, but now just see things from a wider perspective with nature.. Nature to me is everything within the universe.. I would really love to see the whole picture because that would even be more amazing..

When I was young filled with what everyone else put in my head, I used to think we were the main life on the planet, but really we are just part of life on the planet, not more important than a leaf on a tree.. if anything we are the most selfish and self absorbed of all life on the planet.  My perspective is, our intelligence is our gift as well as our curse..

For me it's relaxing just to get in the woods and watch other life do what it does without us stomping around on it.

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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17 hours ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Weeds are herbal medicines and the source of essential nutrients for animals and insects. Without the dandelions flowering so early in the spring, bees wouldn’t have any food source when they wake up from hibernation. The root, leaf and flower of dandelions are essential for liver support in horses, other animals and humans. Same as the milk thistle. I could name thousands of other so called weeds that are antibiotics, anti-inflams and even tropane alkaloids to list a few properties.

Without the bee's we will be done and gone in a little over a years time.. However long it takes for food to run out.. They are the number one pollinators on the planet.. No more bees, no more us and other life that so desperately rely on them so much..

The silver lining to that would be, monsanto would be out of business.. lol

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9 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Without the bee's we will be done and gone in a little over a years time.. However long it takes for food to run out.. They are the number one pollinators on the planet.. No more bees, no more us and other life that so desperately rely on them so much..

The silver lining to that would be, monsanto would be out of business.. lol

Exactly, and also without many other pollinators that are regarded as pests such as wasps. They all serve a purpose but in the name of intensive farming they became collateral damage to neonicotinoids.  The sad part is that their use is nowadays more prevalent in people’s gardens as weed killers. Same as slug pellets that in the process of killing the slugs they managed to wipe out hedgehogs and birds too, as collateral damage.

You’re right saying that when humans started to mess with the food chains and circle of life to break through our food chain and make more of the nicer things easily available to us, they also managed to f€ck up the whole planet ecosystem as well. It’s a future that worries me a lot 😞

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23 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

Isn't a weed simply something that's growing where you don't want to be?

But there is always a reason it is growing there, and we just need to understand the reasons, instead of trying to impose our own flawed understanding on the world. I recently visited my Mother, her yard is full of clover, lots of people would look down on that and try to kill the clover so there was only grass growing, but that clover was being visited by bees. I actually got stung on the foot when I made the mistake of walking around barefoot. Those bees make honey, and they are good for the environment. Mankind needs bees, mankind does not need perfectly manicured lawns.

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23 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:


I absolutely LOVE rituals in SL that enable us to get in touch with our subconscious processes and see things in new ways.  I could call them preparations for new poetry.

I think if you are in tune with such things you will get this from anything, I will admit that I am not as in tune as I should be. But the reason I know this and want to fix it is that I have met someone here who is much more in tune with such things.

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10 hours ago, ValKalAstra said:

The one time it got spiritual was after a close call early this year. I got out of the hospital. Sat down on a bench late at night and just sat there for an hour thinking nothing, feeling nothing, just my mind going blank. Which to me is unheard of as it's always busy up in there and it felt spiritual in a way. So much suddenly felt meaningless while other parts became more important.

You've defined "spiritual" quite nicely for me -- a changing of the way we're currently conceptualizing reality so that these "other parts" (deeper in our consciousness) come to the forefront.

I'm wondering what evoked this for you.  In our topic of discussion here,  for me it's the ritual in Second Life I described above (Totem one) that dampens the part of the mind which seeks to define everything according to its past experiences and present desires, and lets a deeper part emerge that can provide beneficial messages.

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