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Living on the Mainland: A peril or a pleasure? Your thoughts?


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On 1/10/2021 at 5:15 AM, BJoyful said:

I got a mental picture of you lasering through a neighbour’s tree roots which happen to grow into the dirt under your land and out daily trimming the leaves of trees which dare grow over your property.  I hope this in not true as it’s not very conducive to nature’s style of decorating and I’m not about to try and start any ‘who’s going to win’ against nature... because that never ends well for people who decide they can do better.  Personally I tend to take my SL very realistically and I don’t mind if some trees and flowers cross into my property and unless they interfere with something I’m trying to use I don’t bother to ask people to move them.  
We have had neighbours who have gone the more aggressive way and returned every pixel... but now we are the best of friends 💗 and I have learned so much from their years of expertise and good taste it has turned into one of the most beautiful areas of mainland we’ve ever seen.  It’s on Corsica Contintent’s big island’s South coast. 

That is exactly what I will do. I don't care if it's a single pixel over without my permission. I respect my neighbors property and they should respect mine. Tree roots in SL can just as easily grow within their property borders as can mine. 

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8 hours ago, MarissaOrloff said:

That is exactly what I will do. I don't care if it's a single pixel over without my permission. I respect my neighbors property and they should respect mine. Tree roots in SL can just as easily grow within their property borders as can mine. 

Yeah, that's how to make Mainland ugly: enforce a barren no-man's-land between parcels lest any stray pixels leak across.

My group has a trackside parcel in Bhaga that had a couple landscaping items that very slightly encroached on the neighboring parcel for years and years, while that parcel changed owners many times without incident. Often the neighboring owner's landscaping crossed into my parcel too, and it was fine. Fine until this week, that is, when some wannabe land-flipper bought the parcel, set it for sale, and returned my two barely-encroaching items -- and then dropped encroaching trees and weird little blinking blobs that hover in the sky (apparently a commercial product somehow?) crossing well into my parcel.

I selected it all and hovered my mouse over "Return" for a good minute before I just walked away. They were clearly bruising for a fight, and I won't reward them with one. Despite the amateurish staging, somebody is bound to either buy it at a massive discount from the current asking price or the flipper will eventually give up and abandon it.

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

I selected it all and hovered my mouse over "Return" for a good minute before I just walked away. They were clearly bruising for a fight, and I won't reward them with one. Despite the amateurish staging, somebody is bound to either buy it at a massive discount from the current asking price or the flipper will eventually give up and abandon it.

That was the bravest sort of bravery ♥ to do the right thing, as you always seem to do, Qie ♥  We all have that choice many times each day, vengeance vs graciousness, greed vs magnanimity ♥

In my humble opinion, we only need to think of the lessons our caregivers taught us when we were toddlers about how to get along, share, and enjoy a day of fun that we never wanted to end instead of spending a too-long day, pouting in the corner alone because no one is our friend and plot how to steal all their baseball cards and show 'them' a thing or two about what rights are and what winning is... really, winning is lonely.  Being a gracious, magnanimous person, you'd probably give even more time to helping that same person feel welcome when they realize they do need people like you after all ♥

You make me love SL and Mainland even more, Qie.  Connecting and feeling connected.

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On 1/15/2021 at 8:10 AM, Qie Niangao said:

Yeah, that's how to make Mainland ugly: enforce a barren no-man's-land between parcels lest any stray pixels leak across.

The point is that maybe the rightful land owner want's to build something in that area. Now he or she can't because a neighbor callously decided that they "need" that area for their own items. That is just plain wrong and greedy. A line has to be drawn in the sand as to what is acceptable. If you keep allowing your neighbor to encroach they will take more and more. However a line has been drawn by LL for that and its called your property line. Why should a parcel owner have to move their prims back because a greedy neighbor decided a tree branch belongs there. 

