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18 hours ago, Mollymews said:

it isn't that there isn't any danger. Every nation has its dangers which are often peculiar to the moment. Some overcome the dangerous moment, and some do not

the solution isn't in systems like capitalism or socialism, or even a mix  of these. Nor is it in morality, be that religious or secular morality. Moral standards can and do change generationally as time passes

the solution is in ethics I think

when we hold ourselves to ethically observe the rules of our society: constitutions, laws, regs, etc and the processes we employ to create and implement the rules then we can overcome any danger

when we don't observe the rules then we create the danger ourselves

and when we don't ourselves use the rules to hold to account those who act unethically by breaking the rules then we are just as guilty of an ethical breach as is the rule breaker

Hmmm...well I like rules in general...I wouldn't want to live in a society based on anarchy....some sort of Mad Max scenario.

I'm not quite sure what you're saying though as I don't see how rules in and of themselves can be separate from the system they are created from. In the US, that system is Capitalism. When examining Capitalism, I can see it requires endless growth, and while that may have worked to a degree while we were imagining endless resources for us to exploit we're discovering today that it's impossible to have infinite growth on a finite planet. So we're hitting a wall and a new system needs to evolve -- a new system to create new rules from.

Another problem with Capitalism is that it increasingly funnels more wealth to the wealthiest and squeezes more and more from the poor -- at least until there's a crisis where the poor revolt, as has happened when Capitalism failed throughout history. I think we're almost at that point now and major revolutions are coming (and continuing), as BLM fundamentally relates to exploitation of the poor.

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4 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Hmmm...well I like rules in general...I wouldn't want to live in a society based on anarchy....some sort of Mad Max scenario.

I'm not quite sure what you're saying though as I don't see how rules in and of themselves can be separate from the system they are created from. In the US, that system is Capitalism. When examining Capitalism, I can see it requires endless growth, and while that may have worked to a degree while we were imagining endless resources for us to exploit we're discovering today that it's impossible to have infinite growth on a finite planet. So we're hitting a wall and a new system needs to evolve -- a new system to create new rules from.

Another problem with Capitalism is that it increasingly funnels more wealth to the wealthiest and squeezes more and more from the poor -- at least until there's a crisis where the poor revolt, as has happened when Capitalism failed throughout history. I think we're almost at that point now and major revolutions are coming (and continuing), as BLM fundamentally relates to exploitation of the poor.

is a pretty big topic this. Some more thoughts

when look at the US Constitution and its various amendments then it promotes thru its construction (the wordings) the ascendancy of the individual. Yet empowers over this individual ascendancy, within limits, the constitutional collectives of the republic. Constitutional collectives being the States, Congress, Executive and Judiciary

beyond these the US Constitution doesn't preclude other forms of collectives/groups. What it does tho is frame these other collective forms thru the lense of individualism. As an individual I can organise myself to join/work collectively with others

the ethical rule is that a person in a constitutional collective role (elected or appointed) will follow the processes encoded in the Constitution and the laws of the land. Because this person in their role is ascendant over the individual

when a person in a constitutional collective role doesn't follow the processes, and another person in a constitutional collective role with the constitutional authority to do so, doesn't hold that person to account then the system falls apart


regardless of our political system, we always have a market. Where we trade what we have for the things we don't have. Coal miner trades their labour for coin. Coin traded for essentials like food, shelter, clothing, and for non-essentials. Farmer trades produce. Dressmaker trades their finished products for coin. Coin traded for materials to make more dresses, and for essentials and non-essentials. Our political system determines how the trading and pricing is done (market regulation), and the portion size of the trade price (be this for labour or goods) reserved for the constitutional collectives (taxation)

in the United States, the constitutional promotion of the individual lends itself to furthering individual capitalism. If we did want to eliminate capitalism from the United States then would need to change the US Constitution. Constitutionally promote the other forms of collective not thru the lense of individualism

