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What made you want land in sl?

Ingrid Ingersoll

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My first year in SL (2010), I had a Linden home from the start, but very soon moved into a rental to have more prims, then a bigger rental, then...I ultimately was renting a homestead. In the meanwhile, a friend offered to teach me about land stuff, and we purchased a few parcels in a landlocked part of Satori for very cheap. I learned about terraforming, how to rez and place skyboxes, just a lot of little things like that. In time, I bought my very first "all mine" Mainland parcel in Jeogeot. I was fascinated by the crazy stuff I saw on Mainland!

What really got me hooked was my first parcel in Bay City, purchased in 2011. I've had land there (and all over Mainland), ever since! I love being able to place whatever building I want and then having fun decorating it, which is not always something I can do in private region rentals or Linden homes, due to rules and themes. 

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1 hour ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

I love being able to place whatever building I want and then having fun decorating it, which is not always something I can do in private region rentals or Linden homes, due to rules and themes. 

That's why I like mainland too, even the rental places can be fussy about what you do.

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The first place I visited was Caledon, so I rented there briefly. But I wanted a place that didn't have a strict theme so I could try out building more stuff. I ended up switching to mainland. I found a little parcel in Mindulle by the road (in around 2009) and I'm still there. I've had larger and smaller plots, but I've always kept the little bit by the road. Being able to change the amount of land owned without moving is a nice feature. When I was doing better with money, I had a games garden and things like that. When things got tighter, I sold most of it and focused on the shop.

I wasn't that interested in the first Linden Homes when they launched, but I liked the newer ones. The lure there was a home that I didn't have to build, didn't have to do any landscaping, and could decorate with things I didn't make. It's a nice change from building for events and such.

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I came to Secondlife after a stint in the Utherverse\Red Light Centre virtual world. The 5 minutes after the dancing and sexy possibilities had grown dull it was the free home that kept me there and decorating it. Decorating there involved assembling a limited pallet of objects and shapes, and linking textures to them from a photobucket account. With the tools available and a bit of experience and trial and error you could do some pretty amazing things.

When I came to SL, and after I got the hang of getting dressed and had decided I was going to stay for a while I was looking for somewhere to call my own. My first land was a sky platform on the Bloodlines\Vampire community land that had got me to join them for cost of my soul and rent. They were my mentors through newbie mistakes and confusions. Like, I had an early freak out over an onduty pregnancy they helped me through. I remember I had some breedable fairies there, they kept breeding and made me unpopular as they left eggs everywhere and kept breeding continually pushing me over my prim limits.

I progressed through rentals on private estates to once I had got in to motorbike clubs to group ownership of a full region for building sky roads. For mainland it was the attraction of travelling that got me buying parcels and renting.



Edited by Aethelwine
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I bought land because I wanted to feel like a resident - not just a tourist. There have been a few times when I have not had even a tiny parcel, and even though I could set "Home" to any number of places, I felt homeless.

Also, I enjoy landscaping and choosing or making a structure for the parcel, be it ever so humble. 


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It started for me almost as soon as I entered Second Life. I cannot remember how I came to be on Missing Beckett but there was this little crime scene house and no one was ever home, and I used to sit outside and look out over what appeared to be an ocean, or use the hot tub on the roof, then when I had been exploring and teleported back to this place, I found I had missed my mark by a few metres and arrived in a store 750 metres above ground where I made some lovely friends, one of whom became my mentor and best friend. We went on to rent a parcel of land on Quincentival, complete with a house on it, and then the land that had the crime scene house on it came up for sale so I bought that, and my partner bought land on Quincentival, then I bought some land on Quincentival, and somehow it escalated, and as I explored more and more of mainland, I bought more and more, and attempted to tidy up parts of it, doing swaps with Linden Lab and micro parcel owners, reshaping parcels and decorating the land with transferable items, selling parcels 512 and 1024m parcels with everything included so a few people could buy something ready made as a starter home.  

One of the things I liked the most though was that each region seemed to have it's own atmosphere. How can something in a virtual reality world be like that I wonder? We had land at Yudasin that overspilled onto Rhoda where there was a dog sanctuary of sorts. Adjacent Zaitsev I could never get along with for some unknown reason, it always felt hostile to me. On Quek I had strange neighbours so didn't stay there long, Kloos was a hidden sanctuary, and just thinking about that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I had a skybox there, as it was a bit of a mish mash at ground level, and at the time had too many shops. 

On another region - I can't remember the name of it right now - I erected a small castle, because there seemed to be mainly medieval themed buildings on it. 

I own nothing now, just the clothes my avatar stands up in, and a ridiculously unruly inventory, which I sometimes tip out into a sandbox and have a good rummage.  

Edited by Marigold Devin
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My 3rd year in SL, and in fact this image was captured on May 4 2010, I had been shopping at Distressed Textures on a region called Ares Aglaia, and out of curiosity I cammed-out to see the area upon which I was standing.  I realized I was at the top of a tall tall tall cliff; and the store was a little distressed shack on this massive expanse of land.  This little shack and a flimsy bridge between cliffs commanded the whole region.  I remember the emotional reaction I had to this location and to this whole aesthetic; and I realized "I want this."  In 2007 when I first rezzed, I was content to rent; and then in 2010 the dream for my own land came out, inspired by this one creator and the region they occupied.

