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Does anyone remmy a track ... about 10 years ago or more ... filmed in SL ... it was called a Different World .. the DJ was Mark .... 


Sadly I can't remmy his last name .. either real or SL ... yet we used to be close friends ... strange I know ... I was just looking for the tune on YouTube .. and couldn't narrow the search down enough!


It was almost like the first real track that was videoed in SL ... I remember it getting some press for that reason ... but yeah was prob 15 years ago ... any clues hit me up!

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Does ... anyone 'remmy'... when ... grammar and ... punctuation was taught in ... schools and people ... learnt that ... ellipses in the form and meaning of ... three dots after a sentence or between actually meant either an ... omission or are provided ... at the end of a quote...

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[rant] I thought that the Grammar Police and The Spelling Mob left the Internet somewhere in the 90ties.
It seems, that some people with their precious love for English spelling and grammar have difficulties to get their minds wrapped around the fact that the Internet is used by people of all kinds of cultures, nationalities and education levels. Standard English (not that it really exists other than in schoolbooks, literature and in lingual troubled minds) is not the first language for most people on this planet.
People try to communicate here. They don't try to win the  Nobel price for literature.  [/rant]

Sorry Adec, I can't help you with an answer about the music you are looking for.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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32 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

[rant] I thought that the Grammar Police and The Spelling Mob left the Internet somewhere in the 90ties.
It seems, that some people with their precious love for English spelling and grammar have difficulties to get their minds wrapped around the fact that the Internet is used by people of all kinds of cultures, nationalities and education levels. Standard English (not that that really exists other than in schoolbooks, literature and in lingual troubled minds) is not the first language for most people on this planet.
People try to communicate here. They don't try to win the  Nobel price for literature.  [/rant]

Sorry Adec, I can't help you with an answer about the music you are looking for.

[rant] Has nothing to do with being a grammar police but everything to do with making posts easier to read. You may find that post easy to read, I on the other hand had difficulty due to reading the pauses. Believe it or not some people actually have reading difficulties of which such posts make it extremely hard. I also highly doubt how the op wrote that was based on education level or culture given ellipses are advanced grammar and abbreviating things like 'remember' to 'remmy' are something neither from cultural differences nor educational issues. [/rant]

Edited by Drayke Newall
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4 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Standard English (not that that really exists other than in schoolbooks, literature and in lingual troubled minds) is not the first language for most people on this planet.


He managed to "remmy" the full word and spelling of it at the end of his post:

6 hours ago, Adec Alexandria said:

... I remember it getting some press for that reason ...


So, yeah, the previous shortened versions were simply him being lazy or thinking that that sort of talking was cool.


There is some text-speak that have become accepted in written communications, but that doesn't mean we need to intentionally shorten and butcher every long word out there.


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FYI, it was neither a grammar nor spelling issue.  I've never had problems with spelling or syntax errors.  We all do that regardless of our native language.  I prefer when people do use capitalization and an attempt at punctuation.  

Remmy is from Lilo and Stitch




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18 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

Does ... anyone 'remmy'... when ... grammar and ... punctuation was taught in ... schools and people ... learnt that ... ellipses in the form and meaning of ... three dots after a sentence or between actually meant either an ... omission or are provided ... at the end of a quote...

You're not a native speaker of English, so I don't know why you're playing grammar cop here. In other languages besides English, Russian for example, the three dots or ellipses as they are called formally, don't signify omissions or the end of a quote, but something else -- a trailing off of thought ("off of" is not a legal expression but serviceable). A "leave it to the imagination" kind of signal. So it is used, and not only by non-native speakers. Because of this linguistic confusion, I always ditch it myself, in translations, although sometimes I have to keep it at the insistence of the author.

If I'm not mistaken, the track you reference, not to be confused with the American sit-com by the same name, was related to a film about Second Life. It covered the SLs and RLs of 3-4 different people. I can't find that right now but I will, then I can see if it is related.


Edited by Prokofy Neva
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… is the proper ellipsis unicode character, formed on the Windows keypad with Alt-0133. I'm not a digital typesetter or anything, that's just one of a handful of special characters I've learned to type from memory, in this case because "…" is often used to replace text elided to save space, so it really should occupy just the one character to get on with the space saving.

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12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

What are we saving space FOR?

Aha! You thought I was bluffing, but I have an actual practical example: Ever seen my "Traffic Maps" for vehicles on the SLRR, or the ones for transit vehicles in Bay CIty and Nova Albion? They display hovertext over the vehicle indicators and those with long names will be truncated with an ellipsis. It's not only to save space on the map display, though, but also to constrain the length of HTTP messages from the probes to their rezzers, and the KVP storage the rezzers use to broadcast the telemetry to all the maps.

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6 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Aha! You thought I was bluffing, but I have an actual practical example: Ever seen my "Traffic Maps" for vehicles on the SLRR, or the ones for transit vehicles in Bay CIty and Nova Albion? They display hovertext over the vehicle indicators and those with long names will be truncated with an ellipsis. It's not only to save space on the map display, though, but also to constrain the length of HTTP messages from the probes to their rezzers, and the KVP storage the rezzers use to broadcast the telemetry to all the maps.

Which makes perfect sense.

Adding them to a sentence for no apparent purpose is wasting space.

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11 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

[rant] I thought that the Grammar Police and The Spelling Mob left the Internet somewhere in the 90ties.
It seems, that some people with their precious love for English spelling and grammar have difficulties to get their minds wrapped around the fact that the Internet is used by people of all kinds of cultures, nationalities and education levels. Standard English (not that that really exists other than in schoolbooks, literature and in lingual troubled minds) is not the first language for most people on this planet.
People try to communicate here. They don't try to win the  Nobel price for literature.  [/rant]

Sorry Adec, I can't help you with an answer about the music you are looking for.

Totally agree!  21 responses in this thread and only three people responded with something constructive to say relevant to the actual post.  There will always be someone that has an issue one way or another about how a post is written or formatted. 

What is wasting space is all these posts that have nothing to do with the original question. If you can't read it then just pass it by.

Hopefully the OP will come back and let Garnet know if that was the right video but it's doubtful they will respond since everyone was so quick to tear him a new one.

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10 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

You're not a native speaker of English, so I don't know why you're playing grammar cop here. In other languages besides English, Russian for example, the three dots or ellipses are they are called formally, don't signify omissions or the end of a quote, but something else -- a trailing off of thought ("off of" is not a legal expression but serviceable). A "leave it to the imagination" kind of signal. So it is used, and not only by non-native speakers. Because of this linguistic confusion, I always ditch it myself, in translations, although sometimes I have to keep it at the insistence of the author.

If I'm not mistaken, the track you reference, not to be confused with the American sit-com by the same name, was related to a film about Second Life. It covered the SLs and RLs of 3-4 different people. I can't find that right now but I will, then I can see if it is related.


Um firstly, I am a native English speaker. Where you got the idea I wasn't who knows.

Secondly, in your Russian example you are also incorrect, as that is exactly when ellipses are used in English. Trailing off of thought is counted as an omission in written speech and therefore perfectly acceptable in English as well. The OP however didn't do that either.

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