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How many chalets is enough?

Fleur Aurelia

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11 hours ago, Fleur Aurelia said:

I've no issue with anyone having a lovely garden BUT how many gardens is enough 5, 10, 50? 



One could say the same about mesh heads, bodies and for the love of god all the shoes everyone in SL buys.  Why is 1000 shoes not enough!

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I sometimes roll on a new Belli location just so I can find a new canvas to create on. Creativity is a driving force for me. Do I like the practice of scooping in and rolling every good parcel on a new sim? Not particularly, but only because I am not good at it! I also have listened to people here on the forums voice their displeasure about it enough to understand that it frustrates some, and I try to be understanding of that.

I have been a regular roller for over a year now and move about every ten seconds according to my friends, but the best of the best parcels I've landed have been abandons - each and every time.

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Ohmagah I am just reading this kind of topics for so long, avoiding like crazy to write my opinions cause frankly, I dont see they will matter in a place tha everybody seems to stick with their owns and just fight for it no matter if with good valid points or just using their vocabulary skills to try to conceal a good point like we are a bunch of morons or just to twist others words. And as you can see and some already know me, I have no english skills so.... But now I feel like writting as a "vent". If you agree, good! If not, sights! For those that will read anyways, I appreciate it in advance.

Keeping in theme and answering the topic question: I have 1 chalet, 2 campers (one sand one grass) and 1 vic (my group current headquarter). Thats what is enough for me... for now.

About me: My alts, all dressed as little dolls, all with variations of me own name (Im Bela in SL cause Im Isabela in RL btw), so if you see a crazy doll running around Belli, named Bela, Belli, Bestie, or something like this, feel free to say Hi. I like to say I play light GOH, I had flipped a house and got houses from flipping too, I got fresh first time awesome locations and got marvelous abandonings too, I keep my premiuns 1 digit and now they can be count on one single hand. I love to decorate them and I love to do them differently from each other, when I had 3 vernes, they were both very differently decorated cause I dont like to copy not even from myself. I hate copycats btw. Oh I am not a good person, I have hate in my heart! I respect TOS. I AR who doesnt respect TOS. I question TOS. I'd like a bunch of other things TOS covered. I saw a bunch of things I wished for actually now in TOS. I love Belli and I proudly say "Bellisseria is my home". I am a community person. I like people. I can also proudly say I have true friends that usually sit on all chairs I have at my houses where we spend lots of fun time. I hate to be told "derrender". Oh more hating in this pixel heart! I wish derrender was a feature to set on my parcel and not just for me. I care about my community. I work and will do what I can for the sake of my community and those who care about it.

About the others: Sorry, Bellisseria IS a community! Quoting TOS:

"Welcome to Linden Homes for Premium account holders. Linden Homes is a residential community, located on the Bellisseria continent, owned and managed by Linden Lab.

The purpose of Linden Homes is to provide an opportunity for Premium account Residents of the Second Life virtual world to quickly own a home and belong to a community."

