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When Did it Become Acceptable to Bring Politic of Hate into SL?

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50 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

That's fine for you, but for others it has a lot to do with their SL.

We all have different interests and usually there are others in SL with those same interests. That's one of the things that makes SL amazing. 

Sure but this is allowing others to dictate your WHOLE LIFE, second or otherwise. If you ask me one "side" is just as bad as the "other".
Glance @ my avatar for confirmation of same. 😄 

Edited by Maryanne Solo
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The simple fact is this stuff wreaks on both sides of the aisle. I see people belittling Trump all the time, I remember seeing people belittling Obama all the time. Whoever side of the aisle you fall into, those can be unflattering and even make you angry. So take a breath and move on. There are some here in SL who are completely, I'd go so far as to say almost radically as far on the other side of the political debate as I am, and yet... we are still very friendly with each other (some still in my very heavily-pruned friend list. :)

Best thing is to just hold one's breath and them vent, because most of what think they know is misinformation anyway. And remember that other than whatever their political or religious views may be, they are. more likely than not, still wonderful people to get to know.


Edited by Alyona Su
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6 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

Best thing is to just hold one's breath and them vent

Over my literal deal body.

If they want to vent, I'm going to educate. There are very real horrible things happening to very real human beings. Politics matters. Voting matters. And using your voice matters. Complacency is why we're where we are today. 

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1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

Over my literal deal body.

If they want to vent, I'm going to educate. There are very real horrible things happening to very real human beings. Politics matters. Voting matters. And using your voice matters. Complacency is why we're where we are today. 

That is true. In real life. But in SL?

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2 hours ago, Samie Bagley said:

That's a good attitude. I may have "cut my nose despite my face" by reacting so fast and cancelling my premium membership.  

if on reflection you decide that you might have been a bit hasty, and do want to revert back to premium (even if only until your due date and then make a more measured decision at that time) you can file a ticket requesting the reversion. Linden are pretty ok with doing this for us

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2 hours ago, clivesteel said:

Ah: but I've spent 10+ years trying to warn you of the rising tide of fascism and racism on SL, only to meet with non-stop abuse and endless attempts to gaslight me (some of those responsible are still scuttling around this forum)...

Even worse, I've experienced hostility from LL - I expect Jagix The Apathetic will pull my posts a million times before he even dreams of leaving his beanbag to DO SOMETHING about inworld fascism and racism. No wonder so few POC sign up...why would they want to be subjected to country clubs with confederate flags, nazi slime openly putting the N-word in their profiles, or sickos starting threads about how its so funny tee hee hee! to don digital blackface...?

But I won't stand by in silence and tolerate it. 

"Person of color" here. We really don't need white knights. They cause more harm than good. Unintentionally, of course. We are perfectly capable of fighting our own battles by filing ARs or even support tickets if or when we encounter such atrocities. 

Thank you for caring though.

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Politics are very divided now a days , and too further the division to make a claim that it is 'only trump supporters' is pretty ridiculous. Both sides push their views, often to an extreme at times, but there is primarily one side that gets blacklisted, harassed out of bars and dining establishments, beat up, spit on, because of their political views. The other side can do whatever they want, say whatever they want, use violent tactics, and that is considered acceptable behavior cause the current President is wrong and the 60 mil people who voted for him are idiots.

we all have different opinions and we all think usually the other side has the wrong opinion, and in days past, this was just the normal discourse, We could live with it. Now all it is is throwing hand grenades over the walls

I think the appropriate  couple appropriate terms here would be "he without sin can cast the first stone" and "be careful throwing stones in a glass house" and I mean this no matter which side one supports 

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Whatever your politics or ideals, don't try to compel LL staff to enforce your views, or be your servant in enforcing whom you believe is speaking 'hate' or not.
The guidelines can be applied without all that. If it is harassment, first use the mute/block functions available to all users. If they circumvent that somehow, then it may fall under continued harassment and file a ticket.

Any right you deny another user in SL or person in RL can be denied you, so be careful what you call for on others.

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3 hours ago, Samie Bagley said:

In these last two days, I had encounters with Trump supporters who filled their profiles with hateful messages. Specifically, profile pictures showing gun violence, groups promoting lies that were discredit by US and UK intelligence, and groups promoting violence toward others. All were reported to LL.

As a result of these encounter and awareness of LL's permissible attitude toward the introduction of politics of hate in SL, I am no longer a premium member. I refuse to financially support an organization that allows the spewing of hate as evidenced by my encounters with MAGATS.

I am deeply disappointed at LL's lack of action in the insertion of politics into SL, and even more disappointed with the LL's inaction toward the infusion of politics of hate in SL.  I am wondering of anyone else has had similar experiences and how people have handled/reacted/felt in these situations. 


