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18 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

He's backtracked a bit, and raised the limit for non-premium accounts to 800 per day. Woot!

Twitter is a flaming bin fire right now. He's going to have to roll this back almost completely -- thereby humiliating himself more than he's already done -- if he wants to avert disaster.

And I'm fine with that. The public humiliation part, I mean.

Can always rely on the Canadian News!.....oh wait, yours Truedy is messing that up. More public humiliation from another sector  :( 

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Just now, Arielle Popstar said:

Can always rely on the Canadian News!.....oh wait, yours Truedy is messing that up. More public humiliation from another sector  :( 

That and well with a new BIll, we may not see Canadian news on the internet. As providers, like google and even twitter and FB will have to pay the Journos to have it on their platform. How about news outlets pay their Journos better instead of relying on social media and search engines to basically pay them a decent wage. 

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11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Spoutible, maybe?

The problem at the moment is that the alternatives are fragmented, and can't talk to each other, so there's no one obvious place to go as an alternative yet. Bluesky has the best chance, I think, of emerging as the winner, but we'll see.

Yes, I believe that's the one! I thought it had like...sprout in the name or something, LOL. 

The alternatives all sound...not great. I really just need a place to get breaking news and live updates. Maybe Youtube - I already use that to keep up with Los Angeles' GTA-style car chases as those break out. 🤣

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

You may be surprised. I never used Twitter much, but when I went to Mastodon during the exodus, I stumbled on more journalists than I expected.

I don't really use Twitter or its competitors. As I feel I get enough from FB and Insta. That being said, back in the day. I was a chronic Twitter user. Just not so much today. I have no need to see a bunch of political mumbo jumbo. I try to stay away from it, it's better for my mental health. 

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

He's backtracked a bit, and raised the limit for non-premium accounts to 800 per day. Woot!

Twitter is a flaming bin fire right now. He's going to have to roll this back almost completely -- thereby humiliating himself more than he's already done -- if he wants to avert disaster.

And I'm fine with that. The public humiliation part, I mean.

You know what happens when you don't pay your Amazon bill? They start throttling your service.



Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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7 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

People...those.that make erroneous derogatory remarks about other residents without checking their facts.  I suppose they might be doing it just to get their post count up?

If they're the same one I'm thinking of no, they just want a big pat on the back.

Oh wait that doesn't work, their head is perma-stuck up their azzz

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7 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

People...those.that make erroneous derogatory remarks about other residents without checking their facts.  I suppose they might be doing it just to get their post count up?

Peeve: those same people say I'm the "biggest spammer", and "everything" I post is spam!

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Peeve: Not being able to keep up with threads I was interested in because there are now 8 or more unread pages of people bickering and insulting each other instead of constructive debate and ideas.

It's just not worth it.

/me clicks " Mark All as Read" in the forums and logs back inworld to have fun.

I might be back with pics later.

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25 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Peeve: Not being able to keep up with threads I was interested in because there are now 8 or more unread pages of people bickering and insulting each other instead of constructive debate and ideas.

It's just not worth it.

/me clicks " Mark All as Read" in the forums and logs back inworld to have fun.

I might be back with pics later.

I branched 2 new threads off of one of the threads! Using content I posted on the original thread!

Peeve: Taking a new approach to Posting in order to not side-track a post!


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Peeve du jour: threads not really being about what they appear to be about, not just in this forum but in general, over time. If you want your thing to be important/matter to people then maybe it should serve them better. It’s not always that simple, but often it actually is. 
Peeve in this forum that reluctantly made me laugh: someone calling the Ranch theme ‘Moo-ville’. I can’t say it’s inaccurate buuuuut..ugh, I do hate it! 

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Not sure it's a "pet peeve" but a very, very personal SL annoyance of mine. I'm annoyed as ***** at the whole "GTFO" assimilation of mainland in large part because now I feel that if I do any kind of urban build (eg like a film noir build) I'm contributing to the problem.


So I'm limited to a history build (eg rome or ancient egypt ), a fantasy build or a sci-fi build when I'm on mainland.

Edited by Han Held
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18 minutes ago, Han Held said:

Not sure it's a "pet peeve" but a very, very personal SL annoyance of mine. I'm annoyed as ***** at the whole "GTFO" assimilation of mainland in large part because now I feel that if I do any kind of urban build (eg like a film noir build) I'm contributing to the problem.


