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Everything posted by NardweBones

  1. If you can send me the original script possible stripped down to the glitch you are encountering we can try to make a bug report and see if it is really an issue and hopefully get it fixed!
  2. NardweBones

    Full Perm

    Iv got a MP full of free open source full permission object. Nothing cloths/avatar related quite yet though. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/243720
  3. I am looking for a person/group that is willing to hire me as a part time LSL scripter. I have been involved in Second Life on and off for the past couple of years and have over 6months+ of direct LSL experience as well as many communities to bounce ideas around for a given solution when stuck. Outside of SL I have over 15 years of Software Engineering Experience from a variety of programming languages, frameworks, and other general software related tasks; I can complete near any task at hand. If possible I would like to be able to spend between 5-20hours a week and be paid a reasonable amount for my time in Linden Dollars. I promise my work is creative and would be of great benefit to whomever is willing to hire me. I am not looking to be giving out hand outs/free scripts before the work is paid for; I already do this on the side so feel free to look at my work/progress in the marketplace and more to come soon! You would be helping me out a load if you could let me have this sort of creative outlet while still benefiting financially from it.
  4. I recently went ahead and purchased an Ad for a product I have that seems to be the most popular item people are "buying". I am curious where this ad shows up, how often, and if it is worth it (In regards to getting more Total Views, and Total Purchases) Given its only be roughly a day since setting this up I have not seen any increase on Views or Purchases for the item, I suspect in a week to get at-least 10 purchases for it to be worth the traffic as when compared to how many days the item has been out before purchasing the ad as well as how many sale it has had made in the past. What should I expect regarding traffic for this item? Should I expect only 1-2 clicks within a 7 day period, should I expect the view count on the item to go up at all? Edit: So I found the section that shows how many Impressions it has; so it defiantly is getting seen somewhere which is good! From My Marketplace drop down menu at the top to Merchant Home under Reports for Listing Enhancements shows what I was wondering
  5. If the move to the cloud was as beneficial as sought out to be then perhaps instead of LL changing pricing if they change Tiers in regards to how much they may be (Hopefully are) saving after the move to the cloud could be given back to the users. So basically IF possible change up Land Impact Limits, Region Size per Tier, etc. (Essentially helping cover those who need to reduce their tier while still maintaining as similar land rights as possible) I have no idea how much LL if any has been saved after moving to AWS, and when Premium Plus comes out I suspect we will see some changes to how Premium is setup/price etc... I do not think they will necessarily change the prices but may change what we get for each tier; maybe you'll get lucky and be able to lower your tier without loosing as much land in the near future? *hopes Edit: LL does NOT save any substantial amount of money in the migration to the cloud, but does possible have more access to better Architecture/features moving forward.* thanks for clarifying LittleMe Jewell
  6. So I think this could be implemented fairly easily, I think a clean reboot button would suffice (Basically a button that just "Closes and Reopens a new session" to prevent any issues caring over.)
  7. The only other option I see is request map data from the http://www.gridsurvey.com/api.php then once you have a stack of texture UUIDs for your current SIM and surrounding SIMs you could then add some functionality on click to mark a region visually. (Or use Prim Media and dont use gridsurvey and just query directly the maps by coordinate) I have an open source full perm map I am working on, but it is far from finished (Only grabs sim/parcel details, lists it out in menu, and shows where you are currently on the map) I planned to add features for filtering what type of land (For Sale, Not For Sale, Abandon) as well as markers for where individuals may be standing as well as possible custom placable Markers as you are requesting. But no promises this will be out any time soon; I tend to jump around many projects. This is possible you just will need to look into some LSL to get it working how you are are asking.
