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So all this talk of reputation made me go look at my own.  Not much there really. My stats page tells me I'm kind of boring.  I don't think statistics really tell all that much about an individual. Winning the stats for the day is not really something to be ashamed of or proud of. Especialliy since the plague quarantine, it's just a reflection of how much time we have to spend here.  I'm in and out all day long, just trying to hang on to my sanity while I work.

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I'm calm now but I was well beyond angry and into the realms of absolutely boiling livid this morning. I woke up to offline IMs from my partner telling me that he had received mouthfuls of abuse from a troll who had been utterly vile in the Catwa chat, and who had then - once I'd kicked and banned him - been vile in my IMs (followed by three of his 'friends' who told me they 'knew' that 'Catwa b!tch' has sent the Genus DMCA). He and his cronies have now been AR'd for harrassment.

I don't give a damn if you decide to target me for something you incorrectly assume my employer did, but you LEAVE MY PARTNER THE HELL ALONE. He has nothing to do with Catwa. I know I sound like those "mess with my partner and you mess with me" profile idiots, but dear god I haven't felt rage like that in a long time.

As if that wasn't bad enough, when my partner then went into the Catwa support group to ask what was going on and to ask if anyone else had received abuse like that (because I was offline and asleep and he couldn't ask me, but he guessed it was something to do with Catwa) some woman who has been needling the group with constant complaints for three days proceeded to keep repeating that he was a creep, he was creepy, omg you're a creep and I'm blocking you NOW. Insinuating that - because he was asking for help in a support group - he was some kind of pervert. Since we unfortunately had no CSRs online at that moment nobody could nip her nasty accusations in the bud by muting her chat.

I drafted up a response to her but never sent it. I just needed to get it out of my system, I guess. I'm still silently fuming, but there's no point sending that IM to her, since she appears to be the kind who thrives on creating drama. Every time she popped up to start with her litany of little whinges she encouraged others to crawl out of lurking, like a Pied Piper of Misery and Complaint.

She is firmly on my radar now. One more bit of unpleasantness from her, and I swear the banhammer will hit her arse so hard she'll wake up on Pluto...

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I decided that I needed to do something today to not make me feel like such a sack of poo, so I put a little makeup on. Then I realized no one would see me, so I put a little more on... then decided "what the hell" and went for the full glamazon look. I have all these minis and testers from Glam Bag that I've never used so I pulled them all out and went HAM. 

I'm pleased to say that I look very much like Bette Davis now. 

Well, Bette Davis in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane anyway...


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So an update of sorts. I had the CT scan, and my doctor called the following Tuesday. It's apparently an ovarian cyst (32 cm!) and she doesn't think it's cancerous, but she was referring me to a gynecological oncologist for further test, just to be safe.  That was about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I got a call from the CancerCare clinic last week, and set an appointment for this Friday morning. I also received a booklet in the mail from them, about what to expect regarding the diagnosis (!) It's generic, and has left me a little rattled at the possibilities. The closer it gets, the more rattled get.

On the bright side, my youngest daughter is finally able to visit! She was at her dad's (he and I share custody, she's 17, 18 in November) when the self-quarantine began, and she hasn't been able to come by for about a month. The province started lifting restrictions this week, and we are both soooooooo looking forward to it; it's been the highlight of my week.

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2 hours ago, CharlotteStargazer said:

So an update of sorts. I had the CT scan, and my doctor called the following Tuesday. It's apparently an ovarian cyst (32 cm!) and she doesn't think it's cancerous, but she was referring me to a gynecological oncologist for further test, just to be safe.  That was about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I got a call from the CancerCare clinic last week, and set an appointment for this Friday morning. I also received a booklet in the mail from them, about what to expect regarding the diagnosis (!) It's generic, and has left me a little rattled at the possibilities. The closer it gets, the more rattled get.

I had a cancer scare about a decade ago - that is actually what got me to quit smoking for good. There was absolutely no way anyone could sooth me during the intervening weeks between the 'maybe' news and until the scan could actually be done and diagnosis given. The doctor had said that given how long I had smoked the chances were 50/50 that it was cancer -- and if it was, it was almost certainly small cell lung cancer, which grows pretty fast and has a horrid survival rate.  I was a mess, bouncing between being totally freaked out to going thru the day as a robot.  My husband couldn't give me any comfort - nobody could.  I think that is pretty common behavior in that situation.

I can tell you that I'm pretty sure that most ovarian cysts are benign - I've had a few and they all were.  I know stats don't mean much.  I also know that our fear tends to take us to the worst possible scenario.  Your scan is almost here -- just keep telling yourself over and over that the numbers are on your side.

I'll keep you in my thoughts.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Yesterday was my worst day so far.  Everything just every little thing was wrong or went wrong.  From spilling my cup of tea all over the floor to having to allow someone into my house.  The first time in 7 weeks someone other than my son after the walking the dog, has stepped across the doorway.  There was no contact at all.  It was just a quick into the hall drill a hole out to the porch for a future wire and then back out to continue his rendering of the front of the house.  As soon as he left I was manic cleaning, scrubbing and hyperventilating about it all.  Totally OTT but better safe than sorry.  Then last night the weirdest most horrible of dreams which woke me at the moment I was calling the police.  I woke actually holding my phone that I must have grabbed from beside the bed during the dream.  I was so disorientated I had to get up and check both my son's were in bed asleep before I could get back into bed and just lay there waiting for either sleep or daylight.  Daylight won :/ 

The when i got up and turned on the laptop Facebook memories showed me a gorgeous picture of my other son aged about 18 months, dressed in his Liverpool football kit.  All cute and blonde and those gorgeous chunky thighs they have at that age that you just want to grab hold of.  My mood lifted a bit and I smiled. This is the son who is at uni doing his finals right now and I am counting the days until he can escape home.  

