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Humans complaining about heights

Denny Farlight

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ok, this gets really annoying and it brews in me for about a decade now.

i hope a mod doesnt slaps me for bringing this up but seriously, the human community (or aswell called normie community) is CRAZY. 

i can not go into any sim without getting called teen and/or child avatar. you may wonder now and ask "how tall are you?" i am 181cm tall (just like i am in real life) which is, for the US peoples which use the different height thing 5'9. its a total legit height irl, infact. my country (which is germany) has across all genders an average adult height of 156cm to 194cm. to translate that for the US peoples, 5'1 to 6'3. 

but the human community is ridicioulus in SL. everyone is like 2meters (or even taller, aka 6'5+) and if you are not 2meters tall are you for them a child avatar. the worst i´ve ever seen so far in SL was this https://gyazo.com/07e62345ac91958d668bd42a302032f8 a honest question to you human peoples IN WHICH COUNTRY IS 220cm (7'2) normal adult height? and in which country or land on this world are teens 175cm tall? (5'7) and ON WHICH COUNTRY ON EARTH REACHES A TODDLER THE CROTCH OF AN ADULT!!!????? wtf is WRONG with you guys?

the worst experience i had with a human person in sl (aka normie) by the way, if anyone asks, i am a neko, both male and female versions and my female is even taller then my male but got called child avi (shes like 191cm aka 6'2 with b cup breats but i think my breasts are for normies not huge enough to be adult). anyways, back to the worst experience i had with a human in sl was, they IM me, telling me "hun, this is a real life based sim, nekos nor furries are allowed here". ok, i was fine with that and removed tail and ears. i asked if it is ok now, she said yes. so, i asked her "if this is a real life based sim, why is everyone so tall, infact, you are like 2meters and the male next to you is even taller, thats not really real life like" they then banned me from the place and imed me saying "you look srsly like a teen" and i asked back "wtf? i am 181cm tall, show me a real life picture where a teen is 181cm tall o_o" they then blocked me, a friend of theirs (tho i assume it was an alt account) wrote to me "you cant apply real life height into SL" .. ofcourse you can -_- you human peoples are just too used to the default cam position and feeling small with 180cm. 

and this is what a lot of peoples say. its a problem of the default camera setting. so peoples make themselfs so tall that it fits. a huge problem is aswell that literarly ALL furniture creators went along with this and make furniture for giants. like, i often stand next to furniture and am literarly 181cm tall (yes i know, i said that a lot by now) but the furniture is so frigging huge that i literarly look like a child next to it. its a huge problem aswell.


like a few months ago went the rumor around that LL was on one of their meetings talking about making 159cm (5'2) as minimum height for Adult sims. it went around like a fire, some places even adapted to it. like nilles hangout which literarly kicks peoples which are like 2meter tall and have their minimum height set to 160cm. then recently got the ToS updated. a lot of peoples said the 159cm thing is now official but i can find it nowhere in the ToS.

fact is, Linden Labs needs to do something against this. its HORRIBLE.

ok i am done with my rant. srsly humans or normies, leave your basement for a week or two and learn how tall adult peoples in real life are.

Edited by Denny Farlight
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Hah. It's interesting to say the least, especially when someone visits my skybox and realizes it's sized properly for a normal adult height and they end up not fitting through the collision shape because they're too tall.

Get stickbugged, lol

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i know about that coffee, the problem is that i myself participate in adult content. someone which judges me as a child avatar because their opinion is "you need to be 2meter+tall to be an adult in SL" is a problem for me. i got by now so often attacked by the human community that i am afraid to do ANYTHING in public when it comes to adult activities.

it literarly made me, so to say, PARANOID. and like i wrote, i can literarly go nowhere in SL with my height without that atleast 1 person pokes me and says "ya are a little bit short arent you?" -_- or literarly owners telling me "you are too short" sure, its their place, their rules but seriously >_>.

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in anycase, one reason why i made this post is aswell, does anyone know if LL made this 159cm thing really official? and if yes. where is it in the ToS. because i really can not find it. some places seem to adapt to it. so it might be true? i tried to ask LL via ticket about this but their reply was a link to the Terms of Service =w=.

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15 minutes ago, Denny Farlight said:

in anycase, one reason why i made this post is aswell, does anyone know if LL made this 159cm thing really official? and if yes. where is it in the ToS. because i really can not find it. some places seem to adapt to it. so it might be true? i tried to ask LL via ticket about this but their reply was a link to the Terms of Service =w=.

Anyone placing a height restriction is doing so for their own reasons. It's nothing to do with Second Life's rules. Though I haven't had an automatic system shout at me about my height for some time (people realise I'm a tiny mushroom if they can see me, but the scripts can't tell avatar types apart).

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Here's the problem:  If you do anything construed as ***** in SL you get tossed out on your ear, you and all your alts, and LL take all your money and you loose everything you may have spent 10 years building.  This is a GOOD policy because no one (except sickos) want to encourage ***** abuse. Note there is nothing in the policy about height.

The problem for people who run events or own venues is how to make sure they are not caught up in that.  So they make daft (but easy to script) rules, like all avatars must be over 1.61 metre's (5'3") tall, or some other arbitrary number.