one of the problems with rampant individualism is that we can think that the individual comes before the constitutional collectives - the States, Congress, Executive, Judiciary. Which is not true at least constitutionally. People into rampant individualism chafe at this. They think that their individual want to not like other people is supreme because Constitution. Which is not true constitutionally. The constitutional collectives are supreme

which brings us back to the ethics that bind (or should bind) people in constitutional collective roles. When these people don't do their jobs as they are supposed too then the system crumbles. Rampant individualism thinking rises, constitutional collective electives/appointees buy into this also. Indulge themselves in unethical behaviours leading to corruption and subversion of the ideals, laws and Constitution of the republic.


a thing about socialism, capitalism and welfare

taxpayer-funded State welfare for the poor, sick and elderly is not socialism. It is charity. Taxpayer-funded education and healthcare is also charity, not socialism. If we want to increase or decrease our charitable contributions (taxation) then call it what it is. Not what it isn't. It is involuntary charity for the commonweal

socialism is the collective ownership of the means of production / wealth generation

regardless of the political system: libertarian, liberal, socialist, communist, conservative, authoritarian, etc - the market has one rule which is indivisible from the market. To the owners goes the wealth generated by the production and sale of goods and services

if we are socialists then we want collective ownership of the means of production. All the surplus wealth generated is distributed fairly to its owners, its shareholders, after deducting the involuntary charitable contribution to the commonweal (taxation). As happens with any form of shareholdings in market activity, including capitalist shareholdings

from a market activity/trading pov it doesn't matter who the owners are, or how they organise themselves as owners. The only thing that matters is that the directors and staff do know how to produce and trade

if we don't want collective ownership of the means of production then we are not socialists. We are individual capitalists, and when so then the question is: How much of our capital/earnings are we prepared to involuntarily contribute to charity thru the legal coercion of the constitutional collectives who are ascendant over us ?


another thing. What distinguishes a capitalist shareholding from a socialist shareholding ?  The capitalist shareholding is transferable. Being transferable this creates a market (capital) value in itself.  A socialist shareholding is not transferable. And because it is not transferable it has no market (capital) value in itself

there are lots of examples of market traders that have non-transferable (socialist) shareholdings. Some of who are market leaders in their particular fields of enterprise and expertise. Because the directors and staff know what they are doing


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I never called anyone a Nazi i was simply pointing out how pathetic the response was .

Should i apologize because i never engaged in cyber anything before joining SL , no facebook , twitter or anything like that and i still don't know the difference between godmodding , metagaming, or powergaming , even google seems unsure what each of them actually means but i've started reading about it just recently and it kinda fits what i encountered so yeah keep it simple and hate everyone , its the easiest way .


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On 9/24/2020 at 6:47 PM, Paul Hexem said:

No difference.

There's always going to be people that don't like X, whatever X is.

Now, X can spend their entire lives fighting with that selection of people that don't like them, or move on and live happy, productive lives that aren't influenced by the people that don't like them.

So again I reiterate, being able to shrug and move on isn't taught enough anymore, because we're too busy coddling people and telling them that they're the most special and everyone has to like them or risk being cancelled!

You're not getting it. "Being happy and ignorant" does not excuse ignorance. In fact that ignorance can affect a relationship, and probably will sooner or later. Due to the fact people "fear that easily". Do it with one thing, you'll do it with another.


So yes, X is this and X is that. But EXISTING isn't something to be judged or looked down on. Physically. And being what you're into what makes YOU happy makes YOU happy.


Therefore, knowing you want to be happy without having to deal with judgemental bigots, why then do people judge? This will only encourage negativity, not happiness. You can pretend it doesn't matter but let's face it, treat women like *****, treat black people like *****, treat any group like ***** "Just because you see it as *****" and sooner or later there will be retaliation (not necessarily intended). And this can lead to things like fighting for coexistence (doesn't translate to acceptance). And THIS in turn can further lead to violence, people falling out, fighting, maybe even dying. Let alone the insanity that has to be endured.