The common mistake I see is to confuse Bellisserian residents with SL residents. You can be a SL resident and not necessarily live in Bellisseria. Oh Im a foreign not english fluent and I got it! Cause its there on about land tab for everyone read. So if you not in Bellisseria for community reasons, its your prerogative to dont participate but you cannot do things that will hurt the "community feeling". Oh but theres no such a thing as "feelings" covered by TOS! Right, feelings are not covered by TOS but they do exist and as I am reading at forums topics, group chats, and all around me by the most active persons of the Bellisseria community, that feeling is growing and growing in a way that soon that will not be contained anymore. So can it be covered by TOS?! It already have a "Linden Homes Etiquette" saying "Living in a community includes courtesy towards your neighbors" with some guidelines and *Review general Second Life etiquette suggestions and incorporate them into your Linden Home experience: http://bit.ly/sletiquette. So all possible things should be there to be respected?! Do we need "laws" and "rules" for everything?! Is this what we want, is this what we need for our second life?! Dont we have enough in our first?! So I wonder here nobody turns their computers and spend their money to come to a place to be annoyed by a next door neighbor that will copy their house from model, color, add-ons, furniture placement, claiming to be a "decorator, landscaper for hiring" just because TOS doesnt cover it. I recently left a stilt where a friend thatt already had her house copied for other Bellisserian and cause of that changed it all under my neighbor eyes, when I left that house, next owner simply did that. Is it right?! Just because TOS doesnt cover it?! Is that the Bellisseria community feeling it was built for?! I am using an example that is not my own just to say "it does not happen just with me", cause I myself have my share of copycat cases and Im sure many here has too and probaly listen "oh to copy is a flatter" or from the copycatt "we have same things". I am not a decorator, not a blogger and can do endless decorations with same things cause is not the items tha count but your imagination to place them, to combine them, to copy it is like trying to steal your own personality. Oh but you are skilled, they are not so they copy! Well Im not skilled. I know just 1 very skilled decorator that is not professional too, she snaps her fingers and voilá! a beautirful perfect house is done! I have to change a thousant times one single object till it works, I am a turtle as I use to say, it takes me toooooo much time and efford to make things work. So what can we do unless complaining and crying and whinning and vent as Im doing here?! Ask that decorations stealing be covered by TOS?! No. Some things are covered by common sense. So lets make it common.

So TOS do cover alts identity. Unless you disclose yours, as I did here, you cannot be sure if some person is alt of that person you know without the person telling you directly, its me!, right?! Wrong! If you do like me, all dolls, all names related, all same group, all things in the house from same person, you are not hiding from no one. Au contraire! Specially if you are bragging all around and giving everybody a tour to show off all your beautiful properties. And as it was said here before in many different ways, yes you can! but also I can react the way I react, I can like and I also can dislike it, we have the same rights! I can also dislike and come to a forum topic and say "I don like it"! As long as I am "inside the rules" I can! YAY! And why that bothers you so much what other people do with their Belli life, how many houses is enough for them, if they spend 24/7 tracking a region to be the first to get all of the good locations it has?! Their money, their problem! Theres houses for everybody! Eventually they will abandon like the cloud of locusts tha moves to the other plantation when new region or theme be released! It bothers you cause despite they can do whatever they want cause they can, it doesnt feel right. It is not a community way to act. It is unconsiderative to the other Bellisserians. Cause some people could care less about location but surely will be very pleased if get one. Cause if you use a number of accounts to sit on the good ones (ohmagah the good ones, they do exist! they are real!) just because you can you are taking the chance of others to get a good one too. Oh but theres the mesh heads example! Almost forgot it! So the mesh heads are copy, right?! I mean, the creator do a model with endless copies of the same head, you just need to have the money and the willing to buy it. Same with shoes! Ohmagah shoes! I want them all! But they are there, endless copies too, I just need money. What about that house beside the windmill? Or the house in a little bay (thats where I have mine bw) where you put all your bets that will be connected by open water, how many of that are there to be taken?! Oh the regions have a number of copy/paste! Are they unlimited?! Oh, just a few copy/paste regions, so it is limited! But hey, all the regions already released that has same lil bays are owned now for same group! So it is not like buying all mesh heads available cause everybody can buy them too and not everybody can have the same chalet at the same spot, region! So now I think the topic question makes sense, how many chalets do you need?! It is more than a valid question when you think "ohmagah I cant compete or I cant keep up, so whats the point, lets ask them before give up the dream of having a chance of having a dream spot and donwgrade all my premiun accounts!" I saw it happen more than once now. I saw it happen more times than I can count now. As I said, the "feeling" is growing and growing. My question is, is it good for Bellisseria?! Do you care for your community?!

I will end his cause it is long than I could possible imagine writting, I wont review for words mistakes cause I will end up hitting delete as I know I will regreat expose myself here like this but! I love Bellisseria! It recently complete 2 years old with awesome celebrations and all I want to say is Long Live Bellisseria! I respect all individuals choices due covered by TOS, I wish deep in my heart that each one of you do the best so we can have the best Bellisseria we can, I wish you care not just about your own belly and rights but about us all! Bellisseria has been an important and crutial part of our lives specially now with all bad things happening in our first, it is a refugie for most of all. Lets make Belli our home with harmony, cortesy and consideration to us all as a community. I know I will keep fighting and working for this. For that I can have just a pair of shoes, I bet you can too!


