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End of an Era, no more Pods.

Anna Nova

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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

What's false is a) people's claim that they ride them -- they don't, but have some nostalgic memory how they did that one time; b) the claim that outside the forums, there are vast numbers of people that ride them -- they have not ridden them. 

You have zero proof of this other than the times you've spent watching pods, which cannot be all the time, given how busy you are with your business.  You are, aren't you?

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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

For more than a decade, I have watched them go by, and all of them are empty. All. I only hear on the forums that they are actually ridden.


1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

What's false is

your claims about all of them being empty.


1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Again, the Lindens know this -- they have few riders, such as to justify their constant streaming as spam over sims. The Lindens have the facts on their server records. So it's silly to keep arguing about it and playing "gatcha". 


This is when you still don't bring facts into the game, Prokofy. You apparently ignored mine, or you just need time to prepare to respond with more unsupported claims, so I'll go ahead.

I worked for a public transportation company in RL. There, it is a really important question whether there are enough passengers on a service to make it necessary and sustainable, because maintenance costs and the drivers' salary isn't cheap. Running buses that often go empty is money thrown out of the window, so demand and efficiency is key. If we were in RL here and not in SL, you would have a valid point, yet it still wouldn't be up to you whether public transport should run or not, but the operator and the client.

Back to SL, you keep talking about the pods unnecessarily consuming sim resources. It's a major flaw in your logic. This is still the same script info I showed in my previous post:

[14:32] Script info: 'YavaScript Pod V5.0 (MCT)': [10/10] running scripts, 304 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.030130 ms of CPU time consumed.

I haven't checked your objects in Ravenglass and Maryport (yet), but it's most likely they eat more resources per 24 hours than all the pods that passed through those sims within the same period of time. And those two sims have protected road going through them, so if you eat resources on your parcel, you affect the road with it as well.

If I follow your logic, I can say Lindens should ban everyone and everything that eat sim resources unnecessarily, to prevent the customers from "load-testing". If you don't use the seasonal texture changer in your trees, they eat resources unnecessarily. If nobody clicks on your anti-Bella Pointe petition boards at a time, they eat resources unnecessarily. If you wear any scripts on yourself that you don't use actively, they eat resources unnecessarily. Also, why would they run regions that don't have any privately owned parcel on them, let's shut them down. There are many of those in the middle of Corsica, for example (the Moon, as I call that area). Somehow, LL didn't do any of this, and it shows why your arguments don't make a point at all.

Things in SL should be here for fun, and to express ourselves. SL allows for a broad freedom if people don't abuse it, and if others don't try to ruin it. The pods don't have to be efficient. They have to be present on the roads and other public lands to promote them to random people, for fun. They cannot be even considered repetitive self-promotion (spam), because they promote mainland and a variety of sights and pieces of history behind them.

If you can't show a rule that explicitly prohibits the use of automated vehicles on mainland roads, you simply don't have any valid point against the pods.


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10 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I'm standing on a sim watching them go by now. Not a soul. Ever.

Funny being that you are still seeing Pods today when the OP said they were turned off as of Friday. I am even standing on the road outside of my place for the past half hour and not seen one come by either way to confirm they are no longer running.

Most of us have long ago left that culture where hallucinations were the highlight of our day.9_9

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6 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Funny being that you are still seeing Pods today when the OP said they were turned off as of Friday. I am even standing on the road outside of my place for the past half hour and not seen one come by either way to confirm they are no longer running.

Most of us have long ago left that culture where hallucinations were the highlight of our day.9_9


He secretly misses them so much he was not only able and willing to stand at a place to see them, but even managed to see them while they're turned off! :D

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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Funny being that you are still seeing Pods today when the OP said they were turned off as of Friday. I am even standing on the road outside of my place for the past half hour and not seen one come by either way to confirm they are no longer running.

Most of us have long ago left that culture where hallucinations were the highlight of our day.9_9

They are still appearing if someone rides one, and jumps off, then they run for a bit and disappear. But that's not the point. If they are stopped now and only appearing briefing, so what? They could start again as they were given the clamour from fangirlz like you on the forums. And that's what is wrong.

And the point is that they should not come back as spam constantly spewing across sims, which I and others constantly saw all over on many sims every hour of every day, and you didn't because you were looking at one area and didn't want to see them. That's all that's about. If there is any "hallucination," it's yours, for years on end while you pretended they had no riders. Anyone with any honestly and objectivity on this situation could see they had no riders for YEARS, except for the few that are vocal on the forums and happened to grab them now and them.