They say the lockdown might ease here from Monday.  I have my opinions on that.  Where I live has overtaken London as the worse hit area in the UK.  I am in the high risk group. Though not the "highest" risk group.  I would love nothing more than to go out, around a garden centre, have a coffee.  My fight to Spain is 2 weeks away on Saturday and it still hasn't been cancelled meaning I can't yet claim a refund.  In the back of my mind I have a fear they will suddenly start flights and I will just lose my money because I don't want to go now.  I can't get the lyrics of Adam and the Ants - Stand and Deliver out of my head  "you're money or your life"   Well no contest there but I want both but my life wins and certainly my kids lives :) 


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Waiting on a call to go into hospital (not covid-related).

I'd been thinking my eyesight had generally worsened a bit and planned to get it tested after lockdown. But then a week ago I realised I'd lost my central vision in my left eye. Yesterday I had a phone appointment with a GP who told me to either get an emergency appointment with an optometrist or go to A&E (ER). Had an appointment this morning and the optometrist has referred me to hospital to have the underlying cause investigated based on what he found.

I tested my blood pressure with a kit I have at home, and the results might be skewed by lack of sleep, but came out as 184 systolic and 123 diastolic, indicating severe hypertension. The machine also reported possible cardiac arrhythmia.

I just want to sleep, but I don't know when the hospital will call and I can't miss it. A nurse friend has told me to stay upright and avoid sudden head movements.

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i m tired of nightmares ,because i m always (on the enxt day) google what does that means and oftenly my nightmares means trouble.i m tired to be scared of everything . 

anxiety make me feel giant brick on my heart physically  and emotionally. I enjoyed lockdown at first,because i don t saw much people in the streets, but now this loneliness chokes me and makes me want to cry again and again.  

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15 hours ago, CharlotteStargazer said:

what to expect regarding the diagnosis (!) It's generic, and has left me a little rattled at the possibilities. The closer it gets, the more rattled get.

On the bright side, my youngest daughter is finally able to visit! She was at her dad's

Glad that you will get to see daughter again, Sad that you're in limbo and scared not knowing just what's in store for you; couldn't decide what react suited so just offering support and virtual hugs

bear hug.jpg

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Fed up with the Forums.

ETA: I've posted elsewhere that it really makes me uncomfortable to see the "reputation" stat info because it shows recently I've been here way too much (in my opinion). Then, to get harrassed because of a compliment I paid someone? FFS. If I had enough energy I'd do a flounce.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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10 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Fed up with the Forums.

ETA: I've posted elsewhere that it really makes me uncomfortable to see the "reputation" stat info because it shows recently I've been here way too much (in my opinion). Then, to get harrassed because of a compliment I paid someone? FFS. If I had enough energy I'd do a flounce.

Scrap that one off the bottom of your shoe. You didn't say or do anything wrong... as a matter of fact, you had a really great idea. Someone got butt-hurt and someone can grow tf up. 

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I had my first major Zoom fail today. 

Everyday my little team has a check in meeting at 12:30. Since it's literally just a mental health check in sort of thing, it's very loose. Someone usually has their kids crawling all over them, dogs barking, etc. So today my coworker had her little girl in her lap talking to us, and she wanted to see my cats. They were both sitting on the end table next to me so I just turned the camera that way not thinking a thing about it. 

Y'all, there was a sex toy sitting on that end table, too.

Not an obvious one, thankfully, and realized it quickly and turned the camera back so I don't know if anyone actually saw it or realized what it was. So I'm going to spend the next few hours fretting about that. Thankfully there are only two men in the group, and one of them would absolutely have no idea what it was, and the other has probably bought the same one for his wife, but still... ACK!

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Am in hospital now. In CDU. I've been poked and prodded (not in the fun way), interrogated several times, all the tests (CT, BP, ECG etc) with more to come, some kid just stole a load of blood right out of my arm, had a heart specialist called in, more tests threatened..

I wish I'd brought a book..

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2 minutes ago, LexxiXhan said:

Am in hospital now. In CDU. I've been poked and prodded (not in the fun way), interrogated several times, all the tests (CT, BP, ECG etc) with more to come, some kid just stole a load of blood right out of my arm, had a heart specialist called in, more tests threatened..

I wish I'd brought a book..

Nothing intelligent to add but "Hang in there kid!"

And yes, keep your sense of humor if you can. It helps.

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2 hours ago, LexxiXhan said:

Am in hospital now. In CDU. I've been poked and prodded (not in the fun way), interrogated several times, all the tests (CT, BP, ECG etc) with more to come, some kid just stole a load of blood right out of my arm, had a heart specialist called in, more tests threatened..

I wish I'd brought a book..

Please keep checking in with us and letting us know how you are! We love you!

...sending all the good vibes and karma and stuff to you...

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3 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

 Someone got butt-hurt and someone can grow tf up. 

It's debatable who gets butthurt fastest, but lets make a permanent deal here : You both ignore me, I both ignore you and in the meantime I'll do the growing up required to never let this happen again.

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