But people don't care, they'll tell themselves. Only at some point it's THEIR lives about some other situation. For being "into X kink" or "poly" or "not religious in that christian family". It doesn't really matter, it ALL applies. X is X, remember. That's what you said.

If X is X, I'm saying X is you. You are that person at some point that is seen as someone you're not and misunderstood. Why then do it to others? It only fuels negativity. The "bad habit" you pick up then gets into your relationships.

No one actually moves on. You might TRY too, but trust me, I've heard that line countless times. People remember. They just don't WANT too. Except then they end up telling you they missed you. If it's not that it's someone you treated like ***** holding a grudge and making sure you don't forget.

Don't judge at all, don't look down on people because you fear the worst, and you circumvent this. Fear is its own beast. But I for one never use it as an excuse. It's not THAT person I'm looking at that held a gun and pointed it at me. It was ANOTHER one. And pal, that's been done. But I sure as hell don't use it as an excuse to project my past fears onto others. That's what this is about. How people project. Because they can't. Control. Their. Fear. It doesn't take a genius to tell you people that can't control their fear/anger are a threat/danger to people around them. Wherever that's one you accept or not is another matter. Personally, I can teach others easily. Pushed past closed minds even if it's unpleasant.

It's amazing how people don't give a ***** until you remind them of things like fear and how they easily see the worst and then proceed to prove their fears are unfounded which makes them want to be better people. That's a good thing. But it still doesn't excuse the closed mine you previously had. Currently happy or not, that ***** matters. Because it's about YOUR fears/concerns.

Go ahead. Counter argue. But I think you have to agree that when it's about your own flaws you have to take note of it. Even happiness can be dangerous if you lose yourself in it. You risk hurting whoever you're with down the line if you're not aware and are caught with your pants down, basically. And who doesn't want to be prepared for that? For example: What if X partner got into X group that you might hate? Suddenly, all of a sudden, that same group you never paid attention too has to be paid attention too. And you don't know a damn thing about it when you had every opportunity to do so before.

"Move on". Pfft. I never moved on from anyone. I never give up on them even if they give up on me. Which gets them to never give up on me even if they moved on. I never give up. Even if they do. So if people move on and tell me they move on then why have they come back? See, moving on is an excuse. You remember. You know it matters. This is happening right here right now and you remember the last time you turned your back on something and didn't even try to understand. Here's the thing. If that's how you treat one person, how can you be trusted it won't be how you treat the next? And how can you trust yourself to not do it to a partner on a really bad day? It's for this reason that I never give up on anyone I care about. You can't move on from me because I'm too considerate and always do what I'm told. Also, I can actually challenge people and have logic and reasoning on my side when you might be emotional (hopefully they too have logic). But some people struggle. And don't know what to do. And can't even admit their own flaws/weaknesses and inability to handle some things. But that's not a THEM problem. That's a YOU problem. You're just looking for a target when you go "I see the worst of you when I don't even know you".

Edited by Taramafor
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1 hour ago, Taramafor said:

You're not getting it. "Being happy and ignorant" does not excuse ignorance. In fact that ignorance can affect a relationship, and probably will sooner or later. Due to the fact people "fear that easily". Do it with one thing, you'll do it with another.


So yes, X is this and X is that. But EXISTING isn't something to be judged or looked down on. Physically. And being what you're into what makes YOU happy makes YOU happy.


Therefore, knowing you want to be happy without having to deal with judgemental bigots, why then do people judge? This will only encourage negativity, not happiness. You can pretend it doesn't matter but let's face it, treat women like *****, treat black people like *****, treat any group like ***** "Just because you see it as *****" and sooner or later there will be retaliation (not necessarily intended). And this can lead to things like fighting for coexistence (doesn't translate to acceptance). And THIS in turn can further lead to violence, people falling out, fighting, maybe even dying. Let alone the insanity that has to be endured.