The green buses are a separate item made by someone else.


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1 hour ago, AlettaMondragon said:

He secretly misses them so much he was not only able and willing to stand at a place to see them, but even managed to see them while they're turned off! :D

That or someone saw his posts and decided to troll him by adding a pod on a track only at the road near his parcel fence that makes one appear every 5 mins. 

That said I do agree with Prokofy that they could be a better shape or theme to them not just a prim pod.

Edited by Drayke Newall
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2 hours ago, AlettaMondragon said:


your claims about all of them being empty.



This is when you still don't bring facts into the game, Prokofy. You apparently ignored mine, or you just need time to prepare to respond with more unsupported claims, so I'll go ahead.

I worked for a public transportation company in RL. There, it is a really important question whether there are enough passengers on a service to make it necessary and sustainable, because maintenance costs and the drivers' salary isn't cheap. Running buses that often go empty is money thrown out of the window, so demand and efficiency is key. If we were in RL here and not in SL, you would have a valid point, yet it still wouldn't be up to you whether public transport should run or not, but the operator and the client.

Back to SL, you keep talking about the pods unnecessarily consuming sim resources. It's a major flaw in your logic. This is still the same script info I showed in my previous post:

[14:32] Script info: 'YavaScript Pod V5.0 (MCT)': [10/10] running scripts, 304 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.030130 ms of CPU time consumed.

I haven't checked your objects in Ravenglass and Maryport (yet), but it's most likely they eat more resources per 24 hours than all the pods that passed through those sims within the same period of time. And those two sims have protected road going through them, so if you eat resources on your parcel, you affect the road with it as well.

If I follow your logic, I can say Lindens should ban everyone and everything that eat sim resources unnecessarily, to prevent the customers from "load-testing". If you don't use the seasonal texture changer in your trees, they eat resources unnecessarily. If nobody clicks on your anti-Bella Pointe petition boards at a time, they eat resources unnecessarily. If you wear any scripts on yourself that you don't use actively, they eat resources unnecessarily. Also, why would they run regions that don't have any privately owned parcel on them, let's shut them down. There are many of those in the middle of Corsica, for example (the Moon, as I call that area). Somehow, LL didn't do any of this, and it shows why your arguments don't make a point at all.

Things in SL should be here for fun, and to express ourselves. SL allows for a broad freedom if people don't abuse it, and if others don't try to ruin it. The pods don't have to be efficient. They have to be present on the roads and other public lands to promote them to random people, for fun. They cannot be even considered repetitive self-promotion (spam), because they promote mainland and a variety of sights and pieces of history behind them.

If you can't show a rule that explicitly prohibits the use of automated vehicles on mainland roads, you simply don't have any valid point against the pods.


In real life, the MTA, for example, does not constantly send empty buses with no riders across the streets of Manhattan. Riders may feel as if they go in herds and are half empty, but they do stop and pick up riders and have some readers, even if not fully employed, so they aren't an analogy at all for the spam cars, which run on a much faster schedule coming much more often than a RL bus.

It doesn't matter if the scripts consume tiny amounts per vehicle. The point is there are -- were, until now -- A LOT OF THEM coming ALL THE DAY and ALL OVER THE MAINLAND. Shut them ALL off and you saved a lot of resources. Have them rez on demand, and you save resources. This is not rocket science. Everyone knows about scripts that it is not any one script or any one time but the CUMULATIVE effect of MANY.

I pay for the land where I have scripts, and I generally try to keep them low lag. Yavanna does not pay tier for public roads in SL. There is this notion from the fangirlz here that she is providing "a service" and therefore it doesn't matter. But I not for having ANY one resident have access to ALL public roads or spaces. It's just not right. And only a tiny handful use this "service" that could be met by rez on demand instead of endless spam.

To compare some petition board (low script time) that is for a good cause -- taking giant, ugly domes out of the visibility area of the sky -- to somehow contrasting unfavourably with the steady stream of spam cars lets me know how far you are reaching and stretching to make a point. Look at yourself.

There isn't a rule that prevents any one resident from spamming roads. But there should be. And it's more than fine to debate this. And hey, the Lindens may have FINALLY seen the light of day on this subject by stopping the pod spam. Good! Once again you FALSELY imply there are all these random people who just want to have fun.

