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Premium Plus - What are your 'Must Have' features and what are you willing to pay for it?

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1 hour ago, Quistess Alpha said:

Does Firestorm really do this? How does it work? I'd ~love to be able to move random windows like profile pages over to second monitor so they don't clutter my view.

Quis,  nobody ever picked it up sadly.




but there it is.

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5 hours ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

FS cobbled together a prototype and then walked away from it, for anyone who's done dev work on anything, that's a huge red flag.

Regular users swooned in awe .. and all the devs winced at the gold painted poop one of their own had placed out in the sun.


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2 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

FS cobbled together a prototype and then walked away from it, for anyone who's done dev work on anything, that's a huge red flag.

Regular users swooned in awe .. and all the devs winced at the gold painted poop one of their own had placed out in the sun.


Red flags are only red, if people do not take the time to figure out why they are red and how to correct the issue,  if I had even an ounce of knowledge in my brain, this I would of tackled years ago, but I remember discussions about how OPENGL is a finicky child and it caused issues,  I hope when we get the vulkan wrapper,  people will revisit it.

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6 minutes ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

Red flags are only red, if people do not take the time to figure out why they are red and how to correct the issue,  if I had even an ounce of knowledge in my brain, this I would of tackled years ago, but I remember discussions about how OPENGL is a finicky child and it caused issues,  I hope when we get the vulkan wrapper,  people will revisit it.

It would have been a considerable amount of work just to get all the floaters working and would have come with some pretty harsh usability caveats. People have expectations about how the SL UI works, recreate that UI in a way that breaks half those expectations .. with no clear or sane solution .. yeah.. DOA.

It's less opengl being picky and more "this is objectively the worst possible way to do this .. can we not, please."

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My wishlist...

  • Cheaper tier prices, or more land for the same tier
  • Reduced/No upload fees (textures in particular)
  • More group space
  • A 2nd Linden Home  (I don't think we stand a chance of getting this one, but I can dream...😁)
  • Increased number of Linden home claims permitted per day
Edited by Evangeline Arcadia
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What I want ...

  • Multiple marketplace stores.
  • Zero upload fees.
  • Free monthly name change.
  • More land.
  • More stipend.

What I don't want ..

  • Exactly what we have now, only freebie accounts get less.
  • Premium gifts.
  • Voice morphs.
  • Sandboxes.
  • Exclusive content.
  • Extra support options.
  • Special Extra Fancy Extended profiles. 





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15 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

1. The possibility to own a homestead without a full sim.

3. larger land plot included, best a 4096.

These are the only two things that might make me want to spend more money. 

Willing to be wowed to see something offered that I don't think is realistic enough to get to elaborate on, though.

Price depends on whether 1. or 3., and if 3., on the size of the plot, obviously.

If 1, the price should be relative to what renting a homestead costs, if 3., it only would make sense if it's relatively cheaper than just simply paying more tier.

Edited by Meccha Suki
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4 minutes ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

Only a couple of you have posted what you're willing to pay for the features you've listed.


I am not so good at math,, so I am trying to see how much I would save on VAT. After I had to start paying VAT (Value Added Tax) on tier, I have not owned mainland.

A large chunk of land included with Premium Plus would be nice.

I found out that I save money on renting, and has retired 5 of my 6 avatars from Premium. I am using the free Linden home now, of course, but I spend so much less time there due to the Li limit.

How much tier is included, that is #1.

The stipend is also interesting, since a stipend high enough will also be a part of the calculation.

For the rest of my post, let us say Premium Plus will be 150 US yearly.

Currently I pay: 98 US for yearly Premium, and 50 US yearly for renting 4098 m mainland from another resident = 150 US. Minus 65 US stipend.

If Premium Plus is changed to 150 US yearly, I will pay 150 US + 50 US for renting from another resident = 200 US. If LL includes 4098 m land with Premium Plus, I do not have to rent and I will pay 150 US. Minus 65 US for stipend. It is the same as today.

What if Premium Plus only includes 2048 M? It is a worse deal than I have now.

I will not have 2048 m tier free included with PP and rent 2048 on another, it is going to be difficult to use.

This will not be the same number if LL increase the weekly stipend, let us say to 500 L. That will be app. 43 US more I do not have to buy. But living on a smaller land than 4098 will be much less fun.