But people don't care, they'll tell themselves. Only at some point it's THEIR lives about some other situation. For being "into X kink" or "poly" or "not religious in that christian family". It doesn't really matter, it ALL applies. X is X, remember. That's what you said.

If X is X, I'm saying X is you. You are that person at some point that is seen as someone you're not and misunderstood. Why then do it to others? It only fuels negativity. The "bad habit" you pick up then gets into your relationships.

No one actually moves on. You might TRY too, but trust me, I've heard that line countless times. People remember. They just don't WANT too. Except then they end up telling you they missed you. If it's not that it's someone you treated like ***** holding a grudge and making sure you don't forget.

Don't judge at all, don't look down on people because you fear the worst, and you circumvent this. Fear is its own beast. But I for one never use it as an excuse. It's not THAT person I'm looking at that held a gun and pointed it at me. It was ANOTHER one. And pal, that's been done. But I sure as hell don't use it as an excuse to project my past fears onto others. That's what this is about. How people project. Because they can't. Control. Their. Fear. It doesn't take a genius to tell you people that can't control their fear/anger are a threat/danger to people around them. Wherever that's one you accept or not is another matter. Personally, I can teach others easily. Pushed past closed minds even if it's unpleasant.

It's amazing how people don't give a ***** until you remind them of things like fear and how they easily see the worst and then proceed to prove their fears are unfounded which makes them want to be better people. That's a good thing. But it still doesn't excuse the closed mine you previously had. Currently happy or not, that ***** matters. Because it's about YOUR fears/concerns.

Go ahead. Counter argue. But I think you have to agree that when it's about your own flaws you have to take note of it. Even happiness can be dangerous if you lose yourself in it. You risk hurting whoever you're with down the line if you're not aware and are caught with your pants down, basically. And who doesn't want to be prepared for that? For example: What if X partner got into X group that you might hate? Suddenly, all of a sudden, that same group you never paid attention too has to be paid attention too. And you don't know a damn thing about it when you had every opportunity to do so before.

"Move on". Pfft. I never moved on from anyone. I never give up on them even if they give up on me. Which gets them to never give up on me even if they moved on. I never give up. Even if they do. So if people move on and tell me they move on then why have they come back? See, moving on is an excuse. You remember. You know it matters. This is happening right here right now and you remember the last time you turned your back on something and didn't even try to understand. Here's the thing. If that's how you treat one person, how can you be trusted it won't be how you treat the next? And how can you trust yourself to not do it to a partner on a really bad day? It's for this reason that I never give up on anyone I care about. You can't move on from me because I'm too considerate and always do what I'm told. Also, I can actually challenge people and have logic and reasoning on my side when you might be emotional (hopefully they too have logic). But some people struggle. And don't know what to do. And can't even admit their own flaws/weaknesses and inability to handle some things. But that's not a THEM problem. That's a YOU problem. You're just looking for a target when you go "I see the worst of you when I don't even know you".

Did you quote the wrong person? Almost none of that is relevant to what I said. Some of it isn't even coherent at all.

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On 11/17/2020 at 10:15 PM, Paul Hexem said:

Did you quote the wrong person? Almost none of that is relevant to what I said. Some of it isn't even coherent at all.

I'm saying that being an ignorant idiot is STILL being an ignorant idiot. And that happiness is NOT an excuse to justify that. In your previous post, you acted like it was.

I'm also saying that that ignorance catches up with you and bites you in the ass.

I'm saying that people pretend not to care when they're actually bothered.

I'm saying that those SAME people some day find themselves in a situation where they have no choice but to care. Because their partner might get into X crowed. Of their child might fall into X group.

I'm saying that those people that didn't give a ***** before suddenly give a *****. And they have only themselves to blame when they can't handle the change of the situation that suddenly affects their personal lives.

How easy it is for people to change their minds all of a sudden. To suddenly be more accepting people.

But that does NOT excuse a complete and total lack of being understanding in the FIRST place.