**Yes, if you live next to me and encroach without permission I am an absolute nightmare to live next to :) **


Edited by MarissaOrloff
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1 hour ago, MarissaOrloff said:

The point is that maybe the rightful land owner want's to build something in that area.

If that is the case, you return the encroaching objects. But perhaps it's not neccessary to return stuff that aren't really in the way and I thought that was what this discussion was about.

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On 1/17/2021 at 3:04 PM, ChinRey said:

If that is the case, you return the encroaching objects. But perhaps it's not neccessary to return stuff that aren't really in the way and I thought that was what this discussion was about.

I understand what you are saying and if the land owner asks I usually will not have an issue with that. The point is why should I feel compelled to subsidize someone else's build? If that person needs more land they should purchase it. I shouldn't feel "shamed" by the community into subsidies for others. I guess you have never had an issue where someone repeatedly over and over again would encroach. It made me quite bitter and they didn't stop until the third abuse report.

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Maybe I've just been lucky to get good neighbors most of the time. Even if their stuff isn't always what I'd choose myself, the idea that they're encroaching because they "need more land" really never crossed my mind. In fact usually I see it as a bit of free decoration for which I don't need to spend my own primcount.

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12 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Maybe I've just been lucky to get good neighbors most of the time. Even if their stuff isn't always what I'd choose myself, the idea that they're encroaching because they "need more land" really never crossed my mind. In fact usually I see it as a bit of free decoration for which I don't need to spend my own primcount.

I remember years ago I had some great neighbors and we linked our pathways together and between the three of us we had a 1/2 sim parcel. What I was talking about previously was on Blake Sea seafront property and that is not cheap to say the least. I had about 2500 sq/m and the person who was encroaching only had a 512 sq/m parcel and would constantly go over again and again. I guess if it was the usual L$1 sq/m land I wouldn't been such a *****. But Blake Sea you spend hundreds of USD on. That makes a huge difference.

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Now that you mention Blake Sea, I realize it may be Bay City land (also not cheap) that made me extra laissez faire about encroachment because most parcels share a zigzag border with the neighbor. Many of those borders are with the Governor, and she usually doesn't mind a little landscaping help, but neighboring residents also recognize that staying clear of that whole zigzag path would leave a vast barren swath* so a little informal coordination makes a bigger difference there than on most of Mainland's more Cartesian-aligned parcels.

* Trees and bushes, if they're just the right size, can partially fill a Bay CIty "zig" while the neighbor fills some of their "zag" but anything straight-lined such as a walkway really needs to pull back a long way from such borders.

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3 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

Now that you mention Blake Sea, I realize it may be Bay City land (also not cheap) that made me extra laissez faire about encroachment because most parcels share a zigzag border with the neighbor. Many of those borders are with the Governor, and she usually doesn't mind a little landscaping help, but neighboring residents also recognize that staying clear of that whole zigzag path would leave a vast barren swath* so a little informal coordination makes a bigger difference there than on most of Mainland's more Cartesian-aligned parcels.


If you strictly obey the parcel boundaries, you get ugly edges like this.

It's common to build bits of driveway to connect your parcel to an adjacent Linden road.

In some areas, all the parcels are multiples of 512m, but not rectangular. Urban parcels in Zindra often have small 4x8m corner cutouts of Linden land. Usually you need to stick something there to avoid a hole in the ground. Grass, paving, planters, whatever matches the adjacent land all seem to be acceptable. (There's a Linden-made Zindra Corner Planter, which can be obtained from a dispenser in the mall in Mosh. Some places, the moles put one in, and other places, a landowner put one in.)



A corner in Kama City, Zindra. Each corner lot has a 4x8m cutout that's Linden owned, to make the parcel an exact multiple of 512m^2. Clockwise from top left, Zindra corner planter by Abnor Mole, hole in ground surrounded by concrete, cobblestone pavement extending over cutout to match sidewalk level, and vacant lot of Linden grass about 0.5m below grade. These change from time to time. Last month there was a club at the lower left, and they had pavement there.

