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*~Pheeby's Peeve of the Day~*

This is a lifelong peeve, but today I'm sharing it, because I don't often notice anyone else being peeved by it, or at least realizing it might be why they end up so peeved sometimes. I'll say it a few different ways, just so it's more easily digested and understood, and maybe at least someone out there will understand what I'm trying to express, myself included.

Here it is. Those who like to argue the most have no grasp of the art of rhetoric, and will take an opposing view simply because they lack the vision to see any other (not all systems of calculation are binary). The most insecure and weak-willed people are the most domineering, and those with little self control try to control everyone else around them. When all else fails, they just pooh-pooh everything, acting like giant, rashy toddlers.

Like how those who never made a movie will do nothing but tear down a movie-maker's creative work, and say they'd have done it better. Those with critical thinking skills seldom if ever apply them to themselves or their own thoughts or doings. Hard-boiled skeptics are easily duped, and their fear of looking foolish often makes fools of them.

Blindly grasping for handholds in the dark makes one startled when someone turns the lights on. I've always hated arguments. My entire life people have argued, as if they somehow stood to gain something real and tangible by defeating another person and making them submit. All I see is someone acting like a jerk and trying to put people down, and trying to figure out a point to rationalize their actions while keeping others and their inferior views at bay long enough to do so. They want to feel good about pushing someone else's face into poop, basically.

What's the goal? No, I mean what's the real goal? As a child people would try to argue with me, and I would tell them what I knew about whatever they were arguing about, and cite sources, show them the encyclopedia article, and all it ever did was make people angry, and they'd declare that everyone was wrong but they themselves, and storm off in a huff. So I know it's not some frantic dash to discover truth or anything, it's just combat.

If people like combat sports so much, why not just be honest about it? Dishonesty doesn't do much for one's rhetoric, at least not when it's so obvious to observers. And why are the ones who insist everyone fight with them the ones who lack real fighting skills? Is that why they force everyone to be their practice dummies all the time?

I hate arguing. But admittedly I enjoy combat sports. At least they're honest, and teach discipline and respect for others.

But I still hate seeing poor technique that leaves openings big enough to drive a truck through. It's so amateurish.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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3 hours ago, Orwar said:

Shredded carrots (and parsnip, and swedes) are a great way to bulk up a ragu

I am sure whatever you are describing is tasty, however I couldn't get further than reading that you use Swedes in your sauce.  Do you only choose the juiciest Swedes?  Are short ones less stringy and tough than the tall ones?  Just how do you choose which Swedes are going in the sauce?  Do you have to marinade them first or do you tenderize them with one of those little kitchen mallets?

I have so many questions...  I mean, if anyone was to be a gourmet Swede chef, it would probably be you, but really?

Here, I found this carved Swedish turnip that was probably an actual Swede before it was mummified.


Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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As boring as Gen Discussion has become, I learn something new here at least once a week.

The swede (from Swedish turnip), rutabaga (in Sweden and USA) or yellow turnip (Brassica napobrassica, or Brassica napus var. napobrassica, ...

Edited by Jaylinbridges
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39 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Do you only choose the juiciest Swedes?

   No - one of the great things with ragus, just like most stews, is that you don't need the highest quality cuts, even the toughest picks will be infused and fall-apart tender if you cook it overnight (or if you make it in the morning for dinner the same evening, although if you can let it cook for a full 24 hours there's really no reason not to)!

39 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Are short ones less stringy and tough than the tall ones?

   The longer they are, the longer strings you can cut! 

39 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Just how do you choose which Swedes are going in the sauce?

   Size and attractiveness. 

39 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Do you have to marinade them first or do you tenderize them with one of those little kitchen mallets?

   You don't 'have' to, although using a tenderising mallet is fun - cooking is supposed to be fun! 

