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The Women Are Marching Today!

Luna Bliss

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I don't know what will happen. There are some women's groups discussing the issue in world. I wanted anybody who did not know this was happening to become aware of it and to become as enthused as I am that we might be able to stop this trend happening here in America. Many women are going to die from back ally abortions, and most of them will be poor women who cannot afford to travel to other states for their abortion. Wealthier women will be able to find a way as was the case in the past.

People need to check what's happening in their state, as many legal proceedings are underway. I'm afraid roe v wade is likely to be overturned without some dedicated action.

I'd also like to receive feedback from those who are aware of what's happening in their own state. 




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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

....for reproductive freedom.

Do you think we'll get this noxious law in Texas overturned or are we headed for even worse conditions?

Live feed:


I wonder if the woman carrying the sign that says "Keep your laws off my body" uses it also at protests against vaccine mandates and vaccine passport requirements.

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This thread is about abortion and what is happening in the United States. Although I don't mind hearing what's happening in other countries too. But one thing it is not about is vaccines so please start your own thread for that. Thanks.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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53 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

This thread is about abortion and what is happening in the United States. Although I don't mind hearing what's happening in other countries too. But one thing it is not about is vaccines so please start your own thread for that. Thanks.

Abortion just like politics do not belong on the SL forums - PERIOD. You should know better.

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18 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I think it is a legitimate query considering the autonomy over our own bodies is what is at stake here. One does or should set the tone for the other regardless of what country one may be speaking from.

And if abortion were an issue that effected everyone equally, then you could make a comparison.  It's not.  To me, it's always seemed more about the continued subjugation of women and our rights than anything else.  As I've said countless times over the years, if this were a men's only issue, it wouldn't be an issue and would probably have government funding.

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1 hour ago, Bree Giffen said:

Do you think all SL baby creators need to include an option to abort their prim baby?

Just trying to make an SL related point to this thread.

Why would anyone want that, Bree?

Yes, I know you are being facetious in your own special Bree-ish way, but the point is a serious one: no one is "pro-abortion" in the sense that they think abortion is a wonderful thing they want to experience. That makes no more sense than being "pro-chemotherapy" -- and there'd be just about as much demand for RP of that in SL as for abortions.

It's not actually about medical procedures.

It's about choice.

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5 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

....for reproductive freedom.

Do you think we'll get this noxious law in Texas overturned or are we headed for even worse conditions?

Live feed:


I have no idea if this is "appropriate" for this forum or not. The "rules" and moderation here are so completely inconsistent that it suggests that even LL doesn't really know what this place is for.

What I do know is that so much stuff is horrible and crappy right now, that I need the affirmation of knowing that there are people who care about others -- who will speak out with them, march with them, fight alongside them.

I need to be reminded, occasionally, that mostly people are pretty good, and that, little by little, actually, the world does become a little less dark every time someone reaches out for someone else's hand.

This march is about a lot of things -- but right now, for me, that's what is most important.

Phoebe Bridgers has recorded a cover of Bo Burnham's "That Funny Feeling" from Inside. It's a dark little song, in some ways -- neither Burnham or Bridgers are known for their cheerful optimism -- but what transforms it, somewhat, is that the money it raises is being donated to support various pro-choice groups in Texas.

So, dark though the song might be, it is also a hand reaching out to help.


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A little off topic, but something I have been wondering about for the past few years.  With the advances in artificial wombs, and how soon it may likely be that pregnancy is no longer necessary - I wonder what sort of ramifications this will have in the near future.  Will it soon be a requirement to transfer the fetus to such a womb, and will both parties involved be required to pay for the expenses until it grew to be 18 years old.  It further introduces even more questions, such as how all of these children will be taken care of if such mandates were made, I wonder if there would be enough foster parents to take care of them all.  

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2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I think it is a legitimate query considering the autonomy over our own bodies is what is at stake here. One does or should set the tone for the other regardless of what country one may be speaking from.

If it hasn't already been started, you really should post a topic on this. Because it is extremely important, and I think the vast majority of people do not realize just how important it is. Abortion comes second to the vaccine mandates, IMO.

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40 minutes ago, xLunaea said:

I don't understand why people can't have these types of discussions on here. Is SL just for funsies and nothing else?

the moderators tend to allow OPs about pretty much anything

threads get closed when we don't stay on the OP topic. Like I started a OP, somebody made a off topic reference, I responded to the off-topic, moderator closed the thread

which is how that should go. Otherwise might as well not have any organisational structure to the forum. Just have one big thread for everything where we can post anything we like

Edited by Mollymews
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39 minutes ago, xLunaea said:

I don't understand why people can't have these types of discussions on here.

   Because political discussions pretty much always devolve into flame wars and hurt feelings. 

42 minutes ago, xLunaea said:

Is SL just for funsies and nothing else?

   No fun allowed!

   Only fun allowed! 

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7 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

the moderators tend to allow OPs about pretty much anything

threads get closed when we don't stay on the OP topic. Like I started a OP, somebody made a off topic reference, I responded to the off-topic, moderator closed the thread

which is how that should go. Otherwise might as well not have any organisational structure to the forum. Just have one big thread for everything where we can post anything we like

4 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Because political discussions pretty much always devolve into flame wars and hurt feelings. 

   No fun allowed!

   Only fun allowed! 

I appreciate both of your responses. Thanking you both :-)

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5 hours ago, xLunaea said:

I don't understand why people can't have these types of discussions on here. Is SL just for funsies and nothing else?

Because you are either for it or not. There really is no middle ground when it comes to abortion.  The baby is either born or aborted. The reasons don't really matter.  Also people are judged solely for the fact that they either are for abortion or against it, the same as if they are democrat or republican.  It ends up being a S~T storm with no one changing anyone's mind on either side and just blathering on about why they are right.  That's why.  

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6 hours ago, xLunaea said:

I don't understand why people can't have these types of discussions on here.

because the pro's don't allow comments from others that disagree.. and that's why these, and many other subjects, get closed.
There's only one way, and that's theirs.
Even picking no side will get butchered.
Going in discussion with OP's subjects is mostly like a serious form of masochism.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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2 hours ago, Paul Hexem said:

A couple years back there was a woman's march. Something about going on strike. They said it'd be a "day without women".

And all I could think was, "The peace and quiet will be wonderful. We should have these all the time."

You may enjoy it, but I'm willing to bet all the hard legs won't..

Damn, Now all I got to do at work is work.. Damn damn damn!


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Coming off the back of what's been happening in the UK of late, there does need to be a sea-change in the word attitudes to women. I don't see any problem with the forums here discussing such issues, the whole idea of a metaverse is that it is an extension to our RL world, not a rabbit-hole into which we all bolt to escape from the patches of awfulness that drift across the sky from time to time.

Edited by Profaitchikenz Haiku
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