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  1. will I be forced to pay $22 a month immediately if I bought 4096m or is there a 24-hour Grace. Cuz I'm planning to split it with four people
  2. I'm dropping my opinion into this thread even though it's an old one I think it's useful you can also use traffic games you can also use the Linden gold hunt fishing thing to attract people to your property it's one of the games there's others out there no guarantee you'll get property buyers but it will bring you traffic which boost your search results which more likely boost is your odds of selling property if you're new to Second Life real estate you also have to earn trust because there is very little stopping somebody from selling a piece of property then banned the person and taking the money this might be annoying but if you're running property you want to keep records of the people you have banned in the reasons so they don't bite you in the ass later if you can prove to somebody why you did something was justified it solves a lot of drama and prevents a lot and also helps you keep your reputation intact running a property business is a multi-person job if you're doing it solo you're going to get overwhelmed the person that made this original post might not read this but I think this information is useful for anybody else looking into the same subject
  3. this problem is been in Second Life for over 16 years and they still haven't found a solution spaghetti code for you if the problem is still relevant I don't see a problem with Reviving a dead post most well-managed forums with common sense lock post after a few months so they don't get revived it's an automated feature for most of them if they don't want necroposting they would turn on that feature
  4. how Second Life Works the property owner can do whatever they want if you're a guest you're at their Mercy the number one reason why you're going to get banned as a new Resident your account is too young a lot of places want residents to be over 30 days old before they allow them to enter their property I get banned for some really ridiculous funny reasons being a furry for being a weeb there's people that hate furries and anime characters so they ban them instantly for no reason at all other than the fact they don't like them by the way if this ever happens to you when you visit a store check the marketplace you can usually find what you're looking for there don't sweat over it go someplace else
  5. if somebody put crap in my parcel I would return it and if they do it again I will ban them especially if I spent 50k on the parcel
  6. the reason why I'm so negative about the mainland I personally have never had a good experience there is always been legy for me the people want to live there it's your choice I just think it's a bad idea just how bad it runs but you're right the mainland does have its benefits the number one benefit if you don't have to deal with another Resident landlord you just have to deal with Second Life you can pay for a whole entire year at once if your property is small enough for second benefit the benefits are living on a Sim ran by a resident if there's a problem with it usually gets fix fast most people at run that stuff or pretty respectable in the community I would never pay for a whole entire year of rent at once to a resident of Second Life cuz there's nothing stopping the from backpedaling on the deal and taking your money and kicking you out even if they are respectable people it's too big of a risk the best option is buying your own region if you can afford it from Linden labs then you could decide to never deal with people ever again if you want I do raise animals in the mainland but I try to keep the numbers to a low amount so it doesn't contribute too much to *****y situations
  7. the mainland is ran on Ancient Hardware even more ancient Scripts it's a place where people dump their trash and breed animals for Linden dollars I've been on Second Life for 13 years it's always going to run like ass and I just bought a new computer recently it still runs like ass the main land will be a dumpster fire tell Second Life dies
  8. role playing as a kid on Second Life is already basically dead cuz you're automatically considered a pedo immediately and there's nothing you could do about it even if you're not interested in sexual activities at all and you just like looking like a kid I highly recommend people avoid child avatars at all costs being one or being around 1 it sucks it's just the way people think it's not possible to be what you want to be in second life anymore that's why I stopped being a child Avatar over a year ago it's no longer welcome anywhere second life is a giant playground you have to be serious not have fun in it or you'll get banned this is seriously how I feel about second life right now the most vague rule on second life is ***** some people consider the active role playing as a kid ***** being a child Avatar ***** doing sexual acts as a kid Avatar is the true definition of ***** to me I personally see nothing wrong with role playing as a kid or having a child Avatar it's when you start to f***
  9. the three things that can be causing this issue number 1 you might have got banned from there number 2 the Sim has crashed number 3 the owner is no longer paying for it
  10. here's the major problems with the marketplace if you give somebody a bad review they delete their listing and re-upload it and it resets the review people are using Bots to keep inferior products on the top of the list on new releases so you don't know what really is new there's a lot of gacha crap flooding the market at place to people trying to sell freebies on the marketplace for money this one is not common but it's still happening I wish there was a practical solution to deal with the botting problem on the marketplace the area where it's really bad is under anime avatars where it's really bad is under anime avatars they get deleted and re-uploaded every day it's the same avatars there on the top list for over a year now and they're very poor quality ones I know they're being re-uploaded is sometimes there's other ones in front of them but that only lasts for like a day than those ones disappear cuz whoever owns those avatars deletes their listings and reuploads them everyday so they're inferior avatars of the top search results so they can make money off of garbage avatars they're cheating the system to sell garbage everybody has a right to sell their stuff but I don't think everybody should be cheating like this I'm dyslexic so if my writing is bad I apologize
  11. I want to get Mainland land cuz I don't want to deal with the landlord I want to set up something and forget about it you can't do that on a normal Sim that's another reason why it's so laggy Mainland is used for breeding pets virtual farming and other ***** to people want to run passively for income generation it's a terrible place to live I started 12 years ago on Second Life with my first account and that's how it's been for that whole entire time the mainland it's always been the inferior experience for living in it doesn't matter what I do to minimize lag it's still going to be terrible I am conscious about others but still the best place to put my farm up is there buying a full region is too expensive for the privacy I would like to pay for a whole entire year at once I cannot trust a resident of Second Life to honor that agreement for a small parcel as long as I pay premium I will always have my property if I go with mainland land 1024 if I pay for a whole year that will cost me only $7 a month if I log on every day even less also how the script system works only the Sim owner can see how much memory people are using so I don't know how much my neighbors are using so I don't know if I'm the one is pushing it over the edge or not
  12. I wish there was a tool it would show you which areas are abandoned you could turn on
  13. those Parcels are not rare they're just expensive like 50k Linden's good ones
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