23 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

The swede (from Swedish turnip), rutabaga (in Sweden and USA)

   We don't use the English word for it here though, we call it 'kålrot' (kale root). We use it a lot more than the white turnip (which we call 'majrova' - 'May turnip') - the word 'rutabaga' is from the old westgothnic Swedish name 'rotbagge' which is 'root' and the word bagge which in this case means 'lump' (but in general Swedish means 'ram' - I'm not entirely sure why we do this, but we also call small metal ingots 'galt' which means 'boar', specifically as in male-pig, and larger metal ingots 'tacka' which are sheep or goat ewes/does/nannies. Also 'bagge' is specifically the 'top ram' of the flock, other male contenders for procreation rights are called 'bock').

Edited by Orwar
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4 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I am so sorry you had to experience that.  The nerve of the lady.  

I don't know where you live, but if it is in the US, I would have told her that you were considering reporting her to the police as a peeping tom.

Thank you. I'm in the UK. I'm still fairly new to the UK so I don't really know the laws and such since I've only been here a year and a half. I'm still learning. This might sound really bad, but we haven't been too pushy because she is an older woman in her late 80s. We think she is lonely. My husband has reported her to our city council since they own all the small homes around the area we live.

We shall wait and see what they decide to do. Hopefully, they will have a chat with her.

Edited by Dafadilia Wayfarer
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Awww, thanks everyone for the well-wishes! Still sick, but I think slowly on the mend!

My doctor informs me that there is an influenza going around that is hitting some people worse than Covid (although, I hope, without the potential long-term impacts), and that's obviously what I've got. I can see this thing lingering for a week or two more, but at least I'm slowly becoming more functional and at least a little less miserable. (Although my SO assures me that I'm still every bit as miserable as I was a couple of days ago . . .)

Onwards and upwards! *cough cough*

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Peeve:  How much our phones have integrated into our lives.

Yesterday I had to go to the office for my 'once a quarter planning meetings'.  I got to the office, powered up the laptop, and went to log into one of our web pages.  Bang, up pops the 'Microsoft Authenticator Approval' window.  I grab my purse to dig my phone out and OMG, it is not there -- I left it at home.  So, I click the button that say "I do not have access to Authenticator right now".  Another window pops up:  "Okay, enter the code that we just texted to phone xxx".   *sigh*  Same damn phone.  I click all sorts of buttons but nothing gets me past having to either Approve the Authenticator request or enter a text code.  

Finally I call the Help Desk.  They are able to go in to my account to add my work desk phone as an alternative way of authenticating.  The system automatically calls me and I press all the right buttons, so now life is good.

As soon as I got home, I logged my work laptop in and promptly added my home landline as an additional authentication method (because the work desk phone sure as hell won't help me at home). 

I've made a note to spend time this weekend ensuring that I have backup methods specified for everything else that I use MFA for.  The whole fiasco does make me wonder though -- What the hell do people do that only have a cell phone, no landline?

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25 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Peeve:  How much our phones have integrated into our lives.

Yesterday I had to go to the office for my 'once a quarter planning meetings'.  I got to the office, powered up the laptop, and went to log into one of our web pages.  Bang, up pops the 'Microsoft Authenticator Approval' window.  I grab my purse to dig my phone out and OMG, it is not there -- I left it at home.  So, I click the button that say "I do not have access to Authenticator right now".  Another window pops up:  "Okay, enter the code that we just texted to phone xxx".   *sigh*  Same damn phone.  I click all sorts of buttons but nothing gets me past having to either Approve the Authenticator request or enter a text code.  

Finally I call the Help Desk.  They are able to go in to my account to add my work desk phone as an alternative way of authenticating.  The system automatically calls me and I press all the right buttons, so now life is good.

As soon as I got home, I logged my work laptop in and promptly added my home landline as an additional authentication method (because the work desk phone sure as hell won't help me at home). 

I've made a note to spend time this weekend ensuring that I have backup methods specified for everything else that I use MFA for.  The whole fiasco does make me wonder though -- What the hell do people do that only have a cell phone, no landline?