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That is an excellent rant, and thank you for pointing out the fallacy of the "mesh heads" argument, @Bela Tolsen. I also agree with the part about open and obvious alts. Some are just so painfully obvious that I have to assume they are meant to be that way. 

P.S. I call them "cockroaches", but "locusts" works too. 😂

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Just adding that I cannot speak to the Linden Homes.  Since I went premie, I've purchased a mainland parcel for a very reasonable sum.  For many years I had more than the premie max+tier, but at this point I find the premie 1024 in a reasonable area and several rentals for purposes other than my "home"  works better for me.  I've never really qualified for a Linden Home therefore.  This has enabled me to pick my own house (after house after house lol) at Marketplace or inworld, and been absolutely thrilled, until my next "whim" where a different home layout or theme is my new mood of the day. 

So of course I don't know what its like to be on a list and waiting for a house or my "happy" delayed in that sense.  And I don't really at this point in time know how clear the advertisements are to new Premiums on the fact that premies can (instead of getting a Linden home) find, buy, a parcel and plant the house of their dreams on it, and redecorate forever and ever.  But I find myself asking if it is possible.

I do remember it was a pain-pain-painnnnnn back in the day to use the "Search" thing to find/tp/shop for parcels of X size. Please oh please tell me that is fixed... 

Edited by Kyrie Deka
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@Bela TolsenI agree with everything in ur rant. I have same rant too tbh, bc I know 2 ppl that gave up prem bc they got so frustrated all the  'epic' locations were empty and just being sat on while they continue to get flooded by the less than desirable locations. Or like the other night when we were tryin to roll that trad to me, and some1 with an army of alts flooded the page with the less than desirable locations and swooped right in and grabbed it out from under us. I realize it's all a gamble, but lets be real, the odds r stacked against those of us with only a couple of alts, trying to roll for homes we actually plan to live in. At the end of the day it is all about the community feel u speak of, and we have built 1 with many rly great and amazing ppl. We're living in these homes we roll for. Not out here just sitting on them, keeping them from every1 else. I feel like that hurts Bellisseria in the end, bc if I know 2 ppl that cancelled premimum, how many do u think there r in total? That just gave up bc all that was left were locations no1 else wanted? Or, how about the girl that told me and some friends she had been rolling all week trying to get 1 Vic. She wasn't happy about the location but took it bc all the others were being sat on. But that's just my 2 cents. 

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@Bela Tolsen I never knew you could write such a book, Belaaaaaa.  I do love your decorating style and have admired things you do, but if I see something you have done, I will ask if I may borrow on a few of your ideas. It is flattery to be sure, but it doesn't feel like flattery for some, when every detail is copied. And you're right, Bellisseria is our community, we all need to keep it thriving. I also love @Evangeline Ling Houseboat, she's a great neighbor to have. 🥰

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1 minute ago, PrudenceAnton said:

@Bela Tolsen I never knew you could write such a book, Belaaaaaa.  I do love your decorating style and have admired things you do, but if I see something you have done, I will ask if I may borrow on a few of your ideas. It is flattery to be sure, but it doesn't feel like flattery for some, when every detail is copied. And you're right, Bellisseria is our community, we all need to keep it thriving. I also love @Evangeline Ling Houseboat, she's a great neighbor to have. 🥰

I LOVE my Pru Pru neighbor!!!!

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@PrudenceAnton You are safe! lol And the skilled decorator that just snap fingers and magic beautiful done is you! 🥰  Im the turtle, you know! lol So it is absolutely normal to see things at other people houses, you have the very good Homes tour, I love to see peoples decor and it is always a refreshing memory too "oh I have this!" But you know I was talking about persons tha copy too much and claim "their ideas". Seeing the house of my former neighbor all copied as I saw made my stomach sick... 🤢

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8 minutes ago, Bela Tolsen said:

@PrudenceAnton You are safe! lol And the skilled decorator that just snap fingers and magic beautiful done is you! 🥰  Im the turtle, you know! lol So it is absolutely normal to see things at other people houses, you have the very good Homes tour, I love to see peoples decor and it is always a refreshing memory too "oh I have this!" But you know I was talking about persons tha copy too much and claim "their ideas". Seeing the house of my former neighbor all copied as I saw made my stomach sick... 🤢

So, @Bela Tolsen, I've been scoping your Chalet near mine and there's this sofa you have and......(wink wink)

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Someone hit it on the head here. When I was rolling a lot last summer, I was doing it to find my dream location where I planned to live. I was not collecting trophies. I think that is close to the line where people get annoyed; when you are not looking for a home but bragging rights. With that said, I let most things roll off me. The gluttonous nature of some people annoys me, but not enough to where it affects my experience in any big way.

I do pay attention to people's feelings. I can not and will not carter to everyone's feelings (especially if I think they are wrong), but when enough people come forward to say something bothers them or upsets them then I think there is something to that even if it doesn't upset me personally. Furthermore, I would much more enjoy my excitement with a new area and a great roll with a handful of equally excited people who feel they lucked out as well.

Edited by Mercedes Avon
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On 4/26/2021 at 11:59 PM, karynmaria said:


One could say the same about mesh heads, bodies and for the love of god all the shoes everyone in SL buys.  Why is 1000 shoes not enough!


Edited by Fleur Aurelia
Decided against sharing personal stuff.
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Well Bela,  I completely agree with you:  how it is fair  for one person rolling about 45 alts  grabbing all the good location, and dumping the  undesirable.  It is specially frustrating when this person is just decorating the yard and moving on:  Obviously  you can have 1000000 alt, but at the end of the day you are only one person.   I is not fair,  we have zero chance against  these odds,  specially when the lab only gives us  just 5 tries in 24 hours.  

****  How about making it a tiny bit more fair by tripling the number of attempts for people with less than 5 alts?  and keeping it  the same for  someone with over 10 clones? ***

For those copying decor it is a disgrace, I can understand that you see a piece of furniture or something you like from your neighbor, but to systematically copy every single item is shameful.  It hurts because when our friend come to visit, how do they know  who copied who?  So  much variety here.  Let our personality shine

.As Bela mentioned, all  these  things seem  small  to someone looking from the outside,  but yes they really hurt our feelings because we love Belisseria, and are invested in our community.


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GOH is more complicated than just having a lot of alts. Even if you had 45 accounts, there's no guarantee that you would roll a desirable location unless you paid attention constantly. Why would Linden Lab increase rolls for people with fewer accounts? Your logic doesn't check out. I'm for them increasing rolls for everyone across the board. The odds are already against you set forth by Linden Lab with 5 rolls only, and not knowing which region is up next. The lack of transparency about the way these homes are released is the fairness that you're seeking. So it's fair. It's random. Is gambling fair?

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Odds and the best things will always favor those with more money. It's just a staple of life, so those of us without an army of alts just have to hope we get lucky. It can certainly happen!

It's frustrating, but they are paying for those extra accounts as well, so all in all it's not really unfair in that sense. Hoarding long-term and not using(at all) however is pretty crappy.

I've personally never seen anybody copy exactly somebody else's layout. I've seen similar, but that's usually how inspiration ends up going. When you're a digital artist you get use to this, as many people will often try and mimic your style or way of doing things, but often they will move away from it in time

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I also wish people were more considerate, but I don't expect anyone to grow a conscience for fairness or for people to realize they have enough.

Oh, and as far as I know, no one has ever copied my decorating style, so... Thanks? 😄😄😄 I'm pretty sure I've never had a neighbor stay more than a month. Dang... now I'm concerned about my lack of style.

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If you put more money in you get more chances but only if you know what to do with those chances.

I liken it to a fast track queue.

My best guess, (cos I don't know!), is that if all the homes are queued and abandons are in that mix too then you would need to pick up those abandons to push up the queue to reach the regions you want. 

There are ways to see regions are coming up but not really to know exactly when only that if you push you have greater chance of getting there faster.

Larger releases only such as the chalets right now. 

