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Randy Pole

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Everything posted by Randy Pole

  1. First of all stop thinking about Second Life as being a game - it really is not a game. It's a 3D social thingy. Just as in RL it is often hard to meet people and socialise. The best thing I can suggest is do not try to hard as that may make you appear to others as pushy and attention seeking. If you are new to SL then take advantage of the new resident help places. There are lots of people willing to help you learn there and you will probably make tons of friends. Nobody expects a new resident to look amazing - if you do then they know you are not a new resident but are instead a recycled resident. Second Life is supposed to be for relaxation and enjoyment - if it is not providing you that then log out, take a break. Go outside and enjoy the sun on your face instead of the glow of a computer screen. As for finding places use the destination guide. Do not look at the popular now section - explore some of the other places instead. Find places that resonate with you and maybe you will also find some people that share the same thoughts.
  2. A lot of the "no mod" thinking goes back into the distant days when people thought it allowed creations to be stolen. That was debunked years ago but it the thought remains - as does "clear your cache" solves all lag issues. However, it is the right of the designer to make their original creations no modify. With that said I would encourage designers to remember that time has moved on and full bright should be used on light bulbs only and if you sell it with copy rights then please also add a script scrubbing feature to remove the texture selector/resizer once we have it the way we want it. Thanks
  3. I rarely search just by relevance or rated - more often I search by most recent as that means the older (higher LI) stuff gets relegated to the end. True some people try to game the system so their product appears higher in search but they cant game the human who makes the ultimate decision to buy or not to buy.
  4. I had a good look around the communities area and I think on the whole they are providing a good start. The only drawback I would say is that is that it is all a bit English language focussed (and I only speak/read English). Whilst English may be seen as a language used by many in international communications it would be nice so see several of the "foreign language" communities represented in future expansions.
  5. Indeed so - it's not your European Mediterranean style - it's the USA style but it is still nice. The European style would not have worked because they would all have to be right next to each other, hugging the landscape and all white. It's a very nice selection with superb landscaping (of course). I am going to have to seriously think about moving sometime.
  6. If you move from Mac to Windows then Secondlife will continue to work - you do not really need to copy any files over. However you may want to consider copying the following from Application Support / SecondLife or Firestorm or whatever viewer you are using - open the folder with your avatar name. teleport_history.txt - does what it is called so you know where you have visited before on your new machine toolbars.xml - that contains how you have set up your toolbars I'd advise against copying over settings_per_account.xml as that will contain machine specific stuff. You could also copy over the chat history records for friends if you really want to.
  7. I clicked on one of those update thingies years ago - no group to join so it sounded great. At the start it was an IM a couple of times a week but then it became daily and the unsubscribe action simply did not work. I tracked down the offending spammy object to a skybox and there were dozens of the things there with loads of people just standing around in newbie gear. Since that day I have never clicked on any of those subscribe things again. The sad part is that the spammers do not even need you to click - they can just visit places and collect the UUIDs of all the avatars and then spam the blazes out of them
  8. It’s all time dependent for sure. Backups are only kept for so long (not only for logistical but also legal reasons). When I took a break it was several years. LL basically just created a blank new av with my name and uuid after I jumped through all the necessary ID proving hoops.
  9. I'd suggest you join the Discord linked to from the Black Dragon home page and ask your question there as that would be your best way to get support from other users of that viewer quickly.
  10. My SL has never been the same since I was able to walk properly after teleporting and not having to pull my boots and hair out of my ass instead.
  11. In all the years I have been in SL (over 18) I have not had any logon issues. The only time I lost access to this account is when I myself selected the "delete account" option. Several years later I was able to reactive it with a ticket. There really should be no reason for you to lose access to the accounts. Is the password or account access possibly being compromised? If not then follow up the reactivation ticket with a request to know what happened so that you can avoid it in the future as it is most certainly not normal.
