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Do you use your own RL social media in SL?

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I make no secret of who I am IRL. I guard certain data but particularly to ladies I do not try in any way to conceal my identity. They get enough hassle from "Richard Anonymous" that I find being completely open about who I am knocks down barriers.

In particular I dont ever ask for anyone's trust without demonstrating that they can trust ME - or know where to find me if I should prove unworthy of that trust. That's a principle I've always followed IRL and I never saw a reason to do otherwise in SL.


(plus, I've been on the internet since before it was called the internet - concealing my identity would be somewhat futile)


Having said that there is "social media" I just don't use. I don't have as big a "social media" presence as perhaps somebody a decade or two younger than me would.

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5 hours ago, HeathcliffMontague said:

Reason I ask is I have encountered folks who ask me for my FB or other stuff. Used to be in SL (I'm not that old, going on seven years in here), where even what country you're from demanded at least a modicum of conversation. Not to mention that my female friends tell me that the first guys ask for is personal info.

Don't get me wrong, I'm from the top of Europe just a short flight from polar bears, and have friends from Canada to Egypt, that's the wonder of SL. But when did it get so directly personal?

Using a Facebook account with a fictitious name, such as you SL avatar is against FB tos. Unless you actually connect it to your rl account . Or use it as a business presence. As far as I know… 


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55 minutes ago, LittleSparrow Skydancer said:

Using a Facebook account with a fictitious name, such as you SL avatar is against FB tos. Unless you actually connect it to your rl account . Or use it as a business presence. As far as I know… 


It is. You can skate for quite a while but if reported "fake name accounts" are promptly banned. The zuckage is sufficiently aggressive about it that folks have been trolled by being reported as "fake" when they aint and had to jump through all sorts of "send RL info" hoops to prove it.

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I only have FB for real life me.   Once upon a time I had one for Lysi, but it got yoinked.  This is why I get so aggravated at stores who have giveaways wherein one must like, comment, subscribe on FB.  There's no way I'm going to connect my avatar to my real life on FB. 

I have Twitter, but I don't use it. I don't do any of those other social media sites.  

But hey, I can date myself here. How many of you used Plurk for your SL selves back in the day? 

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I don't even think I have an RL social media to be honest..

If I did, I don't know if I would cross the streams or not.. Probably not though, because I kind of like this place to be a place that cuts off  from that place..

Might as well have people be able to call me on the phone in world too then..  I hate that  my phone is this close to me .. I liked it when it was sitting on the table much better.. hehehe

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I use Flickr and Twitter, I deleted Facebook a long time ago as I found it had a negative impact on my mental health. I don't use my RL name online at all and never would. I feel safer that way. I don't have any particularly close friendships online so don't feel the need to share such information. Once it's told it can't be untold and that thought honestly makes me anxious.

As far as SL, if I did make friends there it tended to be with like minded people who also didn't feel the need to share RL so it was never a problem. Although over the years I have to say I meet less and less people like that now; when I first joined SL, sharing RL info was just not a thing at all and even considered a bit rude or strange to ask. This is probably why I really have no close friendships in SL these days and log in less and less, it feels uncomfortably like another form of social media to me now where I must share who, what and where I am and what I had for dinner last night. Its just not for me I'm afraid. 😦

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Considering I rarely use the social media I have (unless you count occasionally logging on to view family pics from relatives far away) I'd have no reason to give out things like my FB, Twitter, or stuff like that. I don't even remember my Twitter password. I do however use Discord a lot, and have no problem giving that out to people I connect with.

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Definitely not.

I was fortunate enough to be given mostly free reign of the web when I managed to earn enough money to buy my first PC toward the end of high school.
My eldest siss was a keen internet user so my lovely mum saw fit for her to guide and advise me.
The usual excellent advice such as "dont go to places like (fitctional example) rhotten.com" was promptly ignored and off I went. 🤢

I quickly learnt that the early web was mostly BS or just plain unsavoury content lol.
Therefore when current socials came along I was well prepared for them. My decision back then was to participate but only by MY rules.
Including account names, content posted, followed or discussed etc etc etc, and I was 1000% correct in this approach.
I treated twitter with the UTMOST contempt - and got permabanned lol.
I retuned to Farcebook after 1 and a half years away last night because I do have some lovely rl gfs on there. (only 72 friends).
After all this, I have a perfectly clean slate for my RL business now. ❤️

But yeah, the answer is NO lmaooo  


Edited by Maryanne Solo
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On 9/1/2022 at 2:03 PM, Madelaine McMasters said:

SL is my social media.