So I'm limited to a history build (eg rome or ancient egypt ), a fantasy build or a sci-fi build when I'm on mainland.


And my own mainland parcel is surrounded on three sides by a giant GTFO rail hub that is HUGE. I wouldn't mind it so much if it were even a teeny bit "realistic," and actually urban, but it's just a sterile glass and steel monstrosity with big full-bright signs.

Maybe they'll sell up and I can buy it . . .

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26 minutes ago, Han Held said:

Not sure it's a "pet peeve" but a very, very personal SL annoyance of mine. I'm annoyed as ***** at the whole "GTFO" assimilation of mainland in large part because now I feel that if I do any kind of urban build (eg like a film noir build) I'm contributing to the problem.


So I'm limited to a history build (eg rome or ancient egypt ), a fantasy build or a sci-fi build when I'm on mainland.


5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


And my own mainland parcel is surrounded on three sides by a giant GTFO rail hub that is HUGE. I wouldn't mind it so much if it were even a teeny bit "realistic," and actually urban, but it's just a sterile glass and steel monstrosity with big full-bright signs.

Maybe they'll sell up and I can buy it . . .

But everyone can still build whatever they want on mainland, and everyone else can derender it. This is how mainland is supposed to work. 

If you come to Bellisseria, we have cookies, but everyone has to comply with The Covenant. No GTFO builds, no low-floating skyboxes, no ad boards, no pilons spewing particles into the sky, just block after block of attractive, respectable, conforming houses.

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7 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:


But everyone can still build whatever they want on mainland, and everyone else can derender it. This is how mainland is supposed to work. 

If you come to Bellisseria, we have cookies, but everyone has to comply with The Covenant. No GTFO builds, no low-floating skyboxes, no ad boards, no pilons spewing particles into the sky, just block after block of attractive, respectable, conforming houses.

Oh, I get it. And I don't want a Linden home for precisely that reason, despite there being things about the communities there that I do like.

I like the glorious chaos of the Mainland: it's why I'm there, and why it's where I do most of my exploring.

But that doesn't mean I have to like every build there. There's a lot of garbage on the Mainland.

(I should add: I couldn't build what I have on my Mainland plot in Bellisseria -- it's an urban guerrilla garden, with unkempt grass, a daycare playground, allotment vegetable beds, and . . . I'm about to add a wandering goat.

Maybe if the goat is loud enough, the neighbours will move!

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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18 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


And my own mainland parcel is surrounded on three sides by a giant GTFO rail hub that is HUGE. I wouldn't mind it so much if it were even a teeny bit "realistic," and actually urban, but it's just a sterile glass and steel monstrosity with big full-bright signs.

Maybe they'll sell up and I can buy it . . .

I'm in Hookton and two of the regions south of me (Westport and Clarksburg) have been assimilated.

I have no beef with the builds -the guy makes them himself and they're actually pretty good. Better than I am able to do, that's for sure.

There's other builds around me, like over in Quentin and north in Inari that aren't GTFO...so it isn't what is around me specifically that grinds my gears but the trend over all...monocultures aren't healthy and I've decided to indulge my faux-bavarian tendencies just to make sure that there's something different in the mix.

(on the other hand, I'm a crappy enough builder that maybe I ought to do GTFO and make them look bad by association! :P )

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   Peeve: when you go into a store to look at something you found off the MP, and there's a group of people standing in the store laughing on voice. How dare they have fun? And in public?!

   .. Also that I couldn't find that one thing I came to look at because it turns out the store if properly gargantuan. Bleh!

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Now, see -when you talk about garbage on mainland you're talking about me. You're talking about my builds.

I don't intentionally build horribly, mind you -but I'm aware that I will never ever in a zillion years be close to being professional quality. VERY aware. I don't believe it matters (what matters is if I actually put effort into it and try to learn more as I go on ...and I do both).

Second life encourages -or at least in my mind ought to encourage everyone to have a voice, and a place to express or play out whatever...regardless of skill level. That's not it's only strength but IMO it's a core part of it's appeal -otherwise it's just a *****ty 3d app running on a 21 year old engine.

I'm even less in favor of any rhetoric about "cleaning up" mainland than I am of the whole place turning into a GTFO hub. I just watched a guy build two sims by hand...that has my respect, if nothing else.

A curated mainland has no room for me -and to be honest I wouldn't want to be on it in the first place.

Edited by Han Held
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