Sorry to say - that's life.   I keep a special 1.62m tall shape, just for a place I like to go to that has such a daft rule.  The rest of the time I am 1.55m just like RL.

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2 hours ago, Denny Farlight said:

wtf? i am 181cm tall, show me a real life picture where a teen is 181cm tall o_o" they then blocked me, a friend of theirs (tho i assume it was an alt account) wrote to me "you cant apply real life height into SL" ..

Lets take it that way. There may be not that many teens at a height of 181cm in RL, i agree, but you also need to agree on the non existense of furries in RL.
A furry community may enforce a furry look, a gor sim may enforce their more like mediaval looks, and humans also can make their own rules (on their own parcels/regions), because its their imagination, their SL - within the TOS, of course.

You cant change others, you only can change yourself. There is not much of a point, pointing out their stupidity, when you actually just can loose the fight (unless you are the venue owner)?
Go explore other parts of SL apart of the kinky ones. Youll run into a lot of other groups of people where body height wont matter at all.

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   Height alone is not a good indication of the represented age of an avatar, it never has been and never will be. However, it's up to the owners of a venue to set their own rules regarding who may or may not visit their property and what rules apply during their stay; it's not LL's policy to judge people by their height (their definition of what constitutes a 'child avatar' remains a pretty vague), and whilst that may result in unfortunate instances of perceived discrimination, there isn't really a whole lot anyone can do to change it.

   All of my avies are scaled to represent human beings, so I'm shorter than most people I come across in SL - though I seldom have any really negative interactions because of it. But then I don't hang out at adult hook-up places much. It's a bit like going to a McInsertBurgerJointHere to satisfy a hankering for hamburgers - it's cheap, easy, and convenient, but always an utterly disappointing culinary experience which doesn't really satisfy in any meaningful way.

   Easiest thing you can do is just find other venues and interact with other people. You're not obliged to convince anyone of their erroneous perception, nor is it usually worth the effort (trust me, as a thoroughly cruel and mean-spirited person™, it only signals that it disturbs you, and that twisting the knob a few notches further might just successfully ruin your entire day with minimal effort!).

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Your reaction to having your height questioned likely plays a large part in this .

Plenty just can't help digging when they find another's sore point . To provoke any sort of negative emotional reaction is their idea of fun .

The smallest adult i know in sl is very chill about it and never seems to have any trouble in adult zones . I call her midget . Curiosity and the fact i really don't care where i might get banned from had me make my avatar as small as hers (5ft 5" male in a very short skirt hiding nothing) . To my surprise i didn't get a single negative comment .

SL is a very small place though and i think most have accepted that any reaction elicited from me is unlikely to be a fun one .




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3 hours ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

Lets take it that way. There may be not that many teens at a height of 181cm in RL, i agree, but you also need to agree on the non existense of furries in RL.
A furry community may enforce a furry look, a gor sim may enforce their more like mediaval looks, and humans also can make their own rules (on their own parcels/regions), because its their imagination, their SL - within the TOS, of course.

You cant change others, you only can change yourself. There is not much of a point, pointing out their stupidity, when you actually just can loose the fight (unless you are the venue owner)?
Go explore other parts of SL apart of the kinky ones. Youll run into a lot of other groups of people where body height wont matter at all.

i am assuming you wanted to say "none" because i never seen a teen which is 175cm tall or taller. the furry part was not a topic of this here even tho i slightly mentitioned it (i say neko is not a furry but thats a different topic) fact is, a lot of (mainly humans) want redicioulus heights from you, otherwise are you too short. i mentitioned the furnitures aswell. if you are not like 195cm tall and standing next to a chair look you literarly like a kid because you barely reach with your head over it... thats nuts =w=.(happens not with all furnitures tho, it got a bit better over the years) however. the height you need for most places is just dumb. you talked aswell about it that being small is a kink of mine ... no it isnt. i just want to be as tall as i am in real life. all this goes even worse when you are female in SL. height is not your only problem as female in sl. if you dont use atleast c cup or more are you a teen or child avi, if you dont have hips of doom like you born 3 kids at once are you a child avatar, if you dont have an butt of doom are you a child avatar and if you dont have uber mega thighs are you a child avatar ... for most humans out there. you literarly need unrealistic propotions as female to be adult in sl (counting the avatar height aswell) as male have you it hard too, tho not that hard like females but, if you are not buffed like an adonis as male are you a child avatar, doesnt matter how tall you are. tho to be fair, furries do this too. its not only the normie community.

now make i peoples probably upset but the only community in SL which is WIDELY tolerant about avatar heights is the anime community. even tho they have some REALLY questionable stuff where even i say ... ehm ... what? that is over 18? even tho you are above 170cm o-o?


i mean, i dont know what i do wrong, i use the jake body for being male and the maitreya body for being female. so, i really dont get wtf is going on with those humans in sl. btw i mentition mainly the human community because its mostly them. i rarely get poked from a fur owner saying "oi, ya are too short" or "ya look like a kid", same with the anime community. its always the human community which caused that i feel always really unsafe and tensing up as soon a human enters a the sim or being around said humans. 