The way you talked earlier, it's like you think "Your own happiness" is an excuse to not give a ***** about other people. It's not. I am here challenging you about the fact that when you do that people hold grudges and will retaliate.

That isn't to say you have to LIKE the group or whatever. But at least have the balls to FACE them. Because if you can't do that then you don't even know what you look down on or claim not to care about. When you don't even know anything about them.

And if "walking away" is the approach you take OUT of a relationship, how can you be trusted IN one? I NEVER walk away just because others are different. And for this reason I have NEVER walked away in a relationship. Or out of one. Frankly, I don't allow the habit at all. I might not approve of some things, but never ever walk away. Otherwise that's not even trying to be understanding.

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1 hour ago, Taramafor said:

I'm saying that being an ignorant idiot is STILL being an ignorant idiot. And that happiness is NOT an excuse to justify that. In your previous post, you acted like it was.

I'm also saying that that ignorance catches up with you and bites you in the ass.

I'm saying that people pretend not to care when they're actually bothered.

I'm saying that those SAME people some day find themselves in a situation where they have no choice but to care. Because their partner might get into X crowed. Of their child might fall into X group.

I'm saying that those people that didn't give a ***** before suddenly give a *****. And they have only themselves to blame when they can't handle the change of the situation that suddenly affects their personal lives.

How easy it is for people to change their minds all of a sudden. To suddenly be more accepting people.

But that does NOT excuse a complete and total lack of being understanding in the FIRST place.

The way you talked earlier, it's like you think "Your own happiness" is an excuse to not give a ***** about other people. It's not. I am here challenging you about the fact that when you do that people hold grudges and will retaliate.

That isn't to say you have to LIKE the group or whatever. But at least have the balls to FACE them. Because if you can't do that then you don't even know what you look down on or claim not to care about. When you don't even know anything about them.

And if "walking away" is the approach you take OUT of a relationship, how can you be trusted IN one? I NEVER walk away just because others are different. And for this reason I have NEVER walked away in a relationship. Or out of one. Frankly, I don't allow the habit at all. I might not approve of some things, but never ever walk away. Otherwise that's not even trying to be understanding.

You really aren't getting the point of what he said.  


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4 hours ago, Taramafor said:

I'm saying that being an ignorant idiot is STILL being an ignorant idiot. And that happiness is NOT an excuse to justify that. In your previous post, you acted like it was.

I'm also saying that that ignorance catches up with you and bites you in the ass.

I'm saying that people pretend not to care when they're actually bothered.

I'm saying that those SAME people some day find themselves in a situation where they have no choice but to care. Because their partner might get into X crowed. Of their child might fall into X group.

I'm saying that those people that didn't give a ***** before suddenly give a *****. And they have only themselves to blame when they can't handle the change of the situation that suddenly affects their personal lives.

How easy it is for people to change their minds all of a sudden. To suddenly be more accepting people.

But that does NOT excuse a complete and total lack of being understanding in the FIRST place.

The way you talked earlier, it's like you think "Your own happiness" is an excuse to not give a ***** about other people. It's not. I am here challenging you about the fact that when you do that people hold grudges and will retaliate.

That isn't to say you have to LIKE the group or whatever. But at least have the balls to FACE them. Because if you can't do that then you don't even know what you look down on or claim not to care about. When you don't even know anything about them.

And if "walking away" is the approach you take OUT of a relationship, how can you be trusted IN one? I NEVER walk away just because others are different. And for this reason I have NEVER walked away in a relationship. Or out of one. Frankly, I don't allow the habit at all. I might not approve of some things, but never ever walk away. Otherwise that's not even trying to be understanding.

Still not relevant.

I was talking about what you can do if someone hates you. You can walk away and live a happy life even if they hate you.

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On 11/17/2020 at 3:01 PM, Taramafor said:
On 9/24/2020 at 12:47 PM, Paul Hexem said:

So again I reiterate, being able to shrug and move on isn't taught enough anymore, because we're too busy coddling people and telling them that they're the most special and everyone has to like them or risk being cancelled!

