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How are you feeling today?

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2 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

ASDA.   I have had a delivery pass and recurring slot for years but seems newcomers are getting priority somehow

I suddenly stopped being able to go through the checkout process with Asda on Google Chrome, resorted to internet explorer and that worked for me.  

Obviously what is happening - and this did not occur to me at first - some people are booking as many time slots (maybe one for each day) as they can, obviously buying in bulk/hoarding. The Asda slot I managed to get for next Thursday just suddenly appeared when I was having a random refresh midway through the evening, so it must have been a cancellation by someone. I felt like I had won the lottery! 

We've been having home deliveries for 17 years. There seems to be something very wrong that the supermarkets aren't able to cater for loyal customers so well, although I feel mean saying that, as they are under such tremendous pressure, and couldn't possibly foresee what was going to happen (although to a degree, perhaps they could have stopped the bulk buying before it got so out of hand).  


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one of the major food chains in the usa is now hiring over 10,000  plus and they need people to unload and pack for home delivery and pickup,,,,,,  i think a good  percent of people were always eating outside  the home be it fast food or resturants and very limited home cooking and now ,,,, with the resturants and fastfood and pars and pubs here only to do ick upor delivery ,,,, could be why  ,,,, everyone ordering via the computer ,,,

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12 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

I suddenly stopped being able to go through the checkout process with Asda on Google Chrome, resorted to internet explorer and that worked for me.  

You absolute life saver.  It didn't occur to me it might be chrome.  I just tried microsoft edge and it went through without a hitch and have the email.  

Thanks for placing your order with us! We're happy to confirm your order below.

See how dumb this all makes us.  

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Just now, Cindy Evanier said:

You absolute life saver.  It didn't occur to me it might be chrome.  I just tried microsoft edge and it went through without a hitch and have the email.  

Thanks for placing your order with us! We're happy to confirm your order below.

See how dumb this all makes us.  

Not dumb at all. But I am so glad that this has worked for you. I couldn't get Tesco to go through the checkout process at all - that had to do with an overloaded banking system or something.

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-Stop cry

-Stop hysteria,everything is your fault, no higher education,no high payment work.

sure mother,thats my fault i wasnt fight against you when you harassed me and reassured me i m human error just because you wasnt using ucking condoms

-maybe i should show you to psychiatrist?

yes mother, but too late



while recent scandal with mother i broke grandmothers vodka bottle ,which i needed to bring her tomorrow,it will be fun

Edited by Panteleeva
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I’m feeling well-nourished from an ‘everything bowl’ lunch I made. I’m a little better on the worry front since we now have a fully stuffed fridge and freezer and a healthy pantry, not over-bought or anything hoarded, but enough that there’s no incentive to visit the store for a good while. So we are pretty much fully isolating and feeling safer that way. That should see us through 2 weeks until the grocery pickup/delivery slots will hopefully be running smoother. I’m not a ‘prepper’ but I’m seeing the wisdom of keeping 3 weeks of staple non-perishables and rotating them...where I wasn’t really thinking about it before. So that’s a good thing. Otherwise I’m getting my uniform on in SL for the theme of this weekend’s meetup. Who will I see there? You? Yes, you...hope so!  🦋

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This is my state:


AUSTIN, Texas — Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order limiting public gatherings to 10 people, shutting schools, prohibiting visitors to nursing homes and retirement communities and limiting bars and restaurants to take-out through April 3 in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.


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21 hours ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

I'm feeling determined.  I can't get a food delivery from any supermarket at all.  I do have a delivery pass from one that is now useless since many more people have started booking online.  My only option is to try to get to the shops regularly by myself, so that's what I'll do.  The weather is gradually improving so that will help.

One thing that's really cheering me up is that ecologically things are much healthier just now with a reduction in the impact of humans.

Garnet, we are not using Amazon or any food delivery service, we've decided to go to the store (well, one of us which is the rule we've been given), wearing gloves and we are fine. Before getting into our apartment, we take off the shoes and disinfect the soles; throw the clothes into the washing machine together with the shopping bags, and we take a shower.

So far, it's been a week and we have no symptons, so if you take precautions, you'll be fine.  So I applause your determination

Edited by Elena Core
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Just now, Elena Core said:

Garnet, we are not using Amazong or any food delivery service, we've decided to go to the store (well, one of us which is the rule we've been given), wearing gloves and we are fine. Before getting into our apartment, we take off the shoes and disinfect the soles; throw the clothes into the washing machine together with the shopping bags, and we take a shower.

So far, it's been a week and we have no symptons, so if you take precautions, you'll be fine.  So I applause your determination

It's kind of you to provide the hygiene guide, though it's not really fear of the virus, it's just that I've been almost completely housebound for years.  My body needed time to repair itself after the worst of my disease.  It'll never be as it was but I do believe I have more function and power than I had, and relapses are fewer and less of a problem.  Age is competing with the recovery but I must see how much I can do.  Certainly the supermarkets don't give a damn.