It's like being stuck with responsibility for a little strip of land between the sidewalk and curb in real life. In some jurisdictions, the city owns it, but you can plant grass or pave there. Building a structure there is out, though.

(Looking at nearby lots, about half of Kama City is owned by a few big landlords who put filler buildings on the lots. Asking prices are excessive and the parcels are not selling or renting.)

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On 1/17/2021 at 3:04 PM, ChinRey said:

If that is the case, you return the encroaching objects. But perhaps it's not neccessary to return stuff that aren't really in the way and I thought that was what this discussion was about.

Hi again! I'm sorry for not responding to this topic for a while. But as I am the OP, then I would like to point out in which what @ChinRey said here is correct: This is a but a discussion to determine...


1: Whether people feel better living on the mainland, a private island, a rental-space, or a Linden Home.

2: What would constitute a need to return someone else's property, if it happens to be close to the border of someone else's land and if it's 'getting in the way' of their parcel somehow or not.


As a side-note, I generally won't return anything or make any complaints to said neighbors about their items, unless...I: They are indeed encroaching into my virtual territory. If this is the case, I'll send a request note first to move or remove the object in question. II: If it's a wall/privacy wall, which prevents me from seeing anything beyond it or obstructs my fences or gates. And those fences and gates are definitely on the small side. And so far, no-one ever had a problem with them.

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when the neighbour's stuff doesn't interfere with me then I don't bother returning it

last time i returned a neighbour's object was when they seemed to have lost a box up in the sky. Just a big plain box prim that encroached and cast a shadow over my parcel. So I returned it. And the shadow never went away. So up a bit in the sky and there was another one. Return that one as well. Voila! no shadow

then I went up further and was another one. Never returned that one because no shadow, and I thought if I keep going up I could be here all day sweeping the sky, so I never

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I'm late to this, but its a very interesting thread.

I've lived in almost every type of land in SL - on private island rental, on regular mainland, and Linden homes old and Bellisserian. On the whole, regular mainland is my favourite, Bellisseria second, a good private estate third and old style LL homes last.

On 12/8/2020 at 2:35 AM, Prokofy Neva said:

I have lived and worked on the Mainland for 16 years now, and I only have one island and one homestead among my rental offerings because I don't like flying into a dead wall instead of being able to walk or fly or boat from sim to sim.

This is my view too. Islands feel isolated. Even the ones that are part of larger multi-region estates often give an impression of isolation; no roads or rivers, you're stuck in your own parcel and everywhere else is private and rented by someone else. Unless its attached to a public space like a store, a club or something similar, in which case you have endless lag to deal with.


On 12/8/2020 at 2:25 PM, Lewis Luminos said:

I've lived on the same mainland parcel for nearly 12 years now.

That's incredible. I am in awe.


On 1/19/2021 at 7:13 PM, HenryCrawford said:

2: What would constitute a need to return someone else's property, if it happens to be close to the border of someone else's land and if it's 'getting in the way' of their parcel somehow or not.

It depends for me on what the object is and the degree of encroachment. If it's a tree leaning over my fence or a circling bird or some other bit of landscaping that enhances the area, I let it be. If it's a plywood cube or a box with an advert on it, or if it's anything with fullbright set on it, I'll return it. If it's encroaching so far that it's poking through the walls of my house, or using up my prim allowance, I'll return it. 

If it's not encroaching at all but is just ugly, I de-render it. One time I bought a really cheap parcel amongst a collection of other really cheap parcels and needless to say they soon filled up with crap. I ended up de-rendering everything on all the parcels surrounding mine, except for one which had a lovely garden.

If it's ugly and against the TOS (like hate speech or something really vulgar in a Moderate region, or illegal ad-farms) I'll AR it first then de-render it.

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On 12/8/2020 at 6:09 AM, HenryCrawford said:

Hi, everyone! S'mee, Feral Henry again.


