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Large shopping HUDs that do not have a minimize button.  The damn thing takes up most of the viewer so you cannot actually shop with it there.  However, without a minimize button, it must be constantly detached and re-attached.  Except that when you re-attach the damn thing, it does not remember where you were so you have to scroll all the way through again.

Ugh -- Gonna edit the damn thing off screen instead.


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6 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I was pleasantly surprised.  My husband's friend and her husband were actually fun to chat with.  Dinner turned out to be much more enjoyable than I had expected.

Omg LittleMe my voodoo doll post to your original and this reply pretty much sum up my entire life. lololololol
Soooo funny. ☺️

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16 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

People that believe every false thing said about me simply because of they don't like me 😑. Like I've met people I truly despise, but you can bet the reasons I don't like them is because I've either seen them in action or have been shown how they are

How on earth wouldn't they like you?

Clearly they are idiots whom you can discount out of hand.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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   Hey, I actually got a new pet peve now, thanks too... well, you know; Troll's. They might think about staying under the bridge and not come here so they don't get shown what for, ya know? I even had to look up its definition just to make sure I got it right...

         Internet troll
   "In internet slang, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception."

   Sound like anyone specific today by chance? 😉


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This is a personal peeve...so I am not judging anyone who disagrees...:o but one of mine is keeping Christmas decorations up after Boxing Day...

It doesn't annoy me when other people do it, and there might be a good reason, like if family or friends can't make it on 25th or 26th...and you are supposed to be able to keep them up until 6th January...but personally, I would take them down straight after Boxing Day, I find them a bit depressing afterwards. Does anyone else feel this?

Edited by Rat Luv
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21 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

you are supposed to be able to keep them up until 6th January

which is Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas.  Unless you have a fir tree that is becoming a fire hazard, keeping the tree up for the full twelve days is right in the spirit of the season.  I'm more concerned about people who put the tree up too early -- like right after Thanksgiving, before Advent has even begun.

Edited by Rolig Loon
typos. as always.
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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

keeping the tree up for the full twelve days is right in the spirit of the season.  

Yes, most people do 🙂 It's just a personal thing with me...by 2 January, I feel "Christmas seems like ages ago 🙁" and the decorations make me feel sad...and it's time to work or go to school again, though you're surrounded by lights and Santas. 

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   Well for me, it always depended Rat Luv. When I was a kid living with my Dad, the tree, and all the decorations would be kept up until Jan 1st, which is when it would all come down no matter what. Then when I was in my albeit small "bachelor days", I could get so lazy with it that everything except for the tree would stay up nearly all year at times as I was way too lazy to take them down lol. And then when I met my future wife, it evolved into taking everything down except for the lights, and then using them strategically to place them here and there throughout the house to give a nice soft lighted walkway at night, or creating a great movie atmosphere in our living room for cuddles and popcorn.
   But then once we had our children, while we continued to do that from time to time (especially for our kids rooms) they loved the Christmas decorations so much that we let them decide when they should come down (sands the tree; "if" it started shedding way too much, then out it went). Of course, this only applied to inside decorations, as never did my Dad, me, my wife, or surprise, surprise, our children ever cared about or deal with much in the way of those decorations, especially those huge ones. And then there was the issue with our cats sometimes, but that is other stories for other days... :D


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It's like now, if I see Santa on a TV advert, I feel "They're rubbing it in...Christmas is over, we have to wait another 363 days..." 😭

But I am a bit of an oddball like that 🤪

5 minutes ago, BjorJlen said:

everything except for the tree would stay up nearly all year at times as I was way too lazy to take them down lol.

xD There is a cautionary tale about that!


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42 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

This is a personal peeve...so I am not judging anyone who disagrees...:o but one of mine is keeping Christmas decorations up after Boxing Day...

It doesn't annoy me when other people do it, and there might be a good reason, like if family or friends can't make it on 25th or 26th...and you are supposed to be able to keep them up until 6th January...but personally, I would take them down straight after Boxing Day, I find them a bit depressing afterwards. Does anyone else feel this?


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   Awesome song Rat Luv! :D

   Though if memory serves right, that was a very legit thing that happened every now and then way back in the day as families would actually place lighted candles in the tree long before electricity was discovered and used. Twas quite sad actually...


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15 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:



14 minutes ago, BjorJlen said:

  families would actually place lighted candles in the tree long before electricity was discovered and used. Twas quite sad actually...

Oh, I can imagine...especially if they had cats :/ Think I wouldn't be able to relax with a tree with lighted candles, couldn't they set the branches on fire when they burnt down? 

Glad we have fairy lights now 🙂

Edited by Rat Luv
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7 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:


Oh, I can imagine...especially if they had cats :/ Think I wouldn't be able to relax with a tree with lighted candles, couldn't they set the branches on fire when they burnt down? 

Glad we have fairy lights now 🙂

They weren't supposed to be left unattended just like the old time lights weren't meant to be left on 24/7 even though people did.

Even the newest LEDs put out some heat but they are a lot safer than the lights I grew up with.

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Somewhere I have a photo of the Christmas tree in my great-grandfather's house, about 1924. It had candles on the low branches, and the photo shows my mother and several cousins standing around it with candle snuffers. I remember her telling me that they only lit the candles for a brief time on Christmas Eve, then sung carols. They opened one gift each, then put the candles out and went to bed. I doubt that they kept up that tradition for many more years, because my great-grandfather moved to a smaller home  sometime in the mid-1920s and then died in 1930. It was one of my mother's fondest childhood memories, though.

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