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Shopping peeves:

Where are the detailed blogs that tell me what's there at the Shop n Hop that makes it worth my while to slog through the mall from hell?  the slurls are ok for getting you to the shops you like, but they don't tell  what's for sale this time around or if there's a free gift that isn't crap. And if you're not familiar with the store, is there something there that warrants hanging around waiting for it rez? I  have a real life these days and don't have 40 spare hours or the patience to wander through.

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9 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

Shopping peeves:

Where are the detailed blogs that tell me what's there at the Shop n Hop that makes it worth my while to slog through the mall from hell?  the slurls are ok for getting you to the shops you like, but they don't tell  what's for sale this time around or if there's a free gift that isn't crap. And if you're not familiar with the store, is there something there that warrants hanging around waiting for it rez? I  have a real life these days and don't have 40 spare hours or the patience to wander through.

You could check.out the Flickr group.  It's kind of random but gives some info on what is where...



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2 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

Shopping peeves:

Where are the detailed blogs that tell me what's there at the Shop n Hop that makes it worth my while to slog through the mall from hell?  the slurls are ok for getting you to the shops you like, but they don't tell  what's for sale this time around or if there's a free gift that isn't crap. And if you're not familiar with the store, is there something there that warrants hanging around waiting for it rez? I  have a real life these days and don't have 40 spare hours or the patience to wander through.

I bounce through it on my main acct (Jordan) and make the list of stores to hit/go back to for my alts.  Then six months later I finally get around to unpacking and looking at what I have picked up from them.

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3 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

I bounce through it on my main acct (Jordan) and make the list of stores to hit/go back to for my alts.  Then six months later I finally get around to unpacking and looking at what I have picked up from them.

6 months? That's pretty good! I have a ton of event freebies from 2020 I haven't even unpacked yet.

I'm ashamed.


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   Ah, yes. The THURSDAY folder .. Can't remember what year I made it (but I presume it was on a Thursday, and I think it was 2018 as Neph was brand spanking new at the time, and hogged event gifts like a hamster). 

   I sometimes wonder what's inside of it. Perhaps one of these days I shall find out. But whenever I see it I tend to remember that I have some awfully urgent other things to do, like opening the front page of YouTube to see whether there's 'anything new'. 

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Creators that insist on making decoration super high LI.

I got a gift via one of the advent calendars - an outdoor winter decoration.  It was an LI of 15 or so - and no good reason for such dense mesh, as far as I could tell.  

I just now ran across basically the same item, as a Shop & Hop gift, but this one had been better optimized. It is only 5 LI and with my LOD set at 1.5, I could still see the item from almost half a region away.  More proof that there was absolutely no reason for that other item to be so dense.

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13 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Creators that insist on making decoration super high LI.

I got a gift via one of the advent calendars - an outdoor winter decoration.  It was an LI of 15 or so - and no good reason for such dense mesh, as far as I could tell.  

I just now ran across basically the same item, as a Shop & Hop gift, but this one had been better optimized. It is only 5 LI and with my LOD set at 1.5, I could still see the item from almost half a region away.  More proof that there was absolutely no reason for that other item to be so dense.

OMG - I just click on pretty much the same object at an event that I just popped in to, and that one is 103 LI.

Pretty sure some of this stuff gets designed by people that have more LI available than sense.

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20 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

Shopping peeves:

Where are the detailed blogs that tell me what's there at the Shop n Hop that makes it worth my while to slog through the mall from hell?  the slurls are ok for getting you to the shops you like, but they don't tell  what's for sale this time around or if there's a free gift that isn't crap. And if you're not familiar with the store, is there something there that warrants hanging around waiting for it rez? I  have a real life these days and don't have 40 spare hours or the patience to wander through.

I can't stand the lack of information they put in the adds themselves.. Half the time I'm looking at a vendor and wondering, what the heck are you selling? Is it the earrings, the nails , the outfit, or hair?

That or you are skimming the Seraphim and can't tell what body something is for, because they've turned that into the small print and feel that's the least important thing when it should be one of the most important things people see..

If it's too small to read I just move on..

No more telling us if something is, copy mod transfer either..

More time is spent trying to put products in unreachable levels of lighting that many won't be able to reach, than there is product information..  I'm at the point where, if certain things are not able to be seen in an image, I don't even break stride passing by them.. I have my ,keep on going, on speed dial now.. hehehe

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15 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

[...] but this one had been better optimized.

   As far as I can tell, very few SL creators have any good optimisation workflow for meshes. In a way, I blame SL itself for at all giving us the option to generate LOD models and physics on upload, creating totally random cuts (which is why stuff collapses into a jagged mess rather than losing detail when the LOD model swaps, and why you've got mesh houses where you'll fall straight through staircases or randomly be able to fall through walls or windows - but not walk through doorways). That, and that the LI calculation itself seems .. Peculiar. 

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Speaking of peeves. Many of you know what it is like to show SL on a big screen to a non-SL user.  
"You have to be a little patient. We must wait a while before everything is visible, it's called 'rezzing."
"Hm, that's taking a long time now. Let's start with walking anyway. Believe me, it looks really great and the white things you see now have beautiful colours in real."
"That thing that looks like a skeleton in the distance is an old mill. As we come closer you will see it's a mill indeed."
"Those giant car wash brushes are snowflakes. it now looks like you are walking through a white wall, but wait a minute and you will see it's actually very pretty."
"It's all slow like sirup in a cold cellar, I guess all my neighbours are home."
"What do you mean by 'Second Life is a retarded game? Firstly, it's no game and secondly, you HAVE to believe me, SL is wonderful!"


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12 hours ago, Hani Morningstar said:

Peeve - Those floating sex bubbles people have over their homes. Who thought that one up?

Sex is one of the eldest concepts in the world.
It is the corner stone of Second Life.
If you can't use it for sex animations, it must be clothing or it is irrelevant.
It is harder to get a chair, couch, sofa, kitchen table, bar etc without than with sex animations.
A peeve of mine, but it comes with the SL package.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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20 hours ago, archangel969 said:

Speaking of peeves. Many of you know what it is like to show SL on a big screen to a non-SL user.  
"You have to be a little patient. We must wait a while before everything is visible, it's called 'rezzing."
"Hm, that's taking a long time now. Let's start with walking anyway. Believe me, it looks really great and the white things you see now have beautiful colours in real."

Reminds me recently when I put SL on a TV in our bar.  One person said "wow, did Meta get legs?"  My man said "no, Meta is far behind Linden Lab - this is Second Life!"  And went on to say SL been around for 2 decades and existed before Fakebook.

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My peeve is...I am sure somebody's altering time :/ 2020 seemed to last 5 years! But 2022 lasted a fortnight! Actually, I could swear in court that it was just last week that we were all chatting about Christmas 2021...also, 2020 was a really fun year for me, personally, but 2022 has been a slog...but everyone says time flies when you're having fun...what is going on??? :o:|

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I did a major inventory clean up this year and I am trying really hard not to go nuts collecting freebies that I don't unpack until years later then throw 90% away.  I worked my way backwards year by year and I still have a folder of 2014 advent gifts that I haven't unpacked yet.

I'm only going to a couple of advents this year and if I miss a day I don't break a sweat over it.  The events I've gone to so far this year I'm trying to unpack as I go. My to be sorted folder is not empty, I still have a hair fair folder and the sl birthday bash folder to be unpacked, but I'm doing much better than usual.  

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