Distressed Textures.png

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First ever bit of "land" was really just a smol spot and rez rights for 50L/week at a certain region with a friendly land owner. Basically to be able to muck about without needing to go to a sandbox. I still have that little spot too, though the rent these days is more of a "thx for helping out a newbie way back then" thing.

Madlands parcel is more of a "because I can". I'm under no illusions that the madlands is what you get if you throw a bunch of lego bricks into a blender. No point in trying to carefully curate it, and asking for privacy in literally a shared space is an exercise in futility. But hey, premium account comes with madlands access, might as well use it.

Private region, well that's so I can mess about and do stuff that would normally get the banhammer quicker than you can say "community guidelines violation". I'm paying for it. If I crash it because a script went haywire, the worst I'm going to get is a raised eyebrow and a "how did you even" from whatever poor support linden comes along to put it back together again.

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I had bought a building I wanted to rez and hang out in. In the end, I didn't end up using it--I was too inept at the time to figure out how to center the rezbox just right so it would fit on my barely-big-enough piece of land, I went with something else, and that second house is still there. Except now I own four more adjacent parcels because I realized they were abandoned and had something big I wanted to put in the sky.

So I had the thing in the sky, but wanted to do something with all that extra ground I now had, so I filled it with trees and a pond and stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At the start, a friend and I rented a skybox. Very soon after that, we decided to buy some land and rent out skyboxes. This was all in my first few weeks and it grew from there. I got so used to having land that I'd really dislike not having some now. These days, I'm down to a 512 but it's still somewhere where I can feel at home.

Just out of interest:
In my early days I'd sell 512 parcels that I no longer needed, for either 5000L or 7500L, and they sold quickly. If I was very lucky, I'd occasionally scoop a real bargain 512 for 3000L. The 512 I have now cost about 300L. Quite a change! 

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When I first started, I rented a tiny apartment in what was basically a motel and it sucked.  I could see everything my neighbours typed when they were bumping pixels.  I shared a parcel with a friend for a while, we pooled together to share a 4096m which was nice, but I wanted a place of my own. I moved around a bit for a while then I took a 3 year break while I was sucked into World of Warcraft, and when I came back I decided to go premium and buy mainland, because I figured it would be cheaper than renting, in the long run.

Now, I have a Linden home and some mainland.  I would hate to not have a place to call home.

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  • 1 month later...

When I first started in 2012 I owned a little parcel of mainland mainly because I was poor IRL and living in a tiny apartment. In SL I could have a little house and trees.

We have a 3 bedroom home now IRL but I have two autistic kids who keep it pretty chaotic with messes. I have more money IRL now so have 8196 of mainland and my 2048 Belli ranch house. My SL is where I can decorate and build whatever I want and no one messes it up or breaks or loses anything. my mainland I am building a park with a playground, camping area, lake, bakery and community center. 

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Early on in SL in 2007, when I realized you could rent a place to live, my first great SLove was a beautiful little Zen garden, rocks and raked sand and all.  I loved that spot and have never gotten over my dream of recreating a Zen garden just like it, though I do not have one now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to own land mostly to be able to build something i believe in and share it with others. I seldom build ”homes” for private use. Its fun with visitors 😊 And I prefer to ”own” mainland as i can relax and dont miss payments (and weekly stipend!). 

I started by renting a house 2008 in Second Sweden though. I miss that community feeling a lot… 💔 its a bit hard to find communitys in SL when u are in EU time zone 🥺

Edited by Always Incognito
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  • 2 months later...
On 5/30/2023 at 6:11 PM, Lyric Demina said:

My 3rd year in SL, and in fact this image was captured on May 4 2010, I had been shopping at Distressed Textures on a region called Ares Aglaia, and out of curiosity I cammed-out to see the area upon which I was standing.  I realized I was at the top of a tall tall tall cliff; and the store was a little distressed shack on this massive expanse of land.  This little shack and a flimsy bridge between cliffs commanded the whole region.  I remember the emotional reaction I had to this location and to this whole aesthetic; and I realized "I want this."  In 2007 when I first rezzed, I was content to rent; and then in 2010 the dream for my own land came out, inspired by this one creator and the region they occupied.

Distressed Textures.png

I only just saw this.   Sadly the creator (Jewel Lamourfou) passed away in the last week after an illness.   She will always be fondly remembered and was the first friend I made on Day 1 in Second Life.  (I landed on her head as a clueless noob in 2006).

We may no longer have her soul with us, but her memory and artwork (and RL artwork) will live on.   It was lovely to see you were inspired by her work :)

Edited by Charlotte Bartlett
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13 hours ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

I only just saw this.   Sadly the creator (Jewel Lamourfou) passed away in the last week after an illness.   She will always be fondly remembered and was the first friend I made on Day 1 in Second Life.  (I landed on her head as a clueless noob in 2006).

We may no longer have her soul with us, but her memory and artwork (and RL artwork) will live on.   It was lovely to see you were inspired by her work :)

Coming from someone as talented as you who give so many of us the houses homes of our dreams in SL, this means a lot. I'm sure Jewel was amazing.

ps. You are always the first recommendation I give to anyone looking for a house for themselves.

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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I wanted to make my own sanctuary that contained the things that I like and love, my own home that would make me feel calm and cozy in my own way, my own little dream world if I may call it that. it's like the room I'm mostly in, I love to decorate it to make me feel home, especially in fall where i put my stored halloween and fall decoration out, as it is my favorite season along with christmas.

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