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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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6 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:
2 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

He actually said it didn't matter, if we were meant to get it, we'd get it. Oh. My. God.

I hope you called and complained. There are plenty of others who would love to have his job right now. 

And he was excruciatingly wrong. 

That is basically what so many of the 'mass church gathering' folks are believing.  God will protect them and if he doesn't then it is his will.

God's will and fate are often the same thing, depending on who you talk to.

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51 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I hope you called and complained. There are plenty of others who would love to have his job right now. 

And he was excruciatingly wrong. 

I had an interesting chat with him, found out he was rather uneducated about a lot of things - I ended up feeling his parents should have been drowned at birth! 😥

Edited by Marigold Devin
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51 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

That is basically what so many of the 'mass church gathering' folks are believing.  God will protect them and if he doesn't then it is his will.

God's will and fate are often the same thing, depending on who you talk to.

It's scary the damage John Calvin does, 450+ years after his death, luring simpletons to misinterpret his wacky theology.

(Lapsed Presbyterian here so I may be giving him too much credit, too much blame, or both.)

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For the ones that were previously concerned about the US Stimulus money, especially if the IRS or SSA likely does not have current direct deposit info on you:



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I'd like to vent about something.

I am upset with the American churches wanting to go to church and wanting to go to church on Easter Sunday.

The Bible says that Jesus said "Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and to love people as you love yourself.  Regarding these two things, there is no law."  (The Law here Jesus was speaking about is the Jewish Law, the 612 laws from the Law of Moses.)  What Jesus did was replace the 612 laws of Moses into love.  Jesus also said that love is the fulfillment of the law.  This is not home-town nor government laws...this is the Jewish Law - the Laws of Moses Jesus is speaking about.  However, we still have to obey our local law, such as, laws against drunk driving, etc.  Drunk driving is not loving your neighbor either.  

I don't see people going to church as loving towards other people at this time with asymptomatic people still not known too much about.

And, I don't want to debate religion, I just wanted to vent about it because I am worried for their welfare.  I don't want to be judging either but somehow I feel they missed Jesus' message here altogether about what some call "the love laws" or else the shelter in place is making people crazy.  

Edited by JanuarySwan
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1 hour ago, JanuarySwan said:

I am upset with the American churches wanting to go to church and wanting to go to church on Easter Sunday.

Yeah, it's group-think, a very common human trait found in idolatry, religions, and modern politics.

It's fed by common malnourishment of knowledge.  Today it's exacerbated by a phenomenon of too much knowledge that is easily available, incomplete, skewed by biases, and even maliciously malformed to create markets, political spin, clickbait, and raise platform memberships, subscriptions, etc.  There's good money in it.  Even glamorously rich professions.  

Yeah, humanity is as malnourished now as it's ever been, and actually worse than it once was.  

I'm waiting to be picked up by space aliens again.  I hope that's alright?  


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Awhile back I joined an online community for the area around one of the houses we bought in town..

I figured ,what could it hurt to know what's going on around the area..

I recently realized, it was like going to the sheriffs website to see how many sexual offenders there are in your area.. Only ,replace sexual offender with stupid people..

Seriously, one lady was on there talking and said, I went to the store today and there were so many people there..Then she said, I said to myself,don't these people realize there is an outbreak going on?

I read that and did a head desk..

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7 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Seriously, one lady was on there talking and said, I went to the store today and there were so many people there..Then she said, I said to myself,don't these people realize there is an outbreak going on?

Yep, I've come across those people. The "I don't understand, when I went to the supermarket, other people were there too, why is that?" ones. None local, thank God, but they're all over the place. Plus pregnant women insisting on going shopping and taking husbands and toddlers with them because they apparently married morons who don't know how to buy nappies, people who have guests over daily but think they're self isolating and God knows what else. As I said in another topic, I actually started feeling sorry for Boris. It must be like trying to preside over a country of Goreans. 

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I need to vent.

People need to stop with the constant stream of "the government is both omnipotent and capable of literal magic, and yet also making a conscious decision not to use their divine powers out of spite". I'm talking UK here, for context.

