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Was ejected from a furry adult land. Officer claims I look too young. Do I?


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9 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

In the interest of showcasing a bit of my earlier points: In the Snapzilla I have listed as part of my signature, I have a snapshot I took of a somewhat disused avatar/form change (the clothing being the disused part) at the very bottom of the "Forms" album.

Going by nothing more than said image, what would your reaction be to that showing up at an Adult rated club? Would you treat that feline as being "underage"?


JUST going by the image:

  1. It depends on the club. 
  2. Just showing up? No.
  3. I don't have any reference to the avatar size/height to go by, but that is a factor.
  4. Would I be suspicious? Probably. The schoolgirl outfit isn't helping you there. I would be looking at your profile for any other red flags and watching you closely.

    There is nothing in just that image that says to me you definitely underage, but there is nothing saying you're not either. If you ride the line and live in the grey areas you accept the risk.  
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What I thought was actually interesting about the thread is the question of does the Genus Strong Head look too young?  The OP said she got the Strong Head for free which I could not get because the land was full and then I forgot.  Dam it!  

But, anyhow, imo, I've seen other pictures of the Genus Strong Head and I never thought the pictures using the Genus Strong Head looked too young.  So, that is a no from me regarding the head.  Regarding her avi looking too young, it does a bit, perhaps about 15.  But, this may just be my opinion and it's still up to the sim owner and not my opinion.  



ETA:  Copy/Paste from the 1st Page, a conversation between the sim owner and the OP:

[16:54] : HI there sweety. yes i just got a report from my guard. he showed me, the head that you wear tends to look teen to tween.. this can project you to teen or child status... the TOS are kind of sticky on this .. so my sim.. has rules that its just not allowed here at all, all avatars have to look adult in face , body and attire .. so i make sure that we never have a gap with the rules.


Edited by FairreLilette
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25 minutes ago, Tomomi Fukai said:


JUST going by the image:

  1. It depends on the club. 
  2. Just showing up? No.
  3. I don't have any reference to the avatar size/height to go by, but that is a factor.
  4. Would I be suspicious? Probably. The schoolgirl outfit isn't helping you there. I would be looking at your profile for any other red flags and watching you closely.

    There is nothing in just that image that says to me you definitely underage, but there is nothing saying you're not either. If you ride the line and live in the grey areas you accept the risk.  

Thank you for being a bit more objective. There is another, newer shot up in the same album (you'll have to go through the signature link) that was taken just a few moments ago at my home parcel.

Something to remember however: Clothing and height may well be somewhat useful factors but they are very deceptive, which was the entire point of my sharing the image to begin with. While you have no way of knowing what is being said to others via IM, your best bet is more often to pay attention to local chat to see how any particular avatar acts/presents.

The pictured feline for example is somewhat shy, tends to blush a fair bit and can be giggly depending on the situation. Those behaviors aside however, all other conversation and actions taken by that feline are distinctly mature in nature.

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If you were like 100% human.. Kinda? I think what does it for me is the semi-large eyes and mouth.   But I'm kinda biased on that as I do sometimes run around as a child. ^^;

Knowing how bovine-women are typically drawn you'd be at the very least 18 to early 20s.

Luckily there are hundreds of incredible gardens to head to!  

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First thing I do when I'm out exploring or looking for locations for anything is, read the rules if there are any.. Then just try my best to follow the rules..

If there is something in the rules that is not allowed and a change needs to be made to my avatar, then there are two options..I can compromise or I can go elsewhere..

Some times it's not that big of a thing, like put on a little more height because  you are shorter than we allow..

That's not too big of a thing and just make the adjustment.. If it's too much of a compromise, I'll just move on and that's where it ends..

Just as I have rules for my land or my RL home that I want respected..I try my best to respect other peoples rule or wishes on their land.. What is publicly right or wrong really doesn't come into play unless either of us has broken the worlds rules..

It's really not worth getting into it with a land owner and sometimes their whole staff and making a big deal about something in a place I've never been before.. Especially in a world with so many options.