Whereas anyone who lives and works on the mainland and sees many sims a day know THERE WERE NO AVATARS IN THE PODS. THEY WERE EMPTY. THEY WERE SPAM. THEY SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT BACK IN THIS FORM.

It's like the sheer blindness people bring to GTFO which spams up skies and roads with ugly industrial builds, pointing to a few with flower beds or like a cafe when the overwhelming majority of them are industrial, big, and laggy and it's easy to document. The blindness on the emptiness of the ponds is a marvel. But I'll be happy to go get 100 photos of them if they come back in the way they were.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what I say because anyone can prove the validity of my points by witnessing the cars as they normally work. That they are NOT normally working now after one too many pile-ups lets us know that the Lindens may have finally reached their limit. Good! It is simply not good policy to have one person have content all over SL in this fashion. When I think of what a battle it was to have just one avatar or group claim the old telehubs and have Resident Managed Infohubs on Linden Land, when the Lindens finally ceased their ideological approach to these and closed their "infohubs," and how 12 of us had to go through a lot of hoops, and how today, it is impossible to get anything fixed on them, I marvel at how one person -- actually two, with the green buses -- can endlessly spam cars across the sims and the Lindens just tolerate it. It's not in their interests.

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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2 hours ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

You have zero proof of this other than the times you've spent watching pods, which cannot be all the time, given how busy you are with your business.  You are, aren't you?

Precisely because I am "busy with my business" and going all over multiple sims that I could see they were empty. As could my tenants. Hello. Do you log in at all?

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4 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

What's false is a) people's claim that they ride them -- they don't,

I wonder, did I dream that just recently I had a pod drive? 😴 🤷‍♀️  Either I dreamed, or Prok's statement is false. 😛

Pods are great easy way to explore mainland regions. I still use them for that purpose when I'm not in the mood to use my own vehicles.


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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

It doesn't matter if the scripts consume tiny amounts per vehicle. The point is there are -- were, until now -- A LOT OF THEM coming ALL THE DAY and ALL OVER THE MAINLAND. Shut them ALL off and you saved a lot of resources. Have them rez on demand, and you save resources. This is not rocket science. Everyone knows about scripts that it is not any one script or any one time but the CUMULATIVE effect of MANY.


1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Whereas anyone who lives and works on the mainland and sees many sims a day know THERE WERE NO AVATARS IN THE PODS. THEY WERE EMPTY. THEY WERE SPAM. THEY SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT BACK IN THIS FORM.


Now this overuse of caps really makes you seem like you started to yell to try to make us listen to you, y'know? Other than that, there's not too much to say to it, you've said the same things before, just not in caps. Some of us that reacted already didn't agree with you on these points, so capitalizing them won't make a difference, sorry.


1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I pay for the land where I have scripts, and I generally try to keep them low lag. Yavanna does not pay tier for public roads in SL. There is this notion from the fangirlz here that she is providing "a service" and therefore it doesn't matter. But I not for having ANY one resident have access to ALL public roads or spaces. It's just not right. And only a tiny handful use this "service" that could be met by rez on demand instead of endless spam.

To compare some petition board (low script time) that is for a good cause -- taking giant, ugly domes out of the visibility area of the sky -- to somehow contrasting unfavourably with the steady stream of spam cars lets me know how far you are reaching and stretching to make a point. Look at yourself.


This is actually a huge contradiction in itself. You say you pay for the land where you have scripts, then in the next paragraph you say the petition against the Bella Pointe domes is for a good cause. They pay for those lands as well. To me it looks like you just want to ban them from your view, just like the pods, and it doesn't matter to you whether what you don't like is on public or private land, you just want to apply your own rules to both. It's funny while I'm driving on Corsica now, I spotted another of your petition boards that I haven't noticed before. Now I know 3 of them. It's starting to be spam.

The other part of the same contradiction is "Yavanna does not pay tier for public roads in SL." Hello, you know, it is public, of course she doesn't. I don't pay for using the road particularly while I drive on it either. Public works should be financed by taxes. Let it be premium fee, the upload fees of everything or marketplace commission, but unless LL introduces a "road tax", it's obvious that the public lands are provided for public use for free.


1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

It's like the sheer blindness people bring to GTFO which spams up skies and roads with ugly industrial builds


Oh, so now GTFO is bad as well? I wonder what would even be left for those that actually use the roads without GTFO and Drivers of SL associated roadside facilities, while many people, and you seem to be no exception, only want to be on roadsides to have at least one "protected" side of your parcel where you don't have neighbors (and it's appealing to most tenants as well), which saves you some trouble and still looks somewhat real as it isn't in the middle of nowhere, right? I mean, if the roads are full of these evil automated vehicles, and people that do GTFO and other stuff with their own vehicles, you could choose so many parcels which are not next to roads, and it would save you from the misery of having to see them all the time.