And I hate how they are requiring phones for almost anything. Recently we had to take back a mesh router due to it requiring a phone for set up.

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45 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Peeve:  How much our phones have integrated into our lives.

Yesterday I had to go to the office for my 'once a quarter planning meetings'.  I got to the office, powered up the laptop, and went to log into one of our web pages.  Bang, up pops the 'Microsoft Authenticator Approval' window.  I grab my purse to dig my phone out and OMG, it is not there -- I left it at home.  So, I click the button that say "I do not have access to Authenticator right now".  Another window pops up:  "Okay, enter the code that we just texted to phone xxx".   *sigh*  Same damn phone.  I click all sorts of buttons but nothing gets me past having to either Approve the Authenticator request or enter a text code.  

Finally I call the Help Desk.  They are able to go in to my account to add my work desk phone as an alternative way of authenticating.  The system automatically calls me and I press all the right buttons, so now life is good.

As soon as I got home, I logged my work laptop in and promptly added my home landline as an additional authentication method (because the work desk phone sure as hell won't help me at home). 

I've made a note to spend time this weekend ensuring that I have backup methods specified for everything else that I use MFA for.  The whole fiasco does make me wonder though -- What the hell do people do that only have a cell phone, no landline?

I hate how they have invaded our lives.. They are a chiropractors dream because of how a phone always has peoples heads looking downward.. They pretty much kill off socializing everywhere but the phone, they put more people at risk in so many ways..  Remember the people showing themselves on vacation and then getting robbed..

I never liked them and have the thing cut off from my life as much as possible.. I really just use it for a phone and maybe a waiting room game..

I kind of have always had that same feeling like, Tommy lee Jones has in coal miners daughter..

Hey Dew, when you gonna get a phone!!

Dew: Don't really like phones much!!



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7 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I hate how they have invaded our lives.. They are a chiropractors dream because of how a phone always has peoples heads looking downward.. They pretty much kill off socializing everywhere but the phone, they put more people at risk in so many ways..  Remember the people showing themselves on vacation and then getting robbed..

I never liked them and have the thing cut off from my life as much as possible.. I really just use it for a phone and maybe a waiting room game..

I kind of have always had that same feeling like, Tommy lee Jones has in coal miners daughter..

Hey Dew, when you gonna get a phone!!

Dew: Don't really like phones much!!



My cell has mostly been 'just a phone' for me.  I do minimal texting on it and only have a few apps installed.  Work requires the MFA, with a requirement to use the Microsoft Authenticator app.  The 'text a code' or 'call a phone' are simply designated as "alternatives" when I can't use the Authenticator.

My husband got a new car recently and it is pretty much required to install the associated app on his phone in order to do most things in the car, as far as setup/config type stuff.  Frustrating as hell - he hates phone apps more than I do.

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45 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

My husband got a new car recently and it is pretty much required to install the associated app on his phone in order to do most things in the car, as far as setup/config type stuff.  Frustrating as hell - he hates phone apps more than I do.

My last car only had 2 "phone functions" that mattered: "remote start" and "find my car".  I don't miss either feature.  More peeve than positive.

(I will miss the 360-degree parking cameras when I next switch cars, though not phone-related.)

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7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

My last car only had 2 "phone functions" that mattered: "remote start" and "find my car".  I don't miss either feature.  More peeve than positive.

(I will miss the 360-degree parking cameras when I next switch cars, though not phone-related.)

You clearly drive fancier cars than I do.

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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Peeve:  How much our phones have integrated into our lives.

Yesterday I had to go to the office for my 'once a quarter planning meetings'.  I got to the office, powered up the laptop, and went to log into one of our web pages.  Bang, up pops the 'Microsoft Authenticator Approval' window.  I grab my purse to dig my phone out and OMG, it is not there -- I left it at home.  So, I click the button that say "I do not have access to Authenticator right now".  Another window pops up:  "Okay, enter the code that we just texted to phone xxx".   *sigh*  Same damn phone.  I click all sorts of buttons but nothing gets me past having to either Approve the Authenticator request or enter a text code.  