So when someone says " Twindlehorn releasing it" actually means "I've reached Twindlehorn!" (and I may now abandon previous homes adding to the abandon string). 

When they reach Twindlehorn they can hit Twindlehorn with whatever they can until they claim parcels they want. 

Anyone wanting Twindlehorn but only has 5 tries may have a long wait seeing parcels they have had before or stumble upon one of the "great abandons" of Twindlehorn or previous regions. 

We all could do this if we really wanted to put that much money and time into it.

I use my alt army in a different way which involves finding one parcel at a time usually and believe everyone has the choice to have as many accounts as they want, use their houses as they see fit within rules. 

But personally I don't like ghost areas decorated the same way, (does anyone really employ so many different ideas in decor? I mean hands up who has Studio Skye landscaping and THAT truly awesome flocked Apple Fall Christmas tree? ), and I have purposefully left areas and parcels if I have landed somewhere which does not feel that connected because in the whole of SL I look to Bellisseria for somewhere I can have neighbours and diversity.

This is just a coffee fuelled speculative post at my 6.30am forum catch up - I don't have a side because it just seems like a complex issue that will not find a solution to fully please everyone. 

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Joining Chloe in her 'too early' coffee....

I was going to reply on how both situations are different, since the people claiming they couldnt get a home, had already an amazing spot, and had got more than one.

My perspective back in 2020 was limited because I wasn't online to see what was actually going on, I have no problem admitting that; thankfully, since I socialize and talk to people, I've come to understand the whole picture, which is way worse now than it was back then.

And just before I leave to work: swapping regions might not be against the TOS; bullfighting is not either in my country, and that hasn't stopped many of us working to end that madness, and claim for a new legislation.

So maybe LL could review that point to, for the sake of the community  

Edited by Elena Core
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At the end of the day each premium account is money to LL lab to help continue Second Life. So whether that is the same person with 10 accounts or 10 people with one account each, I doubt  LL think they view them differently. And the system is that each premium account is allowed to have a Linden Home. So technically having multiple homes does not go against the rules.

So I think, anyone can wish all they want that the system is different in order to prevent one person nabbing multiple houses in a region, but why would LL change the basic system? A premium account is a premium account, doesn't matter who holds it. Also, they can't know which alt belongs to which account holder, and to set up a system that would stop someone getting more than one LH would entail more complexity to the system and be time consuming to set up (if it was feasible), and I doubt very very much they will consider even going down that road.

If however, the multiple home owner situation was causing multiple premium account holders to cancel premium, then maybe they would look at it, as then it would be affecting LL income. But I think it unlikely that people are dropping premium in sufficient numbers because of the multiple home owner issue. Hearing it a few times anecdotally doesn't mean it's a widespread enough occurrence.

So, although I do sympathise with those trying to land a great spot feeling put out when they find a region with nearly all the homes owned by one person, and I do personally wish it was a more equal system in that sense,  we have to be realistic and think about it from LL's perspective - I think it's highly improbably that it's going to change. It's less stressful  to try and think of those homes as owned by different people rather than the same (it is in reality no different - 10 homes taken is 10 homes taken, regardless of who has them).

What is more likely to get a result is for lots of premium account holders to tell LL what ideally they want to see regarding the homes (is it surrounded by more vegetation, more water, more open views? etc. etc., whatever it is that makes it the 'ideal' spot for you) because that is more easily achievable (not to say it will be done, but they can always factor it in for further themes and the future).

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I have 2 accounts this and one I use to sit on boats. Both premium. It took me ages to get two nice areas (A beach side Vic and a waterfall log) but this is because I HATE playing GOH, it frustrates me and I find it boring, I will stay in houses for months because I'm too lazy to pick up my stuff and leave haha. My patience isn't good with catch and release so when I was casually looking again to get rid of this terrible houseboat I had I waited until people thought the stilts were going to release and I got both my ideal houses. 

So I was either very lucky or just picked the right time.

But I never go for brand new themes so I suppose I've not come across this alts taking over regions thing. 

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because bellisseria is so beautifully crafted to the point that many people are fighting over it, they didnt forsee that things will turn out like that, i think over time with enough theme and home this likely a less of an issue

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