I could spend my time in drama or I could spend my time in another place which may be an even better location,getting my pictures finished..

In my RL home, I don't allow people in my home with their shoes on.. If someone say's they won't or can't take off their shoes or boots.. I have chairs for them on the porch..

They can try and argue with me or give me every excuse in the world or think I'm a B*tch all they want..But I'm the one that is left with the scratches in my wood floors afterwards, not them..


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1 hour ago, Alexarosey said:

hi umm...  it could be the head sometimes the younger looking heads are not accepted in adult in furry or adult sims

Not so much the head but how it's been dialed in the settings and textures used.

But I have seen this kind of ban a lot. For specific heads or bodies. Kemono and the 'Avatar 2 anime heads' are common victims of these policies. I imagine Maitreya Petite might get 'the treatment' also by the same kinds of venues.

The "answer" to wether or not a given avatar belongs somewhere is not one single line item on a policy...

It's kind of a whole combination of things, and at the end of the day... does the person controlling the venue feel comfortable with that theme being present, without such judgement reflecting on a 'real world hateful bias'.

Personally I find the face in combo with that body of the avatar on page 1 of this thread highly disturbing. I'm not sure what I'd do if that avatar showed up on a place I was managing, but I know that my minimum would probably be hoping they weren't intending to stick around... To me it looks like it's aiming at 'loli' - which is basically a genre for the Epstein's of the world...


52 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Technically a "hucow" (human cow) is as much a furry as a Neko is..#FightMe!

I've never seen myself as a furry, unless I put on a full cat-furry look. But in my neko look I've never seen myself as furry.


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29 minutes ago, Zzevir said:

wow this is the third page for a yes or no question 


Well, the question was answered on page one... if you are not a omg-the-pedo-childavatars-are-everywhere type of person. Now we moved on to argue with that person.

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6 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Well, the question was answered on page one... if you are not a omg-the-pedo-childavatars-are-everywhere type of person. Now we moved on to argue with that person.

I have a child avatar and I played with it today ... not like that. But the picture what I took have just to much work so I dumped it. 

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4 minutes ago, Zzevir said:

I have a child avatar and I played with it today ... not like that. But the picture what I took have just to much work so I dumped it. 

The you was meant as a general you, not directed at you. Sorry, if that wasn't clear.

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26 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Grey area. Not just "yes" or "no".

Yes, I think the age could be an opinion.  I was thinking perhaps anywhere from 13 to 18.  

Geesh, I was "carded" in real life well into my 30's when buying wine.   I always had a young looking face.  Good genes for non-aging skin I was told.  

I still have almost no wrinkles, no crows feet, etc in my older than 30's years.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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I have a very good friend who has a more youthful look to her on one of her avs, and a little less youthful but still pretty young, like early 20s at best, look on her main (although a HUGE portion of us do, at least in the opinions of same...I digress...).

She has been told by sim owners, management, etc.. that they'd rather not have her in their sims.

You know what she doesn't do when that happens?

She doesn't come to the forums to make a post and somehow try to get people to "side" with her. She doesn't pitch a fit. She doesn't judge those landowners or their management, let alone their decision(s). 

You know what she does do?
She politely apologizes when and where necessary (particularly if SHE failed to read the rules), tells them to have a nice day, and she leaves. That's the end of it, unless we later have a laugh about it. It's not a big thing and she doesn't need confirmation. If she did, it would be because she knew she was wrong in the first place, lol. 

Seeking attention by making posts like this is only going to reiterate the belief that you're either acting, or even are, younger than you're trying to appear in sl. Because children pitch fits like this (and it is, let's call a spade a spade, you tried to argue with them about it, for no reason, really..their land, their rules, move on). Teenagers seek out attention when they feel they've been wronged. Immature people need someone to back up their opinions when they, again, feel they've been wronged. Grown adults might laugh about it with some friends, but, otherwise....they don't actually give a rat's left nut, lmao.  Be an adult and move on. I don't know why you bothered trying to discuss anything with them. Their land, their rules, and you already knew that. 