Best regards,



Your post is itself an "insertion of politics into SL" as you could have easily left out the Trump and MAGATS (whatever that means) and focused on the "hateful messages" and "violence".

Politics has been in SL since at least 2008, when I first came here.  Myself, I see very little of either end of the political spectrum inworld, as BDSM places tend to be intent to live and let live and ignore jackinapes of all stripes, political or otherwise.

What you're asking for is an autocratic LL to regiment SL society the way you want it and to forcibly suppress opposing views.

There's a term for that.

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1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

"Person of color" here. We really don't need white knights. They cause more harm than good. Unintentionally, of course. We are perfectly capable of fighting our own battles by filing ARs or even support tickets if or when we encounter such atrocities. 

Thank you for caring though.

Ditto here. And I have run into racism in world. Including some that donned black avis and Afros and said I was too sensitive when I made a comment to them in a PM. Growing up I have dealt with a lot of racism --- especially since being in an interracial marriage forever.

Edited by Kimmi Zehetbauer
Getting senile.
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4 hours ago, Samie Bagley said:

In these last two days, I had encounters with Trump supporters who filled their profiles with hateful messages. Specifically, profile pictures showing gun violence, groups promoting lies that were discredit by US and UK intelligence, and groups promoting violence toward others. All were reported to LL.

As a result of these encounter and awareness of LL's permissible attitude toward the introduction of politics of hate in SL, I am no longer a premium member. I refuse to financially support an organization that allows the spewing of hate as evidenced by my encounters with MAGATS.

There's a LOT LESS of this now than there used to be...

LL's has generally not commented, but they have in recent years begun to act very quickly when the abuse reports get filed. Things are a LOT better now than they used to be. We used to have all that hate-content even here in the forums and all over 'my.secondlife' - but they cleaned out a lot of bad actors.


- I'll toss that here to show that, actually, when they have made a statement, it's been a good one.


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2 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

"Person of color" here. We really don't need white knights. They cause more harm than good. Unintentionally, of course. We are perfectly capable of fighting our own battles by filing ARs or even support tickets if or when we encounter such atrocities. 

Thank you for caring though.

Personally I'll take my 'white knights'. When I've had friends murdered in racist attacks, and when I've suffered extreme RL violence from attacks... I NEEDED to see people 'from such groups' who are NOT my enemy to be able to de-escalate myself. Growing up I went from fighting to survive, carrying weapons on my person and even using them... to, on moving 'back' to San Francisco; being stuck in the middle of a pack of 'white hippies' trying to chase me down to give me a group hug...

It was... weird... but it helped... a LOT.

Just like Macolm X, I was ready to 'put everyone in the grave' until I had my own 'trip to Mecca' and realized my enemy was NOT a color, but an attitude... It has also helped having someone close to me who's own father was an SS Officer under Hitler, who used that as a reason to become a lifelong 'Social Justice Warrior' along with her non-white Jewish husband.

I'd rather see a white knight than a white hood anyday... I had enough of the hooded ones among my own kin that... rationally, I was headed to a very dark place before those hippies managed to catch me...

That should kinda be a little obvious from those who see me rhetoric here a lot... It's very "fighty" because my first reaction is to fight... and I need a moment to get past my early life instinct and into my later life calmness and cool it down...
- It also makes me realize that when someone comes in with a 'hot' somewhat not-rational state... it may be because they're still struggling with putting some past violence behind them...


Allies are what make us strong... in any en devour. I will take my allies anywhere I can find them...


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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To the folks who say politics just doesn't play into your SL, that's great until it does.

In the 10+ years I've been in SL I can count on one hand the number of times politics has come up in any meaningful way for me. When it did, it was usually like minds. Like others have said, the people who wear a lot of their politics on their sleeves, ie profiles, do us all a favor by telling us upfront who to avoid if you don't want the conversation to go there. It can work both ways for me, in that even a profile that is piled up with liberal politics may be someone I avoid.

And then... I met a person who checked all the boxes for me personally. We were getting along like gangbusters, and then? Not to get too deep into the details but he turned out to be a Trump supporter, will vote for him again. He started spouting a lot of the crazy, right-wing nutjob conspiracy theories and there was no talking to him. I had to walk away. I learned something and had to put a "hard limit" notice on my :::cough::: adult tab in my profile. "Hard Limit: No Trump supporters." That is a first for me, as I tend to keep things like limits off my profile, to keep it to actual talk with people who may need to know. Not this time though.

I've been holding my breath waiting for some kind of hater IM to come my way because of the limit. Unlike Tolya's remark that kinksters tend to be open-minded, I have found that not to be true. And it is surprising. So add me into the intolerant group now too.

And... what others have said about LL getting involved. LL was founded on Libertarian, hands-off policies. Just sayin.