This is not a rant or anything 'destructive'. I generally detest the idea of posting in forums due to previous unfavorable experiences I've had on them. This time however, I come to all of you with a question (Or two) in regards to what it's like to live on the Mainland in Second Life. I'd also like to share an experience I had with my newest neighbor, which is still somewhat on-going. This had to do with some pretty massive walls which a new neighbor of mine reluctantly agreed to remove after I asked him about doing so or at least making them invisible and phantom.


First my question(s) to you: 1: What is it like to live on the Mainland in Second Life? I have been living on it for at least 6 to 8 years now. And I haven't had to many problems until I moved into my current home. In order to protect my neighbors' privacy, I won't state which region I live on...Yet, anyway. Which brings me to question #2: Have you ever had any problems with neighbors or have they ever given you any trouble about certain items/objects you had rezzed on your land or which they had rezzed on theirs? 3: ...And speaking of rezzed items, have any neighbors rezzed anything right next to the border(s) of your land and/or your other neighbors' parcels, which not only spoiled your view of the surrounding parcels, but also made region-crossing or opening/closing gates you may have had somewhat difficult to impossible to achieve? I ask because I recently had a neighbor 'move-in' and rez HUGE stone walls, which did precisely what I mentioned.


I will show you a pictures or two of the walls in question, if this is allowed here. Then, you can all judge for yourself whether this constituted violating any of LL's ToS. Cheers!

Snapshot Ghastly Walls!_001.jpg


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Hi Feral,

Firstly, i just would like to say im very sorry for the nuisance you are currently experiencing. I agree when people say its mainland and people have a right to put in their parcel what they choose, however, there is a level of respect and obligation to respect your fellow residents this common sense rule applies with living in Secondlife as well as living in RL.

In my opinion  your neighbour's wall is very offensive and rude, the intruding wall has basically shut out any feeling of wanting to confront your neighbour in a civil manner to even discuss, hense his response to you is just as blocking and obnoxious in his attitude as well as his ridiculous wall.

Unfortunately i am experiencing the exact same treatment. Prior to my experience i have never come across such vindictive treatment from a person. I moved into my dream area to build a small marina on a open sailing sim. i was editing my home on the terrain trying to blend in the scenery and the landowner behind me decided to drop a 62 meter high Rock house directly behind me.

this Rock house has blocked out all my views and sky views. I asked her politely to lower the home she said she would but she decided to raise the home even higher. After no attempt was made to lower the home i wrote her a note card explaining to her in a polite manner that her rock house is taking away the enjoyment from my land hoping she would please lower it.

when i came online the next day she had now erected two extra large water rock water falls on either side of the rock house and completely blocked off my parcel. I couldn't believe it. Not only had she done that she then proceeded to return any landscaping items i.e palm trees that i rezzed to try and soften the monstrosity as the leaves were slightly hanging onto her land also terrain i placed that was under the ground she destroyed that too by returning it to me. 

she banned me from her land and also she is now banning my renters from her land and they have absolutely nothing to do with this!. 

i decided enough was enough i banned her, muted her and derendered her objects and rezzed a 62m mega prim with a bright glowing orange colour on her side and translucent on my side, ( please note this will only affect her as she owns most of the sim behind me). i have sent endless support tickets to LL and they did not even respond to me!!, its absolutely disgraceful. I wont take down the colour prim until she plays fair, which will probably be never.

I asked around about her and i was told she has done this countless times to others that live and have lived in the area, she has about 50 people banned from her land. Its just wrong that LL don't do anything to help when ultimately they are the only ones who can fix this, its very frustrating indeed.

Goodluck Feral, i hope your neighbour will soon see some reason.






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10 hours ago, Karly Kiyori said:

I've lived in almost every type of land in SL - on private island rental, on regular mainland, and Linden homes old and Bellisserian. On the whole, regular mainland is my favourite, Bellisseria second, a good private estate third and old style LL homes last.