Yes, the face is absolutely youthful, it's very clear that's specifically what you're going for. Not judging it, just saying, that's what it appears to be, and it looks deliberate...good on you, you enjoy it, so go for it :D.  I wouldn't pin that av's face as anything older than 18, I don't know where people are getting 20's from, but, I guess that's a perspective thing. I have young adult children, you definitely look younger than my in her 20s young adult child, who is also pretty youthful looking, but you can tell she's not a mid-teen. One of my young adult children still looks like a child herself, she gets called 12-15 ALL the time...which I totally see in that pic. Boobs don't  always make you look older, though I'm certain you're trying to pretend they do, hence the picture. If your profile looks as youthful as the face in your forum av pic (not the pic you shared), I can see exactly why someone might see a youthful headshot like that and want to err on the side of caution...totally necessary if you ask most owners of adult places. There's a history behind why most have the rules they do. 



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48 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Grey area. Not just "yes" or "no".

Not really. Not in the case of the OP anyway. Unless we consider 45% of all avatars "children". And then I'm a childavatar, too, because I don't always wear heavy make up, 'dare' to use the cutest LeLutka head (Chloe) and don't even have such extreme proportions as the OP has. I'm also not 2,50m tall. Yep, totally a child.

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3 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:
56 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Grey area. Not just "yes" or "no".

Not really. Not in the case of the OP anyway. Unless we consider 45% of all avatars "children". And then I'm a childavatar, too, because I don't always wear heavy make up, 'dare' to use the cutest LeLutka head (Chloe) and don't even have such extreme proportions as the OP has. I'm also not 2,50m tall. Yep, totally a child.

So we put you down for "yes"=child?

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

So we put you down for "yes"=child?

Put me in the "no". Anyone who thinks the OP should be considered material for someone interested in expressing pedo tendencies, has no idea what pedophilia is. She has a youthful face, but most definitly an adult body. If thats not enough, then well... who is then not to be banned?

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2 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Put me in the "no". Anyone who thinks the OP should be considered material for someone interested in expressing pedo tendencies, has no idea what pedophilia is. She has a youthful face, but most definitly an adult body. If thats not enough, then well... who is then not to be banned?

I wasn't considering "pedo" tendencies...just trying to determine her age as she asked in regards to her head since she was told it was the head itself making her look teen or tween.

As far as real life, yes many of us look younger than our years and even in our 20's we can look teens.  I remember meeting a bf's mother for the first time, she thought I was seventeen!   Seventeen!?  I later in my 20's realized most people thought I looked younger than 20's but I really never gave it too much mind except when meeting "Mom" then it's not cool to get bf's Mom upset but bf's Mom later accepted me as is.  But, that's real life, if needed, we can prove our age.  

As far as would I look young (child sized) in my petite Fae avatars I'm making, probably yes, but I'm not going to go to sims for Adults when I am a child's height as a Petite fairy.  I will go to the tiny sims where we are all kinds of weird avatars like dragons, bees, dancing flowers, all kinds of unique avi's are allowed and furries too.

Raglan Shire and Isle of Wyrms are two good groups and sims to get involved in if you want to be an unusual avatar as all kinds of avi's are accepted at those two sims.  However, clothing is necessary.  No nudity at Raglan Shire or Isle of Wyrms.  

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3 hours ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

I thought it was just to show the world her frontage, as though we'd all be interested, but perhaps I'm cynical.

I wanted to make a comment along the lines of "oh you poor thing, do you need support?" but I wasn't sure how it would be received.

Pissing myself at the idea that young girls can't have killer racks of doom, though. I sometimes forget that I live on a different planet to men and normally proportioned women. When people were talking about the army being brought in to enforce order during the pandemic, my biggest fear was that I'd be drafted in to act as a missile.

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4 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Men seem to like this thread.  lol 

Did you just assume genders?

4 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

So, trolling did not actually come to mind but something else perhaps...?  lol

Please elaborate. 

4 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Frankly, I don't think she looks like a furry but hey...lol

She wasnt booted for that. This is a question of apparent age. 

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