Finally I call the Help Desk.  They are able to go in to my account to add my work desk phone as an alternative way of authenticating.  The system automatically calls me and I press all the right buttons, so now life is good.

As soon as I got home, I logged my work laptop in and promptly added my home landline as an additional authentication method (because the work desk phone sure as hell won't help me at home). 

I've made a note to spend time this weekend ensuring that I have backup methods specified for everything else that I use MFA for.  The whole fiasco does make me wonder though -- What the hell do people do that only have a cell phone, no landline?

Neither of my sisters have landlines.  We've kept our although the only calls we seem to get are robocalls.  Even when I list my home phone as primary contact number, many places still call my cell phone first.  THAT peeves me since I don't always have my cell phone attached to me.  I can ALWAYS hear the home phone when I'm home.

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7 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:
15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

My last car only had 2 "phone functions" that mattered: "remote start" and "find my car".  I don't miss either feature.  More peeve than positive.

(I will miss the 360-degree parking cameras when I next switch cars, though not phone-related.)

You clearly drive fancier cars than I do.

Here at least, most new cars have "backup cameras" at minimum. 

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3 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Neither of my sisters have landlines.  We've kept our although the only calls we seem to get are robocalls.  Even when I list my home phone as primary contact number, many places still call my cell phone first.  THAT peeves me since I don't always have my cell phone attached to me.  I can ALWAYS hear the home phone when I'm home.

I haven't owned a land line in years. I think I only had a landline for a bit, when I got my mobile phone. 

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We've primarily kept our landline because pretty much all of our financial stuff is tied to that number - many decades worth of stuff.  I don't want to change all of that to one of the cell phones. Not to mention that I'm pretty picky about who gets my cell number anyway.

And the fact that since my husband works for Comcast, we were able to change the landline to VOIP and only pay about $10.00 per month for it, packaged up with all of the other Comcast stuff that we get at a super cheap price.  If I still had to pay regular phone service prices, I might have ditched it by now.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I got rid of my land line seven or eight years ago and ditched my cable a couple of years after that. My cell phone is just for talking on (and a very occasional text message).  Everything else is handled on the Internet. Anything else would be prohibitively expensive.

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On 11/8/2022 at 3:46 PM, Orwar said:

   Shredded carrots (and parsnip, and swedes) are a great way to bulk up a ragu, adding a touch of sweetness and depth of flavour without messing up the texture. An overnight-cooked ragu alla bolognese (just make it in the evening and leave it on the stove on very low) + a home made Mornay sauce (with plenty of white pepper and nutmeg, and of course a well-aged cheese) = the best lasagne. Serve with a simple salad with cucumbers and cherry tomatoes and put your best balsamic vinegar on the table (if it ain't old enough to order its own drink, it ain't old enough to ride with lasagne).

If it has carrots in it and they are cooked I will not touch it. No ands ifs or buts about it. No means no. The best you can hope for is I can eat around the cooked carrots. Otherwise, I'll be looking for something else to eat. Sorry.

US companies use it as a cheap filler in foods that they do not belong in. It's not going in my mouth.

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23 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I am so sorry you had to experience that.  The nerve of the lady.  

I don't know where you live, but if it is in the US, I would have told her that you were considering reporting her to the police as a peeping tom.

It's not so cut and dry in the US anymore. There are cases where the peeping tom got off scot free while the person whose home privacy was invaded didn't.

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13 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

If it has carrots in it and they are cooked I will not touch it. No ands ifs or buts about it. No means no. The best you can hope for is I can eat around the cooked carrots. Otherwise, I'll be looking for something else to eat. Sorry.

US companies use it as a cheap filler in foods that they do not belong in. It's not going in my mouth.

That's okay. More carrot fries for me!

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