  8. I am not sure your current setup, but if its in world you could have something scripted to use 1 Time Generated Coupon Codes (Id send them as an Instant Message...) as it might be hard to get the code generating out into a notecard (*You could manually make codes but then you probably would need to limit the number of coupons that go out) Then have the vendor script allow for the user to input a coupon code right before they purchase the item. If you generate out the codes you can have an inf. number of coupons made per previous purchase (And insure no two users can use the same coupon) however the only private in game lsl way to get that coupon code to them would be an IM, otherwise youll need to manually place out the codes in notecards and have them send out with each purchase until they run out. (You could possible change the Name of an object to be the coupon code and give them that as well, but if they rez the object and someone sees the coupon they may lose their discount given someone else would end up using it!) Assuming you do not want repeat coupon codes, as they should be unique per user.
  9. There are some platforms that do actually pay you when you see an ad, would be nice if we saw more of that in any/all advertisement. We shouldn't be the product we should be paid for providing input data of said product. There is a browser in specific that has this very concept integrated into itself (Blocks all ads, view only ads you choose to, get paid when you see it) Perhaps that may be a new direction for ads. Personally iv pulled in around $100 total over a few years of using such services, so not a lot; but passive income is non the less better than none when viewing ads (Pays the bandwidth at least!).
  10. ? I mean for the editing factor if the feature were to be added for Additional Modifications but still allow the use of the tools you posted in the original post to do the cross outs etc (Thus possibly allowing Semi-Edits of posts after the 24hour mark + additional content to the edited post if after the 24hour mark but still allow users to use modifier tools such as cross out etc. on original content that would be no longer considered modifiable but can be formatted)
  11. The ability to Modify Titles as well as Add Content to post sound like great improvements to the current system. Maybe Spell-Check Fixes as well, and not full post edits but renditions/additions only; May add to total line count + 24 hours edit time window as usual for newly added content and spell checks may be completed on full post if needed Edit: Cross outs and possibly even general Text Font and Appearance modifications would be nice as well (To Cross out lines that are no longer valid) FOR SALE
  12. A Direct Copy of a Chat Log would be against TOS from what I understand. I am sure people "talk about each other" behind each others backs a fair amount in this game, and I am not sure if that falls into the same category; But given the OP said it was a Direct Copy Paste, the OP did NOT give permission for the chat log to be shared, it is clear the user offending does not understand the current rules set it place to protect our privately shared conversations. If I was LL it would be a 1-7day Mute and or soft Ban and if it continued id up it to a month, 6month, 1 years/perm, etc.... I would hate to see myself being persecuted for copy pasting a chat log though (Iv done it in the past on accident not knowing it was a rule!) But this was not malicious intent as understood in the current situation. As for if this applies to all Chat I would venture to say it does given some sims have their own rules regarding who may be there, what they may wear, how they may act. I feel if you walk into a Sim that you are not familiar with and just start copy pasting everything that is said to other users around the SL grid it would be frowned upon greatly and/or action probably should be taken against the user if its being done with malicious intent. For example if I own an Office Parcel and I am holding a chat that is ment to be only for people in my parcel/office either Voice or written id appreciate it if people would ask before copy pasting our conversations even if it was in public chat. To be safe if you want it to be private leave it in a Private IM/Private Multi User IM as I am not sure if Group Chats or Local Chats are included in this rule.