This is my view too. Islands feel isolated. Even the ones that are part of larger multi-region estates often give an impression of isolation; no roads or rivers, you're stuck in your own parcel and everywhere else is private and rented by someone else. Unless its attached to a public space like a store, a club or something similar, in which case you have endless lag to deal with.

It depends for me on what the object is and the degree of encroachment. If it's a tree leaning over my fence or a circling bird or some other bit of landscaping that enhances the area, I let it be. If it's a plywood cube or a box with an advert on it, or if it's anything with fullbright set on it, I'll return it. If it's encroaching so far that it's poking through the walls of my house, or using up my prim allowance, I'll return it. 

If it's not encroaching at all but is just ugly, I de-render it. One time I bought a really cheap parcel amongst a collection of other really cheap parcels and needless to say they soon filled up with crap. I ended up de-rendering everything on all the parcels surrounding mine, except for one which had a lovely garden.

If it's ugly and against the TOS (like hate speech or something really vulgar in a Moderate region, or illegal ad-farms) I'll AR it first then de-render it.

Sorry to contribute nothing new, but everything you said is 100% spot-on! Ditto!

Private estates make me feel like an earthbound spirit who is imprisoned in an inaccessible dimension like the deceased couple in Beetlejuice; beautifully landscaped but desolate, no world to explore beyond illusory sim surrounds. I love mainland because I love being a part of the vast world that drew me to SL in the first place. The interconnectedness, the diversity, a world that is only limited by your imagination (or graphics card XP) and being a witness to other residents’ inner worlds made manifest through their habitat and creations – yes, there is beauty even in things that you may perceive as cancerous or grotesque and unlike RL you can just derender what you’d rather not see. We experience life in such contrasts after all. The pains and perils, and the ways we overcome and outlive them on mainland, contribute to the excitement for me. A great amount of time I spend in-world is relishing the joy of being able to drive, sail, or fly across continents from my little corner, discovering something new each day, and being humbled by the truth that you really have not known or seen everything and you are just a tiny speck in the grid/universe.

Edited by Yuumo Ichibara
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7 hours ago, Zanna Zadark said:

Hi Feral,

Firstly, i just would like to say im very sorry for the nuisance you are currently experiencing. I agree when people say its mainland and people have a right to put in their parcel what they choose, however, there is a level of respect and obligation to respect your fellow residents this common sense rule applies with living in Secondlife as well as living in RL.

In my opinion  your neighbour's wall is very offensive and rude, the intruding wall has basically shut out any feeling of wanting to confront your neighbour in a civil manner to even discuss, hense his response to you is just as blocking and obnoxious in his attitude as well as his ridiculous wall.

Unfortunately i am experiencing the exact same treatment. Prior to my experience i have never come across such vindictive treatment from a person. I moved into my dream area to build a small marina on a open sailing sim. i was editing my home on the terrain trying to blend in the scenery and the landowner behind me decided to drop a 62 meter high Rock house directly behind me.

this Rock house has blocked out all my views and sky views. I asked her politely to lower the home she said she would but she decided to raise the home even higher. After no attempt was made to lower the home i wrote her a note card explaining to her in a polite manner that her rock house is taking away the enjoyment from my land hoping she would please lower it.

when i came online the next day she had now erected two extra large water rock water falls on either side of the rock house and completely blocked off my parcel. I couldn't believe it. Not only had she done that she then proceeded to return any landscaping items i.e palm trees that i rezzed to try and soften the monstrosity as the leaves were slightly hanging onto her land also terrain i placed that was under the ground she destroyed that too by returning it to me. 

she banned me from her land and also she is now banning my renters from her land and they have absolutely nothing to do with this!. 

i decided enough was enough i banned her, muted her and derendered her objects and rezzed a 62m mega prim with a bright glowing orange colour on her side and translucent on my side, ( please note this will only affect her as she owns most of the sim behind me). i have sent endless support tickets to LL and they did not even respond to me!!, its absolutely disgraceful. I wont take down the colour prim until she plays fair, which will probably be never.