1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I marvel at how one person -- actually two, with the green buses -- can endlessly spam cars across the sims and the Lindens just tolerate it. It's not in their interests.


Actually, there will be even more, hopefully on Sansara as well. One that's being developed is going to have trucks, buses, police cars and all kind of stuff on the roads, and hopefully on railroad and even in air as well. Also, you seem to know Lindens' interests better than themselves, while @Patch Linden said their interests don't cross those of automated vehicles. Why don't you rather ask LL what their interests are instead of making these unsupported assumptions again and again... and again? :)

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26 minutes ago, AlettaMondragon said:

One that's being developed is going to have trucks, buses, police cars and all kind of stuff on the roads, and hopefully on railroad and even in air as well. Also, you seem to know Lindens' interests better than themselves, while @Patch Linden said their interests don't cross those of automated vehicles. Why don't you rather ask LL what their interests are instead of making these unsupported assumptions again and again... and again? :)

i hope they develop a firebrigade with chat call .. for example, im them with slurl and they come as fast they can over the mainroads to your parcel..
(i'd buy a parcel of two next to Prok, and let a bot call them every 5 minutes)

it's been quiet on Prok's blog.. hope this will bring a new favourite reccomendation from him/her/them

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Precisely because I am "busy with my business" and going all over multiple sims that I could see they were empty. As could my tenants. Hello. Do you log in at all?

I've logged in every day for 15 years except for a few weeks out for RL matters.  [Edited out to align with the OP's wishes].  Try riding a Pod.  Invite a Linden to ride with you; it might put a smile on your face.

Edited by Garnet Psaltery
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I rode a pod when I was last inworld. It was nice. Really depends on where though 'cause after a while I was just passing through empty plots. But even when I wasn't riding them, seeing them pass by really gave life to the place.

Edited by AdminGirl
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Ladies and Gentlemen, and virtual things various, could we please have a little sympathy for our colleagues' afflictions.

Why did you have to take my informative statement and turn it into a vituperative bile-slinging match?  (Both sides)

I would be quite pleased if the Linden Lab moderator froze, or even deleted this thread now.

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40 minutes ago, Anna Nova said:

Ladies and Gentlemen, and virtual things various, could we please have a little sympathy for our colleagues' afflictions.

Why did you have to take my informative statement and turn it into a vituperative bile-slinging match?  (Both sides)

I would be quite pleased if the Linden Lab moderator froze, or even deleted this thread now.

I apologise.  I've edited out my one unnecessary comment, and if you use the Report Post button you can most likely have any similar ones removed very soon.

Edited by Garnet Psaltery
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I think despite the title, this turned out to be an overall positive topic. Several people came here and took the time to show their appreciation towards the pods, and shared their memories about them. Some came here to tell they don't like the pods and automated vehicles in general. It's important as well. The fact that we have opposite opinions and put up an argumentation on it isn't a bad thing, it is something we can learn from, even if we can't convince each other, we get to know the other person's point and maybe we are able to see things from their point of view a bit, too. As I see, (it might be subjective) we managed to keep it civilized, with only some dense sarcasm.

I'd definitely keep this topic for the appreciation of the pods and the different opinions that we collected, but certainly, if you don't like where it's going, do as you wish. If you want the topic deleted, I can make a pod appreciation topic later to keep raising awareness of their importance.

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11 minutes ago, AlettaMondragon said:

I think despite the title, this turned out to be an overall positive topic.


I tend to agree. OK, perhaps it is that, by implication, I am now a 'fangirl'. Rather chuffed at that and finally got there after close on 6 decades.

And yes I did indeed grab a pod ride not 2 nights ago

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1 hour ago, AlettaMondragon said:

I think despite the title, this turned out to be an overall positive topic.

I feel the same way.  A well-discussed topic which may lead to an ever better SL Pod experience for everyone ♥ 

I also admire @Prokofy Neva 's incredible imagery in describing what he sees/feels about the Pods.  The 'frozen falling peas' actually gave me a RL shiver!  Your passion for SL is very inspiring and even when I may have a different opinion than yours, I do respect yours and it reminds how much I have to learn. 

Wax on... wax off... ♥

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