  12. Performance of any system in SL is a tricky one. A state of the art system can provide blinding fps in one place and average to awful in another thanks to textures, complexity and heaps of other stuff. Best bet would be to locate a suitable place, provide the SLURL and then people with various versions can provide stats based upon various draw distances and settings?
  13. I recently updated to an M2 Pro (16GB) as quite frankly the M1 with only 8GB was a mistake - never ever opt for the 8GB models. It's good to see that performance on the M3 chips are on par (if not even better) but we have to remember that the performance is being hampered by having to run through the Rosetta 2 compatibility layer. What I would love to see is some serious work done by LL (and Apple if wishes were real) to get genuine native support libraries and apps for SL. It's super that the M3 is better in performance but that was to be expected Despite performance of SL being poorer on my M2 machine than the MSI Laptop I have with an RTX4070 I prefer using the M2 because it is so darn quiet! You do not notice how loud PC fans are until you use a machine that does not have to use them so much. I am looking forward to continued development and support of SL on the MacOS platform but at the same time I have a a sliver of worry over the whole GL/Metal thing and what that may mean for the future.
  14. I disable my look at targets simply because I do not want my head to twist around like I am in the exorcist. The only time I have ever enabled showing look at targets was at event once when I wanted to see how popular some vendors were over others. I do not care where people look and people that get all upset because someone dares to look at them probably need to think long and hard about why they are getting upset after spending L$ to look good.
  15. The biggest curse I have experienced in all my years of Second Life is that feature called "add friend". To me (and a great many others it seems) far from adding a friend this instead adds someone that you never hear from again. 🧐
  16. I would assume that a chef of a Swedish persuasion took that one.
  17. I am slightly pleased that these people at least only target Windows and so I am safe on my Mac but I am not foolish enough to assume that one day they might change their tactics. Despite the fact that 99% of people getting such messages are smart enough to see it for the scam that it is they only need that 1% to click and install the file.
  18. I will finally be able to have a proper mirror in the bathroom - well I will when I get a FS viewer update in uhh no idea how long. I just hope this does not melt too many GPUs and CPUs around the world.
  19. Free accounts are a necessity. Sim owners do not need to have premium accounts. Estate renters do not need to have premium accounts. The only thing I could suggest to potentially limit any unwanted actions by creators of disposable free accounts is to limit free accounts to G rated land unless they at least have payment info on file. However this would cause a lot of issues for existing free accounts who happily travel (and maybe even live) in M and A rated land and cause no problems whatsoever. It would not be fair to banish them at this late stage. It would also cause a vast shift in the experience for new residents who are rightly hesitant about adding payment info and forcing them to do so would impact retention. Griefers are not as great an issue as they once were. Granted at certain times of the day certain people should just go to bed but instead they hang around and think they are being clever.
  20. If I ever get a message like that because I am the way that I am I decide not to leave a review even if I was going to leave a great review.
  21. Looking back fills me with nostalgia and horror. I made my own homes back then - ok they were mostly ugly concrete boxes but they were low prim. Being pre-mesh meant people of all abilities could and did learn to create their own stuff without the need for any 3rd party apps. It was simpler to help out a new resident then too as you did not have to wade through mesh bodies, heads, appliers or BoM and lord knows what else! Simpler times but (and I do have photographic evidence) we looked awful!
  22. Counting links as actual items falsely inflates inventory item counts. I know that some 3rd party viewers do not include links in the inventory item count - that’s a good idea.
  23. If LL were to give each new resident a free home (let's say a 512 plot with a camper van) then they would be out of business in not very long. If people have a free home what is the incentive of paying for a home? What's the incentive for visiting a creator and buying content for your free home? You can't have everything for free as the system would break down because there is no money to pay the bills. Lots of places do allow group members to set their home to group land though.
  24. It is indeed still a thing and results in textures almost constantly alternating between clear and fuzzy as they load in and out all of the time unless nobody moves, you dont move your camera and nobody enters the sim.
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