This. I don't use social media at all.

Yes, while I'm online at two art sites where I sell my RL artwork/prints and have a small website to promote my work, I do not use Twitter (anymore) and have never used any other social media. I've never touched FB/Meta, Insta-whatever and Snap-thingy or TukTik, heck, I use Duckduckgo and not Google.

And given the fact that my main presence here is female and I'm male IRL, I'd also rather not be "found" and have to explain that difference/choice to anyone IRL unless it was on my terms.

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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On 9/2/2022 at 5:40 PM, Foxx Ghoststar said:

I use Flickr and Twitter, I deleted Facebook a long time ago as I found it had a negative impact on my mental health. I don't use my RL name online at all and never would. I feel safer that way. I don't have any particularly close friendships online so don't feel the need to share such information. Once it's told it can't be untold and that thought honestly makes me anxious.

As far as SL, if I did make friends there it tended to be with like minded people who also didn't feel the need to share RL so it was never a problem. Although over the years I have to say I meet less and less people like that now; when I first joined SL, sharing RL info was just not a thing at all and even considered a bit rude or strange to ask. This is probably why I really have no close friendships in SL these days and log in less and less, it feels uncomfortably like another form of social media to me now where I must share who, what and where I am and what I had for dinner last night. Its just not for me I'm afraid. 😦

Thank you! 👏. This is how I am too and many people find the fact that I'm, shock horror, in secondlife to experience the beauty and creativity of the place, weird or strange. I came here NOT to be burdened with responsibilities and just be free. And I just don't get why so many people want my rl too. I'll share funny videos, speak in general about my hobbies, interests and such but you can't please everyone. Better off just sticking to your guns because if you end up allowing people to pressure you into giving more of yourself than you're comfortable with, you'll end up resentful in the end and they'll always want more.

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My SL stays in SL, apart from my Flickr page (which is all SL pics). 

I have all sorts of social media for RL (mostly work related) and gaming identities, but nothing much personal is on them, and they wouldn't interest anyone in SL, unless they wanna game with me. There's certainly no expectation to share such things in SL, in fact people here are usually very private. Maybe we are mostly the generation who didn't grow up with our faces on youtube, twitch and tiktok (thank goodness).

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Interesting, I'm not the only social media Luddite. Seicher has her own gmail and used to have a WordPress, but that was long ago. Flickr is hers with a few RL images tossed in. 

My real life social media is next to nil, and even then I use a pseudonym! So I blog under a different name from Seicher AND my real life. I have a FB under THAT assumed name but only because of a stupid group I belonged to had to have FB as their official news place, and I had to be logged in to read the closed group. 

I have been sloppy enough over the ages that some very motivated people (and lord knows, I've had my fair share of folks that might just do it, which is not a compliment to me nor is it bragging) could, possibly cross connect a SL account to my RL stuff but they'd end up with the RL pseudonym. That was rather on purpose, ya know? ETA: And I STILL give that info out to just about no one in SL, as I write about things that ARE personal in my RL and... no.

I have not yet run up against the "give me your RL social media" stuff, but 13+ years ago it was ASL asap! That was also met with a "no." Years ago it was a "I want to voice verify you" which now, in certain situations I take as a given. Being a friend with me to listen to music and asking for that stuff? Eff off.

NOW the intrusive thing I run up against, especially in adult areas, is "must cam." Uh, no. Hard limit. Good grief. Anyone ever see the windows clipping tool among other things? What is wrong with you people? (rhetorical, unless you feel the need :) )

Edited by Seicher Rae
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1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

I have been sloppy enough over the ages that some very motivated people (and lord knows, I've had my fair share of folks that might just do it, which is not a compliment to me nor is it bragging) could, possibly cross connect a SL account to my RL stuff but they'd end up with the RL pseudonym. That was rather on purpose, ya know? ETA: And I STILL give that info out to just about no one in SL, as I write about things that ARE personal in my RL and... no.

It's almost impossible to prevent cross-linking if a professional with the sort of connections you'd expect from a person in that role is actually trying to do it.