  13. If a new user were to join SL what may be the (your) top 10 suggested places to visit? Please include the rating on the sim if possible (G,M,A) So far here is a list of my personal favorites (Very small >.<, excluding my own properties these three are about it!) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amsterdam 2/114/82/25 - M The Amsterdam Sim is a great place for Sandboxing new ideas http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Firestorm Sandbox/144/120/2702 - G When the lag of a Full Sim + Sandbox is to much the Firestorm Sandbox is where I tend to go http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satori/123/148/33 - M I enjoy the appearance and feelings of this Sim, when I first joined a friend took me here and I felt like I was in a different world >.<
  14. Id be alright with it being in All Sections as well, I just find it kinda silly seeing the thread spam in the rental sections and am accustomed to most forums allowing editing of our own posts. I do see the potential issues (And perhaps showing edit history would resolve them?) "no thanks, they are full of advertising already, often, more/longer edit will make it only worse" I am not sure what you mean by this but the spam is due to users posting multiple threads, if they were able to edit their thread we would reduce the number of threads made each day
  15. I agree it would be nice for Select Forum Sections to allow editing of the First Post Only and maybe treat the edit as a bump, or perhaps add a bump button that the thread owner may only use once per day and only to those Select Forum Sections Threads. Here is a list of sections I think may benefit this change (And only apply to), Second Life Education and Nonprofits Official Contests, Events & Challenges Inworld Employment Regions for Rent/Parcels for Rent (Exclude all other forum sections in this link) Highlight Upcoming Events
  16. I really think we should be allowed to edit posts after the 24 hour mark, even if the old post was still visible. There are a few occasions where the forum seems to be forced into relisting threads rather than just maintaining one thread. (Rental Forums for example people post nearly the same thread every day rather than maintain an active thread for their listings) I do see how allowing editing may be prone to some issues such as people changing what they may have said, but if that was the concern perhaps allow users to see edit history. If that is not the concern then why not allow posts to be edited? Bare minimum I think the First post in the thread should be editable indefinitely so the user can maintain and update the thread. Should we allow post edits,delete,etc. by the user? If so how should this be implemented, otherwise please specify reasons why it should remain the same
  17. So this issue occurred with me again the past few days. I am pretty much forced to use a very old account to access Beta but its pretty sporadic on when the other two accounts I have are able to access the beta grid. Hopefully this is fixed soon as there are quite a few occasions where I need at-least 2 or more accounts in one spot to test a script or mesh before final upload to the main grid.
  18. Honestly I probably was just feeling others the wrong way for those particular times; After reading over everyone's overwhelming support/gratitude toward the community I may not agree with what I said with the forum being toxic. I appreciate all the reassuring responses! The consensus for a solution is the Block Button >.< when needed (In game, as forums it appears is a bit different). You guys all really make me a feel more welcome with everything that has been said.
  19. The forum in general feels toxic. The majority of the time I feel misunderstood and unwelcome here. I may have a strong opinion on things but Id also like people to respect each other enough to make constructive comments rather than flame/disrespectful ones. Perhaps I myself lack the ability to respect someone else's opinion and thus the directed responses. Its not everyone, but a large enough amount of people doing this type of thing explains why the forum is baron. (Users may feel unease posting their thoughts/ideas given the lack of acceptance by the community) There probably is no solution to this, other than users like myself leave the forum in-order to better our own health. (Iv been told I am dumb more than once. Ouch.) Hugs go out to those who can see through the insanity. If anyone else has felt this type of hostility you are not alone <3 your opinions matter too.
  20. This topic probably should be locked given the OP is gone and most response are Heated/Flame/Toxic. It appears many people have stated the user would like you to PM them given they also appeared to be targeted by this type of misbehavior
  21. Do you say this because you have experience in this sort of field? The Play to Earn Model is a newer idea that very few Cypto communities have started to attempt to adopt/use One may not think it is possible, but I assure it is and is already being done on other platforms!
  22. Play to Earn model would need to be better implemented in the game for "Free Land" to be a thing. We need a way for users to generate useful data while interacting with the game servers, then reward them with tokens that represent this data. The user then could choose to sell their own data for Linden or keep it for internal game use only.
  23. Same thing was happening to me the other day, I opened a ticket then it resolved later the following day (Luckily I have a few extra accounts on the Beta grid, one still worked but it occurred on two different accounts same error)
  24. Well I think for now ill wait till Premium Plus come outs in hope it trumps the $500 stipen with something better >.< I did not have premium on any of my old accounts so I think it may not be fair even if I attempted to re-register them inorder to get the stipen. Interesting to know there is so much variance in Stipen per account! ( I honestly suspected the grandfathered price would have only been if you kept membership the entire time)
  25. I agree, I am not only on the receiving end but sadly I am sure Also on the sending end. *Hug* Let us all just give each other a hug day I feel friendly-ness and honesty can be mixed up to thinking someone may be unfriendly but it trying to be honest, so there is that. I tend to find a mix of friends and people id like to be friends with and there are the few that I block either because I am the issue or they are.
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