We're not sitting on a magic pile of protective equipment. We cannot just walk down to the local protective equipment store and buy what we need. What is it about the words "global shortage" that 90% of the population seem incapable of understanding?! We cannot just push a magic button and make this shortage go away. Imports have all but dried up - and both existing and new orders were cancelled about a week before it got bad in Italy - yet we have managed to increase our production capacity by vast amounts, so even when you factor in the lost imports we are still making orders of magnitude more than we did just a month or two ago. That's a magnificent achievement, unprecedented in the modern era. Yet our consumption has also increased by orders of magnitude; and that's across hundreds of health trusts and tens of thousands of healthcare and social care providers. It's inevitable that there will be pockets of shortages as individual organisations horde, and as unnecessary consumption of said equipment skyrockets (eg disposing of equipment multiple times per shift without medical need - by following guidelines, guidelines that have now been tweaked); those are being addressed and the numbers of people who need the equipment and don't have enough are plummeting day by day.

Yet still people say it's not enough.

There is a global shortage of tests. We prioritise testing those with serious symptoms, as that is objectively more important than daily or weekly testing of millions of healthcare workers. We've ramping up test production with what little capacity we have (as the Germans aren't exporting enough), we have the laboratory capacity to keep up with the testing we want to do, we just lack the physical tests. More precisely, the world lacks the reagents needed to run the tests; because guess what, we're not the only ones in need of testing on a massive scale. Demand has gone up by five or six orders of magnitude in the space of weeks, and the government cannot click its fingers and magic up a tanker of the stuff. Domestic production is ramping up at unprecedented speeds however, and everything else is ready for the volume of testing we want.

Yet still people say it's not enough.

We delivered arguably the largest bill in decades to give us the legislative framework needed to tackle this crisis, and we did so in ten god damn days. Ten days. The sheer scale of that achievement cannot be understated. Almost all of the secondary legislation (eg Regulations) that keys off said bill has now been laid, two weeks later. It's incredible. This isn't just police powers, it addressed the thousands of bits of legislation that make effective social distancing unlawful and provides innovative ways for the country to keep functioning within the law. And it's only been possible because of the literally thousands of civil servants who have been working vast amounts of overtime and weekends to make that possible.

Yet still people say it's not enough.

We led the world in providing effective support for the workers who's livelihoods have been impacted by the lockdown. Our furlough wage coverage scheme is effectively the gold standard for this type of program, copied by governments around the world - and we delivered it in five days. It took a little longer to provide similar coverage for the self employed who also avoid using PAYE as a way to avoid or lower their tax, but we still provided that support only a week later. Unprecedented levels of direct support from the government, on a scale that has never been done before, in a matter of days. All while also providing support for businesses while ensuring the Treasury's focus is on people not profit. Sweeping changes to benefits make them easier to claim and more generous than ever came in, rental protections were introduced, and mortgage holidays ensured.

Yet still people say it's not enough.

We've been transparent and open from the start, with daily press briefings that lay out our current situation and what we think the next steps will be, all depoliticised and based on an objective view of the facts. We've made exceptionally clear that no plans are set in stone and all can and will adapt as circumstances evolve; this led to us ramping up the social distancing provisions much faster than hoped as modelling indicated the disease had spread much further than testing indicated. Plans for the months ahead were never discussed in detail because they were changing daily, as we tried to predict how a lockdown, that had never before been done on so many people with demographics like ours and on a disease with an unusually long asymptomatic infectious period, would affect things. The government cannot see the future; every day we plug in the latest numbers and make decisions based on where we are, and that has been clearly explained on a daily basis to the nation.

Yet still people say it's not enough.

There are times when I feel like giving up, like the country deserves to have this plague rip it apart. I can't tell if it's raw fear or blind partisanship; but I hate the way most of the country but especially our parasitic journalists have responded to the challenges of the last few weeks. But honestly, there's very little more the government could reasonably be expected to have done, and anyone who bases their opinions on facts rather than vox populi noiseposts and opinion pieces understands that. Which is about five people max, it seems.