For anyone else, these common-sense precautions should be sufficient - the person trying to achieve it would, as you say, need some "additional insight" to begin with and the motivation to do it.

And 99% of us simply aren't worthy of a professionals time.

There are always the many-tentacled algorithms of the zuckage and others, these are highly effective but generate a lot more noise along with the signal. most evildoers wanting to cross-match online identities tend to focus on compromising the output of those algorithms rather than putting the painstaking effort to focus on a single individual that the above-mentioned professional would.



I have not yet run up against the "give me your RL social media" stuff, but 13+ years ago it was ASL asap! That was also met with a "no." Years ago it was a "I want to voice verify you" which now, in certain situations I take as a given. Being a friend with me to listen to music and asking for that stuff? Eff off.

Back in the day it was very much a thing to read A/S/L as A/sS/h*Le. Certainly repeatedly asking was enough to attract the unfriendly attention of my scripts back when I was an IRC chanop and later serverop. At the very least it attracted withering public ridicule.

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6 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

It's almost impossible to prevent cross-linking if a professional with the sort of connections you'd expect from a person in that role is actually trying to do it.

For anyone else, these common-sense precautions should be sufficient - the person trying to achieve it would, as you say, need some "additional insight" to begin with and the motivation to do it.

And 99% of us simply aren't worthy of a professionals time.

There are always the many-tentacled algorithms of the zuckage and others, these are highly effective but generate a lot more noise along with the signal. most evildoers wanting to cross-match online identities tend to focus on compromising the output of those algorithms rather than putting the painstaking effort to focus on a single individual that the above-mentioned professional would.

Clara Sorrenti, the trans rights activist and Twitch streamer, was doxxed in the London, Ontario hotel room to which she'd fled after being swatted by members of the online harassment site Kiwi Farms when someone was able to identify the pattern of the sheets on the bed behind her in a picture. She then fled to Ireland -- and started finding threatening notes at her doorstep there less than a week later.

Some of those doxxing Sorrenti are "hackers," but not I think "professionals." The point, I think, is that anyone with sufficient motivation, time, and patience can likely find out all sorts of stuff about us from the most innocuous clues.

In the case of SL, I wouldn't worry overmuch about information being hacked, as I would about the many, many small hints about our identity that most of us leave littered about our SL.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Clara Sorrenti, the trans rights activist and Twitch streamer, was doxxed in the London, Ontario hotel room to which she'd fled after being swatted by members of the online harassment site Kiwi Farms when someone was able to identify the pattern of the sheets on the bed behind her in a picture. She then fled to Ireland -- and started finding threatening notes at her doorstep there less than a week later.

Some of those doxxing Sorrenti are "hackers," but not I think "professionals." The point, I think, is that anyone with sufficient motivation, time, and patience can likely find out all sorts of stuff about us from the most innocuous clues.

In the case of SL, I wouldn't worry overmuch about information being hacked, as I would about the many, many small hints about our identity that most of us leave littered about our SL.

An entirely-too-perfect example given the recent spectacular demise of Kiwi Farms as a result of them finding out that not even the Russian DDoS protection service will take them as a client. I'm not advocating DDoSing anyone, of course, but if you can't sign up to cloudflare  or an equivalent, any anonymity your servers enjoyed is gelded at best... and doxxing the doxxers - in particular, identifying those providing services to them so that "market forces"* can work their magic - has a lovely karmic feel to it.



*the most potent of which being, of course "OMFG if anyone acts on this info and we knew we were part of providing it we are going to get sued not just into bankruptcy but oblivion! Yoink that contract, burn it to ash and bury the ashes at a crossroads, preferably in somebody else's country! Get that 'stuff' off our network, NOW!"

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6 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

😲 New word for 2022 - inspired by Da5id... Z U C K T A C L E D - probed by Meta means. 😵

You know, Maryanne, that has to be almost the most horrible concept ever posted on this forum. Even in the Adult-rated bits!

That's the kind of picture a hentai artist would refuse to draw

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1 minute ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:
7 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

New word for 2022 - inspired by Da5id... Z U C K T A C L E D - probed by Meta means. 😵

You know, Maryanne, that has to be almost the most horrible concept ever posted on this forum. Even in the Adult-rated bits!

Reminds me of the old cartoon where the guy would use a wheelbarrow to carry, you know.

Anyway, turn your head and cough, as they say!

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