Edited by Denny Farlight
trying to fixx grammar stuff here and there, sorry english isnt my mainlanguage ^^
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Try being a child avatar 😂

I'm the correct RL size for a 9 year old and I look like a toddler when standing next to the 7ft giants of SL. 

To be fair things have gotten better and there are iniatives to make homes, furniture and vehicles to the correct scale but progress is slow going. 

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3 minutes ago, Denny Farlight said:

the furry part was not a topic of this here even tho i slightly mentitioned it (i say neko is not a furry but thats a different topic) fact is, a lot of (mainly humans) want redicioulus heights from you, otherwise are you too short.

Im 1,65 myself and i dont understand why people go giant in SL, either. 
But as long as you hang at their places, you have to stick to their rules. And you should accept their point of view as much as other people accept you being short, but having a tail or cat ears.

Better go to other places, dont stick to the ones where you know already its not working.

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15 minutes ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

Im 1,65 myself and i dont understand why people go giant in SL, either. 
But as long as you hang at their places, you have to stick to their rules. And you should accept their point of view as much as other people accept you being short, but having a tail or cat ears.

Better go to other places, dont stick to the ones where you know already its not working.

the problem is, there are barely any. fur sims dont like human like avis (aka me being a neko). 90%of human places want the mentitioned heights. and well, anime places are ... sometimes weird. to be honest, i wouldnt even count some anime places "anime" because they literarly use normie heads and maitreya bodys and co. o_o but then again, different topic.

hence why i said, i barely can go anywhere without that i get poked about my height and i do not want to be an unrealistic giant xD. like LL needs to set something that ppls stop complaining. it would be the best in my opinion =w=. like a set rule from which height they may count an avatar child etc.

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6 hours ago, Denny Farlight said:

in anycase, one reason why i made this post is aswell, does anyone know if LL made this 159cm thing really official? and if yes. where is it in the ToS. because i really can not find it. some places seem to adapt to it. so it might be true? i tried to ask LL via ticket about this but their reply was a link to the Terms of Service =w=.

There is no rule about restrictions on height  in the TOS or in the maturity ratings..

What you have is those individuals that have places, putting the restrictions in their places they run or own..  A lot of them are more or less  handing out misinformation, some are  just being  cautious in their own way..

You'll find more information in this section than anywhere, about what is allowed in the different rated areas.. you won't find height being one of them though..

Also, My avatar is 1.66 in SL, I'm around 1.47 in RL ..  I really never have any problems in SL.. RL well I've got a lot of those  handled..The ones I can reach anyways. hehehehe


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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20 minutes ago, Denny Farlight said:

hence why i said, i barely can go anywhere without that i get poked about my height and i do not want to be an unrealistic giant xD. like LL needs to set something that ppls stop complaining. it would be the best in my opinion =w=. like a set rule from which height they may count an avatar child etc.

Its not only about body height. Im 1,65 and i dont look like a teeny at all. And it works the same the other way, too. One can make a 1,80 meter avatar looking pretty young.

How would LL set the height rule? Do they stick to the worlds average to be fair?
The Dutch will be confused as an average women clocks in at 1,70 meters, but also a someone from guatemala, barely reaching 1,52 on average.

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2 minutes ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

Its not only about body height. Im 1,65 and i dont look like a teeny at all. And it works the same the other way, too. One can make a 1,80 meter avatar looking pretty young.

How would LL set the height rule? Do they stick to the worlds average to be fair?
The Dutch will be confused as an average women clocks in at 1,70 meters, but also a someone from guatemala, barely reaching 1,52 on average.

omg, I just had this go through my mind pictuing a large child.. hehehehe


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3 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

I always wondered why tallness factor is way off between SL and RL....  My character is like like 220cm in world, but I'm actually 177 in RL. I tried to make my toon 177 but she looked small.

The only way a script can determine your height is by checking the height of your "bounding box", which ends about in the middle of your head. This is the height avatar checkers use, and is the height reported by the LL viewer. Firestorm adds a certain amount to this number when it reports your height to approximate the height to the top of your head.

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Height has been off in SL since it started and can be blamed on one thing - the over the shoulder camera having a high z axis default offset.

This meant that "normal" height homes resulted in the camera showing the upper floor when your AV was downstairs. Homes became bigger - AVs then looked small against huge walls - AVs slowly crept up in size.

17 years later we have the land of mostly human giants and the little people who rightly call themselves "normal" size.

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25 minutes ago, Charolotte Caxton said:

If everyone is seven feet tall and you show up as 5 foot tall because it is your real life height, what are we actually expecting to happen? This is Second Life.

you are probably a prime example of those humans which cant accept "normal" heights.

but yea, what randy said is true, i mentitioned that aswell in my first post. peoples come into sl and the default camera turns them literarly into giants.

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41 minutes ago, Charolotte Caxton said:

If everyone is seven feet tall and you show up as 5 foot tall because it is your real life height, what are we actually expecting to happen? This is Second Life.

A couple of things could happen.. There could be an explosion, you know because of  dynamite coming in small packages, or something short and sweet..  hehehehe

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