You're not getting it. "Being happy and ignorant" does not excuse ignorance. In fact that ignorance can affect a relationship, and probably will sooner or later. Due to the fact people "fear that easily". Do it with one thing, you'll do it with another.

So yes, X is this and X is that. But EXISTING isn't something to be judged or looked down on. Physically. And being what you're into what makes YOU happy makes YOU happy.

Therefore, knowing you want to be happy without having to deal with judgemental bigots, why then do people judge? This will only encourage negativity, not happiness. You can pretend it doesn't matter but let's face it, treat women like *****, treat black people like *****, treat any group like ***** "Just because you see it as *****" and sooner or later there will be retaliation (not necessarily intended). And this can lead to things like fighting for coexistence (doesn't translate to acceptance). And THIS in turn can further lead to violence, people falling out, fighting, maybe even dying. Let alone the insanity that has to be endured.

If I'm living as an atomized individual, free to move around in as an isolated self and choose who I want to associate with, and as free as anybody else to have access to available jobs and resources in society, then yes the @Paul Hexem solution makes sense. If somebody bugs me I just turn away and find somebody I can get along with.

The problem with Paul's solution though, is that this is not reality because we live in a multi-racial, multi-cultural society where we must associate with the community for survival, and it's all too easy to deny resources to those we don't like and cause them to suffer for it. In fact, when we don't like another usually we think we're superior and will automatically afford ourselves a greater piece of the pie because we think we deserve it.  This is why we need to increase understanding of the 'other', the person different from ourselves, in order for any lasting peace to occur -- we can't just walk away --this is not a viable solution.

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13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

If I'm living as an atomized individual, free to move around in as an isolated self and choose who I want to associate with, and as free as anybody else to have access to available jobs and resources in society, then yes the @Paul Hexem solution makes sense. If somebody bugs me I just turn away and find somebody I can get along with.

The problem with Paul's solution though, is that this is not reality because we live in a multi-racial, multi-cultural society where we must associate with the community for survival, and it's all too easy to deny resources to those we don't like and cause them to suffer for it. In fact, when we don't like another usually we think we're superior and will automatically afford ourselves a greater piece of the pie because we think we deserve it.  This is why we need to increase understanding of the 'other', the person different from ourselves, in order for any lasting peace to occur -- we can't just walk away --this is not a viable solution.

The question is is not whether Paul's solution is appropriate for reality, but whether it is appropriate for Second Life.

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5 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

The question is is not whether Paul's solution is appropriate for reality, but whether it is appropriate for Second Life.

Both of them moved it to a meta level...larger society...even a philosophical level...and inclusive of both SL & RL which are both aspects of reality:

With Paul:

"So again I reiterate, being able to shrug and move on isn't taught enough anymore, because we're too busy coddling people and telling them that they're the most special and everyone has to like them or risk being cancelled!"

With Tara:

"Therefore, knowing you want to be happy without having to deal with judgemental bigots, why then do people judge? This will only encourage negativity, not happiness. You can pretend it doesn't matter but let's face it, treat women like *****, treat black people like *****, treat any group like ***** "Just because you see it as *****" and sooner or later there will be retaliation (not necessarily intended). And this can lead to things like fighting for coexistence (doesn't translate to acceptance). And THIS in turn can further lead to violence, people falling out, fighting, maybe even dying. Let alone the insanity that has to be endured."

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You can't teach bigots/raciats anything nor would I waste my time trying.  Don't like me for whatever reason?  Couldn't care less.  My life and happiness are mine and have nothing whatsoever to do with your hatred.  I CHOOSE who I have in my life.  No one has ever been able to keep me from doing as I chose to do.  As far as SL goes?  Do I let it bother me if some small minded parcel owner won't allow me on their SIM because I'm black or female?  Hell no.  Why would I?  It's not my place to tell him he is wrong either.  If I don't want white people on my parcel, that's my right too.