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11 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Personally I'll take my 'white knights'. When I've had friends murdered in racist attacks, and when I've suffered extreme RL violence from attacks... I NEEDED to see people 'from such groups' who are NOT my enemy to be able to de-escalate myself. Growing up I went from fighting to survive, carrying weapons on my person and even using them... to, on moving 'back' to San Francisco; being stuck in the middle of a pack of 'white hippies' trying to chase me down to give me a group hug...

It was... weird... but it helped... a LOT.

Just like Macolm X, I was ready to 'put everyone in the grave' until I had my own 'trip to Mecca' and realized my enemy was NOT a color, but an attitude... It has also helped having someone close to me who's own father was an SS Officer under Hitler, who used that as a reason to become a lifelong 'Social Justice Warrior' along with her non-white Jewish husband.

I'd rather see a white knight than a white hood anyday... I had enough of the hooded ones among my own kin that... rationally, I was headed to a very dark place before those hippies managed to catch me...

That should kinda be a little obvious from those who see me rhetoric here a lot... It's very "fighty" because my first reaction is to fight... and I need a moment to get past my early life instinct and into my later life calmness and cool it down...
- It also makes me realize that when someone comes in with a 'hot' somewhat not-rational state... it may be because they're still struggling with putting some past violence behind them...


Allies are what make us strong... in any en devour. I will take my allies anywhere I can find them...


I was referring to a specific "kind" of white knight. The kind that believe they are being allies but are actually causing more harm than good. 

We need those who aren't operating under a bunch of misconceptions. The ones who do the right things for the right reasons, not the ones doing the right things for the wrong reasons.

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28 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

LL's has generally not commented, but they have in recent years begun to act very quickly when the abuse reports get filed. Things are a LOT better now than they used to be. We used to have all that hate-content even here in the forums and all over 'my.secondlife' - but they cleaned out a lot of bad actors.


They cleaned up the mess on my.secondlife? I post there on occasions but never, ever look in the "trending" portion because of all of the filth that was posted. That and the depressingly bad porn. I mean, if you're going to break the rules and post porn, at least give us some good porn, amirite?

Thank you for the blog link. Not only was it good to read the LL blurb, but the whole blog article was excellent.

15 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

on moving 'back' to San Francisco; being stuck in the middle of a pack of 'white hippies' trying to chase me down to give me a group hug...

Ahahahaha. I used to live in the Bay Area, and I can soooooo see this! ♥

As to the rest of that comment/post, I'm glad you're understanding that it isn't a color but an attitude. I can't imagine your past experiences and I won't insult you by saying otherwise. 

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26 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Ahahahaha. I used to live in the Bay Area, and I can soooooo see this! ♥

As to the rest of that comment/post, I'm glad you're understanding that it isn't a color but an attitude. I can't imagine your past experiences and I won't insult you by saying otherwise. 

I used to live in the SF Bay Area and glad to be away from there. Just got too crowded and when came to retire --- we returned back east. Then retirement got boreing and ended up taking over a old bar in a small town.

Edited by Kimmi Zehetbauer
Getting old sucks.
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2 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

They cleaned up the mess on my.secondlife? I post there on occasions but never, ever look in the "trending" portion because of all of the filth that was posted. That and the depressingly bad porn. I mean, if you're going to break the rules and post porn, at least give us some good porn, amirite? 

Either they cleaned it, or I just have been lucky... but it all seemed to vanish a few years ago and now it's just posts of people... exploring SL. There is still some porn... but I don't mind that given how I use SL... Parts of my SL are a polar opposite of my RL and that in particular is such a part... O.o:ph34r:



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5 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Either they cleaned it, or I just have been lucky... but it all seemed to vanish a few years ago and now it's just posts of people... exploring SL. There is still some porn... but I don't mind that given how I use SL... Parts of my SL are a polar opposite of my RL and that in particular is such a part... O.o:ph34r:



Oh, I don't mind porn per se! Moi? I just object to the really bad photographs of it. Ugly avatars on ugly poseball poses, shot with no knowledge of how to take a SL screenshot. Ugh. Like I said, if they are going to break the rules, make it with good stuff! :D

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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

Politics matters. Voting matters. And using your voice matters. Complacency is why we're where we are today. 

   Or is the lack of complacency why we suffer such grief from politics to begin with? Democracy is still, relatively speaking, in its infancy; and in many places it has already failed. Is it the ultimate solution to how to govern society, or is it an immeasurable source of conflict that, frankly, the majority of us would be better off without?

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35 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Just like Macolm X, I was ready to 'put everyone in the grave' until I had my own 'trip to Mecca' and realized my enemy was NOT a color, but an attitude...

This to me is the silver lining of the catastrophic dismantling of our democracy we are living through - - the resistance is made up of all colors, ethnicity, orientation, gender, cultures, but we are united. Together, we can do this.

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