I asked around about her and i was told she has done this countless times to others that live and have lived in the area, she has about 50 people banned from her land. Its just wrong that LL don't do anything to help when ultimately they are the only ones who can fix this, its very frustrating indeed.

Goodluck Feral, i hope your neighbour will soon see some reason.






aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you DO realise that when Governance see that monstrosity you rezzed, and they return it, you'll more than likely be minus sl for a few days for putting it there?

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13 hours ago, Zanna Zadark said:

Hi Feral,

Firstly, i just would like to say im very sorry for the nuisance you are currently experiencing. I agree when people say its mainland and people have a right to put in their parcel what they choose, however, there is a level of respect and obligation to respect your fellow residents this common sense rule applies with living in Secondlife as well as living in RL.

In my opinion  your neighbour's wall is very offensive and rude, the intruding wall has basically shut out any feeling of wanting to confront your neighbour in a civil manner to even discuss, hense his response to you is just as blocking and obnoxious in his attitude as well as his ridiculous wall.

Unfortunately i am experiencing the exact same treatment. Prior to my experience i have never come across such vindictive treatment from a person. I moved into my dream area to build a small marina on a open sailing sim. i was editing my home on the terrain trying to blend in the scenery and the landowner behind me decided to drop a 62 meter high Rock house directly behind me.

this Rock house has blocked out all my views and sky views. I asked her politely to lower the home she said she would but she decided to raise the home even higher. After no attempt was made to lower the home i wrote her a note card explaining to her in a polite manner that her rock house is taking away the enjoyment from my land hoping she would please lower it.

when i came online the next day she had now erected two extra large water rock water falls on either side of the rock house and completely blocked off my parcel. I couldn't believe it. Not only had she done that she then proceeded to return any landscaping items i.e palm trees that i rezzed to try and soften the monstrosity as the leaves were slightly hanging onto her land also terrain i placed that was under the ground she destroyed that too by returning it to me. 

she banned me from her land and also she is now banning my renters from her land and they have absolutely nothing to do with this!. 

i decided enough was enough i banned her, muted her and derendered her objects and rezzed a 62m mega prim with a bright glowing orange colour on her side and translucent on my side, ( please note this will only affect her as she owns most of the sim behind me). i have sent endless support tickets to LL and they did not even respond to me!!, its absolutely disgraceful. I wont take down the colour prim until she plays fair, which will probably be never.

I asked around about her and i was told she has done this countless times to others that live and have lived in the area, she has about 50 people banned from her land. Its just wrong that LL don't do anything to help when ultimately they are the only ones who can fix this, its very frustrating indeed.

Goodluck Feral, i hope your neighbour will soon see some reason.






I was in an area where multiple 'scenery walls' were blocking views in all directions. I asked some of the landowners why they had put up the walls in the first place, and the response was "I had to do it because my neighbor blocked my view with HIS 'scenery wall'.  That is one reason Mainland wars start. 

I believe the cliffhouse on a rock is an item that was recently on sale, so a novelty that the owner just may be trying out. I'm wondering if the owner considers YOUR build to be blocking THEIR view?  Me, I would take down the orange thing and just wait and see what happens.

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I have a love-hate relationship with mainland. When I had my in-world stores, mainland was the only way to go. I also used to do some SL farming and had breedables and mainland was best for that. I've found really nice abandoned parcels in the past and lived there happily, but I have also dealt with nearby neighbors who hung really low skyboxes, put up full bright walls, trees, spaceships etc and made the view ugly. I love mainland for the freedom it gives me, but it's hard sometimes to accept the freedom it gives the neighbor at the same time.