My job is to teach MY son how to treat people fairly regardless.  He also knows there will be people who hate just because and never take it as a personal attack but the product of a small mind. I don't coddle him nor try to keep him hidden from the bad things in the world.  People have and always will, suck.

The same way some people here on the forums see things only from their perspective and everyone who doesn't agree is somehow wrong, left-wing, a Trumpie, or some such nonsense.  Just because you and I don't agree, doesn't necessarily make the other wrong.  Everyone is entitled to their OPINION.  Sadly, even bigots and racists.

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

If I'm living as an atomized individual, free to move around in as an isolated self and choose who I want to associate with, and as free as anybody else to have access to available jobs and resources in society, then yes the @Paul Hexem solution makes sense. If somebody bugs me I just turn away and find somebody I can get along with.

The problem with Paul's solution though, is that this is not reality because we live in a multi-racial, multi-cultural society where we must associate with the community for survival, and it's all too easy to deny resources to those we don't like and cause them to suffer for it. In fact, when we don't like another usually we think we're superior and will automatically afford ourselves a greater piece of the pie because we think we deserve it.  This is why we need to increase understanding of the 'other', the person different from ourselves, in order for any lasting peace to occur -- we can't just walk away --this is not a viable solution.

Nope. Still applies even if you want to take it to the real world. You just can't change some people. Learn to move on instead of wallowing in that negativity. 

53 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Both of them moved it to a meta level...larger society...even a philosophical level...and inclusive of both SL & RL which are both aspects of reality:

With Paul:

"So again I reiterate, being able to shrug and move on isn't taught enough anymore, because we're too busy coddling people and telling them that they're the most special and everyone has to like them or risk being cancelled!"

With Tara:

"Therefore, knowing you want to be happy without having to deal with judgemental bigots, why then do people judge? This will only encourage negativity, not happiness. You can pretend it doesn't matter but let's face it, treat women like *****, treat black people like *****, treat any group like ***** "Just because you see it as *****" and sooner or later there will be retaliation (not necessarily intended). And this can lead to things like fighting for coexistence (doesn't translate to acceptance). And THIS in turn can further lead to violence, people falling out, fighting, maybe even dying. Let alone the insanity that has to be endured."

I'm gonna brag to all the other trolls that someone called me philosophical.

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6 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

Nope. Still applies even if you want to take it to the real world. You just can't change some people. Learn to move on instead of wallowing in that negativity. 

I'm gonna brag to all the other trolls that someone called me philosophical.

You mean we can't just all sing kumbaya and get along?  I'm shocked and appalled!

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18 hours ago, RowanMinx said:

You can't teach bigots/raciats anything nor would I waste my time trying.  Don't like me for whatever reason?  Couldn't care less.  My life and happiness are mine and have nothing whatsoever to do with your hatred.  I CHOOSE who I have in my life.  No one has ever been able to keep me from doing as I chose to do.  As far as SL goes?  Do I let it bother me if some small minded parcel owner won't allow me on their SIM because I'm black or female?  Hell no.  Why would I?  It's not my place to tell him he is wrong either.  If I don't want white people on my parcel, that's my right too.

My job is to teach MY son how to treat people fairly regardless.  He also knows there will be people who hate just because and never take it as a personal attack but the product of a small mind. I don't coddle him nor try to keep him hidden from the bad things in the world.  People have and always will, suck.

The same way some people here on the forums see things only from their perspective and everyone who doesn't agree is somehow wrong, left-wing, a Trumpie, or some such nonsense.  Just because you and I don't agree, doesn't necessarily make the other wrong.  Everyone is entitled to their OPINION.  Sadly, even bigots and racists.

Well said! You Go Girl!! \o/

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   I don't discriminate. I assume every person to be a waste of flesh, unworthy of the air they breathe, until they prove me wrong.

   ... I'm only occasionally wrong.

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