I am worried that LL would have to include VAT in the yearly Premium Membership fees. Today, I pay VAT only on monthly and quarterly Premium Membership. For old Premium as I have now, it will be 20 US more and a Premium Plus of 150 US will add 35 US more.

I already have a headache because it is 3 very important numbers: The price for PP, the free tier included, a bigger stipend? But VAT will change all the ways I calculate.

Other Premium perks is not important enough to increase they payment.

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2 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Give one good reason to commit to prices for something that is not even concrete yet?

Curiosity and conversation on the topic alone.

I'm certainly not asking for anyone to commit to anything or to draw lines in the sand.

There is no scientific study either.

But I am curious as to what people think their must-haves are worth, especially if there is any significant dev time or infrastructure changes needed to implement it.

Maybe by attaching a dollar amount it can show how badly it is desired?

It may not be concrete, but it is coming.

"This time it is for real." 🙏🤞🙇‍♀️

Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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I am paying enough already, as a premium user and main land owner (around $450 a year), as a Marketplace merchant (10% of the sales: it used to be 5% in the past, and 0% when I joined SL since everyone was shopping in-world and not on a web site), as a creator (L$10 per uploaded texture, anim, sound, and a variable amount for uploaded meshes), and every time L$ to $ conversions happen.

This is not counting the free (”free” like in unpaid) time I am giving up to the community at large as the only developer/maintainer of the Cool VL Viewer (15 years of continuous work on it, i.e. worth over 10,000 hours of an experienced programmer work).

So, no, I will definitely not pay more for anything else. Period.

Instead of a ”premium plus” addition to try and suck up even more money from us, poor (”poor” like in definitely not rich IRL) cash cows, I'd have hoped for more (useful) benefits given to long time premium users who are indeed helping to improve SL, be it by their contributions (and not only the financial one) or their creations. Why not free texture/anim/sound uploads, for a start ?...

Edited by Henri Beauchamp
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If it would cost 2x the regular premium price, would give me 2x the mainland size, and 2x the stipend, then anything extra would probably pull me in already. Simple things like lower upload costs then automatically become a bonus.

Also, 24/7 support would be a big deal for me personally.
I may become a premium plus just for that.

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38 minutes ago, Micaela Amore said:

If it would cost 2x the regular premium price, would give me 2x the mainland size, and 2x the stipend, then anything extra would probably pull me in already. Simple things like lower upload costs then automatically become a bonus.

Also, 24/7 support would be a big deal for me personally.
I may become a premium plus just for that.

I want more than 2048 m for a 2X regular premium price. 200 US yearly for playing with only 700 Li in Second Life is not going to be fun. So I will have to rent land, and I can not add my rented land Li to the mainland I have bought to use for my Premium tier.

Buying more Mainland than Premium cover tier for, is not going to happen because of 20% VAT added on tier. I am in Europe and SL cater mostly to their American residents, I wait and see what to do when we know what's included.

Bigger stipend is nice, but I can not pay tier with linden§. Hm, that would be a nice perk for business owners and working people in Second Life. Instead of paying fees for cashing out their linden§, they pay tier directly with what they earn.

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I am in the same boat as you Marianne, but year premium is VAT free, so I just made more alts premium. 
At some point  had 9 avatars premium, but I'm down to 5 now.
LL does not really care much about their 5 avatar max limit. they even said so in a lab gab.

What I wrote down is the bare minimum that would pull me in personally, of course I would love a better deal too.

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It would be neat if Premium Plus members would be given the ability to store Data somewhere other than in key/value experience. For example if you are a Premium Plus you may have access to Extra Storage that may still be Controlled by an experience but is not tailored to a specific parcel/exp but rather the user themself. (This way developers may be able to detect a Premium Plus member and choose to store data directly against their UUID upon approval)

It would also be neat if Premium Plus  could receive an overall discount on uploads perhaps %10 Off or something ~ But not really that big of deal uploads are pretty cheap already...

I saw this request ealier and agree completly "One piece of minor mole work per quarter, such as curb cuts or wall removals along roads so you can attach your driveway to a road." There are times when iv asked to have help with connecting a Roadside Parcel to the road but given the Moles and Linden have denied the request multiple times. (Iv seen OTHER users have their request fufilled so its a bit disheartening to see this sort of lack in Customer Service) Id love it if you had more influence on terrain changes and connecting roadside parcels to a neighboring parcel. I feel this could be even systematically done to ensure the road attachments are Flush and Match the current road.