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Only in the past year have I actually set up my primary home on the mainland due to cutting back on expenses.   I certainly understand people loving to drive and sail and explore on mainland which you just can't do on private estates.  I agree, it's awesome if those are things you love to do.  However, once I'm able, I think I'll go back to renting privately as I have for years.  I actually like having a set of rules as to what type of things can be placed on a region.  I like that someone can't put up things that are detrimental to the overall region.  I like that I can contact an agent and have something checked basically in an instant.  I've been extremely lucky in renting from the same company for 10 yrs.  I've never had any problems.

I do sail and when I feel like it, I can hop over to any number of rez zones and off I go.  Same if I wanted to hop on my horse and wander the roads (horses are so much easier than cars).  I get the appeal of feeling like you're not alone and in a sort of community which mainland gives you.  I just prefer getting that from the town I live in in RL and enjoy the solitude of a private region away from most people in SL.

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I've always lived on mainland and never had any problems. If my neighbours set up stuff I don't like, I just derender/blacklist. But not every viewer has that function so that sucks.

In reality not everyone shares the same tastes so you're never going to like all your neighbours' things. And they're not going to like all of your things. There's no point trying to compromise or get them to adjust to your preferences. Just accept and ignore. That's how I do mainland.

On 2/27/2021 at 3:53 PM, Zanna Zadark said:

Hi Feral,

Firstly, i just would like to say im very sorry for the nuisance you are currently experiencing. I agree when people say its mainland and people have a right to put in their parcel what they choose, however, there is a level of respect and obligation to respect your fellow residents this common sense rule applies with living in Secondlife as well as living in RL.

In my opinion  your neighbour's wall is very offensive and rude, the intruding wall has basically shut out any feeling of wanting to confront your neighbour in a civil manner to even discuss, hense his response to you is just as blocking and obnoxious in his attitude as well as his ridiculous wall.

Unfortunately i am experiencing the exact same treatment. Prior to my experience i have never come across such vindictive treatment from a person. I moved into my dream area to build a small marina on a open sailing sim. i was editing my home on the terrain trying to blend in the scenery and the landowner behind me decided to drop a 62 meter high Rock house directly behind me.

this Rock house has blocked out all my views and sky views. I asked her politely to lower the home she said she would but she decided to raise the home even higher. After no attempt was made to lower the home i wrote her a note card explaining to her in a polite manner that her rock house is taking away the enjoyment from my land hoping she would please lower it.

when i came online the next day she had now erected two extra large water rock water falls on either side of the rock house and completely blocked off my parcel. I couldn't believe it. Not only had she done that she then proceeded to return any landscaping items i.e palm trees that i rezzed to try and soften the monstrosity as the leaves were slightly hanging onto her land also terrain i placed that was under the ground she destroyed that too by returning it to me. 

she banned me from her land and also she is now banning my renters from her land and they have absolutely nothing to do with this!. 

i decided enough was enough i banned her, muted her and derendered her objects and rezzed a 62m mega prim with a bright glowing orange colour on her side and translucent on my side, ( please note this will only affect her as she owns most of the sim behind me). i have sent endless support tickets to LL and they did not even respond to me!!, its absolutely disgraceful. I wont take down the colour prim until she plays fair, which will probably be never.

I asked around about her and i was told she has done this countless times to others that live and have lived in the area, she has about 50 people banned from her land. Its just wrong that LL don't do anything to help when ultimately they are the only ones who can fix this, its very frustrating indeed.

Goodluck Feral, i hope your neighbour will soon see some reason.






@Zanna Zadark I don't see why you didn't just derender whatever was blocking your view in the first place like you eventually did. There actually is no obligation to "respect" your neighbours, aside from the requirement to follow actual rules. It's no surprise that your support tickets have not amounted to anything because your neighbour has not actually broken any rules.

Nothing wrong with asking your neighbours for favours the way you did. But they are favours and you shouldn't have any expectations that they'd accommodate you. Everything else that has happened afterwards is just a war that you have an equal part in.

In my experience, the way to have peaceful neighbours is to be one.

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