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Just now, Garnet Psaltery said:

It's kind of you to provide the hygiene guide, though it's not really fear of the virus, it's just that I've been almost completely housebound for years.  My body needed time to repair itself after the worst of my disease.  It'll never be as it was but I do believe I have more function and power than I had, and relapses are fewer and less of a problem.  Age is competing with the recovery but I must see how much I can do.  Certainly the supermarkets don't give a damn.

Oh Garnet, please forgive me, I had no idea!!!!!

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5 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

No reason why you should have known unless you'd been listening to my complaints for a while. :D 

Then I applause your determination even higher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will keep you in my prayers so a solution shows up for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

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44 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

This is my state:


AUSTIN, Texas — Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order limiting public gatherings to 10 people, shutting schools, prohibiting visitors to nursing homes and retirement communities and limiting bars and restaurants to take-out through April 3 in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.


That was Colorado a few days ago.  We haven't yet been ordered to Shelter in Place, but pretty much any business in the Service industry has closed down. 


On a good note, our tax filing and paying deadline has moved from April 15th to July 15th.  

And Walmart, Amazon, and the grocery stores are all hiring up the wazoo right now, so that will at least temporarily help those out of work due to shut downs.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Seems my day job (now closed) has decided I'm still booked and can call me in but they don't have to pay me in the meantime.. hoping that won't be a problem if I have to apply for benefits. I'll definitely be pursuing other avenues rather than waiting around for empty promises. I didn't survive this far to be screwed over by comfy-arsed dullards ;)

My friend's daughter decided to stay put in London, so I'm going over to see my friend on Sunday, to take some supplies, help with some gardening and veg planting, and celebrate Ostara round her firepit with food, wine, stories and chat ❤️

Things alarming me: people assuming they will avoid the virus and putting all their energy and preparation into that, not spreading it, and not getting bored at home....rather than sharing info about how to look after yourself and others once you're ill, breathing exercises we could all be doing to help prepare, endure and recover, advice for and from those with pre-existing respiratory illnesses (that could help people like the twitter friend I chatted with last night who just discovered they've contracted pnuemonia and corona at the same time, with a sick child to look after, and can't get through to medical support via the services in their area), how to maintain our immune systems etc. Mental health and self care under quarantine should definitely be way up there in the priority list, but I'd like to see a lot more sharing and support aimed at the fact that most of us, and some more than others, really are going to get ill with this virus, and there are a wide range of reasons why people will struggle with or be impacted by it in different ways.

Me: feeling stretched, and having to throw my focus this way and that, constantly checking for info and certainty in all corners. My self care prep is 'kinda there', but it seems like background to staying alert to a multitude of possibilities that will be whittled down as more information and reality becomes available. Tonight, I have wine, for possibly the last time in a while, and a mellow herb. Might go inworld a little later.

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Thank you @Beth Macbain for starting this thread.

I was feeling pretty ***** when I started reading, and to be honest I still feel *****, but maybe a bit less, ever so slightly. Possibly? I don't know.

It feels like World War 3. I'm an introvert, and I'm usually pretty good at being on my own, but I'm dreading the next few months. I need SOME human interaction (most of us do, right?)! Also, I'm worried sick I might have caught the virus in that desperate chase for loo rolls and washing up liquid (the 2 main things I wanted to stock on) and general errands that needed doing before self isolating (well, time will tell on that score - if I  knew for sure it will end up being a mild case, I'd actually welcome it, get it over and done with, but... there's no way to know, and I am feeling SO scared.)   And good luck trying to get a food delivery. I managed to book one with Tesco, I think it's in about 3 weeks time. It's OK, I can get to the shops if I absolutely have to, but... that is scary in itself, especially as the people round were I live don't seem to care about keeping a safe distance, and cough quite freely in enclosed spaces and I'm just completely freaking out about that.

And I for one don't believe it'll be over (or over enough) in 3 months, and I look at what's happening in France, where people are only allowed outside for very short periods, and I just get so stressed. Tomorrow morning, I will go for a long walk and get as much fresh air as my very urban environment will allow. If we have to stay inside...well, I live in a tiny flat with no outside space, and the windows only open by about a hand length. Staying inside all the time... I don't even want to contemplate it.

It's really interesting to hear about other people's experiences, though, so thank you for sharing.   

Also, I wish there was a hug button that I could press at the end of every post in this topic (I'm not great with gifs). So please, if you need a hug, get as many as you need, okay?

I know it will end (so definitely not WW3 in that respect), eventually, a vaccine WILL be found, and I think we will all go all out to support small businesses and such when that happens, but there is already SO MUCH suffering in the meantime, and right know that's really getting to me too.

So, yeah. That's all I wanted to say.

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