There are times when I wish the forum was more directly attached to the in game viewer. I know the Browser can navigate to the forums but a cleaner interface and possible more in game oriented viewer for navigating forums and other web based content that is provided by SL. This way we may see more traffic going in and out the forum perhaps as it appears realativly dead compared to some areas in game and other places on the internet.

Final Request would be Advertisement Benifits, there are probably many members who are attempting to create their own Business and may wish to either already have access to use advertise their pacel Though this can be done through Classifieds and the $L30 a week search result, perhaps a Premium Plus Creation section that allows only Premium Plus members to post Services/Business/Events


Personally I spent alot of time learning LSL so id rather see a Premium Plus Membership directly effect my own day to day use of the game, so additional programatic external APIs or internal elevated permissions/functions would be a neat addition. Increase in Limits for llEmail for example or other limitations within the game for these users. It would be amazing if we could Save Data to Notecards instead of the other conveluted method such as data url storage, description storage, email cache storage etc.... 


Either way, whatever they come up with I hope its worth it!


Edit: Recently iv read some people request more percise terrain editing tools, I think that would be a great addition.

Currently I am paying for the extra 2048 SQM (1/32 region, extra $13 a month, at a monthly subscription thats around $25 a month) I could not see myself spending much more than $30 a month for any sort of Premium Plus. An increase in the Stipen would be nice as well, this way the money spent on Premium Plus would atleast secure you some asset in game to use to further develop your profile.


If Premium Plus was more than $30 a month im not sure personally id be able to afford/willing to afford it unless there were MAJOR advantages for doing so. The only way i would personally spend more is if I saw some sort of traffic coming back and revenue stream to help afford a high Premium Price, which will vary given some users may not be looking to "earn" money in game and mostly just here for the experience of SL. 


$30 a Month for 3076 to/or 4096SQM plus an increase Stipen plus any of the features listed would be AMAZING. 

Edited by NardweBones
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  • More land and more prims. 
  • A larger stipend. Say 1000 a week. 
  • An exclusive Premium Plus style of home.
  • The ability to terraform linden home land downwards (for pools)  
  • The ability to own a homestead without owning a full region. 
  • More groups 
  • Free texture uploads.
  • Free name changes 
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On 1/13/2022 at 5:46 PM, Lucia Nightfire said:

So, the Web team yesterday reaffirmed  the Lab's desire to offer Premium Plus this year.

As this thread's title says, "What are your 'Must Have' features and what are you willing to pay for it?"

Please answer both and please keep the thread on topic.


I'm too conventional to think outside the box.

So, the equivalent of comfier sun loungers and bigger apartments/chalets and free access to the front of the queue for the more popular rides.


That would therefore be a bigger parcel of land and a fancier schmancier style of Linden home, but a bigger weekly stipend, and 24/7 live chat, whether for billing or technical issues. Priority logins whenever logins are limited. 


I haven't even got my budget or time to stretch to premium membership yet since downgrading 2014-ish, but these would always have been desirable things to me, and I certainly would not resent those who currently can afford from being able to have a better standard of living. I'd just be enjoying the photos from the rich and famous, as I do in real life. 

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21 hours ago, Cricket Soup said:

More groups

Cheaper uploads

One inventory transfer to an alt, limited to one IP/account.

Regular purchase and exchange fees 

Access to previous last names 

Yes, I love that one. I'd change a few of my alts to have the same last name as this one. 

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What I'd love to see is:

  • FREE OUTFIT GALLERY UPLOADS (Seriously, introduce outfit gallery but nickle and dime us per upload for it just asinine)
  • Free uploads (or like free 100 uploads a month or something)
  • Ability to share inventory with an alt. (at least one!)
  • Larger tier/land allowance
  • Being 1st to be able to buy land from LL cause buying it from expensive 3rd parties is terrible.
  • Ability to own homestead without a full sim (thanks Anna Salyx for the idea)
  • Increased attachment limits
  • Increase animesh attachments.


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What I would like is a larger tier/land allowance. I would be willing to pay up to $200 annual premium fee for 3072 or thereabouts.

I would like to have a common inventory for all my alts - Since my alts were created at different times they have different inventories, and I get tired of asking myself things like "Just which one of us has the good oak tree?"

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