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15 hours ago, JanuarySwan said:

I'd like to vent about something.

I am upset with the American churches wanting to go to church and wanting to go to church on Easter Sunday.

I am super upset about this too. I fear the Covid-19 cases are going to explode all around where I live due to these misguided evangelicals. Rachel Maddow addressed the problems on her show the last 2 nights, specifically the pending case in Kansas where the attorney general has denied the decree by the governor to prohibit large gatherings, citing "religious freedom" . In other states, there simply has been no 'stay at home' orders, leading many to believe gatherings aren't so dangerous. And then there's the wacky beliefs you've described too, where danger is seen as a challenge to prove one's faith.

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I need to brag on Governor Andy again for a moment... Kentucky is down to 7 churches that are planning on holding in-person services tomorrow. That in and of itself is pretty astounding. 

Those 7 churches, though, will have state troopers in the parking lots taking down every single license plate number of people attending the services. The names will be turned over to the local health departments, and those people are going to be forced strongly encouraged to self-quarantine for the next 14 days. 

He's going to get sued to hell and back over it but he doesn't especially give a f**k and I love him. 

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Today's pet peeve is the latest headlines:  "US now has more deaths than any other country"

It's just sensationalized headlines designed to give the impression that we are in so much worse shape than the rest of the world in this. 
 - People have to remember that the US population is greater than the next 4 countries with the highest number of reported cases. 
 - Nobody in their right mind trusts the numbers from China.  Not too mention how many times, in the beginning, they changed the definition of 'positive cases'.
 - There is already rumblings about how the 'death' count is calculated. Sometimes, in some places, if a person dies for almost any reason it is still counted as a COVID-19 death if they tested positive for the virus.  i.e. you have tested positive and you have a heart attack - it is a COVID-19 death, whether or not that really played a role.
 - Different states and countries are testing using varying criteria, so nobody truly knows what the real "positive" count is anywhere.

Even based on the "reported" numbers, as a percentage of population, the US deaths are still lower than most of the others that we are being compared to.

I hate media sensationalizing things just to get more readers/listeners


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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32 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I need to brag on Governor Andy again for a moment... Kentucky is down to 7 churches that are planning on holding in-person services tomorrow. That in and of itself is pretty astounding. 

Those 7 churches, though, will have state troopers in the parking lots taking down every single license plate number of people attending the services. The names will be turned over to the local health departments, and those people are going to be forced strongly encouraged to self-quarantine for the next 14 days. 

He's going to get sued to hell and back over it but he doesn't especially give a f**k and I love him.

I'm going to have to check out this official...he gives me hope for humankind...

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27 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Today's pet peeve is the latest headlines:  "US now has more deaths than any other country"

It's just sensationalized headlines designed to give the impression that we are in so much worse shape than the rest of the world in this. 
 - People have to remember that the US population is greater than the next 4 countries with the highest number of reported cases. 
 - Nobody in their right mind trusts the numbers from China.  Not too mention how many times, in the beginning, they changed the definition of 'positive cases'.
 - There is already rumblings about how the 'death' count is calculated. Sometimes, in some places, if a person dies for almost any reason it is still counted as a COVID-19 death if they tested positive for the virus.  i.e. you have tested positive and you have a heart attack - it is a COVID-19 death, whether or not that really played a role.
 - Different states and countries are testing using varying criteria, so nobody truly knows what the real "positive" count is anywhere.

Even based on the "reported" numbers, as a percentage of population, the US deaths are still lower than most of the others that we are being compared to.

I hate media sensationalizing things just to get more readers/listeners

Long ago, I concluded that we should have a constitutional amendment requiring all large numbers relating to our performance as a society reported in some "per capita" form. This would reduce instances of misreporting and bring meaninglessly massive numbers, like the national debt, into clearer focus for the average citizen.

Though the headline you mentioned is purposely inflammatory, I still think the US will come out of this with some explaining to do. In my conversations with friends and neighbors, I've been fairly disappointed by the depth and breadth of our collective ignorance.

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